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Shifters Gone Wild; Collection

Page 7

by Skye MacKinnon

  “Guys, you won’t believe this!” Torben calls from a distance. “We really are on Inchbrach!”

  “So we wasted months on that other island,” Ràn mumbles under his breath, but his brother shushes him.

  “These are Bertrand and Arnold,” Torben introduces the two men behind him. They both smile and give us a friendly wave. I’m reminded of my grandfather, my mother’s dad. He had the same calm, peaceful vibe as these two.

  “Very nice to meet you,” the larger one, Bertrand, says.

  Torben points at the guys. “Meet Finn, Húnn and Ràn.”

  “And who is this young lady?” Arnold asks, and Ràn immediately steps in front of me, growling.

  “She’s ours.”

  “Woah, you can back off. There’s only one bear in this world for me.” He takes Bertrand’s hand and smiles at him. It’s clear there’s more than just friendship between them.

  “Bear? You’re bears as well?” I ask, completely stunned. What are the chances of meeting more bear shifters?

  “Yes, I smelled it as soon as I got close to their house,” Torben says. He looks less worried now than he has for the past few days. I’m glad, the frowning doesn’t suit him. “Although they are bears that I’ve not encountered before.”

  Bertrand shrugs and points at himself. “Panda, and Arnold’s a spectacle bear. I’ve never met a polar bear before, though. Aren’t you a bit far from home?”

  “That joke is really getting old,” Torben sighs. “My ancestors emigrated from the Arctic to Scotland, and then later to Norway. I’m not actually a full-blooded polar bear, but those genes seem to be the dominant ones.”

  “Same with me,” Bertrand smiles. “I was adopted and have only been to China once. Anyway, how about a hot tea? You look like you could all do with some rest.”

  “That would be lovely,” I reply and step forward, ignoring Ràn’s protective growl. “I don’t suppose you have any hot chocolate?”

  * * *

  The bear couple lives in a large, one-storey cottage further inland. It’s surrounded on all sides by low hills so you can’t see the sea - and neither can other people see you. On an island without trees for protection, this is as good as it gets. There are several other houses in the distance, but Bertrand tells us sadly that they are no longer occupied. Some left, some died, so now they are the only two people still left on Inchbrach. I’m tempted to ask him if the other inhabitants were also bear shifters, but I’m not sure if that would be polite. My bear etiquette skills are seriously lacking.

  Torben sets me down at the door to the cottage. Thankfully, I didn’t even have to ask for a ride on his back. He must have seen how exhausted I am. My ankle has begun to ache again and I can’t wait to put up my feet and warm myself. And then sleep. For a long, long time. I’ve not been this tired in… forever?

  I follow Arnold into the kitchen, which also seems to be their dining area. It’s basic, but quaint. They even have electricity from a small wind turbine behind the house.

  “Sit down, lass,” he tells me and I thankfully follow his suggestion. The wooden chair I choose is hard, but right now I don’t care.

  “I’ll make us some tea. And a hot chocolate for you, my dear. You look like you could use one.”

  I’m not sure if that is an insult, but as long as there’s cocoa in it for me, that’s fine. My body is craving sugar.

  Bertrand comes into the kitchen and looks at me curiously. “Why are you sitting here and not in the living room? I just put some more wood on the fire.”

  “Because I told her to,” Arnold replies gently. “She needed a rest.”

  “She’ll rest more comfortably by the fire.”

  “Oh well then, have it your way. I’ll be over with the tea in a jiffy.” Arnold smiles at his partner and gets a grin back in return. I love how comfortable they are with each other. A little bickering, but lots of unspoken love between them.

  I get up and limp after Bertrand. He turns around when he notices that I’m a little slower than him.

  “What happened to your leg?”

  I shrug. “I fell from a roof.”

  “What were you doing on a roof?”

  I blush. That story is rather embarrassing.

  “She was running away from four bloodthirsty bears, isn’t that right, Isla?” Torben waits for us at the end of the corridor, leaning against the doorframe. He’s grinning widely.

  “I was enjoying the view,” I retort, “until an annoying polar bear startled me.”

