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The Vordalyn 2

Page 29

by Michael T Payne

  Dracon lay on his back for a long time, looking up at the sky, wondering all the while how did he get there? A soldier ventured over then looked down at him, thinking he was dead, sure he was dead in fact. When Dracon turned his head toward the soldier, he recoiled in fear. Dracon heard the gasps of others around him. He sat up on one elbow, looking around, expressionless, at the whispering men that surrounded him. “I tripped.” He said, then chuckled. Dracon climbed to his feet and looked at the terrified men’s faces. One soldier looked at him, then up at the balcony, high above them.

  “How are you alive?” The soldier finally asked. Dracon suddenly remembered everything that happened, he was assaulted with the memory of what he just did to Kaylin.

  “Kaylin.” He whispered to himself, did he kill her? Dread filled him instantly. Dracon looked up at the balcony. He straightened his posture, “My queen to be, is a wielder. Like my sister, Princess Menina. She protects me from such things as a fall. You men, go about your business, don’t concern yourself with me. I am ok.” He finished and smiled. The men slowly moved out, unsure what to make of Dracon or his explanation. Many wanted to ask about his armor, or even his bloody return from the outer region, not so long ago. But fear kept their tongues from wagging. Dracon noticed the soldiers walking away while still looking up at the balcony, then he too could hear Kaylin’s screech coming from up high.

  In the kitchen, Talila fell back to the ground, released from floating. She fell hard, landing on unsteady legs that buckled before she could regain her strength. Her knees hit painfully, she was able to bring her hands up in time to prevent her face from colliding with the marble floor. She heaved, her body tried to throw up but all she could do was lurch, nothing came out. She let herself go all the way to the floor and lay there with her face against the cool stone. Something prevented her from laying her head fully on the floor. She sat up and grabbed her head, immediately feeling her newly formed horns. She gasped and stood up, a sharp pain in both knees reminded her of the fall. She suddenly became acutely aware of the wings on her back, stretching them out, testing her control over them. They felt the same as any of her limbs and just as easy to control. She was stunned for a moment, confused, she thought she was Venalina, who was confused, and thought she was Talila? She looked around the kitchen and remembered what she was doing before she was overcome. She heard a commotion and a rush of guards leaving the area outside the kitchen. She stumbled to a counter; her wings were stretched out and knocked things off the table and nearby shelves. She caught sight of herself in the reflection of a glass cupboard door. She looked like Venalina, the sight disoriented her again and she slumped to the ground, folding her wings around herself protectively, trying to remember who she was.

  In Dracon’s training room, Kaylin fell to the ground, landing on her feet in a fighting stance, with a screech of warning to any who might dare to attack her. Her hands glowed with a magical energy she used to repel Dracon, saving herself from death. She spun around facing the door of the training room, again in a fighting stance, but no one was there, just her. She was feral, she was not Kaylin, but an instinct driven Vordalyn, a wild animal, cornered, lashing out in self-defense, her black eyes wide, alert, baring fangs ready to fight. The longer time passed that she was alone, the more she recovered her own mind, becoming aware of her state.

  Saida and Alyndra both fell from flight, Alyndra landing on her own bed and Saida to the floor near the mirror she was using while she was combing her hair. Alyndra recovered quickly, standing up, and upon seeing Saida, she grabbed her own face, feeling her horns. She smiled and flapped her wings repeatedly, lifting herself from the ground. It gave her such joy she started laughing. Saida crawled to her knees, then used the vanity table chair to help her to her feet. She looked at Alyndra, who she could hardly recognize, then looked in the mirror to see her own horned visage. It frightened but excited her. They were like Venalina. She spun to face Alyndra, who hovered in the air, testing her wings.

  “I can fly!” Alyndra yelled, “I can fly!” Saida watched her a moment then shrugged her shoulders to feel if she too had wings. When she could feel that she did, she smiled wide. She grabbed her own face giggling and crying with joy. Alyndra flew to Saida and the two women held each other’s arms not knowing how to hug one another in their new forms. “I never dreamed we could be like her for real!” She said making Saida laugh. Both women began feeling each other’s faces and horns. Then examined each other’s wings. They both had white horns that looked like ivory, their wings matched them in an unblemished, pure white.

