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Consummate Betrayal

Page 8

by Yungeberg. Mary

  Danielle stepped into the office and Marta knew instantly why he’d blown her off. His whole attitude changed, and she watched with envy at the way he looked at her bitch manager. Danielle gave her a warm smile. “Hey, Marta. I was wondering where you’d gone. The inbound Chicago flight is running late, so I’d like you to take over at gate seven, because nobody rebooks passengers better or faster than you do.”

  Faking a friendly smile for both her manager and the stupid special agent who would never know what he’d missed, she turned to leave the office. “No problem, Danielle. I’ll head up there right away.” Her eyes slid from one to the other, and she thought about how much fun it would be to fuck up their lives. Maybe she would spend some time figuring out how to do just that. And wouldn’t her sometime lover, Muusa Shemal, like to know that a special agent from the FBI was messing around in Sioux Falls, digging through the travel records of Middle Eastern passengers? Yes, as a matter of fact, she knew he would.

  * * *

  Seth slammed his phone shut and turned to Lucien with a sly smile. “That was Shemal. He’s getting antsy for us to nab Milani. I told him he’s always with either his boss or that tall kid or else out at the airport. You want to hear his orders? He’s ready for us to snatch him from his hotel room in a damn raid. He said we should bring in a couple more agents and take out his friends if necessary, and that he’d fix it with the higher ups.”

  They were sitting in their hotel room, taking turns with the binoculars, waiting for their quarry to return. Slouched in a chair, feet up on the end of the bed, Lucien looked at him and grinned. “I’m all for it. For crying out loud, the guy doesn’t have a routine as far as I can tell. It seems like he’s in and out at all hours. At least we have his room number, and we know he dinks around with that Mexican maid and her husband. Hey, maybe we can grab him after a pool playing session.”

  He nodded at Lucien as an idea crystallized in the back of his mind. “You know, I think you’ve hit on something.” Rubbing thick hands together, he chuckled. “Yep, I think we’ve got him now. But, it wouldn’t hurt to bring Jackson and Campbell in for this. Especially since the son of a bitch is so good at falling through the cracks. Here’s what I have in mind.”

  * * *


  Three Weeks Later – First Week In March

  Leaning back in the uncomfortable chair, Rowan squinted at the computer screen on the desk and stretched, then smiled and turned his head as Danielle leaned over him from behind, sliding her hands from his shoulders down the front of his shirt. If he didn’t stop her, she’d start on the buttons. She was already kissing the side of his face, and he turned further to find her lips, reveling in their gentle, insistent touch.

  It was almost six o’clock in the evening. They’d been in her office with the door locked since noon, sneaking in and out for bathroom breaks and to grab hamburgers from the airport restaurant. Locking the door was the only way to keep assorted employees and friends from barging in with a burning question or to ask what in the world they were up to.

  For the past three weeks he’d been digging through itineraries of Middle Eastern travelers going from Sioux Falls to damn near everyplace on the planet and back again. No patterns had emerged until he examined Muusa Shemal’s records. If not for that horny slut Marta, it would have taken much longer to find that particular man. Grabbing Danielle’s hands, he stopped the progress that along with her lips already had his heart rate ticking up and his palms sweating. Damn she was nimble with the buttons. “Danielle, let’s fly to Chicago for the weekend. The Four Seasons is a great hotel, and I know a few Italian restaurants you’d like.” If she said yes, he hoped she wouldn’t mind room service instead.

  Resting her chin on his shoulder, she nipped the side of his neck and thrust her tongue in his ear. Twisting away from her eager mouth, he almost fell off the chair. Struggling to regain his balance, he swore, which made her laugh. “Ouch. Damn it. That hurts and it tickles.”

  Still laughing, she pulled her hands out of his and squeezed his shoulders. Half scared of what she might think of next, he flinched when she dug her fingers into his hair. “That’s a fantastic idea. I’d love to fly to Chicago for the weekend. Let me check the flights and I’ll get you a buddy pass.”

