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Travek's Treasure

Page 4

by Pearl Tate

  His smile is brilliant as exposes white, straight teeth. Looking across the small room at me, his eyes devour my form. “I’m perfect now.” That’s a little unnerving.

  Damn. I don’t want him getting the wrong idea, so I look everywhere but at him. I notice that the wall is made of a seamless piece of metal. Even the corners appear to be sealed from the exterior.

  Escaping will probably be close to impossible. And then what? If this is a military facility, it’ll be crawling with personnel. And how many more of those scary aliens are around? I’m already thinking of the alien across from me as the “friendly” alien.

  “Lisa.” Travek stretches his legs out a little more, and they land directly in front of me. I can’t help watching his muscles flex and bunch under his tattooed skin. “I’m afraid this is all my fault.”

  Furrowing my brows in confusion, I tilt my head waiting for him to explain. When he drops his eyes and looks like he doesn't plan to explain, I question him. “What do you mean? How is this your fault?”

  Don't leave me in suspense. I can't imagine that he alone is at fault. Most abduction stories are a colossal clusterfuck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  “I’m afraid I came for you. I removed you from your building before your government and the Taxin stopped my spacecraft.” Travek’s earnest expression and look of pain in my direction makes me realize he’s worried about my response. It takes a few seconds for what he’s telling me to make sense.

  “Wait. You’re the light…” My voice trails off as I remember the study group and the light that seemed to swallow me in the room. It was terrifying. “Why?”

  “It’s a long story, and I don’t want to get into all the details while we’re contained here.” Sure. That’s one way to avoid the topic. Could there be more to it? Does he think I will tell someone else?

  Finally, I catch on. “You think we’re being watched?” My voice is lower as I lean forward conspiratorially.

  “Definitely.” He shifts again, and his hair settles and with no hands—forms into a braid by itself against his head! It’s fascinating. If I’m being honest with myself, he’s fascinating. The more I study his features, the more I realize how much he looks like Joe Manganiello. Magic Mike is definitely one of my favorite films.

  “What… what are you?” My whisper makes him smile.

  “I wish we weren’t both naked for this introduction.” Shaking his head, he smiles at me ruefully. “I’m from the planet Quasar. We’re generally called Quasarians. Designated by our home world.”

  My mind is reeling. Sure, I just met my first alien that looked like a snake-headed man a few minutes ago, and now I’ve met another. He looks so normal though. Except for his hair…

  “I felt you. I knew you were there in the building, and I came for you.” Shaking my head absently, I try to follow the conversation he intends to continue. “It was foolhardy. I see that now. But when I felt you…”

  Now that's weird! “You felt me? When you say that, what does that mean?” This guy—alien is too much. Felt me?

  That sounds dirty actually. What's wrong with me? Even freezing, I can feel the heat between my legs. A strange tingle is starting in my core.

  “When a Quasarian male feels his mate, he searches her out. I felt you and… took you. I apologize, but I thought I could convince you…” I know my eyes are as wide as saucers as his words drift off.

  “So... you were just going to carry me off to… your Quasar world? And your mate? What the fuck does that even mean?” Damn, I wish I wasn’t naked. I’d like to smack him. I want to rant and rave. “Haven’t you ever heard of asking a girl on a date?”

  I’m practically yelling now. He doesn’t seem to mind. Tilting his head to the side, he looks at me with a strange expression. “A meeting together where you agree on a common activity to get to know one another?”

  “Yes! A date.” Throwing my hands in the air in exasperation, I realize my mistake instantly when his eyes drop to my chest. Cupping myself, I raise my eyebrows challengingly. “Don’t stare at them!”

  Travek’s eyes dart back to my face as he smiles tightly. “They’re beautiful. I’m sorry if that was rude.”

  Huffing, I shake my head tightly. We sit in silence for a few minutes while I study the ceiling and reflect on what he said. He’s an alien that decided I’m his mate and took a stab at kidnapping me. Great.

