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The Vordalyn 2

Page 24

by Michael T Payne

  Before Prince Charnio could say a word, Prince Renic leaned forward on the table and said. “She is right, we don’t need several questions at once. Menina should be the one to speak. You are too close to your man to question him yourself.” Prince Charnio narrowed his eyes, considering his brothers words. He looked at Queen Menina and nodded his agreement. Prince Charnio recognized he was very out of sorts, and hardly knew where to begin with Alkwin. It wasn’t long before Alkwin entered the room with two other soldiers who also served Prince Charnio.

  “My lord,” Alkwin said then looked around the table, “Your graces, your highness.” He bowed to Queen menina.

  “You witnessed Prince Dracon emerge from the outer region covered in blood. Tell us what you observed, and why you hid it from your master?” She was direct with him, hoping to avoid wasting time with denials and threats of punishment for lying. Alkwin glanced at Prince Charnio embarrassed, then to the floor at his feet. He finally looked at Queen Menina and spoke.

  “I meant to tell you my lord but-”

  “Just answer the question!” Prince Charnio snapped before Alkwin could finish his answer. Alkwin paused a moment, his embarrassment doubled.

  “I had just returned to the palace, after an early morning patrol. On my way through the gates, I saw one of Queen Venalina’s ladies walking around the palace wall.”

  “She is not the queen, Captain.” Queen Menina growled, then asked, “Which lady?”

  “Does it matter Menina?” Prince Torak asked.

  “We do not know what role these women play here, I want to know everything! Which one?” She asked again forcefully.

  “The Lady Talila, the one they call simple. I was told that she, the Lady Venalina was a queen, in her own right, without our Lord Dracon’s crown?” Alkwin explained, confused, “Of some ancient people?”

  Queen Menina’s eyes instantly narrowed, “The Vordalyn. What does this Talila look like?”

  “Really Menina, I don’t see the need to ask about these ladies of Dracon’s court?” Prince Torak asked, wanting her to ask direct questions about Dracon and the outer region.

  “She has dark hair, as Lady Venalina, but has a golden kiss upon her skin.” The comment made Queen Menina raise an eyebrow and look at Tamina.

  “You favor her?” Queen Menina asked making Alkwin stir uncomfortably, “She is a beautiful woman.” She had a flash of Talila saying, “Fíeda!” Then vaporizing her guard in a plume of flame. “Continue.” She ordered. Alkwin took a breath to collect himself.

  “She asked me to take her to view the outer region, beyond the walls of the city, behind the palace.” He s.

  “Why?” Prince Darrin asked.

  “She wished to see it with her own eyes. I explained the dangers, but she was determined.” He said. “An alarm rang out as we walked, I told her to return to the palace while I went to investigate what was seen coming from the outer region.”

  “How did you know something was coming from the outer region?” Prince Charnio asked not able to look at Alkwin, he was upset with him for not telling him about Dracon.

  “The alarm, it was the same alarm from the war, one that signaled Terrax’s hordes arriving from the outer region.” Alkwin answered. The siblings looked around at each other when the alarm was mentioned. Once used to warn them of Terrax’s arrival, now used to signal their own brother’s arrival from within the outer region, the darkness it could mean then, as it had when Terrax was at their borders. The words of the council and the ominous unknown origins of who they once thought was their brother, stunned them. “He was disheveled, covered in blood, he had clearly seen battle of some sort. He didn’t recognize me, or even the Lady Talila.”

  “This Talila was there?” Tamina asked, “She witness this as well?”

  “I thought you sent her back to the palace?” Prince Renic asked.

  “I did, your grace, but she was determined.” Alkwin said, again looking down at his feet. “She tried to get him to recognize her. He did not. He seemed driven to reach his palace, his words were no more than gibberish.”

  “Then what happened?” Prince Darrin asked.

  “Did he tell you where he was? What happened to him?” Prince Torak asked.

  “Silence!” Queen Menina said, tempering her brother’s questions. “Continue captain.”

  “Captain Velen assembled the cavalry to defend against the threat that was signaled. He and his men circled Lord Dracon, for his protection. Then…” Alkwin struggled for the words.

  “Yes? Go on?” Queen Menina asked.

