Lies Ripped Open
Page 41
“Are you telling me that you’re going to order Nate’s death?” Elaine asked shocked.
“Oh no, not death. Punishment. If one of them happens to go overboard, that’s a shame. Can’t be helped. You’ll do well to remember that this is my realm, I made those laws, and I gave you a seat on the council in the first place. What I do is no consequence to you or anyone else who lives here, because I allow them the very privilege of living here. I’m done allowing Nathan that same privilege.” Merlin turned to me. “The next time I see you will be because you came back and my paladins had you brought before me bloody and broken. Leave this place and never come back.”
And with that Merlin turned and walked away.
“One week,” Gawain said. “I got him to agree to that. I know that you’ve got your friend’s naming ceremony tomorrow, and I know these people are important to you. I’d advise you to keep your head down and stay out of his notice until you leave. Get your stuff done and then don’t ever come back.”
“How many of your paladins will track me down outside of this realm?”
“I won’t send any of them after you. But I can’t stop them if you come back.” Gawain nodded toward Elaine and then walked off, a dozen paladins in tow.
“Wow, you stood up to the old bastard,” Tommy said. “A lot of people here saw that.”
“Yeah, for all the good it did me. I guess I’m here for a week and then I’ll leave. I’m going to wring out every single second I can before I leave this realm though, I’m not letting Merlin think he’s won easily.”
I wondered if the paladins would really come after me. Probably. And I doubted I’d survive too many of their attacks. They were trained to kill people who crossed Merlin.
“So, is this all done?” Tommy asked.
Elaine turned and watched as Merlin and his paladins leave. “Merlin has done something far worse today than just ignoring the people of this realm. He came out here and practically declared that his paladins will deal with anyone who dares disagree with him. He’s turned them into his own personal shocktroops. I won’t have that. And neither will most of the council. Something will have to be done, and soon.”
“Any idea what?”
Elaine shook her head sadly. “For now, I’d take him at his word, Nate. You have a week to leave. But I won’t have Merlin declaring himself a tyrant in all but name. The SOA will also have to be completely rebuilt. With what’s happened with Kay and now Merlin’s outburst, a lot of people are going to be worried in the coming months; it’s my job to ensure they don’t do anything stupid, and that they’re safe.”
“You still need to track down the rest of the Reavers,” Tommy said. “That might not be a small job.”
“I got one of my necromancers to take Enfield’s soul,” Elaine said. “We’ll find out whatever he knew.”
“Good, because I didn’t want to have those memories in my head,” I told her. I got back to my feet. “Now I want a shower, a change of clothing, and maybe a drink. Actually scrap that, I want a drink first.”
“Now that’s the best idea anyone has had today,” Olivia said as she rejoined us. “That was some fight, Nate.”
“He was an evil sack of shit, but a tough one,” I agreed. “Now you guys get to do the clean-up, because apparently I’m done here.”
“Remember what I said, Nate. I won’t have his people try to kill you,” Elaine promised. “But I’d stay away for a while. They won’t come after you outside of Avalon.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on returning anytime soon. Merlin’s paladins will try to kill me no matter what you say, and I will have to kill some of them, or they’ll kill me. Either way it’s more dead in Avalon. I think you’ve had enough of that recently.” My body lurched forward as the crushing tiredness of the last few days hit me.
Tommy caught me. “Come on, Nate, let’s get you somewhere you can rest.”
“Good plan.” He helped me walk a few steps before I stopped him and turned back to Elaine, Olivia, and Lucie. “It’s good to see Avalon is in excellent care. I hope you all get it to become the place you deserve it to be.”
I don’t remember getting to my hotel room, or getting in bed. In fact I don’t really remember much about the remainder of the day. I know that when I woke up the clock said I’d been asleep for twelve hours, and I felt refreshed. Maybe Erberus was responsible for that, or maybe I was giving him too much credit. Either way, I felt better than I’d felt in days.
I wasn’t even out of the bed when someone began pounding on the door. I padded over, only just realizing I was in my boxer shorts before I opened it. I quickly grabbed a bathrobe from the back of a nearby chair before returning to the door. Kasey stood in the hallway outside tapping her foot on the ground. She wore a Spider-Man T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” I asked. “If the ceremony’s casual wear, I’ll be much happier.”