  It still doesn’t explain what I’m doing here with him now in this cell. I mean, if the government grabbed me from him, why didn’t they just put me back? Couldn’t they mind wipe me or something?

  “Why are we here? It doesn’t make sense, does it? Couldn’t they have just returned me still unconscious to school? Why keep me—and you here?”

  He nods his head sadly. “I’m not sure exactly what they have in mind. But they must want us to complete the mating…” He studies the ceiling as I was doing earlier. I see that for the stall tactic it is. He's a quick learner.

  I take the time he gazes up to look him over. Besides being extremely good looking, he’s big and muscular. He could have forced me to do anything, but he hasn’t. What does he know?

  Complete the mating? They want us to fuck—really? Just like that?


  - Travek

  I can tell the moment she completely understands. Sucking in a deep breath, she shifts, and her intoxicating scent drifts over towards me. Being in this close a proximity and not touching her will eventually drive me mad.

  How did Bren stay calm as long as he did? If I thought Hannah smelled good, it’s nothing compared to the way Lisa’s scent calls to every cell in my being. I want to throw her down to study her and her scent.

  There's no way she will accept me right now. I must have patience. She'll be concerned about where we are and what they've planned for our fate.

  At the same time, I’m worried about my brother Sol. “What do you recall? Is there anything you remember after the light before being here?”

  Lisa’s curvy body is shaking slightly as she peers at me over her knees. Is it the cold that makes her shake, or is she really that frightened of me? Even her knees are tapping together.

  “No. I guess I passed out? Why?” She’s still speaking with me. That’s good considering the mess we’ve landed in here. I wasn’t sure once I confessed my role in this situation, if she would.

  “My brother Sol and friend Gilip were on my spacecraft with me. We…” How much should I tell her? Will I anger her more when she realizes I took all her friends along with her? It wasn’t intentional though. Surely, she will understand that, even if not right now.

  “What?” The quick way she demands an answer tells me it’s best I tell her everything. I don’t wish to start anything with her if there are multiples lies and things I’m hiding. Hannah discussed at length how important open communication is with Human females. Secrets are akin to lying.

  Sure, it’s best not to discuss Hannah and Bren while the likelihood of us being monitored is so high. But what the Humans and Taxin already understand can’t hurt to talk about. Taking a deep breath, I brace myself for her reaction.

  “I was trying out some technology that wound up in my family through trade.” No point in getting into all the details at this point. “I intended to only pick up you, but my spacecraft ended up with eight females in the hold after pulling you in. Your friends?”

  Her mouth is hanging open as she grasps what I mean. “Shelly… Susan… all the girls in the study group? You took them all along with me?”

  “Were there eight of you?” I better confirm. I'm not sure if it would be better if we'd left a few. Kinder for them, but they are witnesses to the mass disappearance.

  She seems to think for a moment, hesitating. Probably mentally calculating who was there with her before breathing out softly, “Yes.”

  I nod my agreement solemnly while watching her closely. She begins to cry softly as the gravity of the situation registers in her mind. Droppi
ng her head on her knees, her shoulders shake, and I’m sure now it’s not just the freezing temperature.

  My heart breaks at the anguish I’ve caused. “I’m sorry.” She nods against her legs as she continues to cry quietly.

  I’m drawn to her. I can’t let her face this alone. I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms and share this grief with her. But I'm not sure how she will accept my attention at this time. It's so soon.

  Even now, I wonder where Sol is. Is the Taxin commanding an altercation with them too? What exactly is he trying to prove?

  Our family’s historical records tell of the agreements we had. Other off-planet societies often solicited us for fighting forces.Mercenaries and hired armies were sought out. Often the highest bidder purchased small to large tactical groups to settle disputes. These agreements expired after the matings ended many millennia ago.

  Ironically, those agreements never really disappeared. The commodity only changed from mercenaries to slave labor. It’s not something openly known or discussed. But there are more than one group of males shipped out as representatives of Quasar. Money is still changing hands.

