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Christopher Paolini - [Inheritance 01] - Eragon.html Page 44

by Eragon (lit)

  Eragon stared at the ring in confusion. What was he supposed to do? The essence of silver, what was that? And how was it to be summoned? Saphira had no idea, and the Twins were not going to help. He had never learned silver’s name in the ancient language, though he knew it had to be part of argetlam. In desperation he combined the only word that might work, ethgr, or with arget.

  Drawing himself upright, he gathered together what power he had left and parted his lips to deliver the invocation. Suddenly a clear, vibrant voice split the air.

  The word rushed over Eragon like cool water—the voice was strangely familiar, like a half-remembered melody. The back of his neck tingled. He slowly turned toward its source.

  A lone figure stood behind them: Arya. A leather strip encircled her brow, restraining her voluminous black hair, which tumbled behind her shoulders in a lustrous cascade. Her slender sword was at her hip, her bow on her back. Plain black leather clothed her shapely frame, poor raiment for one so fair. She was taller than most men, and her stance was perfectly balanced and relaxed. An unmarked face reflected none of the horrific abuse she had endured.

  Arya’s blazing emerald eyes were fixed on the Twins, who had turned pale with fright. She approached on silent footsteps and said in soft, menacing tones, Shame! Shame to ask of him what only a master can do. Shame that you should use such methods. Shame that you told Ajihad you didn’t know Eragon’s abilities. He is competent. Now leave!Arya frowned dangerously, her slanted eyebrows meeting like lightning bolts in a sharp V, and pointed at the ring in Eragon’s hand. she exclaimed thunderously.

  The silver shimmered, and a ghostly image of the ring materialized next to it. The two were identical except that the apparition seemed purer and glowed white-hot. At the sight of it, the Twins spun on their heels and fled, robes flapping wildly. The insubstantial ring vanished from Eragon’s hand, leaving the circlet of silver behind. Orik and Fredric were on their feet, eyeing Arya warily. Saphira crouched, ready for action.

  The elf surveyed them all. Her angled eyes paused on Eragon. Then she turned and strode toward the heart of the training field. The warriors ceased their sparring and looked at her with wonder. Within a few moments the entire field fell silent in awe of her presence.

  Eragon was inexorably dragged forward by his own fascination. Saphira spoke, but he was oblivious to her comments. A large circle formed around Arya. Looking only at Eragon, she proclaimed, claim the right of trial by arms. Draw your sword.

  She means to duel me!

  But not, I think, to harm you, replied Saphira slowly. She nudged him with her nose. Go and acquit yourself well. I will watch.

  Eragon reluctantly stepped forward. He did not want to do this when he was exhausted from magic use and when there were so many people watching. Besides, Arya could be in no shape for sparring. It had only been two days since she had received T’s Nectar. I will soften my blows so I don’t hurt her, he decided.

  They faced each other across the circle of warriors. Arya drew her sword with her left hand. The weapon was thinner than Eragon’s, but just as long and sharp. He slid Zar’roc out of its polished sheath and held the red blade point-down by his side. For a long moment they stood motionless, elf and human watching each other. It flashed through Eragon’s mind that this was how many of his fights with Brom had started.

  He moved forward cautiously. With a blur of motion Arya jumped at him, slashing at his ribs. Eragon reflexively parried the attack, and their swords met in a shower of sparks. Zar’roc was batted aside as if it were no more than a fly. The elf did not take advantage of the opening, however, but spun to her right, hair whipping through the air, and struck at his other side. He barely stopped the blow and backpedaled frantically, stunned by her ferocity and speed.

  Belatedly, Eragon remembered Brom’s warning that even the weakest elf could easily overpower a human. He had about as much chance of defeating Arya as he did Durza. She attacked again, swinging at his head. He ducked under the razor-sharp edge. But then why was shetoying with him? For a few long seconds he was too busy warding her off to think about it, then he realized, She wants to know how proficient I am.

  Understanding that, he began the most complicated series of attacks he knew. He flowed from one pose to another, recklessly combining and modifying them in every possible way. But no matter how inventive he was, Arya’s sword always stopped his. She matched his actions with effortless grace.