  “I wouldn’t call that polar bear annoying. How about dashing? Handsome? Beary?”

  I laugh. “Beary? Seriously?”

  “It deserves to be an adjective. Now come inside, it’s nice and warm in here.”

  The others are waiting for us in the living room, lounging on an assortment of mismatched furniture. The brothers occupy a dark leather sofa next to an old-fashioned wingback chair which Torben now takes a seat on. It suits him, a throne for a bear alpha. Finn is spread out on a red chaise longue by the fire and I join him there, nudging until he makes some space for me. Still, I end up halfway on his lap. Suits me.

  I stretch out my arms towards the fire, warming my frozen hands. After being outside for so long, this is paradise. I wonder if anyone minds if I fall asleep on Finn’s chest. He’s rather comfy, although his muscles could be a little softer. But then they might not look as nice.

  Stop it, I tell my ovaries, who I’ve named Bonnie and Clyde during the long ride over the frozen sea. Yes, I had too much time to think and make up funny names for my ovaries. But I decided they get up to so much mischief that Bonnie and Clyde would be appropriate. The second choice was Sarah and Jane, which sounded nice but I couldn’t come up with a good enough reason to use those names.

  “I’m afraid we only have one guest bedroom,” Bertrand says cheerily. “Do you mind sharing?”

  Hell no.

  “Isla will take the bed and the rest of us will be on the floor,” Torben decrees and I cringe. I wouldn’t say no to a warm bear in my bed tonight. I’m still cold everywhere, despite sitting in front of the fire.

  “You’re quite the gentlemen,” Bertrand chuckles. “Very well. I will get some blankets ready while you have your tea. Ah, here’s Arnold, and I see he used the last of the jasmine tea.” He lowers his voice to a whisper. “I’ll finally be able to drink Earl Grey again now that stuff is gone.”

  Arnold huffs and puts down his tray on a marble table in the middle of the room. As I said, it’s all pretty mismatched furniture, but I like it. It makes the place feel like home.

  He hands me a mug of steaming cocoa and I instantly fall in love with him. Not like that. Not like with… Ehm, anyway, the hot chocolate smells amazing. And tastes even better, despite being almost too hot to drink.

  “Where do you get your supplies from?” Húnn asks curiously as he takes a sip of his jasmine tea.

  “We trade,” Arnold shrugs. We’re friendly with most of the neighbouring islands, and a few times a year one of the big trading ships stops by. Not that we have much to offer in return, but we get by alright.”

  “There are trading ships?” I ask in confusion. I’ve been living on an island for a long time, surely one of them would have passed us in that time. But the only strangers we’ve ever seen in the waters around the island were small fishing boats from neighbouring communities. Definitely nothing big.

  “Aye, they sail the ocean and connect the continents - or what’s left of them,” Arnold explains. “Some of them are huge floating towns where you can get everything you want, if you can pay for it. There are young people living on there who’ve never stayed on land in all their life. Guess they see it as the future, should the sea levels start rising again. But it wouldn’t be for me. I like solid ground beneath my paws.”

  Still musing why those ships never came to Salvation Island, I drink the last of my hot chocolate. I’m finally feeling warmer again, and lying on Finn’s chest helps with that. I swear, these bears are
hot in all meanings of the word.

  “You should go to bed,” Finn whispers and gently strokes my hair. I sigh in contentment. His gesture is so gentle, so protective. I take a sneak peek at Torben to see if he’s jealous, but he’s smiling at us, obviously not bothered in the slightest that I’m so close to Finn.

  “I’ll show you the guest room,” Arnold offers. “Bertie should have it ready by now.”

  Finn hugs me tight and gets up, carrying me in his arms. I should protest to show that I’m not a weak little female, but I’m tired and like his touch. Next time, I’ll complain. Now, I’m just going to enjoy the closeness as he follows Arnold into a large room with a king size bed in the middle. An extra mattress has been put on the floor and there’s a heap of blankets lying on top of it. We definitely won’t be cold with all those.

  “Some of you can sleep in the living room, if you want. Might be comfier that way,” Bertrand says as he gives the pillows on the bed a final fluff. “We don’t have much in terms of toiletries, but there should be some shampoo in the bathroom, Isla.”

