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Mistress Angelique

Page 4

by Justus Roux

  “Neither do you.”

  “Yes, I do Brent. I thrive on the protectiveness and love of my Master. I need him, please understand this.” Bazil looked into his eyes. “I do miss you, my brother. I will try harder to see you when I can.”

  “Nothing I say will change your mind, will it?”

  “No Brent nothing will change my mind.” Bazil reached for a lock of Aurora’s hair. “Could I please have a moment alone with Brent?”

  “Of course.” Aurora went into Dante’s chamber.

  “Now, I will talk with Dante and Mistress Angelique and see if I can get you out of here. But, if I can’t and what I have seen of this Angelique this may be the case, lay low, okay?”

  “Me lay low. “ Brent chuckled. “Tom, I mean Bazil; I wish you would change your mind. I will run the business….”

  “Brent, please stop. I can still see you it’s not like I’m dead. Now fill me in about your life.”

  Brent felt a twinge of pain, emptiness in himself. His brother wasn’t coming back. He was hoping that Bazil would have been happy to see him and they would make a Hollywood escape from this place. But, it was looking like it wasn’t going to happen. And what was worse he was beginning to understand why Bazil was staying. As sick as it seemed and what he saw so far, Dante did treat Bazil better than Anna had done. Bazil was always a pushover and Anna took complete advantage. He looked into Bazil’s face, he was happy and it showed in his face and eyes.

  Chapter 9

  Angelique purred as she lay on the massage table. Raven stroked her back and Stavros gently caressed her legs. The steam from the bathing pool filled the air as she relaxed on the soft table. Ummm, her two favorite males, she so adored them. Stravros was a bit smaller than Raven but had the same dark hair and strong body. His electric blue eyes ignited his face with life and male beauty.

  “Tell me Raven what do you think of Bazil?” Angelique asked.

  “He is too feminine.” He ran his hands down the entire length of her back.

  “And you Stravros?

  “He seems okay. I heard Master Dante lets him play with Aurora.”

  “What?” She popped up.

  “I have heard this as well.” Raven added.

  “She was Dante’s gift, damn it.” She lay back down and pouted. She felt their hands stop and heard them step away from the table. She turned her head and saw both kneeling on the floor. She felt two very strong hands caress her back. “Master.” She purred.

  “Send them away.”

  “Go my sweets; you may visit the playground to ease your want.”

  “Thank you Mistress.” They both said. Dante watched them leave the bath.

  “Well, they are attractive.”

  Angelique rose up and looked at Dante’s face. “Do I hint jealousy, my love?” She smiled at him.

  He squatted down in front of the table so he could look her directly in the eye. “No, it brings me pleasure to know you are being pampered.” He moved the stray hair from her face. “But, I couldn’t help but noticed that both bare a striking resemblance to me.” He smiled and stroked her face.

  “I miss you so much when you are gone. I needed at least a reminder of you. No one will ever compare to you, Dante.” She gasped when he shot up then scooped her up from the table. He carried her out of the baths and down the corridor to her room. Angelique leaned into his strong body, enjoying this most romantic gesture. He kicked open the door and headed straight for her large bed, where he laid her gently down into it. He climbed on top of her and kissed her deeply, completely. She latched on to him wanting him as close as possible, wanted to feel every muscle of his body against hers, needed to taste his sweet lips, and smell his intoxicating scent. His hands gently ran down her body, her hands trying disparately to free his large cock. He used one hand and removed his pants for her then rolled on top of her.

  “Make love to me, Dante.” She whispered. She gasped as his cock entered her slowly. His thrusts were gentle and unhurried as he continued to kiss her softly. “I love you, Dante.” She gazed into his eyes.

  “I love you Angelique more than you will ever know.” He ran hot kisses down her neck as he continued his slow ride.

  “I know Dante because I can feel it in your touch.” She licked and kissed at his shoulder, wrapping her legs around his waist pulling him closer, needing nothing between their bodies. She felt his body move on hers, the heat of his breath against her skin. Her lips searched for his, wanting the completeness his kiss gave her. She heard him groan as she deepened their kiss, probing his mouth with her tongue. They were one soul, one being at this moment, the rest of the world be damned for this one beautiful moment.

