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The Vordalyn 2

Page 39

by Michael T Payne

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  As dawn approached, the warriors of Ganlin amassed before the city of Dragons Claw. Thousands of warriors, men and elves, sprites and pixies, dwarves and halflings, gnomes and fairies of all kinds, preparing to wage war against one of their own. Ranked in strength, behind the princes and their generals. The humans were soldiers that would do much of the armed combat while the other races would use magic and the skills akin to their kind. An elven company of magic users were ahead of the entire army, preparing to breach the smoking gates with magical explosions, generated from fireballs and magic missiles, to weaken then destroy, the metal gates. They prepared themselves and the spells they would use, led by Elmyra Ballana, the queens general and advisor. It would be they who would make the first move against the city. The way to the north, between the army and the outer region, was blocked by the thousands of cavalrymen under Prince Torak’s command. They were to stop any invasion by the horde that camped in the desolation beyond. Prince Darrin was ready to the south of the road, on the other side of the army, to offer support, shooting arrows over the wall to weaken any force that might be hidden within, and to ensure that no one escaped.

  Queen Menina, Raggrun, and Tamina, headed the main force, just behind the elves, while Prince Renic and Prince Charnio headed sections of the army to either side of the elves, each awaiting Queen Menina’s command to begin the battle. The sun had not yet crested the horizon and the smell of fire was strong in the air. Smoke billowed from the smoldering fire that raged all night at the city gates. Tamina urged her horse closer to Queen Menina’s.

  “Now, Aynisa, it’s time.” She said, anxious to begin.

  Before Queen Menina could respond, the gates of the city were opened with a powerful blast that sent all the debris that was burning through the night, well clear of the gates and completely off the road to the city. The cloud created by the event took some time to settle, it held the attention of every soldier of Ganlin, all waiting to see what would emerge from within. The dust cleared, and Dracon stood alone on the road in the opening of the gateway.

  “My lord invites you to his palace!” Talila yelled from the top of the wall on the northern side of the gate. No one noticed her until her black wings extended so that she could be seen from a great distance. Tamina instantly thought her to be Venalina, with her black wings, hair and horns, only she wore a red dress instead of the black one Venalina typically favored.

  “Talila.” Queen Menina grumbled making Tamina narrow her eyes to get a better look at her. Then on the southern side of the gate wall, white wings opened like a flag, getting the soldiers attention on Alyndra, also in her Vordalyn form, wearing white. Queen Menina did not know her name, only knew the one who immolated her guards when Venalina confronted her in her palace. It was a sight Queen Menina would never forget. The ferocity of that girl.

  “Should you make it through our city, he will await you, there!” Alyndra yelled to the soldiers of Ganlin, pointing back at the palace on the hill. From within the city, the army could see a creature flying from behind Dracon toward the gates. It was Saida, who flew out several yards beyond the gates on the road outside the city making the elven battalion, who were readying their spells, very uneasy.

  “Hold”!” Elmyra commanded the jittery elves. Behind Saida, Dracon slowly turned his back to them, pausing long enough for his armor to appear, donned from head to toe, sword in hand, then he started to walk back to his palace, a slow casual stroll.

  “You will deliver he who planned the assassination of our sister, or we will burn Ganlin to the ground, making a hell on earth, where none shall escape our wrath!” Saida yelled. The voices of all three women were heard very clearly to every citizen of Ganlin, they spoke to their ears and minds alike. Even the forces of Prince Torak and Prince Darrin could hear it. It sent waves of fear throughout their ranks. Talila and Alyndra jumped in the air and hovered in place, then Saida flew up between them. They waited for a response, and the elves were the first to do so.

