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Christopher Paolini - [Inheritance 01] - Eragon.html

Page 20

by Eragon (lit)

  Emotion overcame Eragon, bringing tears to his eyes. he whispered to himself. His mother’s name. Could it have been her? Was her destiny so horrible that she had to abandon me? you remember anything about her fortune?he asked, feeling sick.

  Angela shook her head and sighed. was so long ago that the details have melted into the rest of my memory, which isn’t as good as it used to be. Besides, I’ll not tell you what I do remember. That was for her and her alone. It was sad, though; I’ve never forgotten the look on her face.

  Eragon closed his eyes and struggled to regain control of his emotions. do you complain about your memory?he asked to distract himself. ’re not that old.

  Dimples appeared on Angela’s cheeks. ’m flattered, but don’t be deceived; I’m much older than I look. The appearance of youth probably comes from having to eat my own herbs when times are lean.

  Smiling, Eragon took a deep breath. If that was my mother and she could bear to have her fortune told, I can too. the bones for me,he said solemnly.

  Angela’s face became grave as she grasped the bones in each hand. Her eyes closed, and her lips moved in a soundless murmur. Then she said powerfully, Wyrda! Hugin! and tossed the bones onto the cloth. They fell all jumbled together, gleaming in the faint light.

  The words rang in Eragon’s ears; he recognized them from the ancient language and realized with apprehension that to use them for magic, Angela must be a witch. She had not lied; this was a true fortunetelling. Minutes slowly passed as she studied the bones.

  Finally, Angela leaned back and heaved a long sigh. She wiped her brow and pulled out a wineskin from under the counter. you want some?she asked. Eragon shook his head. She shrugged and drank deeply. she said, wiping her mouth, the hardest reading I’ve ever done. You were right. Your future is nigh impossible to see. I’ve never known of anyone’s fate being so tangled and clouded. I was, however, able to wrestle a few answers from it.

  Solembum jumped onto the counter and settled there, watching them both. Eragon clenched his hands as Angela pointed to one of the bones. will start here,she said slowly, it is the clearest to understand.

  The symbol on the bone was a long horizontal line with a circle resting on it. or long life,said Angela quietly. is the first time I have ever seen it come up in someone’s future. Most of the time it’s the aspen or the elm, both signs that a person will live a normal span of years. Whether this means that you will live forever or that you will only have an extraordinarily long life, I’m not sure. Whatever it foretells, you may be sure that many years lie ahead of you.

  No surprises there—I am a Rider, thought Eragon. Was Angela only going to tell him things he already knew?

  the bones grow harder to read, as the rest are in a confused pile.Angela touched three of them. the wandering path, lightning bolt, and sailing ship all lie together—a pattern I’ve never seen, only heard of. The wandering path shows that there are many choices in your future, some of which you face even now. I see great battles raging around you, some of them fought for your sake. I see the mighty powers of this land struggling to control your will and destiny. Countless possible futures await you—all of them filled with blood and conflict—but only one will bring you happiness and peace. Beware of losing your way, for you are one of the few who are truly free to choose their own fate. That freedom is a gift, but it is also a responsibility more binding than chains.

  Then her face grew sad. yet, as if to counteract that, here is the lightning bolt. It is a terrible omen. There is a doom upon you, but of what sort I know not. Part of it lies in a death—one that rapidly approaches and will cause you much grief. But the rest awaits in a great journey. Look closely at this bone. You can see how its end rests on that of the sailing ship. That is impossible to misunderstand. Your fate will be to leave this land forever. Where you will end up I know not, but you will never again stand in Alagasia. This is inescapable. It will come to pass even if you try to avoid it.

  Her words frightened Eragon. Another deathwho must I lose now? His thoughts immediately went to Roran. Then he thought about his homeland. What could ever force me to leave? And where would I go? If there are lands across the sea or to the east, only the elves know of them.

  Angela rubbed her temples and breathed deeply. next bone is easier to read and perhaps a bit more pleasant.Eragon examined it and saw a rose blossom inscribed between the horns of a crescent moon.

