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Loved by the LumberJacks_A MFMMMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 110

by Sierra Sparks

  “Your wife called, Mr. Ashdown,” Oliver says, looking up at me over his desk.

  “I believe, you mean, my ex-wife,” I say and I give him a look that sends him scurrying into himself. He nods his head at me and stares back at his computer. “Did you want me to…”

  “Yes, fine. Put her through in a minute.”

  Oliver looks at me, anxiety radiating through him. I can’t help but think that he won’t be able to survive in this environment for very long. “She’s on line 2,” Oliver says, and goes back to staring at this computer screen.

  “Thank you, Oliver,” I say, in the nicest tone possible and give him a strained smile. Whether or not I just sealed my fate of being without another assistant, I don’t care. The last thing I want to do is speak to Shelley.

  I walk into my office and stare at the blinking light on my office phone. I take a few moments to gather myself before I answer it.

  “Boyd Ashdown,”

  “Hi, Boyd,” Shelley says.

  “Shelley, I thought I told you not to call me at the office anymore,” I say, thinking back to all the hours we’d spent on the phone at work whenever we each had a spare moment to talk. Now, the memories feel sour.

  “I know, Boyd,” Shelley says, her tone sweet. “But I needed to talk to you.”

  “What could you possibly need to talk to me about?” I say, not wanting to relive the moment when I confronted her about her infidelities, yet also knowing that that’s exactly where this conversation is going. “Your latest relationship crumble yet? That’s par for the course with you.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a moment and I know I’ve hurt her feelings. But I truly don’t care. She never cared about how I felt. Why should she start now?

  “Okay, I deserve that,” she says, meekly.

  “What do you want, Shelley?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that I know I made a huge mistake with Mark. It never should have happened. And I know I made things hard for you at work considering…”

  “Considering the fact that you screwed my law partner?” I say, my fingers tightening on the phone cord. “And you both constantly rubbed it in my face?”

  It was the reason I had needed to leave the firm and the state, and decided to merge my lucrative practice with this one. I just couldn’t stand to be around either of them.

  “Yes, and I’m sorry for that…I just…”

  “You just what? I’ll ask again. What do you want, Shelley?”

  “Fine, I just wanted to tell you that I’m no longer with Mark and that the reason I’m calling is…”

  “You want us to get back together?” I say, sitting down in my chair, unable to comprehend exactly what I’m hearing.

  “Well, yeah,” Shelley, says, her voice small.

  “You know, for months after you left me, I would have given anything for you to say the things you’re saying right now. I would have gone back to you in a heartbeat, regardless of what happened. Because I’m an idiot and I would have rather been with someone who hurt me over and over again than be alone. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be in a good relationship with someone who actually valued me as a person,” I tell her.

  It feels good to get it all out.

  “But you know what?” I continue, unable to stop now that I’ve started giving her a fucking piece of my mind. “That’s not true anymore and I know for a fact that I deserve better than what you’ve given me. And you have no idea how much pleasure it’s giving me to tell you that it’s not going to happen. Goodbye, Shelley.”

  I hang up the phone before she gets a chance to speak. Just the mere act of slamming down the phone leaves me feeling satisfied. I know what I have to do now.

  I duck my head out of my office door and get Oliver’s attention.

  “Next time my ex-wife calls, block her number,” I say, with a smile on my face. “Also, I’m taking the rest of the day off. Hold all my calls,” I say, heading back into my office to gather my things. I come back out a few minutes later and pass Oliver’s desk.

  “You’re doing great, by the way, Oliver.” Oliver manages to smile sheepishly back at me.

  I head towards the elevators with a new attitude, not knowing how to wipe the fucking smile off my face even if I wanted to. I know that I could be risking everything to be with Grace but I know in my heart that it’s the right thing to do.

  Grace is the only woman I had ever met that made me forget about how awful things ended with Shelley. She was the only one who made me realize how selfish Shelley was and how she only gave when she could ensure she would get something in return.

  Grace is giving and loving and caring and most of all, she doesn’t expect anything in return. She’s everything Shelley wasn’t and clearly still continues to be. This started off just the same as one of my many prior flings but it became something very different. Grace is the one that I want to spend my life with. Her and only her.

  I’m just about to enter the elevator when I’m stopped by Tim. He steps into the elevator with me.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Tim asks, hitting nearly every button on the floor panel.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask, indicating multiple lit floors. “We’ll be here forever.” I’m anxious enough as it is and I can’t handle Tim’s stalling tactics.

  “Good, that will give us a chance to talk,” Tim says, crossing his arms. “You’re not going after her, are you? I heard what you told your assistant back there.”

  “I have to, Tim,” I say, turning to him. “I need her in my life.”

  “Even if it means risking everything? This could have major blowback on the firm. On us! Is that what you want?”

  “She’s worth the risk, Tim,” I say, simply and he just gives me a dejected look. He’s fighting a losing battle. I just hope that I’m not doing the same.

  “There’s nothing I can say that will change your mind?” Tim asks, his eyes pleading.