  “Angelique.” The way he said her name told her he felt exactly what she did.

  “Ride the heights with me, my love.” She felt her orgasm build; she looked up and saw him gazing deeply into her eyes as they rode the wave of pleasure as one.

  “Dante.” She wrapped herself around him and pulled him as close as possible as they lay together enjoying the splendor of this moment.


  Brent paced in his small quarters. Damn it, he hated to admit defeat. No, no, he won’t admit it. He heard a gentle rapping on the door, he stomped over to it and flung it open, starling Aurora.

  “Oh, I’m sorry…” Brent stepped away from the door. “Please come in.” He felt his mood lift just smelling her perfume.

  “May I have a word with you?” She stood with her eyes turned to the ground.

  “Of course, please sit.” He brought over a chair for her then he sat on his bed.

  “What I say….I…shouldn’t.” She looked at the door. “I am afraid for Bazil.” Her hands nervously fidgeted on her lap.


  “Master Dante pampers him too much, Mistress will get jealous.”

  “She wouldn’t dare hurt him.”

  “No, but she has many males who will do anything she ask, even if they have to face Master Dante’s anger.” Aurora hurried to the bed and fell to her knees in front of Brent. “Please protect him. I will do anything you ask…I will perform any pleasure you want. But please protect Bazil. He is so kind and gentle; he will not see an attack coming.”

  Brent stood up and pulled her to her feet. “You don’t ever have to fall to your knees in front of me. You are not a possession.” He gazed into her blue-green eyes. “I will help my brother.”

  “Brother?” She whispered unable to pull her gaze from his. She a vague feeling they were just by the bits and pieces of their conversation earlier.

  “Yes, you need not give yourself to me to protect him.” Brent wanted to kiss her, but he had to hold back he wanted her when she truly wanted him.

  “Now tell me how to protect him.” Brent sat down on the bed and gestured for her to sit next to him.

  Aurora slowly sat next to him. She was fazed by his refusal to use her. This was the first time a male didn’t partake of her offer. “Keep your ears open, a lot of the males tend to talk too much. You must be careful of Raven, he is hard to read and he rarely talks to anyone except for Stavros. Now Stavros will brag to Yves if Mistress tells him to hurt Bazil, and of course Yves would shout it from a mountain. He is quite boisterous.” Aurora looked up into Brent’s eyes. “Don’t go into Yves’ room, the images you will see…well…let’s say they never leave you. Um, Marcus well I doubt Mistress would have him do that; he is a sentinel it would be beneath him. The other males would brag wanting to show off in front of the others. So please listen to any of them. Since I am female I will only hear their grunts and howls while they ride me.”

  “You are more than a pleasure doll.” Brent couldn’t help himself he had to touch her, he gently grabbed her hands with his, this simple act caused his cock to come alive.

  “I see the family resemblance.”


  “Between you and Bazil, both of you are kind.” She smiled shyly at him, not knowing what to do now.

  “I can’t help
but wonder why you are so…thrown off balance, let’s say, by simple kindness.”

  “I know no kindness only orders, rules and performing pleasure acts.” Aurora pulled her hands away and got up.

  “I’m sorry if I said something wrong.” Brent stood up.

  “You said nothing wrong; I must get back to Master Dante.” She hurried toward the door, then stopped and turned toward him. “Thank you…for just listening to me.” She rushed from the room.

  Brent watched her run down the corridor. Something was happening to him, a wonderful exciting feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. He leaned up against the stone wall and continued to watch Aurora until his eyes lost sight of her all the while a smile spread across his face.

  Chapter 10

  Angelique was almost hissing as she seethed in her bed. All the female servants that were cleaning her chambers tried disparately not to draw attention to themselves. None wanted to feel Mistress’ whip when she was in such a foul mood.