  “He was out of sorts… confused… he must have thought they were a threat somehow, but…” Alkwin paused, “Armor appeared on him, then, when he brought his hands together a blade appeared. It was a most intimidating thing to behold. Horses reared, men fled. He almost struck down his captain, Captain Velen.”

  “Armor?” Tamina asked.

  “What was the headpiece on this armor?” Queen Menina immediately followed up Tamina’s question with her own.

  “I’m sorry, your highness, his head piece?” Alkwin asked.

  “His helmet, man, his damn helmet!” Prince Charnio snarled angrily.

  “Of course, my lord.” Alkwin bowed his head. He knew Prince Charnio was furious with him, having to hear about Dracon for the first time in front all the princes and the queen. “It had horns, like a ram, golden horns. The faceplate was some type of demon or creature, I’m not familiar with. It was a terror to behold, its sudden appearance sent horses rearing, laying men to the ground, even they fled from his sight.”

  “Like uncle Gils ram?” Queen Menina asked, loud enough for the princes to hear. Each perked up and looked at her while she looked at Tamina.

  “What stopped him?” Prince Renic asked still looking at Tamina and Queen Menina.

  “Her highness… I mean, the Lady Venalina.” Alkwin said, “She simply told him to stop, and he obeyed her.” The siblings glanced around at each other.

  “The Lady Venalina?” Prince Charnio asked surprised, “Did she too come wandering in from the outer region?”

  “No, my lord, she suddenly appeared at his side and commanded him to stop, then to sleep, which he did.” Alkwin answered.

  “Did you speak with Captain Velen about any of this?” Queen Menina asked, “I’m sorry, what happened next?” She asked shaking her head at herself for not letting him finish, “Please,” She motioned to him to continue telling his version, “What happened next?”

  “He vanished.” Alkwin said, “Lady Venalina made a motion with her hand, of some sort, he vanished in a black smoke. In the same manner that the lady herself appeared in.”

  “She is a wielder?” Prince Torak asked in disbelief.

  “She is.” Alkwin said, “And I believe some of her ladies are as well. I can say for sure the Lady Talila is, at least in some manner.”

  “Where did Dracon disappear to?” Prince Charnio asked.

  “I do not know. Captain Velen and Lady Venalina had words. I believe that he blames her for what ever happened to Prince Dracon. He has been at odds with her since she has been with Prince Dracon.” Alkwin explained, “He admitted as much to me. It has been a cause of friction between Lord Dracon and Captain Velen.”

  “Thank you, Captain Alkwin, you can return to your place.” Queen Menina said pointing at the door for him and his men to leave. She smiled and nodded. Alkwin turned to leave.

  “You know quite a bit, your lord does not.” Prince Charnio growled. Alkwin paused a moment, then left. When he did, the siblings were again silent for a time.

  “We must find out the truth before we act. We must certainly not let on to Dracon that we are suspicious of him.” Queen Menina said.

  “She is right.” Prince Renic spoke up immediately.

  “Of course, you agree with her, lap dog.” Prince Charnio mumbled loud enough for all to hear. “If it is as they say, then giving him the upper hand before we are ready to act, will end us all. If it is not… we can joi
n him and fight this new threat, together. We must know for sure before we act. We owe it to him to be sure of guilt, or innocence. Until otherwise proven, he is my brother and innocent.” Prince Charnio said. He understood exactly what Prince Renic was about to say, and for once, he agreed.

  “Charnio,” Queen Menina said, “We cannot be at odds. We in this room must act together in this, one way or the other, we in this room must remain within our own confidence.”

  “What do you propose.” Prince Charnio asked, conceding to Queen Menina.

  “You will each return to your regions, gather your men, tell only those you trust with your confidence. We will continue as if today’s meeting did not occur. We will attend the wedding, and there, we will decide if we will act. You will have your men ready to act, should it be necessary. Until then, we will prepare a plan, again, should it be necessary. We all know Dracon’s prowess, if we must act, we cannot hesitate, or fight amongst ourselves, it will end us. If you have something to say, speak. I will hear each of your counsel and take your words into consideration as I lead us through this potentially dark time for our family.” Prince Charnio stood from his seat quickly, his brothers looked at him expecting a protest.

