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Christopher Paolini - [Inheritance 01] - Eragon.html Page 43

by Eragon (lit)

  The Twins stood together, their shoulders meeting, a blank expression on their smooth faces. Their black snake eyes bored into him. Their hands, hidden within the folds of their purple robes, twitched slightly. They both bowed, but the movement was insolent and derisive.

  have been searching for you,one said. His voice was uncomfortably like the Ra’zac’s.

  Eragon suppressed a shiver. for?He reached out with his mind and contacted Saphira. She immediately joined thoughts with him.

  since you met with Ajihad, we have wanted toapologize for our actions. The words were mocking, but not in a way Eragon could challenge. have come to pay homage to you.Eragon flushed angrily as they bowed again.

  Careful! warned Saphira.

  He pushed back his rising temper. He could not afford to be riled by this confrontation. An idea came to him, and he said with a small smile, it is I who pay homage to you. Without your approval I never could have gained entrance to Farthen Dr.He bowed to them in turn, making the movement as insulting as he could.

  There was a flicker of irritation in the Twins’ eyes, but they smiled and said, are honored that one soimportantas yourself thinks so highly of us. We are in your debt for your kind words.

  Now it was Eragon’s turn to be irritated. will remember that when I’m in need.

  Saphira intruded sharply in his thoughts. You’re overdoing it. Don’t say anything you’ll regret. They will remember every word they can use against you.

  This is difficult enough without you making comments! he snapped. She subsided with an exasperated grumble.

  The Twins moved closer, the hems of their robes brushing softly over the floor. Their voices became more pleasant. have searched for you for another reason as well, Rider. The few magic users who live in Tronjheim have formed a group. We call ourselves Du Vrangr Gata, or the—

  Wandering Path, I know,interrupted Eragon, remembering what Angela had said about it.

  knowledge of the ancient language is impressive,said a Twin smoothly. As we were saying, Du Vrangr Gata has heard of your mighty feats, and we have come to extend an invitation of membership. We would be honored to have one of your stature as a member. And I suspect that we might be able to assist you as well.

  The other Twin said, two of us have garnered much experience in magical matters. We could guide youshow you spells we’ve discovered and teach you words of power. Nothing would gladden us more than if we could assist, in some small way, your path to glory. No repayment would be necessary, though if you saw fit to share some scraps of your own knowledge, we would be satisfied.

  Eragon’s face hardened as he realized what they were asking for. you think I’m a half-wit?he demanded harshly. won’t apprentice myself to you so you can learn the words Brom taught me! It must have angered you when you couldn’t steal them from my mind.

  The Twins abruptly dropped their facade of smiles. are not to be trifled with, boy! We are the ones who will test your abilities with magic. And that could be most unpleasant. Remember, it only takes one misconceived spell to kill someone. You may be a Rider, but the two of us are still stronger than you.

  Eragon kept his face expressionless, even as his stomach knotted painfully. will consider your offer, but it may—

  we will expect your answer tomorrow. Make sure that it is the right one.They smiled coldly and stalked deeper into the library.

  Eragon scowled. I’m not going to join Du Vrangr Gata, no matter what they do.

  You should talk to Angela, said Saphira. She’s dealt with the Twins before. Perhaps she could be there when they test you. That might prevent them from harming you.

  That’s a good idea. Eragon wound through the bookcases until he found Orik sitting on a bench, busily polishing his war ax. ’d like to return to the dragonhold.

  The dwarf slid the haft of the ax through a leather loop at his belt, then escorted Eragon to the gate where Saphira waited. People had already gathered around her. Ignoring them, Eragon scrambled onto Saphira’s back, and they escaped to the sky.

  This problem must be resolved quickly. You cannot let the Twins intimidate you, Saphira said as she landed on Isidar Mithrim.

  I know. But I hope we can avoid angering them. They could be dangerous enemies. He dismounted quickly, keeping a hand on Zar’roc.

  So can you. Do you want them as allies?

  He shook his head. Not reallyI’ll tell them tomorrow that I won’t join Du Vrangr Gata.