  Engaged in a fiery dance, their bodies were linked and separated by the flashing blades. At times they nearly touched, taut skin only a hair’s breadth away, but then momentum would whirl them apart, and they would withdraw for a second, only to join again. Their sinuous forms wove together like twisting ropes of windblown smoke.

  Eragon could never remember how long they fought. It was timeless, filled with nothing but action and reaction. Zar’roc grew leaden in his hand; his arm burned ferociously with each stroke. At last, as he lunged forward, Arya nimbly sidestepped, sweeping the point of her sword up to his jawbone with supernatural speed.

  Eragon froze as the icy metal touched his skin. His muscles trembled from the exertion. Dimly he heard Saphira bugle and the warriors cheering raucously around them. Arya lowered her sword and sheathed it. have passed, she said quietly amid the noise.

  Dazed, he slowly straightened. Fredric was beside him now, thumping his back enthusiastically. was incredible swordsmanship! I even learned some new moves from watching the two of you. And the elf—stunning!

  But I lost, he protested silently. Orik praised his performance with a broad smile, but all Eragon noticed was Arya, standing alone and silent. She motioned slightly with a finger, no more than a twitch, toward a knoll about a mile from the practice field, then turned and walked away. The crowd melted before her. A hush fell over the men and dwarves as she passed.

  Eragon turned to Orik. have to go. I’ll return to the dragonhold soon.With a swift jab, Eragon sheathed Zar’roc and pulled himself onto Saphira. She took off over the training field, which turned into a sea of faces as everyone looked at her.

  As they soared toward the knoll, Eragon saw Arya running below them with clean, easy strides. Saphira commented, You find her form pleasing, do you not?

  Yes, he admitted, blushing.

  Her face does have more character than that of most humans, she sniffed. But it’s long, like a horse’s, and overall she’s rather shapeless.

  Eragon looked at Saphira with amazement. You’re jealous, aren’t you!

  Impossible. I never get jealous, she said, offended.

  You are now, admit it! he laughed.

  She snapped her jaws together loudly. I am not! He smiled and shook his head, but let her denial stand. She landed heavily on the knoll, jostling him roughly. He jumped down without remarking on it.

  Arya was close behind them. Her fleet stride carried her faster than any runner Eragon had seen. When she reached the top of the knoll, her breathing was smooth and regular. Suddenly tongue-tied, Eragon dropped his gaze. She strode past him and said to Saphira, eka celbra ono un mulabra ono un onr Shur’tugal nhaina. Atra nosu wafricai.

  Eragon did not recognize most of the words, but Saphira obviously understood the message. She shuffled her wings and surveyed Arya curiously. Then she nodded, humming deeply. Arya smiled. am glad that you recovered,Eragon said. didn’t know if you would live or not.

  is why I came here today,said Arya, facing him. Her rich voice was accented and exotic. She spoke clearly, with a hint of trill, as if she were about to sing. owe you a debt that must be repaid. You saved my life. That can never be forgotten.

  —it was nothing,said Eragon, fumbling with the words and knowing they were not true, even as he spoke them. Embarrassed, he changed the subject. did you come to be in Gil’ead?

  Pain shadowed Arya’s face. She looked away into the distance. us walk.They descended from the knoll and meandered toward Farthen DEragon respected Arya’s silence as they walked. Saphira padded quietly beside them. Finally Ary
a lifted her head and said with the grace of her kind, told me you were present when Saphira’s egg appeared.

  For the first time, Eragon thought about the energy it must have taken to transport the egg over the dozens of leagues that separated Du Weldenvarden from the Spine. To even attempt such a feat was courting disaster, if not death.

  Her next words were heavy. know this: at the moment you first beheld it, I was captured by Durza.Her voice filled with bitterness and grief. was he who led the Urgals that ambushed and slew my companions, Faolin and Glenwing. Somehow he knew where to wait for us—we had no warning. I was drugged and transported to Gil’ead. There, Durza was charged by Galbatorix to learn where I had sent the egg and all I knew of Ellesm

  She stared ahead icily, jaw clenched. tried for months without success. His methods wereharsh. When torture failed, he ordered his soldiers to use me as they would. Fortunately, I still had the strength to nudge their minds and make them incapable. At last Galbatorix ordered that I was to be brought to Ur’baen. Dread filled me when I learned this, as I was weary in both mind and body and had no strength to resist him. If it were not for you, I would have stood before Galbatorix in a week’s time.

