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Loved by the LumberJacks_A MFMMMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 49

by Sierra Sparks

  “That’s the beauty of it,” Jessica says. “Since we’re always all three together, and since you guys look so much alike despite not being actual brothers, we’ll never know which one is the biological fathers. You’ll both be the dad.”

  “And this house is definitely plenty big for the pitter patter of little feet,” I say.

  “Awww. Big bad Dante wants to be a daddy,” Jessica coos.

  “I never would have imagined that,” I confess. “But I see everything differently now. Marino, you taught me how to forgive, and that has made me a much happier person.”

  “I’ve even forgiven my parents,” Jessica says. “And they’re proud of me. I mean, they think I’m spearheading an investigation into the treatment of women at the strip club, which is some new campaign that Senator Santara wants to launch. And I’m not sure how exactly I’m going to introduce them to the two of you or what their reaction will be. But I figure one thing at a time. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “I’ve forgiven mine too,” I announce.

  “Really?” Marino asks, looking amazed.

  “Yes. My mother is in Federal prison on drug trafficking charges,” I tell them.

  “I had no idea,” Marino says.

  “I know, it’s something I didn’t even tell you.”

  I shrug.

  “I didn’t think it mattered. I was done with her. It’s just some trumped up charge that they’re holding her on but she won’t be getting out for a long time. But I went to see her last week. I thought I should tell you guys.”

  “Oh my god,” Jessica gasps. “How did it go?”

  I shrug again.

  “I don’t know what I expected. She wasn’t very remorseful. She just talked about how unfair the charges against her are, how unfairly she’s being treated in there, what a rotten life she’s had. She seems to think she was mother of the year and is still mad at the state for taking me away from her.”

  I shake my head.

  “I’m sorry,” Jessica says.

  “That really fucking sucks,” Marino agrees.

  “It’s okay. It made me realize what I sounded like. Going around expecting to be forgiven but not able to forgive. Everything about fucking me all the time. But not anymore.”

  I look at them and feel so fucking grateful.

  “You guys have taught me so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you, Marino, for buying this house for us.”

  “You’re welcome,” he says. “I’ve invested in some other properties as well. Both commercial and residential. Maybe we’ll get accused of being slumlords, but that’s about all anyone could have on us. We’re on the straight and narrow now.”

  “Well, mostly,” Jessica says, taking off her clothes and doing that fucking sexy dance of hers. “I still know some filthy moves.”

  “Come here, you,” I say, grabbing her arms and pinning them behind her head. “There are a lot of dirty filthy things I want to do to you.”

  “Me first,” Marino says, jumping on top of her while I still have her pinned down. “I just know I’m going to be the one to impregnate you.”

  I laugh, but I have a feeling he’s probably right. And he deserves it. Because none of us— not to mention our future kid— would be here if he hadn’t pulled us all back together. And I can knock Jessica up the next time around. It’s only fitting that we produce a pair of brothers.


  I’m on top of Jessica, riding her deep and slow while Dante plays with her nipples.

  As he takes them into his mouth, I speed up my rhythm, thrusting hard and fast inside her.

  “Oh my god,” she moans, moving her hips closer to me because Dante has her arms pinned back. “Marino, you make me feel so good.”

  “I’m going to put a baby in you,” I tell her, as she comes on my cock. “I’m going to shoot my cum into your naked pussy.”

  I can’t believe that just a few short months ago she walked into The Fun House and changed my life and Dante’s too.

  This is going to be another one of those moments I’ll never forget. The moment when I realized that I could have a fucking happily ever after. That the three of us could, together.

  I had conquered the obstacles and true love had won out. I had made my own decisions without Dante’s approval or guidance and it had all paid off. And I had been able to keep the people I love in my life.

  “Let me get in there,” Dante says. “Please. I need to be inside her too.”

  “All right,” I tell him. “It’s only fair that we share everything.”

  And I know I’ll be the one to get her pregnant. I’m going to be the best fucking dad. And the best fucking husband.

  Suddenly I think of something.

  “How are we going to get married?” I ask, and they both just look at me, annoyed that I interrupted the sex to ask such a practical question.

  “I’m sure there’s some loophole you can figure out,” Dante says, as he flips Jessica around so that both of us can fill up her pussy with our cocks and shoot our cum inside her. “Why do you always have to think so much? Just enjoy the ride. We’ll get married when the time is right. But right now the time is right for both of us to fuck Jessica, and one of us to knock her up.”

  “Is that a marriage proposal?” Jessica asks, turning around to flash us her sexy grin.

  “You behave,” I say, slapping her curvy ass. “We’ll propose when we figure out how we can both marry you.”

  “That’s like saying when hell freezes over,” she pouts.

  “Do you want us to fuck you or not?” I ask.

  “Of course,” she says, sticking out her perfect ass and pussy, showing me that they’re mine for the taking.

  But I wasn’t trying to change the subject. I know we’ll get married, I just have to figure out how. Just like I said earlier, it’s a new year and a new start. We’ll celebrate tonight and then we’ll get started on some new year’s resolutions.

