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Shifters Gone Wild; Collection

Page 13

by Skye MacKinnon

  Well, not my problem.

  My lady. My ears twitch. Finn’s bear is more aware than the others, apparently. I smile. Finally I get the devotion I deserve.

  What may I call you?

  Mahon, my lady. It is an honour to meet you.

  You know who I am?

  I do. My father used to tell stories of you. When you shifted, I knew immediately that it had to be you. I don’t know of any other bear with eyes like yours. Eyes like starlight, my father used to say. Like the universe is trapped within a woman.

  I smile at his flattery. I’m glad that my eyes have stayed the same. I wasn’t a polar bear in my last life, but at least I still have the eyes that made me famous. Raoul wrote poetry about them and his poems were shared widely. But that was long after I had first come to fame. Back then I was known under another name, but that old me is gone. Now I am Alis, the bear with the beautiful eyes. The bear who only comes to Earth occasionally when there’s work to be done.

  Húnn’s bear steps forward and bows.

  I am Pelja. I don’t know why Mahon calls you lady, but I’m sure he’s correct.

  I send him a mental smile and he growls in pleasure. These bears are needy and want to be recognised by their new female. They want attention and I will give it to them. Not sexual attention, of course. There’s only one male in my life. I’ve been seduced before and that ended in disaster, so never again. I’ll stay true to Raoul.

  Ràn’s bear is the last one to introduce himself.

  I’m Orson, nice to meet you. We’ve been waiting for some company for ages, so it’s great to see our sleuth grow. Even though it was in these unfortunate circumstances. It’s good to have someone new around, it’s boring to always just be with the other three.

  He talks quickly, quite the opposite of his human who almost never says a word. Curious how they can be so different. But that’s the beauty of us bear shifters - we are two souls in one body who coexist peacefully. Most of the time, that is. If we don’t, at least one of us goes crazy.

  Isla is starting to hit me now and I can feel a headache coming on. I need to talk to her about giving the other some space. I let her have sex with Torben undisturbed, so why can’t she let me have some fun now?

  Isla, be quiet, I hiss at her and to my surprise, she stops. Maybe we can become friends after all? With me being the one who tells her what to do, of course?

  I shake my fur again, revelling in the sensation. Beautiful. I hope the boys appreciate the sight of a polar bear female. I’m a magnificent specimen. Not that they are bad looking, but I am certainly the most beautiful. No wonder Zeus fell for me all those years ago.

  I kick him out of my thoughts. Let’s not bring up those old tales. I’m Alis now, not Callisto. Alis, Isla’s bear. Simple.

  My stomach growls. Strange how I forgot how it feels to be hungry.

  Shall we hunt?

  Four thoughts of approval reach me and together, we run off through the snow. I am free, finally free. My body responds to my will and with every step, I feel more alive.

  I can feel Isla sitting in the backseat, staring wide eyed as I catch a fish and eat it whole. I don’t need picnic baskets delivered, I can provide for myself. Humans are so weak. I don’t understand how their species has made it this far.

  When I’m sated, I lie down in the snow, slowly becoming tired. Isla is getting stronger and is close to breaking through. She’s no longer fighting me consciously, but it’s just natural that her mind wants to be back in possession of her body. Not this body, though. She wouldn’t know what to do as a polar bear. It would be incredibly painful for her.

  I roll from one side to the other, washing my fur in the snow. I can feel the guys’ amusement shine through our bond. I’ll show them.

  I jump up and run towards Torben who just about manages to step out of my way. I go on my hind legs and stretch, presenting my large body to him. I am bigger than him and he better realise it.

  I let myself fall back on my front paws and prowl towards him, showing him my sharp teeth. A growl rumbles through my throat. Our eyes lock and I can feel his resistance through our bond. He still believes he’s the more dominant bear. He’ll be disappointed.

  I press my mind into the bond, tearing through his defences. We’re not animals, we don’t need to fight with our bodies. Our minds are enough to establish our strength.