  Her hands were a constant distraction. Now her fingers scraped through the prolific whiskers he hated. If he didn’t stand up, the whole process would start over again and drive him right over the edge of reason. Ducking out of her reach before she could delve into the hair on his chest, he stood up and turned to face her, buttoning his shirt while she grinned at him. Dressed in the same black sweater and pants she’d worn the first time he saw her, she had shoved up the sleeves like she was ready to dive into something – most likely him.

  No matter what she wore, he had a hell of a time concentrating on the job when he was with her. But that was as much her fault as it was his. “Will Legacy sell me a ticket? I know better than to try at United, but if I can buy tickets for both of us, you won’t need to worry about the flights.”

  Danielle raised her hand and lowered it. “Gosh, I haven’t flown on a purchased ticket in years, but sure Legacy will sell you a ticket. Heck, I’ll sell you a ticket.”

  Already thinking about what they could finally do in complete privacy in a suite at the Four Seasons, far away from the assignment in Sioux Falls, he chuckled at the interest on her face. “OK, great. Sell me two first class round trip tickets to Chicago for you and me this weekend. I need to head back to the Sheraton to set up a meeting with Ralph and Chad for tomorrow morning.”

  Disturbed by Muusa Shemal and the pattern of his travels around the country, he’d finalized a plan that included Chad, so he needed Ralph’s blessing. Digging his wallet from the back pocket of his pants, he pulled out the platinum American Express card and held it out for her.

  Smile turning to a frown, Danielle stared at the credit card and then at him. “Do you have any idea how much two first class tickets cost, especially on only a couple days advance purchase? I can’t let you do that for me. Plus, the Four Seasons has to be outrageously expensive.”

  What could he say? That he had more than enough blood money lying around in his two offshore accounts? Shrugging, he tried for a nonchalant demeanor. “No worries. I’ve made some extra money over the years and invested it well. It’s been a long time…and besides, you and I need some time alone, with no distractions. For a couple days we can forget about my colleagues, your friendly housemate and these damned airline records.”

  The uncertainty lingered in her eyes, but she took the credit card from his hand. “Are you sure? You spend way too much money on me, and sometimes I feel bad.”

  If only she knew how alive he felt when he was with her. “You don’t have to feel bad. Let’s just go away and have a nice weekend. C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

  The emotions playing out on her face were an accurate harbinger of her moods and always entertaining. Now her look was shy, which surprised him. She gave him a tentative smile. “Oh, all right. I’ll do the tickets now, so you can get going.”

  Wanting to see the return of the fierce independence he liked so much, he decided to tweak her. “That’s my girl. You do your ticket thing and I’ll take care of everything else.”

  Mouth wide open, hands on hips, challenge replaced the shyness. He snickered while he watched her. “You know, Rowan – I’ve traveled all over the world, and I don’t need you to take care of me. I’ve probably been to Chicago a hundred times in the last thirteen years. And I am not a girl.”

  That she was not a girl hadn’t escaped his notice. And he would never have been interested in a meek woman who wanted to be taken care of or dominated. Nope, she was damn near perfect, as far as he was concerned. Raising his hands in a backing off gesture, he gave her a conciliatory smile. “Hey, I hear you – loud and clear. You can lead me all over Chicago, and I won’t complain.”

  Her eyes narrowed and her lips
formed a thin line. Batting his credit card back and forth against her fingers, she stared at him. “You said that stuff to me on purpose, didn’t you? Oh my God, you are such a jerk sometimes.”

  When she stepped in front of him, he put his arms around her and pulled her close before she could smack him. Murmuring into her hair, glad she couldn’t see the smirk on his face, he gave her a quick squeeze. “Aw hell, I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget that you’re as independent as I am.”

  Still clutching his credit card, she pushed on his chest with her hands. She was close enough for him to see into the depths of her eyes. He loved the intense, deep blue color and the fringe of black around the edges. Thankfully, they held no anger, just humor. “Rowan, you’re so full of crap. But I still like you. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  The length of her body pressed against his was too much. Fighting the inevitable arousal, he swallowed and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Wishing they were anywhere else, he planted a quick kiss on her lips. “Yeah, I like you too. At least we can agree on something. But I need to get going, so let’s take care of this ticket purchase, OK?”