  Eragon shuddered inwardly. It was amazing what she had survived. The memory of her injuries was still vivid in his mind. Softly, he asked, do you tell me all this?

  that you know what I was saved from. Do not presume I can ignore your deed.

  Humbled, he bowed his head. will you do now—return to Ellesm

  not yet. There is much that must be done here. I cannot abandon the Varden—Ajihad needs my help. I’ve seen you tested in both arms and magic today. Brom taught you well. You are ready to proceed in your training.

  mean for me to go to Ellesm

  Eragon felt a flash of irritation. Did he and Saphira have no say in the matter?

  is yet to be decided, but not for some weeks.

  At least they gave us that much time, thought Eragon. Saphira mentioned something to him, and he in turn asked Arya, did the Twins want me to do?

  Arya’s sculpted lip curled with disgust. not even they can accomplish. It is possible to speak the name of an object in the ancient language and summon its true form. It takes years of work and great discipline, but the reward is complete control over the object. That is why one’s true name is always kept hidden, for if it were known by any with evil in their hearts, they could dominate you utterly.

  ’s strange,said Eragon after a moment, before I was captured at Gil’ead, I had visions of you in my dreams. It was like scrying—and I was able to scry you later—but it was always during my sleep.

  Arya pursed her lips pensively. were times I felt as if another presence was watching me, but I was often confused and feverish. I’ve never heard of anyone, either in lore or legend, being able to scry in their sleep.

  don’t understand it myself,said Eragon, looking at his hands. He twirled Brom’s ring around his finger. does the tattoo on your shoulder mean? I didn’t mean to see it, but when I was healing your woundsit couldn’t be helped. It’s just like the symbol on this ring.

  have a ring with the yawon it?she asked sharply.

  It was Brom’s. See?

  He held out the ring. Arya examined the sapphire, then said, is a token given only to the most valued elf-friends—so valued, in fact, it has not been used in centuries. Or so I thought. I never knew that Queen Islanzadi thought so highly of Brom.

  shouldn’t wear it, then,said Eragon, afraid that he had been presumptuous.

  keep it. It will give you protection if you meet my people by chance, and it may help you gain favor with the queen. Tell no one of my tattoo. It should not be revealed.


  He enjoyed talking with Arya and wished their conversation could have lasted longer. When they parted, he wandered through Farthen Dr, conversing with Saphira. Despite his prodding, she refused to tell him what Arya had said to her. Eventually his thoughts turned to Murtagh and then to Nasuada’s advice. I’ll get something to eat, then go see him, he decided. Will you wait for me so I can return to the dragonhold with you?

  I will wait—go, said Saphira.

  With a grateful smile, Eragon dashed to Tronjheim, ate in an obscure corner of a kitchen, then followed Nasuada’s instructions until he reached a small gray door guarded by a man and a dwarf. When he requested entrance, the dwarf banged on the door three times, then unbolted it. holler when you want to leave,said the man with a friendly smile.

  The cell was warm and well lit, with a washbasin in one corner and a writing desk—equipped with quills and ink—in another. The ceiling was extensively carved with lacquered figures; the floor was covered with a plush rug. Murtagh lay on a stout bed, reading a scroll. He looked up in surprise and exclaimed cheerily, I’d hoped you would come!

  didI mean I thought—

  thought I was stuck in some rat hole chewing on hardtack,said Murtagh, rolling upright with a grin. I expected the same thing, but Ajihad lets me have all this as long as I don’t cause trouble. And they bring me huge meals, as well as anything I want from the library. If I’m not careful, I’ll turn into a fat scholar.

  Eragon laughed, and with a wondering smile seated himself next to Murtagh. aren’t you angry? You’re still a prisoner.