  Eragon left Saphira in her cave and wandered out of the dragonhold. He wanted to see Angela, but he didn’t remember how to find her hiding place, and Solembum was not there to guide him. He roamed the deserted corridors, hoping to meet Angela by chance.

  When he grew tired of staring at empty rooms and endless gray walls, he retraced his footsteps to the hold. As he neared it, he heard someone speaking within the room. He halted and listened, but the clear voice fell silent. Saphira? Who’s in there?

  A femaleShe has an air of command. I’ll distract her while you come in. Eragon loosened Zar’roc in its sheath. Orik said that intruders would be kept out of the dragonhold, so who could this be? He steadied his nerves, then stepped into the hold, his hand on the sword.

  A young woman stood in the center of the room, looking curiously at Saphira, who had stuck her head out of the cave. The woman appeared to be about seventeen years old. The star sapphire cast a rosy light on her, accentuating skin the same deep shade as Ajihad’s. Her velvet dress was wine red and elegantly cut. A jeweled dagger, worn with use, hung from her waist in a tooled leather sheath.

  Eragon crossed his arms, waiting for the woman to notice him. She continued to look at Saphira, then curtsied and asked sweetly, could you tell me where Rider Eragon is?Saphira’s eyes sparkled with amusement.

  With a small smile, Eragon said, am here.

  The woman whirled to face him, hand flying to her dagger. Her face was striking, with almond-shaped eyes, wide lips, and round cheekbones. She relaxed and curtsied again. am Nasuada,she said.

  Eragon inclined his head. obviously know who I am, but what do you want?

  Nasuada smiled charmingly. father, Ajihad, sent me here with a message. Would you like to hear it?

  The Varden’s leader had not struck Eragon as one inclined to marriage and fatherhood. He wondered who Nasuada’s mother was—she must have been an uncommon woman to have attracted Ajihad’s eye. I would.

  Nasuada tossed her hair back and recited: He is pleased that you are doing well, but he cautions you against actions like your benediction yesterday. They create more problems than they solve. Also, he urges you to proceed with the testing as soon as possible—he needs to know how capable you are before he communicates with the elves.

  you climb all the way up here just to tell me that?Eragon asked, thinking of Vol Turin’s length.

  Nasuada shook her head. used the pulley system that transports goods to the upper levels. We could have sent the message with signals, but I decided to bring it myself and meet you in person.

  you like to sit down?asked Eragon. He motioned toward Saphira’s cave.

  Nasuada laughed lightly. I am expected elsewhere. You should also know, my father decreed that you may visit Murtagh, if you wish.A somber expression disturbed her previously smooth features. met Murtagh earlierHe’s anxious to speak with you. He seemed lonely; you should visit him.She gave Eragon directions to Murtagh’s cell.

  Eragon thanked her for the news, then asked, about Arya? Is she better? Can I see her? Orik wasn’t able to tell me much.

  She smiled mischievously. is recovering swiftly, as all elves do. No one is allowed to see her except my father, Hrothgar, and the healers. They have spent much time with her, learning all that occurred during her imprisonment. She swept her eyes over Saphira. must go now. Is there anything you would have me convey to Ajihad on your behalf?

  except a desire to visit Arya. And give him my thanks for the hospitality he’s shown us.

  will take your words directly to him. Farewell, Rid
er Eragon. I hope we shall soon meet again.She curtsied and exited the dragonhold, head held high.

  If she really came all the way up Tronjheim just to meet me—pulleys or no pulleys—there was more to this meeting than idle chatter, remarked Eragon.

  Aye, said Saphira, withdrawing her head into the cave. Eragon climbed up to her and was surprised to see Solembum curled up in the hollow at the base of her neck. The werecat was purring deeply, his black-tipped tail flicking back and forth. The two of them looked at Eragon impudently, as if to ask,

  Eragon shook his head, laughing helplessly. Saphira, is Solembum who you wanted to meet?

  They both blinked at him and answered, Yes.

