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Shifters Gone Wild; Collection

Page 61

by Skye MacKinnon

  Everett’s brown eyes were fixed on me. A smile played on his handsome face.

  “Why do I get the feeling you can read my mind sometimes?” I asked him.

  He shrugged his massive shoulders. “I don’t know,” he said, “but I wonder if you can read mine.”

  His gaze darkened, and the tension in the room ratcheted up a notch or fifty. All I could think about was the way our mouths had crashed together in the pool shower. How I’d been desperate to give him more.

  Drake stepped back into the living room, a stack of shot glasses in one hand and Wren’s tequila in the other. He had to sense the change in the atmosphere, but he didn’t say anything. He cleared his throat. “So, by asking us inside and offering tequila worth several of my paychecks, I’m going to assume you don’t want to obey your mother’s admonition on not fraternizing with ‘the help?’”

  Covering my face with my hands, I said, “I am so embarrassed she said that.”

  Drake sat next to me on the sofa and put down the bottle and glasses. He took one of my hands from my face and kissed it. “You aren’t responsible for her words or actions.”

  His touch caused spirals of heat to form within me.

  Everett dropped into the chair adjacent to the couch on the other side of me. He reached for the tequila. “Everyone in?”

  “Yeah,” I said, wondering just what I was getting myself into.

  He broke open the tequila and poured us each a shot. I took the one he passed me, our fingers brushing slightly. I wondered if Drake and Everett were cool with sharing. I’d kissed each of them and it had been equally hot each time. Together, I bet they’d be scorching. It wouldn’t be my first time with two guys at once, but it would be my first time with two guys as hot as Drake and Everett. If things went that way tonight, my world would be officially rocked.

  The three of us held our glasses aloft and shared a look that told me, yeah, they were down for wherever this went. The excitement in me built as Wren’s tequila flowed over my tongue, sharp yet smooth.

  “How’s your knee?” Drake asked, lightly touching it.

  Goosebumps traveled from my ankle to my thigh. I tried not to squirm, but an ache was building between my legs.

  “Another shot,” I said, pushing my glass toward Everett on my other side.

  He poured three more, and I quickly slammed mine.

  “How’d you guys become bodyguards?” I asked.

  “I like helping people,” Everett said. “I went into the Navy to make a difference. When I got out, security seemed the next best thing for making the world better.”

  “And you, Drake?” I asked, turning sideways to face him.

  He made a scoffing sound. “My reason isn’t as good as the boy scout’s over there. I needed to make money, and my old man suggested this. I figured it was as good as anything else I could do, and I get to travel around a little, so that’s a bonus.”

  “Not judging you guys,” I said. “Just curious.”

  The warmth of the tequila was spreading through my body, a light feeling that made me think just about anything was possible. Drake’s tanned fingers were still on my knee, and Everett’s gaze grew heavier and heavier.

  Thunder cracked outside and the lights flickered, then went out.

  I smiled in the new darkness. I couldn’t have timed it more perfectly.

  “What are you smiling about?” Drake asked in a husky voice.

  Shit, I’d forgotten they could see so well in the dark. This was one of the reasons why I usually hooked up with human guys. That, and most of the shifters I’d met up until now all lived on the compound.

  I grabbed his hand on my knee and squeezed it. I wanted to drag those fingers all the way up my thigh to where my shorts ended.

  “Sparrow…you want this?” Drake asked in a whisper.


  “Should I go—” Everett began.

  I interrupted him. “I want both of you.”

  I couldn’t see their expressions, but I heard their sharp intakes of breath.

  “Right here?” Everett asked.

  “Bedroom,” Drake growled. “Otherwise Roman and Logan will hear. Roman won’t care, except he’ll be ass-hurt that he’s not with us. But Logan’s a judgmental SOB.”

  Drake and Everett stood up. My eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness to see their vague outlines. They looked menacing, exciting. They leaned down and each gently took one of my arms to help me up.

  I looked up toward Everett. “Unless you want to take this slow, of course.”