  “Nothing. You’ll just have to hope it works out the same for me as it did for some of the other guys here. You were quick to condemn me even though they have everything they ever wanted now, just because they did the same thing I’m doing now. They went after the women they loved.”

  “Then, I wish you luck,” Tim says, surprising me. He puts a hand on my shoulder and gets out on the next floor. “You’re right. If it worked for them, it could work for you. It’s unfair of me to take such a negative outlook when we have examples of it turning into something good and permanent. I hope you get what you want. You deserve some happiness. Merry Christmas. See you at the office Christmas party?”

  “Merry Christmas, Tim. Perhaps.”

  I smile at him as the doors close, feeling relieved and confident in the outcome of my endeavor.

  Chapter 22 – Boyd

  I drive to Grace’s house, knowing full well that my doing so could lead to a confrontation with her foster father, Andrew. But I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win Grace back.

  I park on the side of the street, not wanting to draw attention to myself and I take a moment to gather myself together before going inside. My grip on the steering wheel is tight and my breathing feels labored. After a few minutes, I compose myself and get out of the car, my heart beating out of my chest.

  I knock on the door and hope beyond hope that it’s Grace that answers.

  The door swings open and there she is. Just as fucking beautiful as the day she walked into my office—and also the day she walked out of it. Even more beautiful, actually—her beauty has only become more evident to me as I’ve gotten to know her better, fallen more and more in love with her, if I admit it to myself.

  When I first met her, there had been a mysterious glow to her, drawing me in and making me want to find out more about her. Then, there was something about her fiery spirit that turned me on even though I was mad at her for walking away from me. And now, it’s pure innocence and happiness to see me again that radiates from her, making her look even more lo
vely than usual.

  Her face looks radiant and her curves so tempting I wish I could take her right here, right now. She fucking takes my breath away.

  “Boyd!” Grace says, excitement and fear crossing her face within seconds of each other. She looks behind her and lowers her voice. “What are you doing here? Andrew and Colleen are home.”

  “I don’t care about them. I care about you,” I say, reaching for her. “I came here to tell you that I was crushed the day you quit. I can’t get you out of my head. I need you, Grace. Please, just hear me out.”

  “Boyd,” Grace says, and turns around as if she hears something behind her. “You can’t be here. But I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

  She starts to step out onto the porch, making my heart race at the knowledge that she will come outside with me. But then someone reaches out and grabs her arm, pulling her back into the house and closing the door in my face, leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

  Fuck that. No one shuts the door on me, and no one roughs up the love of my life.

  The love of my life.

  I begin pounding on the door, telling myself not to put too much thought into that just now. I know I can’t get swept away in romantic fervor when I’m about to have a big fight on my hands. There will be time for emotions later.

  I hear the door open again after a moment and then I look up to see Andrew glaring down at me. Grace stands a little way behind him in the doorway, starting to protest, “Andrew, it’s fine, just let me…”

  But he whips his head around and hushes, “Shut up, Grace,” before turning back to me.

  “Don’t talk to her like that!” I yell, at the same time he crosses his arms and says, “What are you doing here, Boyd? You’re not welcome on my property.”

  “What’s going on?” Someone calls from the hallway and we’re joined by a woman I can only assume is Colleen. “Andrew?” she asks, unsure of what to make of the situation.

  “Grace, go to your room. I need to have a talk with your boss,” Andrew says, and Grace makes to do as she’s told, as if out of instinct or habit. But then she stops and turns back to me.

  “No, I want to hear what he has to say,” Grace says, crossing her arms. I watch as the shock of this defiance crosses Andrew’s face. “And I’m not a child. I’m 19 years old. I won’t be told to go to my room.”

  “Grace,” I say, wanting her to find her way to me, away from these controlling people. She moves toward me, but Andrew stops her.

  “Grace,” I say, again, my chest rising up in Andrew’s direction as if to warn him to leave her alone. “You need to get away from these people. They’re only going to continue to control and manipulate you. You shouldn’t be made to feel bad about wanting to explore things for yourself. You shouldn’t be made to feel dirty for having desires. You shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting things or wanting to be with me. They’re preventing you from living your own life. It’s not a sin to be with the man you love.”

  I make my way towards her, but Andrew stands in front of me, blocking my path.

  “She doesn’t love you, Boyd,” Andrew says, matter-of-factly. He glares at me, so confident in his assessment of the situation.

  “Grace,” I say, ignoring him and looking directly at her. “He’s just jealous of what we have. He’s jealous that I’m in love with you. He wants you all to himself. He wants you to be with him.” I don’t look at Colleen, but out of the corner of my eye, I see her move further into the house. I can’t help but feel bad for her, even if none of this seems surprising to her and she instead seems resigned to her fate. “Please, Grace. Come with me. I’ll take care of you. You can come back to work and you’ll be given a raise. You can live on your own. Or, with me.”

  I look at her, pleadingly, and our eyes meet. She gives me a small smile that lifts my heart.

  “She’s not going anywhere with you,” Andrew says, trying to close the door on me. But Grace places a hand on the door and stops him from closing it further.

