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A Ring of Midnight Orchids: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 3)

Page 17

by Jackie Williams

  And afterwards, after she shattered in his arms and he climaxed so violently he thought he would lose consciousness, he had taken her time and time again, until he lost count, seemingly unable to get enough, feel enough, have enough.

  He didn’t think he ever would after the sight of her rising above him, her head thrown back in an agony of ecstasy, her breasts thrust out for his pleasure, the length of her glorious hair tickling his thighs, burned forever into his memory. Each time had been better than the last, more intense, more fulfilling, more meaningful. She had let him take her as he wanted, had taken him back in return, endlessly.

  When she had been bold enough to press him back into the pillows, her mouth following the same path he had taken on her own body, he thought he could hear the angels in heaven singing, such was his delight. She had been as spirited in her exploration of him as she was in all things. Things that he wanted to do with her, discover with her.

  And even while she pleasured him, while his mind spun with erotic sensation, he realized that there was so much more to this woman, this brave, exciting woman whom he had married in such a flippant style. But there wasn’t anything flippant or frivolous about her. She had captured his heart and he burned to know everything about her.

  The realization of his need had made his mind whirl. He shuddered at the thought of how hard he had expended himself, a never-ending surge of release that had left him sucking in huge gulps of air, his body transported and unable to move, for far longer than could have imagined.

  Later, after he had recovered from such rapture, he had taken her once more. Tenderly this time, passionately, his fingertips gentle on her sensitive flesh. When she cried out his name for the final time, he had buried his face into the curve of her neck, giving her everything he had as he sucked in the scent of her, branding himself forever with her essence, just as he branded her.

  And as the first streaks of dawn light strayed over the horizon, before they had fallen to sleep, legs entwined, bodies sated, he silently vowed that he would never let her go. Never. She was his, he was hers. There was no other way. He didn’t think he could live without her.

  He stretched again, his skin tingling with sensation beneath the sheets. He could feel where her nails had so delightfully scored his back, where her heels had dug into his buttocks, where her teeth had grazed his nipples.

  He knew that he wore a smile as wide as the ocean, though his eyes remained closed. It had truly been the best night of his life. Nothing could compare. Nothing! He vowed silently that they would remain in bed for the rest of the day, and the one after too. He would learn everything about her, from her favourite colour to where she was most ticklish. He wanted to know her favourite author, the place she most wanted to go. He didn’t care how long it too. He would ring down for their meals and ask Henry to leave it all outside the bedroom door. Not for an instant would anything entice him from her company, from her intelligent mind, from her luscious body, nor from her inviting arms.

  But first, he needed her again. And fortunate man that he was, all he had to do was turn over and he could have her again.

  Mine! His body screamed, blood racing to his groin. He couldn’t wait to touch her again, to have her warm, orchid scented body pressed against his. His hands would span her waist and he would lift her up, position her at the headboard. He would pull her down against his mouth and taste their mingled essence before taking her again. He would do it now and wake her with every delicious sensation he could think of while she was still drowsy with sleep.

  He rolled over, arm outstretched, fingers grasping... Nothing! He reached further. His touch met cold sheets. He opened an eye. The pillow lay indented, but the bed beside him was empty. He opened the other eye, blinked several times to make sure he wasn’t mistaken, and raised himself to his elbows. She had probably gone to use the facilities. Maybe even take a bath, though the thought of her washing his scent from her skin had him frowning. He liked her smelling of him, of their joining, but never mind, he would just have to take her again. And again. And again. Until she never smelled of anyone but him.

  He grinned at the thought before raising an eyebrow as he noticed all his clothes tossed about the room. His shirt hanging from a bedpost, his breeches crumpled on the floor. One boot in the corner of the room, the other in the empty fireplace. Fortunate that he had woken early enough or James would have his hide! He snorted at his enthusiasm and remembered how her eyes had widened as he removed his old boots from her feet and tossed them over his shoulder. He had been surprised that the heavy clunk hadn’t had someone pounding on his door demanding to know what was going on.

  Odd that he couldn’t seem to see them now. Could have sworn they ended up somewhere near the door. Must have done as the sound they had made could only have come from them landing on wood and not carpet.

  A niggle of worry unfurled in his stomach as he cast his gaze about, looking for his old breeches, and the shirt he had torn from her body. His mind screamed ‘don’t panic’ when he couldn’t perceive either article. He leaned over the side of the bed and lifted the valance. Hmm, not there either, but there was no reason to worry. There had to be an obvious explanation.

  Of course! Angelique must have wanted a bath and wouldn’t have risked being seen naked by any of the staff. They hadn’t bothered to remove the chair from beneath the handle of the connecting doors the previous night. She would have needed to walk along the corridor to gain access to her own room where Mary would have filled the tub. It would probably never have occurred to the old maid to call for hot water to be brought to his. He grinned at the thought of Angelique sitting in his bath very soon. His tub was twice the size of hers and far more comfortable. He could have bubbles up to his neck if he wanted and he could stretch out almost full length.