  Angela smiled and said, epic romance is in your future, extraordinary, as the moon indicates—for that is a magical symbol—and strong enough to outlast empires. I cannot say if this passion will end happily, but your love is of noble birth and heritage. She is powerful, wise, and beautiful beyond compare.

  Of noble birth, thought Eragon in surprise. How could that ever happen? I have no more standing than the poorest of farmers.

  for the last two bones, the tree and the hawthorn root, which cross each other strongly. I wish that this were not so—it can only mean more trouble—but betrayal is clear. And it will come from within your family.

  wouldn’t do that!objected Eragon abruptly.

  wouldn’t know,said Angela carefully. the bones have never lied, and that is what they say.

  Doubt wormed into Eragon’s mind, but he tried to ignore it. What reason would there ever be for Roran to turn on him? Angela put a comforting hand on his shoulder and offered him the wineskin again. This time Eragon accepted the drink, and it made him feel better.

  all that, death might be welcome,he joked nervously. Betrayal from Roran? It couldn’t happen! It won’t!

  might be,said Angela solemnly, then laughed slightly. you shouldn’t fret about what has yet to occur. The only way the future can harm us is by causing worry. I guarantee that you’ll feel better once you’re out in the sun.

  Unfortunately, he reflected wryly, nothing she said will make sense until it has already happened. If it really does, he amended himself. used words of power,he noted quietly.

  Angela’s eyes flashed. I wouldn’t give to see how the rest of your life plays out. You can speak to werecats, know of the ancient language, and have a most interesting future. Also, few young men with empty pockets and rough traveling clothes can expect to be loved by a noblewoman. Who are you?

  Eragon realized that the werecat must not have told Angela that he was a Rider. He almost said, but then changed his mind and simply stated, am Eragon.

  Angela arched her eyebrows. that who you are or your name?she asked.

  said Eragon with a small smile, thinking of his namesake, the first Rider.

  I’m all the more interested in seeing how your life will unfold. Who was the ragged man with you yesterday?

  Eragon decided that one more name couldn’t hurt. name is Brom.

  A guffaw suddenly burst out of Angela, doubling her over in mirth. She wiped her eyes and took a sip of wine, then fought off another attack of merriment. Finally, gasping for breath, she forced out, that one! I had no idea!

  is it?demanded Eragon.

  no, don’t be upset,said Angela, hiding a smile. ’s only that—well, he is known by those in my profession. I’m afraid that the poor man’s doom, or future if you will, is something of a joke with us.

  ’t insult him! He’s a better man than any you could find!snapped Eragon.

  peace,chided Angela with amusement. know that. If we meet again at the right time I’ll be sure to tell you about it. But in the meantime you should— She stopped speaking as Solembum padded between them. The werecat stared at Eragon with unblinking eyes.

  Yes? Eragon asked, irritated.

  Listen closely and I will tell you two things. When the time comes and you need a weapon, look under the roots of the Menoa tree. Then, when all seems lost and your power is insufficient, go to the rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls.

  Before Eragon could ask what Solembum meant, the werecat walked away, waving his tail ever so gracefully. Angela tilted her head, coils of dense hair shadowing her forehead. don’t kno
w what he said, and I don’t want to know. He spoke to you and only you. Don’t tell anyone else.

  think I have to go,said Eragon, shaken.

  you want to,said Angela, smiling again. are welcome to stay here as long as you like, especially if you buy some of my goods. But go if you wish; I’m sure that we’ve given you enough to ponder for a while.

  Eragon quickly made his way to the door. you for reading my future. I think.

  ’re welcome,said Angela, still smiling.

  Eragon exited the shop and stood in the street, squinting until his eyes adjusted to the brightness. It was a few minutes before he could think calmly about what he had learned. He started walking, his steps unconsciously quickening until he dashed out of Teirm, feet flying as he headed to Saphira’s hiding place.

  He called to her from the base of the cliff. A minute later she soared down and bore him up to the cliff top. When they were both safely on the ground, Eragon told her about his day. And so, he concluded, I think Brom’s right; I always seem to be where there’s trouble.

  You should remember what the werecat told you. It’s important.