  “Thanks, that’s very thoughtful of you.” I find it hard not to yawn when speaking. It really is time for bed.

  “We’ll leave you two alone,” Arnold tells us with a slight chuckle and shoots his partner a knowing glance.

  Finn sets me down on the bed and this time I can’t suppress a yawn. “Let’s get you out of those clothes so you can sleep,” he whispers softly and nudges me to lift my arms. Too tired to even notice what he’s doing, he pulls my jumper off me, and then the t-shirt I’m wearing underneath until I’m wearing only my bra. He sucks in a breath when he sees me like that. “You’re beautiful. Can I… no, you’re Torben’s.” He sighs and Bonnie and Clyde nudge me into action when they see his disappointment.

  “I’m nobody’s,” I say quietly, not quite sure how I find the courage to do so. “Torben doesn’t own me, and I make my own decisions.” I cup his cheek - again, why am I suddenly so confident?! - and pull him closer until I can feel his breath on my skin. I wait for a moment to see if he protests, but when he doesn’t, I press my lips to his, gently kissing him. It takes him only a second to respond, but then he’s fully there, moving his soft lips against mine, nudging me to open my mouth while pulling me closer at the same time. His hands are warm on my bare skin, exploring my back, playing with the catch of my bra. His tongue meets mine and he playfully pushes against me. His chest presses against my boobs and I moan when I feel my erect nipples against the thin fabric of the bra. I want him to take it off now, immediately. It’s in the way between me and my bear.

  I reluctantly end the kiss, but breathing seems rather important in that moment. I sigh in contentment as Finn uses the short break to finally unclasp my bra. He slides it down, leaving it dangling just below my breasts as he takes in the view. I know they’re quite a good size.

  He hesitantly touches my right nipple with his index finger, as if he’s afraid he’s doing the wrong thing. On the contrary, my little bear. Please, do continue. When I moan at this touch, he smiles and cups my breast, and-

  Someone clears his throat behind Finn and I shriek, covering my chest with my hands.

  “I see you’re stopping Isla from getting some sleep” Torben chuckles and steps into view. He doesn’t seem annoyed at that at all, in fact, he’s greedily staring at my naked body. Well, half-naked. Unfortunately, I’m still clothed from the waist down. He comes closer until he’s standing next to Finn who’s looking slightly embarrassed. “Are you having fun without me?”

  “Finn was helping me get ready for bed,” I say innocently, pointing at my clothes lying on the floor.

  “I’m sure he was.” There’s a predatory glint in Torben’s eyes that makes me shiver in excitement.

  Then my body betrays me and I yawn. Torben’s smile disappears.

  “It’s time to sleep, Isla,” he says in his alpha voice that doesn’t allow any talking back. Although I’d probably protest if he wasn’t right. I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open and sleep is beginning to tighten its grip on me.

  Torben holds up a long black nightie. “Arnold gave me that. He didn’t say who it belonged to but it’s clearly made for a woman. Better put that on before you have two bears on you.”

  I blush and take the garment, marvelling at its silky feel. I don’t think I’ve ever worn something so soft. Of course, my uncle gave me good quality clothes, I was part of his reputation, after all. But usually they were woollen or old, nothing as beautiful as this.

  Ignoring Finn’s disappointed look, I slip into the nightgown and take off my trousers. Trust me, I’m just as disappointed that we didn’t get any further than that kiss. He’s a good kisser. Less demanding than Torben but no less intense. Oh my, now I’m comparing kisses. I’m such a slut.

  But strangely enough, I don’t feel guilty. Torben doesn’t strike me as a boyfriend type. Protective, possessive, yes, but not… exclusive, if that makes sense? I should really do some research about bear relationships, in the hope that what’s true for the animals will also apply to my bear shifters.

  I curl up on the bed and smile as the guys each put a blanket on top of me.

  “We’ll join you soon,” Torben whispers and I’m about to tell him that I’ll keep him to that promise, but I fall asleep before I get the chance.