  Rolling to my knees, I crawl slowly towards her, stopping an arm's length away. Her head comes up with a jerk as if she didn’t hear me move towards her. Hesitating, I try to assure her I mean no harm.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I whisper.

  “You already have. Don’t you understand that? What will they do with us?” Her voice drops to match my whisper. Big eyes meet mine as we stare at each other awkwardly.

  Kneeling, I rest my hands on my thighs where she can clearly see them. I don’t want to appear threatening as I shake my head.

  Reaching out slowly, I stroke my fingers down the front of her calf. Her skin is silky smooth. She flinches as a tingle of awareness shoots through me.

  She must feel it too? I can see the colors moving faster through the marks on my body. They sense as well as the rest of me, I’ve just touched my mate for the first time.

  “I’m sorry I don’t know more.” I have an idea though. Dropping my voice further, I share so low she has to read my lips with how little sound I make. “There’s more I’d like to tell you, but I don’t want them to overhear. Can I hold you—just for warmth and so we can speak privately?”

  Her brow furrows as she considers my offer. I can see her internal battle waging between fear of me or the situation and her curiosity. I don’t want to frighten her, but the sooner we can unite in the situation—the better off we’ll be. After a lengthy pause, she finally answers.

  “Okay.” Her voice is a whisper as she looks at me warily. When I realize that she’s waiting for me to make a move, I turn my body to sit next to hers.

  Leaning against the cold surface, I keep my knees bent and legs spread slightly. There’s no hiding my nudity, but I’m not hard or aroused physically. I only want to hold her. It’s the first time in a long time I’ve been happy that my cock needs drugs to respond.

  Spreading my arms and legs, I indicate she should come sit in front of me. When she tilts forward and crawls on her knees in front of me, it takes everything in me not to groan audibly. She’s the most alluring creature I’ve ever seen.

  Keeping her eyes locked with mine, she doesn’t look down or stare at me. Swiveling quickly, she presses her freezing backside to my chest. Even though it’s as though I’m embracing an ice block, I wrap my arms around her and pull her snug against me. My cock immediately tingles and even though I didn’t quiz Bren about this, I’m aware that eventually it’ll harden. Once she’s warm, it’ll undoubtedly seek her heat.

  My mind briefly returns to my one experience with Canesta as she shivers in my arms. I don’t want to think of another female, but it happened. I want no secrets between us. Before we start anything sexual, I want to tell her about it.

  According to Hannah, that was one of the major issues she had with Bren at the beginning of their mating. It was so quick! With the sexual pull of the mating drawing them together, Bren didn’t bother to share his commitments on Quasar and how Hannah fit into his life there. I won’t make those mistakes.

  No more secrets. No lies.

  That will mean everything, and she may hate me for a while. But at this point, how much more could she? I’ve already landed us in this mess. Locked in a metal freezer, I hope they plan to keep us alive.

  Pulling her tighter, I loosen my arms and begin to rub up and down her shoulders, vigorously creating heat. Working my hands down, I rub her small thighs. Clasping her upper legs, I lift her to cross my legs beneath her. My lower half may fall asleep eventually, but at least she isn’t sitting on the freezing floor.

  I inhale sharply at how cold she is already. Is it a human thing that she doesn’t seem to acclimate to the low temperatures the way my body is adjusting? If so, I may have to appeal to the Humans to keep her safe.

  Having her on my legs puts her higher and I can’t help leaning forward to inhale her hair’s scent. She smells so fresh and alive—and mine. A perfect mix to draw only me.

  It’s selfish and idiotic, but I’m happy we’re here together. I never made a plan for how I would introduce myself and convince her to be with me. She mentioned a “date,” but that concept is unheard of for Quasar males.

  “Can you understand me if I talk this loud?” There’s barely any sound coming out of my mouth, but I’ve placed my lips right at her small ear.