  How do you know? he asked curiously.

  I’m not sure, but the names he used feel powerful. Kuthian, she said, rolling the word around. No, we should not forget what he said.

  Do you think I should tell Brom?

  It’s your choice, but think of this: he has no right to know your future. To tell him of Solembum and his words will only raise questions you may not want to answer. And if you decided to only ask him what those words mean, he will want to know where you learned them. Do you think you can lie convincingly to him?

  No, admitted Eragon. Maybe I won’t say anything. Still, this might be too important to hide. They talked until there was nothing more to say. Then they sat together companionably, watching the trees until dusk.

  Eragon hurried back to Teirm and was soon knocking on Jeod’s door. Neal back?he asked the butler.

  sir. I believe he’s in the study right now.

  you,said Eragon. He strode to the room and peeked inside. Brom was sitting before the fire, smoking. did it go?asked Eragon.

  awful!growled Brom around his pipe.

  you talked to Brand?

  that it did any good. This administrator of trade is the worst sort of bureaucrat. He abides by every rule, delights in making his own whenever it can inconvenience someone, and at the same time believes that he’s doing good.

  he won’t let us see the records?asked Eragon.

  snapped Brom, exasperated. I could say would sway him. He even refused bribes! Substantial ones, too. I didn’t think I would ever meet a noble who wasn’t corrupt. Now that I have, I find that I prefer them when they’re greedy bastards.He puffed furiously on his pipe and mumbled a steady stream of curses.

  When he seemed to have calmed, Eragon asked tentatively, what now?

  ’m going to take the next week and teach you how to read.

  after that?

  A smile split Brom’s face. that, we’re going to give Brand a nasty surprise.Eragon pestered him for details, but Brom refused to say more.

  Dinner was held in a sumptuous dining room. Jeod sat at one end of the table, a hard-eyed Helen at the other. Brom and Eragon were seated between them, which Eragon felt was a dangerous place to be. Empty chairs were on either side of him, but he didn’t mind the space. It helped to protect him from the glares of their hostess.

  The food was served quietly, and Jeod and Helen wordlessly began eating. Eragon followed suit, thinking, I’ve had cheerier meals at funerals. And he had, in Carvahall. He remembered many burials that had been sad, yes, but not unduly so. This was different; he could feel simmering resentment pouring from Helen throughout the dinner.

  * * *


  Brom scratched a rune on parchment with charcoal, then showed it to Eragon. is the letter a,he said. it. With that, Eragon began the task of becoming literate. It was difficult and strange and pushed his intellect to its limits, but he enjoyed it. Without anything else to do and with a good—if sometimes impatient—teacher, he advanced rapidly.

  A routine was soon established. Every day Eragon got up, ate in the kitchen, then went to the study for his lessons, where he labored to memorize the sounds of the letters and the rules of writing. It got so that when he closed his eyes, letters and words danced in his mind. He thought of little else during that time.

  Before dinner, he and Brom would go behind Jeod’s house and spar. The servants, along with a small crowd of wide-eyed children, would come and watch. If there was any time afterward, Eragon would practice magic in his room, with the curtains securely closed.

  His only worry was Saphira. He visited her every evening, but it was not enough time together for either of them. During the day, Saphira spent most of her time leagues away searching for food; she could not hunt near Teirm without arousing suspicion. Eragon did what he could to help her, but he knew that the only solution for both her hunger and loneliness was to leave the city far behind.

  Every day more grim news poured into Teirm. Arriving merchants told of horrific attacks along the coast. There were reports of powerful people disappearing from their houses in the night and their mangled corpses being discovered in the morning. Eragon often heard Brom and Jeod discussing the events in an undertone, but they always stopped when he came near.

  The days passed quickly, and soon a week had gone by. Eragon’s skills were rudimentary, but he could now read whole pages without asking Brom’s help. He read slowly, but he knew that speed would come with time. Brom encouraged him, No matter, you’ll do fine for what I have planned.

  It was afternoon when Brom summoned both Jeod and Eragon to the study. Brom gestured at Eragon. that you can help us, I think it’s time to move ahead.

  do you have in mind?asked Eragon.