  Just wondering, he said, mirth still bubbling inside him. It made sense that they would befriend each other—their personalities were similar, and they were both creatures of magic. He sighed, releasing some of the day’s tension as he unbuckled Zar’roc. Solembum, do you know where Angela is? I couldn’t find her, and I need her advice.

  Solembum kneaded his paws against Saphira’s scaled back. She is somewhere in Tronjheim.

  When will she return?


  How soon? he asked impatiently. I need to talk to her today.

  Not that soon.

  The werecat refused to say more, despite Eragon’s persistent questions. He gave up and nestled against Saphira. Solembum’s purring was a low thrum above his head. I have to visit Murtagh tomorrow, he thought, fingering Brom’s ring.

  * * *


  On the morning of their third day in Tronjheim, Eragon rolled out of bed refreshed and energized. He belted Zar’roc to his waist and slung his bow and half-full quiver across his back. After a leisurely flight inside Farthen Dwith Saphira, he met Orik by one of Tronjheim’s four main gates. Eragon asked him about Nasuada. unusual girl,answered Orik, glancing disapprovingly at Zar’roc. ’s totally devoted to her father and spends all her time helping him. I think she does more for Ajihad than he knows—there have been times when she’s maneuvered his enemies without ever revealing her part in it.

  is her mother?

  I don’t know. Ajihad was alone when he brought Nasuada to Farthen Das a newborn child. He’s never said where he and Nasuada came from.

  So she too grew up without knowing her mother. He shook off the thought. ’m restless. It’ll be good to use my muscles. Where should I go for this ‘testing’ of Ajihad’s?

  Orik pointed out into Farthen Dtraining field is half a mile from Tronjheim, though you can’t see it from here because it’s behind the city-mountain. It’s a large area where both dwarves and humans practice.

  I’m coming as well, stated Saphira.

  Eragon told Orik, and the dwarf tugged on his beard. might not be a good idea. There are many people at the training field; you will be sure to attract attention.

  Saphira growled loudly. I will come! And that settled the matter.

  The unruly clatter of fighting reached them from the field: the loud clang of steel clashing on steel, the solid thump of arrows striking padded targets, the rattle and crack of wooden staves, and the shouts of men in mock battle. The noise was confusing, yet each group had a unique rhythm and pattern.

  The bulk of the training ground was occupied by a crooked block of foot soldiers struggling with shields and poleaxes nearly as tall as themselves. They drilled as a group in formations. Practicing beside them were hundreds of individual warriors outfitted with swords, maces, spears, staves, flails, shields of all shapes and sizes, and even, Eragon saw, someone with a pitchfork. Nearly all the fighters wore armor, usually chain mail and a helmet; plate armor was not as common. There were as many dwarves as humans, though the two kept mainly to themselves. Behind the sparring warriors, a broad line of archers fired steadily at gray sackcloth dummies.

  Before Eragon had time to wonder what he was supposed to do, a bearded man, his head and blocky shoulders covered by a mail coif, strode over to them. The rest of him was protected by a rough oxhide suit that still had hair on it. A huge sword—almost as long as Eragon—hung across his broad back. He ran a quick eye over Saphira and Eragon, as if evaluating how dangerous they were, then said gruffly, Orik. You’ve been gone too long. There’s nobody left for me to spar with.

  Orik smiled. that’s because you bruise everyone from head to toe with your monster sword.

  except you,he corrected.

  ’s because I’m faster than a giant like you.

  The man looked at Eragon again. ’m Fredric. I’ve been told to find out what you can do. How strong are you?

  enough,answered Eragon. have to be in order to fight with magic.

  Fredric shook his head; the coif clinked like a bag of coins. has no place in what we do here. Unless you’ve served in an army, I doubt any fights you’ve been in lasted more than a few minutes. What we’re concerned about is how you’ll be able to hold up in a battle that may drag on for hours, or even weeks if it’s a siege. Do you know how to use any weapons besides that sword and bow?

  Eragon thought about it. my fists.

  answer!laughed Fredric. we’ll start you off with the bow and see how you do. Then once some space has cleared up on the field, we’ll try—He broke off suddenly and stared past Eragon, scowling angrily.