  Following her out of the office and through the cluttered back room, he didn’t miss the speculative glances and sly smiles on the faces of the agents lounging around the room. Slipping into his leather jacket, he ignored them and stepped through the door leading to the ticket counter where Danielle was already busy at a computer. He noted with irritation that Derek stood at his usual spot with Marta beside him, the two of them deep in conversation, slinging snide glances at him and Danielle. Sioux Falls felt claustrophobic. Chad harassed him for details about Danielle all the time, and Ralph was on him constantly, finding fault with every move he did or didn’t make. Rubbing weary eyes, he wondered what his boss would say about him leaving for the weekend. Not that it mattered, because he was going.

  * * *

  The Next Morning

  Ralph couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But he could damn well see the stubborn set of Rowan’s jaw and the mutinous look in the black eyes. It was blatantly obvious that no matter what he said, Rowan was flying to Chicago for the weekend. Lifting a shoulder and letting it fall, he shifted in the chair next to the desk in his hotel room. Gazing at his subordinate, he smiled benignly. “Sounds like a great idea. When were you planning on coming back – Sunday or Monday?”

  Rowan leaned against the wall next to the window and frowned at him. “We’re flying out tomorrow – Friday, mid-morning and coming back Sunday afternoon. Don’t worry. I’ll be here for the meeting you’ll want to have Monday morning. And of course, I’ll have my phone with me.”

  What was going on with his special agent? He’d give his left nut to know, because in all the years Rowan had worked with and for him, he had never gotten involved with a woman on an assignment. So much for the platitudes he’d heard for the past three weeks about working together. Absently fingering the cup of coffee that had gone cold, he fixed the younger man with a hard stare. “You don’t have the best track record flying commercially. As a matter of fact, you’ve got a nasty habit of pissing people off with your charming personality. Don’t get yourself kicked off a plane at O’Hare. Leave your weapon here and be careful. You got all of that, special agent Milani?”

  The look on Rowan’s face made him chuckle. Evidently his subordinate didn’t always say what he was thinking. “Yeah boss, I got that.”

  Glancing at his watch, he slapped his knees with his hands. “All right, I’m glad we cleared that up. Your cheery colleague should be here any minute. I’m anxious to hear what you’ve come up with as far as a plan regarding this Egyptian national and the airline agent you’ve been telling me about. Oh, and Rowan, let’s you and me meet for dinner Sunday evening, after you’re back. By then you should be able to give me some sort of explanation of what you’re getting into with Ms. Stratton.” Waving an index finger at the immediate hostility in his subordinate’s glare, he continued. “What I need and what I expect are the facts germane to our assignment.”

  It pleased him to see his recalcitrant special agent forced to acquiesce. Rowan gave him a stony look. “Fine, let’s meet at seven o’clock in the hotel restaurant.”

  A brisk knock signaled the arrival of the other half of his team, and he let Rowan step away from the wall and open the door. Chad swept into the room jingling a set of car keys, oblivious to the lingering undercurrent of tension. “Looks like I’ll be retiring the Lincoln for a while. Wait until you two see my new wheels.”

  Some days Ralph felt like he had no control whatsoever over the two men who called him boss. According to their track record, they were two of the most accomplished special agents in the field. Yet he’d been forced to handle the insurrection of one – with finesse, he thought – and now the other one showed up with a new car before eight o’clock in the morning. Maybe it was his age.

  Managing Rowan’s dark persona required an iron will, or he’d be flattened, like road kill. Chad had a sunny personality and was usually an easy agent to oversee. He shook his head and sighed. God forbid they deal with a serious terror threat. Feigning interest, he smiled at Chad. “What’s this all about, special agent Cantor? How’d you find the time for a new car?”