  “You heard the queen, let’s get going.” Prince Charnio looked at Queen Menina, then bowed, “I will speak my mind if I don’t agree, your highness.” Queen Menina smirked.

  “I have no doubt.” She said.

  The siblings left Kilhold only hours after their meeting, vowing to follow Queen Menina’s plan. Once in her carriage, and well beyond the city walls, accompanied by Elmyra and Tamina, she began to lose her composure. Queen Menina began laughing, a small chuckle at first, but then, it was all she could do to stop herself from falling from her seat. Elmyra and Tamina looked at her in disbelief for quite a while, before both became infected by her humor.

  “What is so funny, Menina?” Tamina asked with a smile on her face.

  “How did you do it?” Queen Menina collected herself briefly to ask, “How did you get the council to intervene? It couldn’t have been more perfect!”

  “Well,” Tamina said still smiling, “They are fearful, easily manipulated.”

  “Who came up with the story of Terrax’s son?” Queen Menina asked, making Tamina tilt her head and smile even wider.

  “That was all staged? You mean to say… it isn’t true?” Elmyra asked. Queen Menina laughed outright again.

  “How did you get Charnio’s man to go along?” Queen Menina asked. Tamina stopped smiling immediately. “What?” Queen Menina asked.

  “Aynisa, I had nothing to do with that, whatever his man said, we have to take as it was.” Her face was deadly serious. Queen Menina narrowed her eyes then looked at Elmyra, “Aynisa, I must warn you, do not bandy about the name Vordalyn, the council will know what that means, and it will cause them to panic. They should not know about her heritage. We may lose their support if they do.” Tamina warned.

  “Say nothing,” Queen Menina said to Elmyra, “Not even to my brother Renic, is that understood?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Make contact with Captain Velen, I want a meeting. You know him? Yes?” Queen Menina asked.

  “Yes, my queen.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Venalina raised her shields around the women, who surrounded her like the corners of a box. “Fíeda!” Yelled Talila, sending a stream of flame from her open palm at a group of wooden, makeshift targets, wearing bits of armor and helmets. Alyndra sidestepped the group, moving directly in front of Venalina creating an ice wall.

  “No, no, no, ladies,” Janouc said walking out of the darkness around the five women, “Venalina has already created a shield, you are wasting yourself, Alyndra.” He said as he walked to the front of the group, “You need to attack, not defend, shields are already in place. Kaylin, what do you plan on doing with that sword? Think, ladies, you need distance, keep everything and everyone, away. Think. Behind you stands your king, and you are preparing for close, hand to hand combat, or redundant spells?” Janouc shook his head, watching the women disband, lowering their hands in frustration, then heading off to different parts of the room. Saida whipped her hand and a table appeared with a pitcher of water next to several glasses.

  “You are never happy, Janouc.” She said annoyed, then poured herself a glass of water.

  “It is because we are failing!” Talila yelled at Saida, “You did nothing! You clearly don’t want to be here in defense of our husband!” Talila remained standing next to Venalina while the others moved about the room.

  “How dare you!” Saida growled, spinning back to face her, she threw her glass on the ground, shattering it at Talila’s feet. “You pretend he is only your husband, chastising us every chance you get, you simple little witch!” Talila’s face twisted into a snarl.

  “Stop it, it’s not her fault she’s simple.” Alyndra grabbed Talila’s shoulder, turning Talila to face her, then recoiled when she saw the snarl was even more intense. The rage in her eyes made Alyndra expect an attack. Venalina stepped between them before Talila could lash out.

  “I have told you once, and I will not tell you again! She is not simple! Of all of you, she is the most attuned to my will! Let me remind you, when the time came to act, it was she who stepped to my side without question, without hesitation.” Venalina was angry, speaking to each of the women in defense of Talila’s intelligence. It made them all, except Saida, look down in shame at the reminder. Talila straightened up and stuck her chin out proudly, at what Venalina was saying to her sisters.

  “Any fool can act without thought! Because she lashes out, does not make her smart, my lady, it only proves the truth!” Saida snapped back, staring at Talila all the while.

  “Do you think me a fool!” Venalina started to walk over to where Saida stood, “I can-” Janouc stepped into Venalina’s path.