  The Twins stalked toward them, their bald heads pale against their purple robes. Orik muttered something in his own language as he slipped his war ax out of his belt. told you two to stay away from the training area, said Fredric, stepping forward threateningly. The Twins seemed frail before his bulk.

  They looked at him arrogantly. were ordered by Ajihad to test Eragon’s proficiency with magic—before you exhaust him banging on pieces of metal.

  Fredric glowered. can’t someone else test him?

  one else is powerful enough,sniffed the Twins. Saphira rumbled deeply and glared at them. A line of smoke trickled from her nostrils, but they ignored her. with us,they ordered, and strode to an empty corner of the field.

  Shrugging, Eragon followed with Saphira. Behind him he heard Fredric say to Orik, have to stop them from going too far.

  know,answered Orik in a low voice, I can’t interfere again. Hrothgar made it clear he won’t be able to protect me the next time it happens.

  Eragon forced back his growing apprehension. The Twins might know more techniques and wordsStill, he remembered what Brom had told him: Riders were stronger in magic than ordinary men. But would that be enough to resist the combined power of the Twins?

  Don’t worry so much; I will help you, said Saphira. There are two of us as well.

  He touched her gently on the leg, relieved by her words. The Twins looked at Eragon and asked, how do you answer us, Eragon?

  Overlooking the puzzled expressions of his companions, he said flatly,

  Sharp lines appeared at the corners of the Twins’ mouths. They turned so they faced Eragon obliquely and, bending at the waists, drew a large pentagram on the ground. They stepped in the middle of it, then said harshly, We begin now. You will attempt to complete the tasks we assign youthat is all.

  One of the Twins reached into his robe, produced a polished rock the size of Eragon’s fist, and set it on the ground. it to eye level.

  That’s easy enough, commented Eragon to Saphira. reisa!The rock wobbled, then smoothly rose from the ground. Before it went more than a foot, an unexpected resistance halted it in midair. A smile touched the Twins’ lips. Eragon stared at them, enraged—they were trying to make him fail! If he became exhausted now, it would be impossible to complete the harder tasks. Obviously they were confident that their combined strength could easily wear him down.

  But I’m not alone either, snarled Eragon to himself. Saphira, now! Her mind melded with his, and the rock jerked through the air to stop, quivering, at eye level. The Twins’ eyes narrowed cruelly.

  good,they hissed. Fredric looked unnerved by the display of magic. move the stone in a circle. Again Eragon struggled against their efforts to stop him,
and again—to their obvious anger—he prevailed. The exercises quickly increased in complexity and difficulty until Eragon was forced to think carefully about which words to use. And each time, the Twins fought him bitterly, though the strain never showed on their faces.

  It was only with Saphira’s support that Eragon was able to hold his ground. In a break between two of the tasks, he asked her, Why do they continue this testing? Our abilities were clear enough from what they saw in my mind. She cocked her head thoughtfully. You know what? he said grimly as comprehension came to him. They’re using this as an opportunity to figure out what ancient words I know and perhaps learn new ones themselves.

  Speak softly then, so that they cannot hear you, and use the simplest words possible.

  From then on, Eragon used only a handful of basic words to complete the tasks. But finding ways to make them perform in the same manner as a long sentence or phrase stretched his ingenuity to the limit. He was rewarded by the frustration that contorted the Twins’ faces as he foiled them again and again. No matter what they tried, they could not get him to use any more words in the ancient language.

  More than an hour passed, but the Twins showed no sign of stopping. Eragon was hot and thirsty, but refrained from asking for a reprieve—he would continue as long as they did. There were many tests: manipulating water, casting fire, scrying, juggling rocks, hardening leather, freezing items, controlling the flight of an arrow, and healing scratches. He wondered how long it would take for the Twins to run out of ideas.

  Finally the Twins raised their hands and said, is only one thing left to do. It is simple enough—any competent user of magic should find this easy.One of them removed a silver ring from his finger and smugly handed it to Eragon. the essence of silver.


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