  The thought of her sitting naked in his froth filled bath had his cock seeking her out anew. He threw back the sheets and grabbed for his robe. It was only when he turned back to the bed, quickly removing the stained linen that something fluttered up with the draft and drifted down onto the mattress.

  He bundled the sheets beneath an arm, his heart beginning to thump loudly as stared at the pale envelope, his name in delicate but clear writing across the front. He reached out with trembling fingers and picked it up slowly, every fibre in his body already screaming, NO! You haven’t left me, Don’t say it is so!

  But he suddenly noticed how quiet the house was and knew that she had deserted him even before he opened the letter. Still he pleaded with her to himself. No! Angel no. I love you. I love you! But there was no stopping the pain as he unfolded the note inside.

  Lucas, my love,

  I call you my love for I fear that it is true, but I cannot remain with you when I don’t hold your heart. I know that this is the best move for both of us, though it pains me greatly to leave. Though I gave myself to you, I know that our marriage cannot have been legal. I do not hold that against you. I gave myself freely and willingly.

  I will apply for an annulment as soon as I can, and you will then be free to pursue the right woman for you. I can only thank you for bringing some adventure to my life.

  Your Angel.

  He couldn’t breathe. His vision blurred for more than an instant and when it cleared, all he could see was red.

  ADVENTURE! He was merely a bloody adventure! His mind raged at the words on the page. And who was the right woman for him? Who did she think held his heart? Not Sophia Barclay, surely? But maybe she did. Pierce had said as much while they were in the chapel. Had Lucas denied the man’s words? The moment had been so intense, he simply couldn’t recall.

  He raged again. Damn Pierce for even mentioning another female in Angelique’s presence! But how could his Angel not know that he loved her? How dare she think that he could have done those things to her without adoring her? He had given her everything he had, had held nothing in reserve. He had fallen asleep sated, but empty, depleted, utterly exhausted. How in God’s name did she not know that she
was the only one who held his heart?

  The answer came to him quickly. He had never told her. Women! He raked his hand through his hair. Why did they have to have everything down in black and white? He had once thought the same about Sophia. The woman should have known that he loved her...But he hadn’t told her. Now he was quite relieved he hadn’t, because what he felt for his friend’s new wife couldn’t possibly be compared to the intensity of this feeling for his Angel. But his Angel should have known! She should have. But she didn’t. In much the same way as Daisy hadn’t known that Pierce loved her with all his heart.

  Lucas’ nostrils flared as he dropped the sheet back onto the mattress. The scent of their lovemaking rose up at him. And his determination grew too. There was a distinct difference between Pierce’s hopeless situation and his own. Lucas wasn’t going to be as reticent as his friend. And he had a distinct advantage. Whatever Angelique thought she could do, Lucas was absolutely sure that the marriage couldn’t be annulled. Especially not now it had been well and truly consummated. Several times. She might already carry his heir. The thought made him swell with pride. And worry. If the blasted woman had done anything so stupid as ride...

  He felt the blood drain from his face as he strode to his wardrobe, shouting as he went.

  “James! Henry! Anyone! Call for my horse!”

  Henry poked his head around the door and almost had the tray of breakfast he brought flung over him, as a half dressed Lucas charged past.

  “But, my Lord! I have your...”

  “I am not hungry!” Lucas shrugged his shirt over his shoulders as he walked, tucked it into his breeches, then hopped into a boot. “I am leaving for London immediately. Tell Mrs. Granger that I will be back by the end of the week! Sunday at the latest!” His second boot on, he began to run along the hallway. “And tell her to close up my wife’s bedroom. We won’t be needing it any longer.” He flung over his shoulder and grinned at Henry’s shocked gasp. “Ask her to move my wife’s things into my room. We’ll be sleeping together in my suite for the foreseeable future.” He added with a jaunty wave as he headed down the stairs. However justified she thought she was, there was no way he was letting Angelique desert him.

  Angelique sat in the carriage, desperately trying to hold back the tears. It was a futile attempt. Even blinking furiously couldn’t stop them once they began streaming down her cheeks.

  She had given up on the idea of riding horseback all the way to London and demanded that she be driven home. Her heart throbbed painfully. But where was home?

  With Lucas, of course, but he only wanted her for a night of passion, and what passion it had been. He had worked her body with considerable skill. Every moment had been a delightful torture of sensuality. And she had loved every second of discovery.

  Mary handed her a handkerchief.

  “Good heavens, I swear I never saw so many tears. You are going to drown us both if you carry on like this.” The old woman shook her head as another bout of sobbing rent the air.

  “It is what I deserve. I am clearly too unlovable for anyone to care for me.”

  Mary patted her hand.

  “There there. But when I came to your room and you weren’t there, I thought everything... Well, no matter what I thought. I was clearly wrong, though I have no idea why you brought those awful old riding clothes with you. You left all the gorgeous gowns and brought only a bag of dirty, torn rags. And a pair of old boots. I have to wonder whether your head is in the right place.”

  It was the wrong thing to say. Angelique almost collapsed with grief.

  “I brought them because I wanted something to remember him by. I’ll probably never see him again, and I wanted, I wanted, oh I don’t know what I wanted.” Sliding out of his bed in the pre-dawn darkness had been the most difficult thing she had ever done in her life. Quite apart from the difficulties presented by having to find her far flung clothes, leaving his warmth, his passion, his tender embrace, had nearly undone her.