  “Fire!” Elmyra commanded, each elf let fly a spell directed at the sisters. Talila flew ahead of her sisters and a white-blue pulse, burst from her, changing colors as it crossed the distance between them and the armies. Immediately after the pulse was unleashed, Alyndra created a thick, ice-barrier between the three of them and the spellcasting elves. Talila’s pulse travelled through the elves, who had to abandon their original spells in favor of shields, the casting time was not quick, only the most experienced and readied elves were successful. The others flew back with the wave and turned to dust as they travelled through the air with it, heading for the army’s behind them. Even Elmyra, the strongest among them, struggled to save her own life. Tamina leapt from her horse and ran forward holding her hands out as far as she could to either side of her, creating a pulse of her own that collided with Talila’s, nullifying it before it could strike their forces. Tamina snarled at the women and began speaking in a tongue that sounded like a snake’s hiss. The ice barrier began to shake and break apart, then what was left exploded into shards that rained down on the sisters. The three women were on the ground behind the destroyed barrier. They were no longer Vordalyn, huddled together, frightened and hurt, young girls. They began to help each other up and back into the city, two of them struggled to walk.

  “Attack!” Tamina cried, raising both hands, high in the air. The warriors of Ganlin roared a battle cry and the entire force rushed to the city.

  “No!” Queen Menina began shouting at the soldiers rushing past her, struggling to control her horse in the rush.

  “Kill those women quickly!” Tamina yelled to Elmyra, who had regained herself. Then she and the elves who remained with her ran to the city to hunt and kill the sisters before they could recover. The forces of Ganlin poured through the city gates after the elves, many knew the streets and alleyways well, having lived there for some time, others, served in its army. There would be no escape for unfamiliar foes. The elves searched the streets for the sisters, accompanied by squads of men. By noon, the army had taken the city and assured there was no trap within its walls, no horde at the ready. Queen Menina and Raggrun rode in slowly through the main gates. Men began to set up barricades and blockades to limit access to the city gates. There would be no escape through that way. Prince Charnio rode up hard and fast.

  “We have men going house to house, there’s no way they could have made it to the palace before we blocked the way. Elmyra and Aunt Tamina saw to that. We have men stationed at the bottom of lonely walk, no one is going up to the palace gates.” He said. Lonely walk was the name of the solitary road that led from the city to the palace. It was the main road of the city, straight from its main gates.

  “Any sign of Dracon?” Queen Menina asked.

  “No, my guess, he’s in his palace.” Prince Charnio offered.

  “Any hope he fled to the outer region?” Raggrun asked.

  “He won’t leave without a confrontation.” Queen Menina said, “Any sign of that team that was sent in?” She asked.

  “Not yet.” Prince Charnio answered.

  “I want every house searched from wall to wall, thoroughly, I don’t want this place to become our tomb. Make sure we are safe. Then, we will bring in Darrin and his men to prepare an assault on the palace.” Queen Menina ordered.

  “It will be done.” Prince Charnio said choking up on the reigns of his horse.

  “Charnio, from now on, you are my second, take your orders from me and me alone, you give them to the others. Even over Tamina, is that understood?” She asked making Prince Charnio look at her in surprise, then he nodded and trotted off.

  “Can’t imagine she’s gonna like that?” Raggrun chuckled, “I’m surprised she was able to keep herself from sprouting wings out there, the way she was going after those girls.” Queen Menina looked at him suspiciously, “I hope you remember, that changing in front of the common folk would not be good for you, your highness.”

  “I think I can control myself
.” She said softening her suspicious glare. She started smiling, pretending she was pleased, when she saw Tamina approaching her on foot.

  “We need to move on the palace quickly, we can’t let her escape!” She said out of breath, having taken to searching with the troops for the women she was sure she had injured.

  “A measured approach would be better than a hasty one, Tamina.” She said narrowing her eyes at Tamina.

  “You are wasting time, Aynisa, you must trap her in that palace. You cannot let her get away!” Tamina was anxious and eager to attack.

  “Calm yourself Tamina, I know what I’m doing.” Queen Menina told her.

  “I’ll leave you to it, then.” Raggrun said then urged his horse away from the two women.