  I want to be a stable presence in Jessica’s life, and Dante’s life, and our kids’ lives, forever, just as Dante always was for me. But first I’m going to listen to my older brother, and enjoy this fucking threesome.


  The best part of my job is that I no longer have to investigate the guys I’m in love with. I’m free to fuck them to my heart’s content without consequence, now that their jobs don’t involve running a seedy strip joint that’s the target of local lawmakers and authorities. And I plan to do just that in 2017 and beyond.

  This new house that Marino bought us is really nice. He already furnished it with this big king bed. I grab onto its ornately decorated wooden headboard as Marino enters me. Then I feel Dante’s cock enter me beside his.

  I’m so glad Marino decided to forgive me. And that Dante followed his lead. I don’t know what I’d do without these two strong, handsome men in my life. And in my pussy.

  They’ve stretched me as far as I can go, both physically and emotionally. And it feels so fucking right, as they would say. I lean back and let them push themselves all the way inside me, until I’m filled to the brim with both of their cocks.

  “Oh my god, you two,” I say, bouncing my pussy back and forth on their cocks. “That feels so fucking good.”

  “I’m glad you’re still giving us lap dances of sorts even though it’s no longer part of your job description,” Dante says.

  “Let me get even further inside you,” Marino says, pulling my hair a bit as he thrusts himself even further in than I thought was possible. “I need to aim my cum really good so that we can make a baby.”

  I relax and feel their two cocks pumping in and out of my pussy.

  I can’t believe I’m going to make a baby with them. But that feels fucking right too. Because they’ve taught me to let go and be who I really am. To find love and happiness with two people because I deserve it.

  I rock back and forth on both of their cocks as they alternatively pump in and out of me, and then both
of them do it at the same time. I can feel both of their cocks getting even harder and fuller. And I’m flooded with every kind of amazing physical and emotional feeling that exists.

  “I’m going to come,” I tell them, panting slightly and leaning all the way back into them. “I’m going to come on both of your cocks.”

  “That’s the way we like it,” Dante says, grabbing hold of my ass and thrusting even harder. “You’ll always be our VIP room slut, even though we’re going to make you our wife and the mother of our child.”

  “I’m coming,” Marino says, as I feel him shoot his cum into me.

  He groans as his cock pulses and then Dante’s soon follows.

  “I’m coming too,” Dante says. “This feels so fucking good.”

  “I love you,” I cry out, as another round of an orgasm hits me. “Marino. Dante. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” Dante says, and Marino collapses beside me on the bed, out of breath.

  “And so do I,” he says. “I love you.”

  Dante soon joins us on my other side and they wrap their arms around me.

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to us,” Dante says. “Even though you were supposed to be the worst thing.”

  I lay snuggled in the cocoon they’ve jointly made around me, so glad I had to do the undercover assignment that was supposed to advance my career but instead made me the happiest woman in the world. Because I found the love of not just one but two amazing guys. And I’m never going to let either one of them go.


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  Please, Boss: A Bad Boy Office Romance

  Copyright 2017 by Juliana Conners; All Rights Reserved.

  Published by Sizzling Hot Reads.

  Chapter 1 – Cameron

  Today is not a good fucking day. In fact, it’s the worst day I’ve had in a while.

  First, I lost a fucking hearing today and I almost never lose hearings. It’s all because of a new judge on the bench— Baez— who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. His ruling came out of nowhere and makes no sense at all. This argument should have been a surefire win. But thanks to Baez, I lost.

  Sure, I’ll win on appeal. That’s definitely a sure thing, because the court of appeals justices are smart— unlike that new idiot Baez— and it doesn’t hurt that I play golf with three out of five of them once or twice a month, and made hefty donations to their campaigns.

  I’ll turn this one around. I never lose in the long run because I only take winning cases and I’m a damn good lawyer. One of the best there is. But I hate losing even in the short term. And worse, I hate coming back to the office after I lose a fucking case.

  The second shitty thing that happened today is that everyone is staring at me and whispering under their breath as I’m forced to take my little walk of shame from the elevator in the lobby to my office on the partners’ floor. The secretaries’ eyes are downcast while the partners raise their eyebrows at me in a jeering manner. Everyone’s thinking the same damn thing.

  “Woah buddy, heard you took a beating today,” someone calls out.

  I know from his voice, without having to turn around and look, who said it. Fucking Asher Marks. My best friend and law partner. He’s the only one other than me, who has the balls to say what everyone else is thinking. Usually I admire this trait of his but I don’t fucking need to hear his bullshit right now.

  “Make sure to exercise your preemptive strike on Baez,” I announce loudly to everyone in the office, ignoring the fucking shit-eating grin on Asher’s face.

  “Oh sure, blame it on the judge,” Asher says. “It couldn’t possibly be due to anything you did or didn’t do.”

  “I’m serious,” I hurl back at him, and everyone. “Judge Baez is as plaintiff-friendly as they come.”

  On my way back to the office, I’d shot out an email to a trial lawyers’ list I belong to, asking about Judge Baez. Granted, I should have done that a lot earlier— while I was preparing for the hearing. Asher’s right on that count but I’m not about to admit it.