“It’s not, I’m just here to make sure you’re awake. Looks like I got here just in time. Are you okay? You looked like roadkill when they brought you in.”
“Thanks for that. Means a lot.”
“Hey, I was worried.”
“Apparently, not worried enough not to mock me for it though.”
Kasey laughed. “What can I say? I’m my father’s daughter.” Her face turned serious. “You sure you’re okay now?”
“Sore, but manageable.”
Kasey reached over to something in the corridor and produced a suit bag. “In that case, this is for you. Apparently it will fit you.”
“Who checked?”
“My mum says she knows your size by looking at you. Also, they burned your clothes, they did not look good.”
“Probably for the best,” I agreed.
“My dad will fetch you in two hours.” She turned and walked off before stopping and looking back at me. “Thank you for this. Seriously, having you there is something I cherish. It wouldn’t be the same otherwise.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
“Have you decided what you’re going to say?”
“I have not. I figured I’d tell everyone it would be my job to make you awesome.”
Kasey laughed. “That would probably be the first time anyone said that in a naming ceremony.”
“I’ll think of something, I promise. Thanks for the suit.”
“See you in a few hours.”
I closed the door and took my suit to the bed, spreading the bag over the ruffled duvet and unzipping it. The suit jacket was gray with matching trousers and waistcoat. There was also a light gray shirt and dark blue tie. I’d just finished looking through it all when there was another knock at the door. I opened it and Olivia stood there holding a pair of walnut-colored shoes. She was also only wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
“Everything okay?” she asked, passing me the shoes.
I nodded.
“Cufflinks are in the shoe. Don’t forget.”
“I won’t.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Good. Kase seems calm.”
“Externally yes, internally she’s somewhat nervous. And she’s her father’s daughter in her temper.”
“Oh, so you’re having a barrel of fun.”
“I’m going to throttle Tommy and Kasey and go to the pub. If you don’t see us, you know why.”
I laughed. “I’ll make sure I’m on time and dressed then.”
“You’d best, or she’ll hunt you down.”
I laughed again.
“Not a joke.” And with that she walked off.
I had less than two hours to get ready and get to the palace. Not a problem, so I put my clothes on the back of a chair and sat on the bed to watch Avalon TV for a half hour. Avalon TV was basically a selection of shows and movies that people had recorded in the Earth realm and then brought through to Albion. There were twenty channels and not one of them showed twenty-four-hour news, something I was genuinely happy about. Thirty mi
nutes turned into forty-five when I finally got back off the bed and walked to the shower. The bathroom was well stocked with more types of aftershave, body lotion, and various smelling shower washes than any one person could possibly want. I grabbed the shower gel that smelled the nicest and had the hottest shower I could possibly bear. The hot water felt lovely, although the fact that the water turned pink was a tangible reminder of what I’d done only a few hours earlier.
It took me half an hour to get dried and dressed, mostly because I took my time and watched some TV in the middle of it. When the door knocked again, I was dressed and had used some of the aftershave I’d found in the bathroom. I thought about having a shave, but I’ve always hated doing it with hotel razors, so the stubbled, rugged look would have to do. I opened the door to find Tommy in the hallway. He wore a black suit with pinstripes, a purple tie, and a fedora.
“You ready?” he asked.
I nodded. “Whose idea was the cufflinks, by the way?” I showed him the little silver swords that adorned my shirtsleeves.
“Olivia picked your clothes. You can thank her.”
We walked out of the hotel and got into a car outside.
“Nervous?” I asked when Tommy mispronounced palace about three times before getting it right.
“Yes, although for Kasey more than me.” Tommy paused and took a deep breath. “You figure out what you’re going to say?”
“Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
Tommy’s smile was full of warmth. “Because winging it probably isn’t the best idea.”
“I’ll come up with something by the time we get to the palace. What’s Ellie saying?”
“She’ll talk about her wolf side, leaves a lot of scope for you.”
“Tommy,” I said patiently. “My skills aren’t exactly something a fifteen-year-old needs to be taught.”
“You don’t have to train her to be a killer, Nate. I trust you’ll figure out something.”
We sat in silence for the remainder of the journey while I tried to figure out what I was going to say. When we reached the palace there was a congregation outside.
Olivia walked over to me and hugged me. “You look great,” she whispered.