  “Oh, I plan on going slow,” he said, his voice a dark promise.

  We started walking, but there was a thump and Drake suddenly stopped. “Fuck.”

  “Watch out for the demon table,” I said.

  “I stubbed my fucking toe,” he said.

  I couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from my mouth. “Sorry, sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t laugh.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Sparrow, you need to burn that thing.”

  “It’s Wren’s, and for some reason she loves it,” I said.

  “I love it too,” Drake said, “as fuel for a bonfire.”

  The laughter in my throat was swallowed by Everett’s kiss. His tongue was warm against mine, insistent, and he brought his hands around to cup my ass.

  “So we’re starting this here, then, not the bedroom?” Drake asked in an amused voice.

  Everett reluctantly pulled away, sucking on my lower lip until he broke contact. “Too much talking.”

  “Bedroom now,” I said, my voice husky with need.

  Grinning, Everett pulled me over his shoulder and spanked my ass, then carried me into my room. There was only the bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. No sneaky tables in the middle of the floor to trip on.

  Everett set me down, and they both stood in front of me as if waiting for my command.

  “Condoms are in the bathroom,” I said. I had an IUD and shifters couldn’t contract or transmit STDs, but a part of me was still holding back.

  Drake nodded and stepped from the room. “On it.”

  He came back a moment later with the entire box. I purposefully arched an eyebrow, knowing he could see my expression in the dark. “Making some assumptions, are we?”

  “I sure as hell hope so,” he said, a smile in his voice.

  Then he took a large step forward until our toes were touching. I could feel his heat, see basic lines in the dark—his face but not his features, his broad shoulders. Everett came up behind me and I shivered, trapped between these two predators.

  I reached for Drake and found the edge of his shirt. Slowly I lifted it up, now pissed off that it was dark and I wouldn’t get to see the unveiling of his muscular stomach and chest. He raised his arms, but he was taller than me and I couldn’t get the shirt all the way off him without his help. Thankfully, he didn’t make me beg, he just pulled his shirt off the rest of the way.

  Turning around, I did the same to Everett. As my hands skirted over the planes of his chest, his breathing grew harder. His shirt was finally off. I stood up on my tiptoes and reached for his face, to bring him down to me.

  He kissed me just as masterfully as before, his tongue stroking mine and stoking a fire within me. Drake closed the distance between us, his front to my spine, and I could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against my lower back.

  One of them—Drake? Everett? no idea—started pulling my camisole up over my head, but he stopped when he reached my chest and from the angle, it must have been Drake. His palms lingered on my breasts and he rolled my nipples between his fingers.

  “Yes,” I murmured.

  I had to have them, the sooner the better. I yanked at the fastening on Everett’s jeans until they were loose enough that I could slide them down. Bringing my hands around him, I grabbed his ass and pulled him forward.

  His cock was hard and thick against my stomach. I wondered how it would feel in my mouth. Drake’s hands were on my hips, though, tugging d
own my sleep shorts. He traced the edge of my panties and made a sound of delight when he realized I was wearing a thong.

  “Fuck I love sexy underwear,” he said, biting my ear.

  “Condoms,” I said.

  “You’re in a hurry.” Everett sounded amused.

  “We’ll take our time once we get started,” I promised. “But right now, I need you both.”

  I heard the sound of the condom box passed between them, and the tearing of foil.

  “Ready,” Drake said, turning me around to face him.

  The word was barely out of his mouth when I shoved him back so he’d hit the bed. No, I couldn’t have really pushed him over…unless he wanted to fall.

  Everett palmed my ass. “Has anyone ever taken you here?”

  I nodded and gulped. From what I could tell from touching him a moment ago, he was substantially bigger than any guy I’d had there before.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” he said.

  Turning around, I fixed him with a glare. “You better not be.”

  I straddled Drake, moaning as he teased my pussy, rubbing himself between my lips but not pushing inside. “Drake,” I said, sounding needy. “Please.”