  “We have the city, Tamina. It’s only a matter of time before we move on the palace. Let me remind you, we are here to secure my reign. If they flee and become outcast’s, then it will serve me to the same end.” She said low, glancing around to see who was close.

  “They must die!” Tamina growled, “We must trap her!” Queen Menina considered confronting Tamina about the murder of Captain Velen’s family to let her know she knew, maybe hold it over her to keep her in check.

  “Your highness,” Prince Charnio alerted them to his approach. “The men have cornered one of the women against the wall, she is trapped, we are waiting for your command.”

  “Which one is it?” Queen Menina asked.

  “I don’t know their names, dark haired, injured, unable to walk. She is sitting against the inner wall between two homes, crying like a child.” He said, “The men have her surrounded, but dare not close in, not until you give the order.”

  “Take her.” Queen Menina ordered.

  “Let me kill her!” Tamina begged, her eyes went wide.

  “Kill her?” Queen Menina asked very curious, why was she so desperate to kill these women? “Let’s go together.” She said, then urged her horse to trot alongside Prince Charnio, who had already turned to lead the way.

  They came upon Talila sitting between two houses, against the outer wall of the city, just as Prince Charnio said, and she was crying, covering her face with her hands. Her legs were broken, the bone protruded through the shin of her left leg. Tamina was so eager to attack her she started to run to the soldiers that stood guard at the edge of both houses, the only way out. Tamina pushed through the soldiers.

  “You thought you could stand against me?” Tamina asked with a sneer as she passed the soldiers, proud and triumphant. The soldiers were not so confident and stayed put near the front of the houses, blocking any exit from between them. Talila cried louder, like a scared little girl. Tamina walked toward her, not bothering to wait for Queen Menina or Prince Charnio.

  “Charnio,” Queen Menina said, “I don’t trust her. I think there may be more to her exile than mother wanting to hide her.”

  “How do you wish to proceed.” Prince Charnio smirked, he was pleased that she finally saw her like he did, suspiciously. It made him believe Queen Menina was the same sister he had known all his life, his big sister. Her show of trust in him made him feel like family again, a feeling he lost when she gave them the amulets. Queen Menina could see that she regained her big sister status by the look in his eyes, and how he had been talking to her with respect.

  “Cautiously, I may need the fairies help to deal with her when the time comes, but she will be a powerful ally for now. Indulge her, until I say otherwise.” She said, Prince Charnio nodded.

  “You are a stupid little human girl! That Venalina saw fit to ascend you is an insult to our kind!” Tamina said as she came halfway down the alley between the two homes. Talila still covered her face, weeping and scared.

  “You killed her!” Talila yelled through her fingers still covering her face.

  “Venalina? Is that who you speak of?” Tamina laughed, “You think she’s dead?” Tamina started laughing, “Let me tell you a little secret,” She said so only Talila could hear her, “The mere fact that she had the power to ascend you, tells me that she cannot die! She is the queen!” Tamina growled. Then it was Talila who started laughing.

  “You are arrogant to think you can face a Vordalyn, so poorly prepared.” Talila lowered her hands still laughing, her voice changed from one of a scared little girl, to that of a confident woman. The bone in her leg popped, then cracked back into place. Talila stood up, dusted herself off, then raised her hands, “Od em dina mot!” She yelled and behind her, a portal opened. Um’Vec and his hordes came rushing through the portal, rushing by Talila, who laughed wickedly as the horde raced straight at Tamina. The soldiers of Ganlin rushed to Tamina’s aid, circling her to defend her against the rush of Talila’s horde, unleashed through the alleyway.

  Prince Charnio turned to Queen Menina, “Run, Menina!” She responded by raising her hands above her head and creating a shield to protect the two of them. The horde bounced off her shield as they filled the area and attacked the soldiers who initially trapped Talila. Queen Menina could see it had all been a ruse to bait them. Prince Charnio turned, looking behind him, hearing other screams and yells, from another part of the city. He looked at Queen Menina startled, “We need to move!” He said. Queen Menina jerked the reigns of her horse.