  “She does not think you a fool, my lady,” Janouc interrupted trying to diffuse the escalating anger between he women, “We are here for training, combat training, ladies. You did well, Talila,” Janouc nodded to Talila then looked at Venalina’s angry face, “Training.” He said again, softening Venalina’s anger. “Now,” He turned his attention to the group as a whole, “We must each play a role, if a shield is in place, there is no need for a second one, it is wasted energy. In this scenario, her highness provides the shield. She can create an impenetrable shield, to assist her, it must be with an attack. You, ladies, are the swords she wields. Each of you is a weapon, yes?” He asked walking over to Saida then took her hand. “You are the blades of her highness’s ultimate weapon. Keep your minds focused on attack, as she defends. There will come a time where we train for another among you to be the shield, but for now, her highness is the shield and you, are her swords.” The women looked around at each other, then at Venalina. Each was insecure about their own role, and their station in the hierarchy of their mistress’s favor. Venalina could see the gap developing between the sisters and Talila.

  “Gather, my sisters.” Venalina said spreading her arms wide. The women walked over to her quickly, save for Kaylin, who held back. Venalina looked at Kaylin, “Speak your mind. I see you have something to say.”

  “Why…” Kaylin began to smile at the question she was about to ask. “You favor her now?” She pointed at Talila. “You tell us she is not simple, but she has been? Our whole lives? Yet you see her as… what? I don’t understand it?” Venalina considered her question a moment then just as she was about to speak, Janouc intervened.

  “Ladies,” He started, “The life you left, had a different path for you, unique to each of you. Each, meant for something… let’s say, would have been far less pleasant, and very distant from where you stand now, you can all see that?” He asked as he addressed the women. He glanced at Venalina with a look that asked her to indulge him. “The society of the Ffrei, would have had you as property, sold at your father’s pleasure. It is no secret between you that Talila has always been the one mos
t fawned over, the one your father stood to make the most from her purchase. She was considered the most attractive of you all. It was not because of her physical beauty alone, for you are all above average women in that regard. No, ladies, it is her child like innocence, reflected in her lack of intelligence, her lack of understanding that make men desire her so. Her highness has liberated you. You each had to pretend to be something else, and now you can be yourselves. Your sister has always pretended to be simple, because it is favored in your… our, society. Surely you know this? Her highness was quick to spot your sisters act. Clearly so convincing, that you, her own sisters, thought her to truly be simple.” Janouc smiled as he looked at each of the sisters. “I have been your teacher, your mentor, I see through the façade of the Lady Talila. No, she is not simple, not at all.” Janouc bowed to Talila, keeping eye contact with her the entire time. Again, Talila stood proud. Her sisters looked at each other in a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. They knew her all her life and were still mostly unconvinced of her supposed intellect.

  “Is it true?” Saida asked Talila. The sisters all gave Talila their attention, none were convinced and wanted to hear from her. Venalina walked behind Talila as Talila pondered her sister’s question. Venalina put her hands on Talila’s shoulders, but before Venalina could speak, Talila spoke for herself.

  “I pretended to be stupid, even to you.” Talila confessed with an angry scowl, “It sickens me that none of you could see through it, or understand why I did it? Even knowing where we come from. She,” Talila turned around and faced Venalina, “Was the first person to ever see through it. Knowing our society,” She glared back at her sisters, “None of you even considered I was pretending!” Talila turned back to Venalina again looking into her eyes with a loving smile, “But she could see it. Even my husband can see I am not simple, if you don’t believe me, call me simple in his presence. I dare you!” She glanced over her shoulder at her sisters briefly.

  “It’s time there were no more secrets between us. No more acts.” Venalina announced, “There are times ahead of us that require us to be as one. We must be one in mind and heart. We do not have time to worry whether or not one of us is not up to the task.” Venalina looked at each of the sisters, “I give you all that I am, all the magic I have access to. I want to make you each as powerful as possible, in your own way, you are developing admirably.” She looked at Janouc, who nodded his agreement, “I want you to put aside this negative talk between you. We, are all we have to rely upon. The wives of Dracon, together, he and we have a future. Apart, we return to what we left. Do you wish to return to the life you left? I, for one, do not.” The sisters looked down, pondering a return to the life they once led, even Talila.


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