  The former judge— Elliot— that I am used to appearing in front of, had fallen ill right in the middle of this case and is on an indefinite leave of absence. Judge Baez was appointed interim judge and I should have looked into whether or not to strike him during the first ten days after notification of his appointment, which the rules allow me to do.

  But I’d heard that Judge Elliot had just checked himself into rehab for the eighth fucking time, and he’s always back better than ever after his standard twenty-eight days are up. I figured no judge could be dumb enough to grant summary judgment this early on in the case and that it wasn’t worth the hassle of paperwork.

  Turns out I was obviously fucking very wrong. A flurry of email responses had come in, letting me know that this interim Judge Baez is a bleeding heart pro-plaintiff’s guy through and through. He had already granted lots of judgments in the plaintiffs’ favor in cases against big corporations left and right in the fifteen days he’d been on the bench.

  And of course, I’m representing a big corporation. Because I make a shit ton of money, and big corporations have the ability to keep it that way.

  Don’t get me wrong, I do pro bono work too. And I take on cases I believe in. Like right now I’m about to represent the manufacturer of toys for kids with disabilities. His name is Damien Hudson.

  There’s not a lot of money in such cases. But I believe in the guy’s work. I want to help.

  But obviously, I have bills to pay too. Big ones. Like the one for my fucking yacht. And my jet skis. And my jet that takes me to the yacht and the jet skis. Therefore, in general I represent the biggest, filthy rich and often downright scummy corporations. And apparently, this Judge Baez has a problem with that.

  “Oh sure, you just lost the case because the judge has a soft spot for the little guy,” Asher laughs. “Good thing Volcan Corp. has the money and the resources to fight this unfair ruling. How dare the court be so unjust against a giant entity used to stomping its way to victory?”

  He just can’t let it go. I know he’s joking— giving me a hard time because he knows I’ll win on appeal and we’ll get even more money along the way from the legal bills our client will have to pay to fight Judge Baez’s original crazy decision— but I’m not in the fucking mood.

  “Judge Baez is seriously not someone we want on any of our cases,” I tell him. “Not that you would know what the hell has been going on in them lately anyway.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he growls at me, but I just turn away.

  Asher knows exactly what I fucking mean. He’s been too busy fucking Madilyn, his latest bright and shiny new associate— whom he likes to refer to as his “mentee” but is really his office plaything— to pay attention to anything going on in this firm.

  His firm, my firm and Reed’s firm. That we started together even though Asher is always the one who takes— and gets— all the credit for it. And which has so much respect for me that everyone is secretly laughing at me because I just lost one case for the stupidest reason ever: a bleeding heart judge who’s too new to know how things work.

  I clear my throat.

  “Listen up everybody,” I call out.

  The secretaries sitting in their cubicles finally lift up their eyes to meet mine, although a bit hesitantly.

  “I want everyone to search through all of our active files and find any of them that have Baez assigned as the judge. We’re going to need to file Motions to Recuse for Cause in all of them. We’ll cite his bias and the fact that all he’s done since taking the bench is rule against corporations such as our clients. Does everyone understand?”

  There’s a mumbling of “Yes, Sir” that
ripples through the office, as the secretaries dutifully pull up their case lists on their computers and search for Baez. At first, they’re rather reluctant but as I stand there looking at each and every one of them, their typing gets more urgent from the sound of things and their throats start clearing nervously.

  Good. They’re finally taking me seriously, even if Asher isn’t. That’ll give them something better to do than sitting around watching cat videos on Youtube or messaging their friends on Facebook to tell them about how their boss and co-founder of the firm, Cameron Sanchez, just lost a case and is now losing his shit over it and making their lives harder because of it.

  “I’ll go search the file room,” says a pleasant voice out of nowhere, sounding calm and collected despite my harsh attempts to scare the ever-living bejesus into my staff. “I’ll be right back with all the Baez files.”

  “How are you going to do that?” I ask her, looking up and down at the person who had just said it.

  I’m not just looking at her because she’s fucking hot but also because she sounds so brazen in her promise and confident in her abilities.

  I know this chick. Kind of. Her name’s Ruby.

  She’s what we call a floater— a secretary or assistant of sorts who fills in where needed and does any task required of her, without being assigned to any certain attorney. Those kinds of jobs are one of the lowest of the low around here— although being a “runner”/delivery boy, a mailroom clerk or the janitor might be a bit lower on the totem pole.

  Normally I wouldn’t have known her from anyone but she kind of fucking stands out. She has brown hair with some streaks of purple dye running through it like these kids think is okay to wear to work these days.

  I don’t know why no one around here has made her fix that but I’m kind of glad they haven’t. Because on her, it looks kind of fucking hot. Like I just want to run my hands through those streaks in her hair while I pull it back and tell her to do what I want.

  And she also has a banging fucking body. And that’s how I know her name. Because some of the other guys call her “Ruby Don’t You Wanna,” which is what they call any hot girl around here that they wish they could fuck.


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