  “Oh get out of here! Damn you are all like little worker ants and you are driving me nuts!!” Angelique screamed. The women rushed from the room. Dante was with Bazil and didn’t want to be disturbed; this is what set Angelique into bitch mode. “OOOO!!!” She punched at the bed then got out of it.

  “Why did Dante bring Bazil anyways?” She stomped her feet like a spoiled child. She was growing tired of the way Dante pampered this feminine male. He never spoiled Apollo like this. Now Apollo she enjoyed, mmmm, the wicked threesomes they had when Dante brought him to the castle. Angelique’s pussy grew wet mentally picturing it. She grabbed her whip and headed out of the door, it was time to find someone to play with.


  “Aurora, where have you been?” Trina rushed up to her as she entered the playground.

  “With Master Dante, he sent me away for awhile.” She went over to her bed. This room was the largest in the castle. Twenty large beds formed a circle around the room; in the center was a bunch of pillows. Off to one side were the bathing areas and the other balcony. Each woman was designated a bed and a small closet for her possessions. The room smelled of flowers and spice, all the women were expected to look their best at all times. For if one of Angelique’s males came in and they were not clean and beautiful for him, Mistress would punish them severely.

  Trina flopped down on the bed next to Aurora. Trina was beautiful, with her golden hair, and dazzling blue eyes. Her body was very voluptuous and extremely sexy. She was one of Dante’s favorite females to play with when he visited the playground. “Isn’t Dante magnificent?” Trina purred.

  “Yes, but…”

  “A bit scary at the same time.” Trina smiled at her.

  “Yes.” Aurora chuckled. She had to admit Dante wasn’t as bad as Hera made him out to be. So far he hadn’t laid a hand on her in anger, nor did he ask her to do anything twisted yet.

  Both women turned and looked at the bed across from them when they heard the familiar wet sounds. Hera, a dark-haired, tall beauty and who was in charge of the playground was sitting on another woman’s face, her hands gripping the headboard as she grinded her pussy onto the woman.

  “She shouldn’t have the right to use us like that.” Trina whispered.

  “She is given free reign over us.” Both women tried not to notice what was happening.

  “Yes, but damn it she made me eat her for at least an hour yesterday.” Trina watched as Hera got into a squatting position over the woman’s head still gripping the headboard as she rode the woman’s face faster.

  “Be quiet before she hears you.” Aurora whispered. Both women quickly looked away when they heard Hera grunting with pleasure.

  “Mmmm, yes.” Hera purred climbing off the woman’s face. “Clean yourself up.” She climbed off the bed and walked to the middle of the room.

  “Listen up ladies.” Hera shouted. All the women instantly paid attention. “Master Dante will be paying us a visit and all of you better show him a real good time.”

  “Yes Hera.” They said in unison.

  “Now who’s tongue haven’t I used today.” She walked over to Aurora and Trina. “Mmmm, I know.” She climbed up onto the foot of the bed then laid down and spread her legs wide. “Both of you can lick my pussy.”

  “Yes Hera.” Both said. They had no choice.

  “Your tongue first Aurora.” Hera smiled up at her. Aurora lowered her head between Hera’s thighs. “Mmmm, yes, now Trina you start lapping at my pussy.” Hera smiled wickedly at her and watched as Trina bent over and began lapping at her clit. Hera enjoyed Trina’s tongue the most, for she was the only one to protest to Mistress which of course got her nowhere and only angered Hera. She could feel both women’s tongues moving around in her pussy. She spread her legs wider, “Move down lower Aurora, yes, lap at my juice. More tongue Trina, bathe my whole clit.” Hera propped herself up on her elbows to watch them. “Dart your tongue in and out of my pussy Aurora, oh yes just like that, mmmm.” She fell back into the bed when her orgasm hit. “Yes, very nice ladies.” She looked into their faces and smiled seeing her juice glistening on them.

  “Mistress is coming.” A smaller woman rushed into the room. All the women went to their beds.

  “Well it’s nice to see you are all following my orders.” Angelique announced as she walked into the room. She sat down on the edge of Hera’s bed. “Don’t keep me waiting Hera.”