  Janouc was told of the scream that alarmed the priests who could hear it, making him run to see what was wrong with his queen. He and four battlemages threw the door to Venalina’s library open, rushing in. Venalina floated before them, her wings fluttering, giving her flight, several feet off the ground. She screeched at them then flew with remarkable speed at the battlemages, they dove to either side of the room and took cover. Janouc alone stood his ground. He intended to ask if she was ok but Venalina snatched him by his neck and flew him up against the wall above the door. She had become feral and wild. She didn’t recognize him and held him in place with one hand. She had such strength it amazed Janouc. She turned his head to the side with her other hand exposing his neck to her. “My Dark Goddess,” He struggled to say half-choked by his own weight against her hand. “I live only at your pleasure!” He said offering himself up to her. Venalina hissed in his face, so close he could feel her hot breath on his cheek. He winced, waiting for her bite and to feel his life drain from his body. She hissed again, and they began to float downward together, until he felt his heels hit the top of the door jamb. She let go of him and backed away, then dropped to the ground. One of the battle mages cast a feather fall spell that made it possible for Janouc to float to the ground and not land in a heap. The battle mages were wary of Venalina, terrified she would eat them. “Leave us.” Janouc ordered and the others wasted no time complying. “My queen,” Janouc said and started toward her. Venalina drifted backwards away from him, several feet, floating mere inches off the ground, hissing at him. He stopped and took a knee, bowing his head. He recognized she had lost herself in the same manner as when she performed the ritual that saved Dracon’s life after he was fed upon by Tamina. He waited, knelt before her, tilting his head just enough so he could see her feet.

  “Janouc.” She said in an accent, so foreign to him, he could hardly understand it was his name she spoke. He could see her drop to the ground and could tell she swayed back and forth, ready to fly away if he made any move toward her. “Janouc.” She said again, taking a tentative step toward him. He could see her legs were unsteady. “Janouc.” She said and crouched down. Her voice again sounded like the Venalina he knew, making him dare to look up a little more. She was still in her Vordalyn form but was less feral. She looked around the room and said his name a few more times not looking at him. It was as though she was trying to remember how she knew the word she repeated, not recognizing it as a name. Her breathing calmed, she remained crouched, with both hands on the ground next to her feet, as if she were preparing to sprint off. Janouc looked at her fully. She had her head cocked examining him. “Janouc.” She said and cocked her head again to the other side, still looking at him. Her eyes widened then narrowed, trying to recognize him. She calmed and slowly stood. Janouc stood as she stood, then he took a slow step toward her, one foot at a time, a pause between each step. “Janouc.” She said again and Janouc put his hand to his chest.

  “Janouc.” He said coming within a foot of her. She cocked her head with an expressionless look on her face. He held his hand out just slightly to hers, making her look down at it. She slowly mimicked him, putting her hand out to his. He took her hand and held it. She looked up at his face again, still cocking her head from side to side every few seconds, examining him. A priest stepped in the open doorway but did not enter the library. Venalina looked over Janouc’s shoulder and hissed at the priest, taking her han
d back from Janouc. “Leave us!” He yelled over his shoulder back at the door not daring to look away from her, “Tell everyone to stay out of here! Guard the door.” The priest scurried away calming Venalina. Janouc stepped to her and took both her hands, bringing them up between the two of them. “Venalina.” He said and pushed her hands to her own chest. Her black eyes blinked with curiosity.

  “Venalina.” She repeated. Her head cocked again, “Dracon.” She said almost asking. Janouc nodded, yes, glad she was starting to remember. “Dracon.” She said then let go of Janouc’s hands and grabbed his face. She forced herself against him and tried to kiss him, “Dracon.” She whispered.