  “We have to get out of the city!” She said.

  “It’s too late for that, Menina. We have to see this fight through!” Prince Charnio said, “Protect the Queen!” He yelled and every able-bodied man around them rallied to her, then they withdrew from the area.

  In other parts of the city, Saida and Alyndra acted out the same ploy, unleashing the hordes from the outer region into the city, through portals, strategically placed to block any escape. The hordes convened on the city gates, quickly overtaking the unaware soldiers who were caught off guard, thinking they were only facing three women, with questionable magic.

  Dracon stood on the wall of his palace directly over the gates, watching the hordes pour into the city. He could see battle erupting, first to the north, then to the south, then at the city gates. He knew they were trapped inside his city. Kaylin stood to his right and Satana to his left.

  “The wounded soldier.” Satana said, “On a much grander scale, of course.”

  “Assets must be used to their fullest ability.” He said, the sounds of screams and battle could be heard from where they stood.

  “Assets?” Satana asked coyly, “I heard them say they were your wives?”

  “Venalina wanted…” He said then took a deep inhale through his nose, he wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, not with Satana.

  “Yeah, ok, enough said.” Satana chuckled then said, “This character Grik, he heard about what you did to the Gyona. He came here to enlist himself in your service, him and the men that follow him.”

  “What do you make of them?” Dracon asked.

  “Capable.” Satana was able to answer in one word.

  “This bugbear, what do you make of him?” Dracon asked.

  “You mean that thing that lay on the ground before you saying, I don’t know what, translated by that dumb girl?” Satana laughed.

  “She is not dumb, I find her very…” He said struggling for words.

  “Desirable?” Satana finished for him, “Worthy of a good bedding?”

  “That’s not fair, you don’t know her, you haven’t spent any time with any of them.” Dracon turned to Satana, “Venalina loved them, I love them too.”

  “I have to speak my mind, Dracon.” Satana chuckled.

  “I know. But don’t alienate them, Satana. Treat them well. I know it is not normal and I ask you, please, get to know them, or leave them alone.” He said, “Whatever it is between us, is between us, please do not interfere. Don’t make them feel…”

  “What do you want me to say?” She asked, “Sure, Dracon, great, five wives, that’s normal. Really? And how did you have time for five facking women?”

  “Look, Venalina chose them to be what they are to me. I know it is
not part of our culture, but I have grown to accept it. I care for them, each, in their own way. This was her wish, and I will honor it.” Dracon struggled to explain, he knew that at some point Satana was going to say something, and every time he thought about this conversation, he dread it. He knew he desired them, but his guilt came in the explaining of it all and not look like a wanton cad. If he had no one to answer to, it would have been much easier. He knew Satana would not let him live it down.

  “You’ve gotten to know them, have you?” Satana asked looking past Dracon to Kaylin, who was listening to the whole conversation. Satana could see she was uneasy with it. Before Dracon could answer, she asked Kaylin directly, “Do you love him, even though you have to share him?”

  “He is my husband, the time we spend together is precious between us, I will not explain it to you, who clearly has never known love!” Kaylin snapped at her. Her comment made Satana laugh.

  “There is something really wrong with us.” Satana said still laughing, “We are fighting your family and the men we once led, yet here we stand, watching, and casually talking about your love life!” Dracon began to laugh.

  “War has made us numb.” He said.

  “War is everyday life to us, always has been!” Satana exclaimed with a smile.

  “Are you sure you want to be here, Satana?” Dracon asked.

  “If you are not welcome, I am not welcome. Where would I be if not for you?” She asked, leaning her elbows against the wall, looking out at the battle taking place throughout the city, “My place is here, with you. Besides, if they see fit to throw you out, I would surely be next.” Satana stood up from the railing, “Look, the tide is turning, the soldiers are much better trained than those creatures.” She said pointing out specific areas.


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