  A shiver shoots through her body, and I feel my own respond. She only tilts her head slightly at an angle and nods once. Wrapping my arms around her arms that are still cradling her chest, I inhale and exhale on her neck she’s exposed to me. At this point, I’m thankful my cock isn’t ready to mate. It’d probably scare her.

  “A few weeks ago, the captain of our spacecraft, called the Discovery, stumbled across a Human craft rotating around a planet your people call Mars.” The only acknowledgment she heard me is her sharp inhale. “Bren, our captain of the Discovery, removed a Human woman named Hannah Becker from the craft.” Her eyes have fluttered closed as she listens still frozen in my lap.

  Her soft hair touches the side of my face, and I don’t bother to stop my own from responding to our close proximity. I notice my hair begin to unravel and intertwine with her curls. She’s so soft and inviting everywhere.

  “No one knew but him that she was his mate. He’d been seeing her in his daily reflections for a long time. We were all unaware he’d been drawn to her. The markings he’d developed on his chest had been hidden from all of us. When they met, she developed matching markings. Just like you have now.”

  Lisa straightens immediately. “What?” She’s turned her head more to look at me, and I realize her eyes are a deep gray—almost blue. They're wide with fear as I grasp her arm and pull it from her chest.

  They’re still faint, but the deep red marks show clearly on her lighter skin. Without a word, I roll her arm and shoulder in front of her. Peering over her shoulder, she looks at the developing marks and laughs.

  “I get marks on my body really easily though. Sometimes I wake up with super impressive lines on my face from sleeping too hard on my pillow.” I’m not sure who she’s trying to convince, but I will not argue with her. She’s obviously frightened and making alternative explanations.

  Ignoring her indifference, I continue talking softly into her ear when she settles back down. “No one on board the Discovery realized they were mates. I went to discuss Hannah’s scent and possibly sharing her with the rest of us when he informed me.” Now she totally stiffens in my arms, so I rush to explain. “I didn’t know. I wasn’t thinking of her as even a sentient being. As my family taught me, I was looking for the potential profit she could bring. I realize now it was wrong.”

  Lisa's learned enough and pulls away to climb to her feet unsteadily. It’s the first time I’ve been able to see her entire naked body, and I can’t help the moan of arousal from escaping. Her body is much curvier and smaller than our women.

her hands on her hips defiantly, her breasts jut out wonderfully. They jiggle as her breathing picks up with her anger, and my eyes are glued to them as she yells at me.

  “So, you were planning on pimping her out? Really? Do you realize how educated she is?” Lisa spins in a circle slowly as she looks around the room before turning all the way around. Her perfect butt jiggles enticingly, and my eyes are drawn to the small patch of hair covering her pubic area. “Uh, hello? Up here.” When my eyes finally meet hers, she lets out a groan as her shoulders sag. “Where’s the bathroom?”


  - Lisa

  Cupping between my legs, I realize the moment it dawns on him what I’m asking. The cold’s terrible in here, and I’ve had to go since I woke up. Between the fear and cold, what do they expect us to do? Pee on the floor like animals?

  “I wouldn’t know where it was except for the smell.” Waving to the opposite corner, my eyes follow where he points. “There appears to be a hole there.”

  Fuck me. Is he kidding? The degradation of this entire situation is quickly becoming overwhelming. My legs shake from fear and exhaustion.

  Even though I’ve no idea how long I was sleeping before, I feel beat. Turning, I walk over to the corner he points at and study the hole in the floor.

  It’s not huge, six to eight inches around or so. No toilet paper. No privacy. This has to be violating every civil right I’m aware of as an American.

  If I ever get out of here…

  “Turn around.” I realize I’m being a bitch to him, but this entire situation has my emotions on a see-saw. “Please.” Still trying to hide myself ineffectively with my arms and hands, I watch him climb to his feet. It’s the first time I’ve seen him stand. He has to be close to seven feet tall!

  He towers over my five-foot two-inch body. My previous fear of him returns. Trying not to dwell on the fact he could kill or rape me easily, I watch him turn to face the wall.


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