  Chapter 7

  I expected there to be at least one bear in my bed when I woke up. Instead, the mattress on the floor is empty; I’m alone in the guest room. I yawn and stretch, wondering how long I’ve slept. I feel more or less awake, so it must have been quite a while. I had a lot of sleep to catch up on.

  Reluctantly, I leave the bed, putting on my bra but staying in the silky nightgown. I don’t fancy putting on the clothes I’ve been wearing for days again. And I could really do with a shower - yes, a sniff of my armpits confirms that. Oh well, my growling stomach has priority. Time for food.

  I make my way into the kitchen. Again, it’s empty, like all the other rooms I’ve passed. Where is everyone?

  “Hello?” I call, feeling slightly silly.

  “We’re in the living room,” Arnold shouts from two doors down the corridor. I find him sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring at a chess board. Bertrand is grinning widely - looks like he just did an especially clever move and is now waiting for his partner to deal with it.

  “Do you play chess?” the panda shifter asks me and I shrug.

  “I know how to, but I’ve not had much chance to practice.”

  “Once I win this round, we can have a match,” he promises and Arnold groans.

  “Don’t play against him, dear. You’ll lose. I’ve been losing against him for years.”

  I smile at his dramatic demeanour. “I like a challenge.”

  “I suppose you do, travelling with four bears,” Bertrand chuckles. “How did that come about?”

  “I’d love to tell you but I’m starving. Do you have any food I could have?” I’m a little embarrassed by how brazen I am, but my hungry brain is a demanding brain.

  Arnold grimaces. “I’d love to get you something but I need to figure out a way to beat Bertie. Darling, would you mind making our guest a sandwich?”

  Bertrand gets up and motions me to follow him into the kitchen, but from the corner of my eye I see Arnold exchange a tower with a rook on the chess board. I wonder if his partner will notice he cheated. But somehow, I doubt this will change Arnold’s fate.

  “Where are the guys?” I ask Bertrand while he takes a massive sandwich from the fridge. Looks like they already made some food earlier for the others.

  “They needed to shift. Torben insisted on staying but I managed to convince him that you’re safe with us.” He hands me my plate and puts the kettle on. “They seem very protective of you.”

  I shrug. “I almost wish they weren’t.” No, I don’t. I love how they all care for me. But I won’t admit that.

  “It’s very sweet. I remember when Arn and I were like that… young love�
�� it’s beautiful.” He sighs and I’m glad he turns around to make the tea so he can’t see me blushing. Young love? Seriously?

  “How did they find you?”

  “I ran away from home and managed to get to their island. They took me in and gave me a place to stay while my ankle healed.” I don’t tell him that it was their fault I injured it in the first place. “Then our house was damaged in a storm so they decided to leave the island earlier than planned. I’m very glad we managed to find this place… I didn’t even dare to hope that there may be friendly people living on Inchbrach.”

  Bertrand nods. “Not many of the islands out here are inhabited. People left when the land became too boggy to be used for farming. We’re lucky that we’re not human. We can hunt without the need for weapons and ammunition. It makes living off the land a lot easier.”

  I imagine him as a panda, running over the hills of this island and have to hide a smile. “I didn’t know pandas hunted.”

  He smiles sadly. “In times of need, we all do things we usually wouldn’t. But don’t let that worry you. For now, here’s some human food and the most amazing Earl Grey tea. I can’t stand that jasmine stuff. Thirty years of living with Arn and I still haven’t got used to it.”

  “Have you always lived on this island?”

  “I think we’ve been here for two decades now. it was actually a peninsula when we first moved here, although that changed of course. We’re lucky that the village was at a good altitude so it wasn’t destroyed in the Drowning like so many others. Still, most people left until it was only Arnold and me. We’ve never been very social people, but it does get a bit lonely here sometimes.”

  He shrugs and pours us three large mugs of tea. “But it’s made me very good at chess. Arn, not so much. Want to head back to the living room? It’s warmer by the fire.”

  He gives my nightgown a pointed look, but it’s not like I have any other clothes to put on besides the ones that urgently need washing. I follow him, noticing that my limp is almost gone. Finally. Although I’ll miss being carried by the guys.


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