  Chad grinned like a twelve-year-old. “My high school friend Chris Kelly has a car dealership, Premier Motorcars. He built it from nothing and mostly deals in exotics – Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Once in a while he gets something else in on trade and I’ve been after him to sell me a car. He called me yesterday about a red 2010 Shelby GT500 Mustang convertible with hardly any miles and in mint condition. And now the baby is mine.”

  Ralph stared. “That’s great…just great. You can drive us to lunch. For now, pull up a chair or park yourself on the bed, because Rowan has some ideas we need to bat around.” Feeling as though his patience and good grace had been tried to the limit, he gestured at Rowan. “All right, let’s hear what you’ve got on your mind.”

  Three hours later, Ralph sat back, pleased with their progress. Rowan had laid out the travel records of Muusa Shemal, the Egyptian national who resided in the U.K. and according to Chad’s research was also a surgeon. The man traveled with regularity to the United States, spending three to four weeks on each trip, crisscrossing the country, hitting numerous cities. Shemal did not appear on any watch lists and had been traveling back and forth between London and the U.S. for a number of years.

  That he supposedly taught at the various mosques had raised an instant red flag in Rowan’s mind. According to his special agent, Shemal fit the profile of someone operating under the radar, with the ability to foment the poison of jihad and recruit homegrown terrorists. The thought that the man may have been engaged in that process for years left him with a hard, cold knot in the pit of his stomach.

  Looking at both Rowan and Chad, he could tell their appetites had been whetted. Finally they had something more than amorphous theories to work with. Considering Chad, sitting cross-legged on the bed, deep into his laptop, he was grateful for the young man’s hacking abilities. If a system needed penetrating, Chad always found a way. That he was tall, blonde and what the women called cute was an asset as well.

  Chad’s assignment now included making nice as he liked to say, with Marta, the resident airline hussy. He’d love to be a mouse in the corner for that. Once Chad cajoled the woman, he’d hack her computer and send all her correspondence to his own email in-box. They could only guess at what her emails might reveal about Muusa Shemal. It had been fortuitous that the salacious woman had come on to Rowan and blabbed about her supposed friend.

  Rowan had outlined a web of personal subterfuge that left him less enthused, although he knew his cold-hearted subordinate thrived on it and had the president’s go ahead. It was Rowan’s intent to infiltrate the local mosque as an unhappy, first generation son of an Iranian immigrant who had joined the FBI but rediscovered Islam and now saw his pathway leading to jihad. As Rowan explained it, they
couldn’t pretend he wasn’t part of the FBI. Averse as he was to deliberately positioning his special agent in harm’s way, he too, couldn’t deny the rising anticipation of outsmarting a clever enemy at its own game, devising a plan as close to flawless as possible, and launching it fearlessly. It was, after all, what they did best.

  * * *

  Friday Afternoon

  Standing at the window of their Executive Suite on the fortieth floor of the Four Seasons, Danielle gazed at the dizzying view of the Chicago skyline below and felt like pinching herself. Had she and Rowan really escaped the entanglements in Sioux Falls that had kept them apart? From the moment she settled into the first class seat to Chicago, sweet, agonizing anticipation gripped her. She could barely imagine two days and nights alone with the man who stood behind her now, his warm breath, teasing mouth and prickling whiskers on her neck doing crazy things to her body.

  The shivery sigh slid from her lips unbidden and she heard Rowan’s quiet chuckle. When he lifted his head and gently turned her to face him, she couldn’t stop trembling. His smile was tender and so were the fingers that brushed her cheek. “What’s the matter, Danielle?”

  What would he say if she told him that he was her problem? That she had rashly, intentionally fallen head over heels in love with him? She’d known him for not quite a month, yet it felt like forever. Not trusting herself to speak coherently, she gazed into his dark eyes. Concern overlaid the intense desire she’d come to expect. Trusting him instinctively, she decided to be honest. “Remember what I told you when we first met? When I saw you walk off that jet I knew you were someone special. That hasn’t changed. All I want is you.”


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