  “Yes, I am, Andrew,” Grace says, and pulls the door open. Andrew stands there in shock and lets her go. “I love him and I’m going with him.” Grace moves past him, but he grabs her arm again.

  “Grace, you don’t belong with him. If you belong with anyone, it’s me. We’ve given you everything. Don’t give that up. Can you imagine what God must be thinking right now?” Andrew says, desperation heavy in his voice.

  “God can think whatever he wants and so can I.” Grace pulls herself out of his grasp and walks down the steps towards me. I reach out towards her, enveloping her once she reaches me. She even smells the same. I savor every moment as I place a gentle, yet desperate kiss on her sweet tasting lips.

  “You won’t be welcome back at the Church, Grace,” Andrew says, in one last ditch effort to get Grace to change her mind. “Or this house.”

  She turns around and looks directly at him and takes my hand. “I don’t want to go to a church that doesn’t have my best interests at heart and makes me feel guilty about things I know I shouldn’t feel guilty about. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me but it’s time I found my own path. And that doesn’t include living here anymore.”

  She turns her back on Andrew and we walk back toward my car, an extra spring in both our steps.

  Chapter 23 – Grace

  Boyd and I sit across from each other at a fancy restaurant. This is our first real date and I couldn’t be more thrilled. The excitement of being out with him is radiating through my entire body. I can’t wait to tell Erin about our date. She called me and I filled her in on what’s been going on. As someone who has been through something similar, she’s elated for me.

  “To us,” Boyd says, holding up his glass of wine and I clink my glass with his, unable to keep the smile from my face. “Grace, I should have never let you go that day at the office. I should have fought harder for you.”

  “It’s okay,” I say, taking his hand across the table. “Honestly, until I learned how to let go of my guilt, it would have all been in vain, no matter how hard you fought. Guilt, I now know that I should never have had in the first place. Thank you for helping me see that.”

  He kisses the top of my hand and I can’t help but smile.

  “I love you, Grace,” Boyd says, squeezing my hand in his. “I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it may be way too early to say that, but I know it’s true. You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted and everything I didn’t know I could have. So, thank you.”

  “I love you, too,” I say, and lean across the table to kiss him. I sit back and look at him for a long moment, taking everything in.

  “What?” He asks, with a smile. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “What do you say we get out of here?” I ask, a wicked grin forming on my face.

  “Our meal hasn’t even come yet,” Boyd says.

  “I have a better meal in mind,” I say, winking at him.

  At that, Boyd tosses his napkin on the table and gets up from his seat. He comes over and pulls my seat out for me. I take his hand and he leads me in the direction of the car, but I stop him before he gets to the door. He looks back at me in confusion.

  “I didn’t say we had to leave the restaurant.”

  “What are you…”

  I take his hand and lead him towards the bathroom.

  We enter the ladies’ bathroom and I push him into the handicap stall. I immediately start taking off his pants and tug them to the floor. He kisses me deeply and trails light kisses down my neck.

  I run my hands along his shirt and rip it open, the buttons flying every which way. He bites his lip in anticipation and I tug his briefs down and am presented with that all too familiar cock, looking as beautiful as always.

  “Grace, you do the most amazing things to me…” he says, unable to finish the sentence. He looks absolutely blissful, and I love it.

  I hike my skirt up and tug my panties down to my ankles. Meanwhile h
e takes a condom from the pocket of his pants that are on the floor, and puts it on. Then he lifts up one of my legs, always athletic like, and enters me swiftly. He no longer has to worry about being gentle or cautious with me. He pounds his cock in and out of me for several minutes and I don’t bother to try and stifle my moans.

  “Oh, my God, Boyd, you feel so amazing, mmmmm,” I groan as I cum.

  In this moment, I don’t care if every single patron in this restaurant hears me. He grabs my ass, spanking it and saying, “You’re such a bad girl for me, I love it.”

  “I thought I was your good girl,” I tell him, my ass cheek stinging from the red welt he left there.

  “You are,” he says, moving his hand up to my nipple and twisting it while he kisses me. “You take my cock like my good girl. You let me do what I want to you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Boss,” I tell him, looking up into his eyes, and then we both laugh.

  “I guess you’re not my boss any more,” I quickly correct myself.

  “We can change that,” he says, thrusting in and out of me some more. “It doesn’t seem fair that all the other couples at work get to work with each other and we don’t.”

  “Oh, you mean at Sugar Daddy Central?” I ask him.

  “What?” he asks, laughing as his cock throbs inside my wet pussy. I love to hear his laugh while I can feel him inside me. “Who calls it that?”

  “Everyone,” I tell him. “But Katie started it.”

  “That Katie is a bad influence,” he says, grunting as his cock pulses inside me, giving off the familiar warning sign that he’s about to come.

  “She sure is,” I joke.

  He grabs my hips and pulls me closer, his cock swelling inside me, filling me all the way up. I wrap my arms tighter around his shoulders as I cum again myself.

  He lets loose his entire load deep inside my pussy and I squeal in release as we orgasm together. Our breathing is very fast and labored. He smiles at me and kisses me deeply. I slide off his cock and adjust my outfit.


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