  “No, my lady, I am not Dracon.” Janouc wanted nothing more than to let her do whatever she wanted to do. He knew it would cost him his life. He grabbed both her hands by the wrist and put them between the two of them again, stopping her from trying to climb on top of him and kiss him. “Janouc.” He said shaking her hands then touching his chest, “Janouc.” Her mouth hung open slightly, trying to comprehend. He walked her over to a table and pulled out a chair for her to sit in. She allowed him to usher her around the library and sat when he told her to. “What happened to you, my dark princess?” He asked then walked around the table looking to see if any of the open books could have caused her to lose herself. “What were you looking for?” Janouc could see the door to Venalina’s library was still partially open and saw there were a few priests outside milling around, curious about what was happening. Janouc wondered if they were hopeful or truly concerned for her. “Come in here.” Janouc called to the priests at the door. The priests outside the door opened it slowly, not sure if he was talking to them. As soon as they peeked in, Janouc waved them over. They entered cautiously.

  “Is she ok, Janouc?” One priest asked. Venalina looked up from the table.

  “Janouc.” She said looking at the priests, “Janouc.” She said again.

  “Use the portal, go get the daughters of… go get her sisters.” He said.

  “Who?” The priest asked.

  “You know exactly who she calls her sisters, now go! Bring them here! Now!” Janouc ordered. Venalina hissed at the priest when Janouc raised his voice, she almost stood from her seated position. Janouc walked around the table between Venalina and the door. He stopped one of the priests from leaving “Go get her food, and something to drink.”

  The priests were quick in locating the sisters, who were glad to see the priests. The priests were shocked at what the sisters had become and were reluctant to bring them back. The sisters were desperate to talk to Venalina and get out of the palace before anyone saw them in their transformed state. They left before Dracon made it back to his training room in search for Kaylin. When the sisters were brought to the library, Venalina was devouring a table full of food. The table was laid out for many guests with a variety of dishes, but had no seats, only Venalina devouring everything using her hands by the fistful. Every few seconds she would pause and say, “Janouc.” It was as if she liked saying his name. Talila rushed to Venalina’s side.

  “Look what happened to us, Venalina, we’re like you somehow!” She said kneeling next to her, who grabbed a whole chicken in her hands and bit into it, ripping the meat off with her teeth, eating it like a wild animal. Talila looked at her for a moment, she could tell something was wrong with her. Janouc was taken aback that the women were all like Venalina, resembling Vordalyn.

  “What happened to you?” He asked the sisters.

  “We don’t know, Janouc,” Saida answered in a hollow voice that spoke directly to his mind as well as his ears. Janouc walked to each of the women examining them closely. Talila stared back at him in disgust, not appreciating his scrutiny, looking at her so closely.

  “Venalina never said anything to you about the possibility of this?” He asked.

  “No, Janouc, never!” Alyndra exclaimed. The sisters looked at each other concerned.

  “Alyndra, can I speak with you? Over here?” Janouc asked then started to walk down a row of book shelves. Alyndra followed him.

  “Venalina?” Talila combed Venalina’s hair with her fingers as she ate. Venalina had returned to her human form, while the sisters remained with horns and wings, unable to change back.

  “Janouc.” Venalina said. Talila shook her head slowly in disbelief.

  “What made her simple, I wonder?” Saida asked. Talila stood up, instantly furious. Heat emanated from her toward her remaining sisters, making them recoil from her.

  “Don’t you call her simple!” Talila stomped after Saida. Kaylin knelt and created a shield between herself and Talila. Janouc and Alyndra came rushing back to the table. When Janouc saw what was happening he let Alyndra go ahead of him, he did not want to be killed by the volatile girl. Alyndra put her hand on Talila’s shoulder.

  “Talila! Stop!” She said making Talila turn to face her. “It’s going to be ok!” Alyndra hugged Talila, who began to cry.

  “She’s not simple!” Talila cried, muffled by Alyndra’s hug.

  “Ladies, please, we must keep our heads.” Janouc said stepping next to the seated Venalina.

  “Janouc.” She said looking up at him, then around at the sisters, “Janouc.”

  “Why does she keep saying your name?” Saida asked, her wings fluttered when she spoke.

  “Marvelous.” Janouc said distracted by the women, all transformed to resemble the Vordalyn. “I wonder if it is a simple chameleon spell?” He ruminated.

  “Janouc?” Saida asked trying to get him to focus, “Answer me?”