  “In a minute.” He sat up and kissed me, squeezing my ass. He pulled his cock away from my entrance and I wanted to weep.

  While Drake’s tongue did deliciously wicked things in my mouth, Everett closed the distance behind us and reached to my front to palm my breasts. They seemed overly small in his large hands, but not in the way I didn’t feel like enough—in the way that I felt held and cared for, protected.

  His dick pressed against my ass, not demanding entrance, just playing there. He dipped it forward against my pussy, sliding against my lips like Drake had been doing a second ago. I held on tight to Drake’s muscular shoulders, digging my fingers in because the pleasure was so much I thought my legs would give out.

  Suddenly I felt myself being lifted. Drake helped spread my legs open, and Everett gently bit my shoulder as he slid inside my pussy.

  The satisfied feeling of fullness was brief, because instantly I wanted movement, friction. The pleasure in me grew, and it needed an outlet or my body would burst from it all.

  The room spun, and Everett sat down next to Drake on my bed, pulling me onto his lap so I sat facing outward. Drake leaned over and placed his mouth against my breasts. I squirmed on Everett’s cock, unable to take the pleasure without moving. I needed more. They were both right here. I wanted everything now, now—

  “Now, please,” I begged.

  “I told you I’d go slow,” Everett said.

  Drake slid a hand up my chest to cup my throat. “Soon,” he whisper-breathed against my nipple before taking it carefully between his teeth.

  I tried to rock up and down on Everett, but he held me in place, his hands clamped tight on my hips.

  “Sparrow,” he warned. “Slow down.”

  Didn’t they know—I didn’t know how to slow down? Everything about me was speed, movement, being quick.

  Drake said, “We don’t want it to be over right away. We have hours—let’s use them.”

  I shook my head, half-delirious with want and need.

  Keeping one hand on my breasts, Drake slid down to kneel in front of my bed. Everett’s cock was still buried within me, and Drake leaned forward and slowly licked my pussy. I clenched tight around Everett. They were going to drive me insane.

  “Please,” I whined.

  He suckled my clit deliberately, moving his tongue in a lazy motion that made me want to grab him by the ears and move his head myself. I reached forward, but Everett held my arms in place. Everett’s breath was hot on my shoulder and his teeth grazed my skin. With the pleasure between my legs and the tiny pinpricks of pain from Everett’s teeth and whiskers against my shoulder and neck, I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “You wet enough for anal?” Everett asked, his voice husky.

  “I’m wet enough for whatever,” I said, my voice cross.

  Their quiet chuckles felt more like rumbles of thunder. Everett lifted me up until I knelt, one knee on either side of him, then he gently pressed on my back until I lowered. His cock, wet with my arousal, slid against my ass until I felt him breach my ring. I remembered not to fight it, and soon, he was pressing inside.

  Drake put his mouth back to my pussy, licking long against the lips and then flicking his tongue over my clit. He looked up just as I glanced down at him. In the darkness, his features were difficult to make out but a flash of lightning played across his irises. He slowly got to his feet and leaned forward. He took his cock in hand and locked his eyes on mine as Everett continued to push inside my ass. The fullness was overwhelming, and I felt my mouth fall open.

  “I have to kiss you,” Drake said, leaning forward. He caught my mouth with his. I tasted myself on him, sweet and slippery, just as I felt his cock against my pussy. He slid inside easily.

  Two of them. They were both inside me, filling me up, stoking the flames of pleasure that wanted to burst through my skin. They began rocking back and forth. I grabbed Drake’s arms and cried out in joy and relief. Everything in the past five days had led to this moment. Everything in my life, it seemed, had led to this moment.

  A pang of regret hit me that Zak and Roman weren’t here, too, and I started to wonder how Drake and Everett would feel about that. But suddenly their pace changed, and I lost all thought. Now, I was a slave to the fiery lust coursing through me.