  He’s determined, I give him that. He’s built some thick walls around his mind but I know all the tricks. I have learned from the best and have had centuries of practice. This pup will soon know his place.

  With one last push, I’m in his mind. I resist the urge to look around. I’m not that kind of person; I know he has a right to privacy. All I need to do is show him what I’m capable of.

  I retreat, but I can’t help getting a whiff of his feelings. I smile when I realise how big his love for Isla really is. Even if they weren’t mates, he’d be pursuing her. He’s totally enamoured with her, so much that I’m almost jealous.

  But I have my own mate, even if he isn’t here with me. I let go and snap back into my body. Torben looks confused and shakes his head several times, blinking until he’s back in reality. Looks like I was the first to battle him mentally. Should I apologise? No, not my kind of thing.

  Now that our ranks are established, I run back towards the house. Isla is almost through the wall separating our minds. A bit more and she’ll be thrown into my body. And from past experience I know that it will hurt. At the same time, I don’t want her to end up naked in the middle of the island. I care for her enough that I don’t want her to have to ride on one of her bears without clothes. Although I’m sure they wouldn’t mind, in contrary. Isla isn’t aware of how they all adore her. I don’t know if she realises they all want more than friendship. I should have a chat with her about bear relationships. Us females are lucky, we choose our partners, unless they’re our mates. Some of us take several, some of us switch lovers constantly. The males just have to deal with that.

  I come to a halt in front of the cottage, breathing heavily. I’m making a mental note of getting some daily exercise in my bear form. I’d be rubbish in a fight right now. And somehow, I assume that there will be fighting at some point. They wouldn’t have sent me here otherwise.

  I trained with Artemis, I’m one of the best.

  I cough. Okay, I used to be one of the best. But with a bit of training, I’ll quickly be back to my old standards.

  I knock at the door with my front paw. Arnold opens and looks at me in surprise.

  Then he smiles. “I’ll get you some clothes and leave them by the door. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Bertie to stay in the living room with me until you’re decent.”

  I decide that I like him. He’s clever and has respect for females. Hopefully I’ll get to meet his bear soon. He smells interesting.

  Isla, get ready, I’m about to shift.

  That’s all the warning she gets. Goodbye body, see you soon.

  Chapter 14

  It’s like waking up from a shallow, unsatisfying sleep. The kind where you remember tossing around in your bed, trying to fall asleep, only to realise again and again that you’re still awake. The difference is that usually, I don’t wake up naked, cold and surrounded by bears.

  I have a vague memory of being one of them. A polar bear like Torben, but I don’t know exactly what I looked like. I need to ask Alis to seek out a mirror next time we shift. I’m not vain, but I want to know how big polar bear me is. And if I’m pretty. Okay, maybe I am vain.

  I get up on all fours - what? Silly Isla. You’re human, you don’t have paws. And you walk on your legs. On two of them. Hands are not supposed to be on the ground.

  Behind me, the bears are growling with laughter and I have to hide a smile myself. I must look hilarious, standing on all fours in the snow. Naked. Why do I always end up like that? But I guess it must be the same for all shifters. I wish shifting with clothes was possible. So much less embarrassing.

  I get
up and walk into the house - like a human - closing the door behind me. Like promised, a pile of clothes is waiting for me and I gratefully put them on. Such a good feeling to have something covering my bare skin. The guys don’t seem to get that. Maybe it’s because they grew up as shifters.

  I open the front door and close it again immediately. They didn’t wait with their shifting. And I’m not sure I wanted to see as much as I just did. I’ve seen Torben naked before, of course (and in all his glory), but the others…

  Bonnie and Clyde are telling me to go out there and look again. And maybe touch a little. But if I do that now, I’ll lose my clothes again and… and… and… I’m struggling to find good reasons why I shouldn’t go out there. Torben said that bears were used to sharing their females. With the female being the one to choose who she’s with. But I don’t even know if they’re all interested. Torben’s my mate, so I know he’s mine, and Finn has definitely shown that he wants me just as much as I want him. But the two brothers… maybe they just want friendship? Back at the women’s house, where I tried on the dress that led to me and Torben starting the mating bond, they did look like they were interested. Hungry. But who knows if they were only interested in me physically… and that’s not enough. I’m not that kind of girl.