  I was at first,said Murtagh with a shrug. the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that this is really the best place for me. Even if Ajihad gave me my freedom, I would stay in my room most of the time anyway.


  know well enough. No one would be at ease around me, knowing my true identity, and there would always be people who wouldn’t limit themselves to harsh looks or words. But enough of that, I’m eager to know what’s new. Come, tell me.

  Eragon recounted the events of the past two days, including his encounter with the Twins in the library. When he finished, Murtagh leaned back reflectively. suspect,he said, that Arya is more important than either of us thought. Consider what you’ve learned: she is a master of the sword, powerful in magic, and, most significantly, was chosen to guard Saphira’s egg. She cannot be ordinary, even among the elves.

  Eragon agreed.

  Murtagh stared at the ceiling. know, I find this imprisonment oddly peaceful. For once in my life I don’t have to be afraid. I know I ought to beyet something about this place puts me at ease. A good night’s sleep helps, too.

  know what you mean,said Eragon wryly. He moved to a softer place on the bed. said that she visited you. Did she say anything interesting?

  Murtagh’s gaze shifted into the distance, and he shook his head. she only wanted to meet me. Doesn’t she look like a princess? And the way she carries herself! When she first entered through that doorway, I thought she was one of the great ladies of Galbatorix’s court. I’ve seen earls and counts who had wives that, compared to her, were more fitted for life as a hog than of nobility.

  Eragon listened to his praise with growing apprehension. It may mean nothing, he reminded himself. You’re leaping to conclusions. Yet the foreboding would not leave him. Trying to shake off the feeling, he asked, long are you going to remain imprisoned, Murtagh? You can’t hide forever.

  Murtagh shrugged carelessly, but there was weight behind his words. now I’m content to stay and rest. There’s no reason for me to seek shelter elsewhere nor submit myself to the Twins’ examination. No doubt I’ll tire of this eventually, but for now I am content.

  * * *


  Saphira woke Eragon with a sharp rap of her snout, bruising him with her hard jaw. he exclaimed, sitting upright. The cave was dark except for a faint glow emanating from the shuttered lantern. Outside in the dragonhold, Isidar Mithrim glittered with a thousand different colors, illuminated by its girdle of lanterns. An agitated dwarf stood in the entrance to the cave, wringing his hands. must come, Argetlam! Great trouble—Ajihad summons you. There is no time!

  ’s wrong?asked Eragon.

  The dwarf only shook his head, beard
wagging. you must! Carkna bragha! Now!

  Eragon belted on Zar’roc, grabbed his bow and arrows, then strapped the saddle onto Saphira. So much for a good night’s sleep, she groused, crouching low to the floor so he could clamber onto her back. He yawned loudly as Saphira launched herself from the cave.

  Orik was waiting for them with a grim expression when they landed at Tronjheim’s gates. the others are waiting.He led them through Tronjheim to Ajihad’s study. On the way, Eragon plied him with questions, but Orik would only say, don’t know enough myself—wait until you hear Ajihad.

  The large study door was opened by a pair of burly guards. Ajihad stood behind his desk, bleakly inspecting a map. Arya and a man with wiry arms were there as well. Ajihad looked up. you’re here, Eragon. Meet Jmy second in command.

  They acknowledged each other, then turned their attention to Ajihad. roused the five of you because we are all in grave danger. About half an hour ago a dwarf ran out of an abandoned tunnel under Tronjheim. He was bleeding and nearly incoherent, but he had enough sense left to tell the dwarves what was pursuing him: an army of Urgals, maybe a day’s march from here.

  Shocked silence filled the study. Then Jswore explosively and began asking questions at the same time Orik did. Arya remained silent. Ajihad raised his hands. There is more. The Urgals aren’t approaching over land, but under it. They’re in the tunnels we’re going to be attacked from below.

  Eragon raised his voice in the din that followed. didn’t the dwarves know about this sooner? How did the Urgals find the tunnels?

  ’re lucky to know about it this early!bellowed Orik. Everyone stopped talking to hear him. are hundreds of tunnels throughout the Beor Mountains, uninhabited since the day they were mined. The only dwarves who go in them are eccentrics who don’t want contact with anyone. We could have just as easily received no warning at all.


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