  His features had been the most relaxed she had ever seen them. A sated smile played about his lips as his hand had clasped her hip, drawing her back towards him as she tried to slip away. She had twisted slightly, turning into his shoulder, and he had settled again as she pressed her lips against his heated flesh. Enough that she could slide from beneath his arm and make her escape.

  An escape that she hadn’t wanted to make. But what was the point in staying. Throughout their night of passion, he hadn’t spoken one word of love, or of their future together. Yes, he had complimented her body, her willingness, her beauty. And he had gazed at her with fire in his eyes, but Angelique knew it wouldn’t last. Relationships didn’t if love wasn’t at the heart of them. Passion cooled quickly in the harsh light of day. Especially when one’s partner loved another.

  At least her brother loved her. Harold had been so diligent about her safety and whose company she kept while in London. But even that love couldn’t stop her tears at that moment. If it were possible, the weight in her heart sank even lower as she recalled that it was Harold who had forced Pierce into his proposal. Her brother had given her to another man because Harold didn’t want her either. She sniffed away the tears. Both her brother and Pierce had manipulated her. They would try to do it again.

  She glanced out at the ever lightening sky. Sunbeams danced into the carriage. Was she making a terrible mistake? The thought wove around in her head. Angelique looked at Mary whose knowing eyes smiled back at her as the woman nodded her head. She sniffed back the last of her tears. She had just escaped one disastrous relationship. There was no point in heading back to another. She reached forwards and tapped the partition between the coach and driver while speaking to her maid.

  “I don’t know why I am bothering to return to London either. Harold has made his feelings plain. I am a burden to all.”

  Mary snorted as the carriage slowed and eventually stopped.

  “Not to me, you aren’t. Nor to your mother. If you don’t want to go to London, perhaps it is time you went and paid her a visit. I am sure she would be glad of the company.”

  Angelique’s eyes brightened for the first time that day. She leaned out of the window and called her new instructions to the driver.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Best Laid Plans

  His jaw dropped in surprise. Had a one legged butler really slammed the door in his face for a second time?

  Not about to be put off, Lucas took a step back, staring at the firmly closed portal before narrowing his eyes and knocking on the heavy oak again.

  This time the door opened swiftly and a well built man with a bald head and fisted hands, glared at him. Good lord! The Peckham Pulveriser in the flesh. Lucas made a silent bet that his mother wouldn’t find the man quite so charming now.

  Lucas made a quick bow. Not that he wanted to, but needs must, and he had a very great need indeed. A need to see his wife.

  “Ah! At last. Someone who can help me.”

  Harold Lancer’s glower deepened.

  “Caruthers, isn’t it? Knocked you out a month ago. What are you here for? A return bout.” The man laughed menacingly, but at least Lucas could confirm one thing. Pierce had definitely exaggerated. The man didn’t have rotten teeth.

  Lucas drew a deep breath. While he wanted to exact his revenge and give the oaf a good hiding, that wouldn’t enhance his chances of speaking to Angelique.

  “No, not at all. Though if you want to set something up, something fair this time, I don’t mind wiping the smile from your face. Send a note to my trainer at Lord Delamere’s club. However, that is not why I am here today. I came to, to fetch...Ah.” Lucas’ straightened his shoulders. He wasn’t afraid of this man. In a fair fight he would bring him to his knees, but antagonizing him wouldn’t help his mission today. “Actually, what I am trying to say is that I need to find my wife.”

  Harold stared at Lucas for a full five seconds and then stepped back, his hand on the door.

  “Your wife? Da
mn and blast it! You’re married already. I was too late.” The man began to close the door, but Lucas shoved his shoulder against it. Lancer spoke again. “Get lost, Caruthers. I don’t know where any wife of yours is hiding. She certainly isn’t here. And if she was, which she isn’t, I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”

  Lucas stuck his foot inside the doorframe.

  “Angelique, I’m looking for Angelique. I know she was coming here. Please tell her that Lucas Caruthers is here to see her,” he shouted frantically.

  The door gave slightly. A suddenly curious Harold peered through the narrow gap.

  “My sister? But you said that you were looking for your wife.”

  Lucas braced himself.

  “I am. Angelique and I were married two days ago.” He suddenly wished that he had stopped and gone home to wash and change, but in his haste to find his love, he simply hadn’t thought about it.

  Harold Lancer opened the door a little wider, his expression far friendlier than just a few moments before.

  “She married you already? But what happened to that runt, Trenchard? Not still about is he?” He glanced over Lucas’ shoulder as if making sure Pierce wasn’t lurking in the street.

  Runt? Pierce could hardly be called a runt. Though not so wide, the man was quite as tall as Lucas, but that wasn’t what fired his thoughts now.

  “Runt? I thought you wanted Pierce to marry your sister. Didn’t you give him two black eyes and threatened him with serious, life threatening surgery if he didn’t put a ring on her finger sharpish.” Lucas asked incredulously.

  Harold nodded.


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