  “Sorry Mistress.” Hera hurried to the front of the bed and lowered to her knees then placed her head between Angelique’s legs. All the women tried to hide their smiles when they heard the delicious wet sounds. Angelique made sure Hera serviced her every time she came into the playground to let the others know exactly who the Mistress of this castle was.

  “My females I have something I want you to do this afternoon.”

  “Anything Mistress.” All watched as Angelique grinded Hera’s face into her pussy.

  “I will be sending Bazil over here this afternoon. I want you to fuck him so good that he will want to partake of you a lot during his visit.”

  “Yes Mistress.”

  “Good, lick faster Hera. Moan and groan in my pussy.” The muffled sounds of Hera’s moans were sweet music to the other women. Angelique fell back into the bed pushing Hera’s face as deep as it would go into her pussy as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

  “Very good Hera.” Angelique stood up and smooth down her skirt. “Next time, I think I would like you to snort and rout around in my pussy like a little piggy.”

  “Yes Mistress.” Hera remained on her knees until Mistress left then she hurried to the bathing room.

  Chapter 11

  Brent was brought to Angelique’s chambers in shackles. It took both Marcus and Yves to drag him down there.

  “You wait flea.” Yves smacked Brent upside the head after tying him to the marble post.

  “You are bigger than him, why does he better you.” Marcus flatly said to Yves.

  “He is a quick little fucker, that’s why.” Yves wiped the drop of blood from his lip.

  “Leave before Mistress comes back.” Marcus escorted Yves out of the room. Their orders were clear bring Brent to her chambers then leave and Marcus followed orders to the letter.

  Brent struggled with the chains. “Damn it not again.” All day Brent made it a point to talk to as many of Angelique’s males as he could. That is until Yves jumped him in the hallway.

  “We meet again.” Angelique purred running her hand up Brent’s bare back. “You have a very nice back, oh yes, strong, solid.”

  “What do you want bitch?”

  “Not a fast learner are you? This feisty attitude will only bring you pain.”

  Brent winced feeling Angelique’s whip on his back. “Ah, my guest has arrived.” Angelique said when she heard the knock on the door. “Do come in Bazil.”

  “Why must he be tied up like that?”

  “For my protection Bazil. Please sit down on my bed.” Angelique escorted Bazil to the bed.

p; “Please untie him.”

  “Well, see this is were I differ from my love, I don’t care if this upsets you. Plus I need him like this to make my point.”

  “And what point would that be.” Bazil looked up at her.

  “I am Dante’s Mistress, not a favorite slave like you are. While you are in my castle you will make yourself scarce. Basically stay away from Dante while he is here.”

  “Or what.” Bazil stood up and looked down at her.

  “Your brother will taste my whip; feel every punishment I can dream of.”

  “Leave him out of this. If it is me you have a problem with then it should stay between us.”

  “You know damn well why I can’t threaten you.” She hissed.

  “But yet, Dante has not forbidden me from hurting you.”

  “Nor has he told you to. This is a game you can’t win, slave.”

  “You are the one who made it a game.”

  Angelique hit Brent with her whip. “Must we continue?” She glared at him.

  Bazil walked straight to her and grabbed her arm that held the whip. He squeezed her wrist until she let it go.

  “How dare you touch me. Dante will hear of this.”

  “Good then you can tell him of our little game.” Bazil began unshackling Brent.

  “Leave him as he is!!” Angelique cracked her whip on the floor.

  “You are not my Mistress.” Bazil continued unshackling Brent, he never looked back even when he heard Angelique run from the room.

  “Well, you’ve pissed her off.” Brent rubbed his wrist once Bazil unshackled him.

  “Oh well.” Bazil chuckled. “I have to get you out of here before she hurts you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. You should worry more about yourself. Apparently she doesn’t like to share. Convince Dante to leave.”

  “He will not leave her until he is ready. I will be okay. Now let’s get you out of this chamber before she comes back with her football team in tow.”


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