  Everett was making a low rumbling sound as he thrust inside me, and I could tell he was restraining himself. Drake, too, pulled away from our kiss and he felt tense with concentration. I squeezed them both with my inner muscles and they groaned in unison.

  One of Everett’s hands locked around my chest so that he could cup one of my breasts, and the other came down to my clit, where he moved his finger against my wetness. Drake dipped his head forward to kiss me again. Their movements—the thrusting of their cocks, Everett’s hands on my nipple and clit, Drake’s tongue in my mouth, his lips pressing against mine—pushed me past the flames and into the explosion. My body tensed and quaked, held safely between them as I let everything go, wailing into Drake’s mouth and trying to show them with my body what a gift they’d given me.

  Everett finished next. His teeth clamped down hard over my shoulder and he tensed. I could feel his cock pulsing in time with our heartbeats. Drake groaned into my mouth, then pulled his lips away from mine to bite my other shoulder. I smiled to myself—yeah, they were definitely shifters, these bitey men.

  They stroked my arms and legs as we slowly separated. I felt the lack of them when they pulled out. They quickly disposed of the condoms and came back to my tiny, twin-sized bed.

  “We’re not going to all fit in here,” I said sadly.

  Everett stretched himself out on the floor and held his arms out. I fell into them, smiling, and cuddled against his chest. Drake stretched out next to us, one of his arms around me, his hand cupping my hip.

  “Was it worth waiting for?” Everett whispered, his breath warm against my forehead.

  “Mm-hmm,” I said.

  “Good,” he rumbled.

  * * *

  I woke to Everett and Drake both sitting up at once, pulling me with them.

  “Get dressed,” Drake said.

  “Do you care if people know we’re here?” Everett asked, handing me my clothes.

  “Depends which people,” I said. My mom and David, I didn’t want them to know. Some of the judgier pack members who would tattle, I didn’t want them knowing, either.

  “Sounds like Zak,” Drake said.

  “Then it’s fine,” I said, finding a t-shirt and a pair of cut-off shorts and pulling them on.

  The guys pulled on their pants and strode out of my bedroom. I trailed after them.

  Someone knocked, and Drake opened the door.

  Zak stood before him, wet with rain. In the faint light from the solar-powered lights along
the walkway, I could see his dark auburn hair slicked to his skull. His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Hey, Drake.”


  Zak’s face lifted suddenly as he seemed to inhale. He raised his eyebrows.

  Fucking shifters and their fucking noses.

  He opened his mouth to say something, then quickly shook his head. “The alpha’s requesting Sparrow immediately at his house. Something happened.”

  “Does it have to do with Wren?” I asked, finding my sweatshirt on the couch and tugging it on.

  “Nobody would say.”

  Then it had to do with Wren. My heart plummeted to my stomach, a mess of heavy nerves.

  Everett took my hand in his. “We’ll come with you,” he said.

  Nodding, I stepped forward. Zak took my other hand, and the four of us walked to the alpha’s house.

  I braced myself for bad news.

  Chapter Eight

  I stood outside David and my mom’s house in the pouring rain, surrounded by my five guards. Even these guys couldn’t save me from the news that waited inside.

  The glass storm door did nothing to dampen the sound of my mother’s sobs.

  Alcohol still flowed through my veins, the high of amazing sex mingling with Wren’s tequila. But above all of that was dread, and I wished I’d been clear-headed to deal with it.

  The town car in the driveway wasn’t one that I recognized, and it had Connecticut plates on it.

  I tried to convince myself that this was somehow about me, that my parents had learned that I was enjoying my guards more than they approved of. That the horrible news was that they wanted to ship me out to some nunnery where I could be smacked until I kept my hands to myself. The whole thing was wishful thinking, buzzed thinking.

  The town car meant something else was going on. It had to be about my sister.

  I tried the handle. The door was unlocked.

  “You guys wait here.” I went in alone, not giving them the chance to protest.

  “Mom, I’m—”

  Her arms crushed me, pulling me tight into her chest.

  “Sparrow.” Her voice was tainted with anguish.


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