  Trust me, they’re more than just interested.

  How do you know that?

  I have eyes, silly girl. And even before I could look through yours, I saw them. They’re just waiting for the right moment. And for you to show that you’re not going to reject them.

  Is that really what they think?

  I can’t look into their minds, but it’s obvious. I think if Torben hadn’t made the first move on you, they would have. Although they respect their alpha a lot, so maybe they’re also waiting for him to approve.

  Torben isn’t going to have to approve anything. I’m the one making the decision. And if I want them, I’m going to have them.

  That’s my girl. I think I made them pretty tired though with all the running, so you better wait until they’re in better condition. You’ll want them to have stamina.

  I blush as she sends me some very explicit images of me sandwiched between Húnn and Ràn. That makes me think… Alis, are you interested in them as well?

  There’s only silence for a moment and I fear that she is. How is that supposed to work?

  No, I have my own mate.

  Finally! Then I notice that she’s only just been born, if you can say it like that. I still don’t get how she was suddenly inside me. The sciency part of my brain just doesn’t understand it. Even after I accepted that bear shifters exist, having one in my head makes it all a lot more real. Is she a shifter? Or a bear? A spirit?

  A nymph actually, but that was long ago. I won’t bore you with the history, so all you need to know is that you aren’t my first human host and that I have a mate who isn’t here with me, but who I will always stay true to. Now either go outside and look at their balls, or go eat something. I can hear your stomach growling.

  With that, she disappears, leaving an echo filled with sadness behind. Her story can’t be a happy one, with a mate that isn’t with her. And did she say nymph? I’m not even quite sure what that means. Greek history? Or Roman? The Drowning spoiled any chance of a good education I might have had. My general knowledge is terrible, but at least I have my medical skills.

  Alis? Tell me more?

  No response. I take her advice and make my way into the kitchen where I find a large plate stacked with sandwiches. Arnold and Bertrand are the perfect hosts. I just wish we could repay them somehow. They’re going out of their way to keep us fed and make us feel welcome, but I’m sure their resources aren’t limitless. On Salvation Island, I was useful as a healer because there were many people and someone would get injured or sick every other day. But here, it’s just the seven of us. I go through my skills… not many. I can cook, but the two older bears are definitely better at it. I can write and read, I’m good with children, I can knit and sew, and living on the island also taught me some basic DIY skills. Sometimes we all had to pitch in when a house needed to be built or the community hall needed repairs. But I don’t see any of these skills come in handy here.

  I feel completely useless. We won’t be able to stay long once they find out. I doubt they like freeloaders. Unless my four bears have any amazing skills they can bring to the table. Maybe they’re better at hunting? I’m still having trouble imagining a panda run after prey. That reminds me, I now know that Alis can fish… I hope Bertrand and Arnold like fish.

  I take my half-eaten sandwich and join them in the living room. Húnn is sitting by the fire, watching our hosts play chess. There’s no sign of the other three.

  “Do you play?” I ask him and he nods.

  “Ràn is much better though, he always beats me.”

  I try and hide my surprise but he sees it and grins. “Most people are surprised when they hear Ràn plays chess. He reads a lot, too. You wouldn’t guess that based on how little he speaks.”

  Arnold gets up and rummages in a cupboard close to the fireplace. “We’ve got a second board somewhere… ah, here it is.”

  He passes me a beautiful wooden case and I take it gingerly. The black and white squares are made of something cool and polished, porcelain maybe. Inside the box are intricately carved chess pieces, each of them a work of art. I set up the board, admiring each piece in turn.

  “Who made them?” I ask and the two older shifters smile at each other.