  A fierce smile danced on Brom’s face. Jeod groaned. know that look; it’s what got us into trouble in the first place.

  slight exaggeration,said Brom, not unwarranted. Very well, this is what we’ll do

  We leave tonight or tomorrow, Eragon told Saphira from within his room.

  This is unexpected. Will you be safe during this venture?

  Eragon shrugged. I don’t know. We may end up fleeing Teirm with soldiers on our heels. He felt her worry and tried to reassure her. It’ll be all right. Brom and I can use magic, and we’re good fighters.

  He lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His hands shook slightly, and there was a lump in his throat. As sleep overcame him, he felt a wave of confusion. I don’t want to leave Teirm, he suddenly realized. The time I’ve spent here has been—almost normal. What I would give not to keep uprooting myself. To stay here and be like everyone else would be wonderful. Then, another thought raged through him, But I’ll never be able to while Saphira is around. Never.

  Dreams owned his consciousness, twisting and directing it to their whims. At times he quaked with fear; at others he laughed with pleasure. Then something changed—it was as though his eyes had been opened for the first time—and a dream came to him that was clearer than any before.

  He saw a young woman, bent over by sorrow, chained in a cold, hard cell. A beam of moonlight shone through a barred window set high in the wall and fell on her face. A single tear rolled down her cheek, like a liquid diamond.

  Eragon rose with a start and found himself crying uncontrollably before sinking back into a fitful sleep.

  * * *


  Eragon woke from his nap to a golden sunset. Red and orange beams of light streamed into the room and fell across the bed. They warmed his back pleasantly, making him reluctant to move. He dozed, but the sunlight crept off him, and he grew cold. The sun sank below the horizon, lighting the sea and sky with color. Almost time! He slung his bow and quiver on his back, but left Zar’roc in the room; the sword would only slow him, and he was averse to using it. If he had to disable someone, he could use magi
c or an arrow. He pulled his jerkin over his shirt and laced it securely.

  He waited nervously in his room until the light faded. Then he entered the hallway and shrugged so the quiver settled comfortably across his back. Brom joined him, carrying his sword and staff.

  Jeod, dressed in a black doublet and hose, was waiting for them outside. From his waist swung an elegant rapier and a leather pouch. Brom eyed the rapier and observed, That toad sticker is too thin for any real fighting. What will you do if someone comes after you with a broadsword or a flamberge?

  realistic,said Jeod. of the guards has a flamberge. Besides, this toad sticker is faster than a broadsword.

  Brom shrugged. ’s your neck.

  They walked casually along the street, avoiding watchmen and soldiers. Eragon was tense and his heart pounded. As they passed Angela’s shop, a flash of movement on the roof caught his attention, but he saw no one. His palm tingled. He looked at the roof again, but it was still empty.

  Brom led them along Teirm’s outer wall. By the time they reached the castle, the sky was black. The sealed walls of the fortress made Eragon shiver. He would hate to be imprisoned there. Jeod silently took the lead and strode up to the gates, trying to look at ease. He pounded on the gate and waited.

  A small grille slid open and a surly guard peered out. he grunted shortly. Eragon could smell rum on his breath.

  need to get in,said Jeod.

  The guard peered at Jeod closer. ’ for?

  boy here left something very valuable in my office. We have to retrieve it immediately.Eragon hung his head, shamefaced.

  The guard frowned, clearly impatient to get back to his bottle. wha’ever,he said, swinging his arm. ’ make sure ’n give ’im a good beating f’r me.

  ’ll do that,assured Jeod as the guard unbolted a small door set into the gate. They entered the keep, then Brom handed the guard a few coins.

  ’ee,mumbled the man, tottering away. As soon as he was gone, Eragon pulled his bow from its tube and strung it. Jeod quickly let them into the main part of the castle. They hurried toward their destination, listening carefully for any soldiers on patrol. At the records room, Brom tried the door. It was locked. He put his hand against the door and muttered a word that Eragon did not recognize. It swung open with a faint click. Brom grabbed a torch from the wall, and they darted inside, closing the door quietly.


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