  “Janouc,” Venalina said again, “Janouc, Janouc, Janouc.” She started to lick her fingers. Talila pulled free of Alyndra’s hug and stood behind Venalina. She put her hands on Venalina’s shoulders, lovingly.

  “Oh my.” Kaylin whispered. The sisters and Janouc looked at her.

  “What is it?” Alyndra asked. Kaylin cocked her head slightly then nodded over at Talila. The sisters could see it instantly. Talila and Venalina truly looked like sisters. Talila pulled Venalina’s hair back as Venalina continued to sample dishes from the table, Talila nervously combed her hair with her fingers watching her from behind. She paid no attention to Janouc and her sisters.

  “Dracon!” Kaylin said suddenly, “Dracon was going to kill me!” She began to pant, “That’s when this happened to me!”

  “What?” Janouc asked walking over to her. The sisters began to get nervous, their wings ruffled, out of their control. “Tell me exactly what happened?” Janouc asked.

  “I found him…” She started to say then stopped and thought, “Something was wrong with him. He didn’t recognize me or know my name.”

  “The catalyst!” Talila exclaimed, “He is the catalyst that makes our ascension possible!”

  “Ascension?” Janouc asked, shocked she knew the word. Although he supported Venalina in her claim that Talila was not simple, he himself also believed her to be a simpleminded child stuck in a woman’s body, just like her sisters did. Janouc could see the sisters were also surprised at Talila’s words. They were stunned silent a moment. Talila closed her black eyes and tilted her head from one side to the other, listening to some far-off sound no one else could hear. “Talila?”

  “Shh!” She said raising her hand to signal everyone to silence. She stuck her open hand out, and from the back of the library, one of the shelves shook violently, then a book flew from its place straight to Talila’s hand. Alyndra had to hop out of its way, narrowly missing the spine of the book hitting her head. Talila opened the book and searched through its pages. “Teh othreas ghit do scenion ro eds oches yrthras.” Talila read from the open book. Janouc stood dumbfounded. He, along with the sisters, looked at Talila with their mouths open in shock at Talila’s ability to read the dead language.

  “Teh othreas ghit do scenion ro eds oches yrthras.” Venalina repeated while still eating, her face was a mess and she wiped it with her forearm as she chewed, she was ravenous.

  “You understand it
?” Janouc asked after several moments of silence.

  “The mothers right of ascension, for those she chooses as worthy.” Talila translated. Alyndra put her hand to her mouth, both shocked by the meaning, and by the fact that Talila could understand and read the text. It was overwhelming for the sisters, they were all speechless.

  “A mother?” Janouc asked looking at Venalina, “Is that the power of an Arch-Vordalyn?”

  “She’s lost.” Kaylin said also looking at Venalina.

  “Is it forever?” Saida asked Janouc.

  “No!” Talila said forcefully. “Come with me.” She said to her sisters.

  “Where are we going?” Alyndra asked.

  “Talila, you need to calm down.” Saida said.

  “Janouc, open the portal.” Talila ordered glaring at Saida.

  “Janouc, Janouc,” Venalina repeated several times after hearing Talila say it. Talila’s wings flapped a few times then ruffled and returned, folded behind her.

  “We’re going home.” Talila said, “This is our sister, he is our husband” She said pointing as if pointing at Dracon, “We will fix this. I will fix this.”

  “What do you intend to do, Talila?” Janouc asked.

  “I… I’m not sure yet.” Talila answered, “Can’t you feel it?” Talila asked her sisters, “We have been given a gift. She has shared herself with us, can’t you feel the magic in us now?” The sisters looked at each other, considering Talila’s words. “Let’s go.” Talila said to Janouc. He nodded and started toward the door. Talila ushered Venalina up from her seat, as she stood, she hurried to stuff as much in her mouth as possible, before they left arms reach of the table. Janouc led the transformed women and Venalina to the room that held the portal device. Once there, he wasted no time opening it.

  “Where do you wish to go?” He asked.

  “The royal suite.” Talila said as the portal swirled open. She did not wait one second, walking directly into the portal with Venalina as soon as the room came to view. Talila walked Venalina to the bed and sat her down on its edge. “Wait here with her.” Venalina looked around the room slowly and curiously.


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