  “A craftsman in China, in the village where my family came from. We went there about twenty years ago, back to the roots and all that. People thought pandas were endangered back then, but nothing could be further from the truth. There were whole villages with not a single human. All just panda shifters. It was incredible, I learned so much about our heritage. They were a bit confused though that I didn’t speak Chinese.”

  He chuckles. “It’s strange to suddenly come to a foreign place and find hundreds of relatives living there. I was adopted and brought up in the UK and never knew if I had any living family. Turns out I have more than enough. Now, let me see how good you two are at chess.”

  Under their scrutiny, Húnn and I start our match. It’s clear that he’s a lot better than me. He seems to be able to plan his moves far in advance, while I go along with whatever challenge he sets me. I can see the others cringe at some of the moves I make.

  Just when Húnn tells me “check mate”, the other guys join us. No idea where they’ve been all this time, but having them close makes me feel happy. Like I missed them before - which of course is crazy. You don’t miss someone who’s only been gone for half an hour.

  “Did you lose, honey?” Finn asks and I smile at him. He hasn’t used that pet name in a while. “Do you need cheering up?”

  “Depends on what that entails,” I hedge, hoping that kissing might be involved. Or getting to sit on his lap, I remember that being very comfortable. A girl can dream.

  “Want to play against me? I always lose,” he says instead and to my great disappointment.

  “No, I want to see Ràn beat his brother.” When they all look at me incredulously, I add, “At chess. Not with fists.”

  “Ràn doesn’t play chess,” Torben says, confusion on his face.

  I frown. “But Húnn said…”

  Ràn sits down next to me and stares at the board. “I play. Haven’t done it in a while, that’s all.”

  I find it strange that the others don’t know about that but don’t ask. Instead I snuggle against him as he puts the chess pieces back into their starting position.

  When the board is set, he picks me up and puts me on his lap, held in place by his legs. I’m a little surprised, but then it was me who instigated it by putting my head on his shoulder. Again, I’m wondering if this is friends-cuddling or more-than-friends-cuddling.

  The latter, Alis pipes up in my head. If you lean back a little, you’ll feel it.

  Without trying to arouse s
uspicion, I wiggle backwards until my bum is against his…. ehm, yes, it’s more than friends. Unless he reacts like that to his friends. But that was would be a little worrying. Or unless he’s permanently aroused…

  Stop it. He wants you, but with you being the alpha’s, he won’t make a move. It’s for you to tell him what you want.

  How do I do that?

  Alis groans. Are all humans this stupid? Just kiss him, or put your hand on him, or tell him to fuck you, I don’t care.

  Watch your language. You’re in my head, we talk properly in here. No swearing.

  You do it all the time.

  Yes, but it’s my head. Now be quiet, I want to watch the match.

  Húnn has made the first move and it’s Ràn’s turn now. He has to reach around me to move his pawn and his bicep gently brushes against my side. And my breast, a little. My skin tingles where I felt his touch. I want more. When he does the next move, I twist my body so his arm has to touch even more of me. I don’t know if he notices, but on his third move, he groans as it becomes clear what I’m doing.

  “Isla, I can’t concentrate like this.”

  I want to tell him that I know, that I can feel the evidence of his distraction press against my bum, but I just smile innocently at Húnn, who’s watching me with amusement.

  “You said your brother always wins? Let’s see if he wins this time.”

  The guys laugh and even Ràn chuckles, making his chest vibrate softly. Whenever he takes a move, I twist so he brushes my boobs, or wiggle my bum against his erection. I’m having great fun, and so are the others. Húnn winks at me when Ràn starts to curse. Looks like the game is not going like he’d planned. Poor bear. Maybe I need to console him later. I can think of a few ways how to do that.

  You’re doing well, Alis praises me. Almost as sneaky as I would have done it.

  I wouldn’t call it sneaky. It’s obvious what I’m doing. I carefully look at Torben to see if there’s any jealousy in his eyes, but he’s laughing at my antics just like the others. Alis was right. As the female, I make the decisions about who I want to be with.


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