“Thanks, you too,” I said, meaning it. She looked amazing in her blue satin dress, with matching shawl and high heels.
“Even Alan made an effort,” she said pointing over at the clearly uncomfortable man in the blue suit. “Fiona had been invited already, but it’s nice to have her husband here with her.”
“It’s weird seeing everyone dressed up,” I said.
Remy walked up between us. He wore a suit I was certain had to have been made especially for him. “I heard what happened with Enfield and Merlin. It’s sort of the talk of the town. Nathan Garrett, Hellequin, killer of bad guys and the person who stood up to Merlin.”
“Today is about Kasey,” I said. “Everyone else can have their glances and whispers. I’ll give a shit tomorrow.”
Tommy patted me on the back. “You ready?”
I nodded. “I know what I’m going to say.”
“Fancy sharing?” Olivia asked and then raised a hand to stop me. “I think I’d rather be surprised.”
We all walked into the palace, and I had to admit that I noticed the glances and people looking away when I returned them. I pushed it aside, and we reached the main chambers.
“You know almost the entire council came in for this?” Lucie told me. “Apparently they wanted to see what would happen.”
“Well, won’t this be fun then?”
The guards opened the double doors and the roar of noise inside washed over me. We all walked into the din, which quieted when Elaine stood. She wore a simple black jumpsuit and stood next to Kasey, who looked as nervous as any one person possibly could. Kasey looked incredibly grown up in her blue dress, and I noticed the look of utmost pride on Tommy’s and Olivia’s faces as Kasey made her way toward the center of the chambers.
“Kasey Elizabeth Carpenter,” Elaine said, quieting everyone else in the room.
“Yes, ma’am,” Kasey said.
“We don’t normally have these kinds of numbers for a naming ceremony here. In fact this might be the most people we’ve had turn up in some time. Because of the turnout, I’ll be conducting this ceremony myself.”
I recognized several people in the chamber, not all of them friends. Many of them appeared to be the same group who’d watched me kill Enfield and stand up to Merlin.
“You’re aware that a naming ceremony is a great milestone in a person’s life,” Elaine continued. “When Avalon recognizes them as having come into their abilities, and when they begin their journey to become a fully fledged member with the rights of all members. You are no longer a child, and I can see from the looks on the faces of your family and people around this chamber who know them, that they are very proud to have such a young adult as you. You do them a great honor by being the smart, capable person you have turned into.”
Kasey nodded slightly and wiped at her eyes.
“Will the first sentinel step forward.”
Ellie stood beside Kasey and took hold of her hand.
“State your name and position within Avalon,” Elaine ordered.
“Ellie O’Neil,” she said. “I’m the female alpha in the South of England werewolf pack.”
“And, Ellie, what will you bring to Kasey’s life?”
“I will teach Kasey how to be the best wolf she can possibly be. I will be there for her when she needs me, and will help her in any way I can as she grows into the amazing woman I know she’ll become. I will be a rock for her.”
Kasey hugged Ellie.
“Thank you, Ellie. And now for the second sentinel. Please make your way to the center of the chamber.”
“You got this,” Tommy whispered as I walked past and stood next to Kasey, who smiled at me.
“And your name?” Elaine asked with a slight smile.
“Nathaniel Garrett,” I told her. “I don’t really have a rank within Avalon. You can use vagabond or ronin if you like.”
Elaine stifled a smile and someone behind me chuckled.
“That’s quite all right. And what will you bring to Kasey’s life.”
“I’ll protect her in every way I . . .” I paused. “No, I won’t do that.”
There was a general murmuring all around me.
“I’ll always be honest with her, always be there when she needs me. These are promises I’ve already made. This needs to be something more. I always said I would never pass on the lessons I’ve learned,” I continued, creating silence once again. “I always said I should keep that knowledge to myself, that it was too dangerous to pass on. But I was wrong. I won’t protect Kasey, because I won’t need to. I’ll teach her how to protect herself. I’ll teach her how to be the person I wish I could be. A better person. She will learn what I know and use it as a force of good. That’s my promise right here.”
Elaine’s jaw dropped open, and the silence in the chambers could have been cut with a very blunt knife.
Kasey was staring at me. “Seriously? You’re going to teach me how to be Hellequin?” she asked.
I shook my head. “I’ll teach you to be better. I’ll teach you how to protect yourself and the people you love.”
Elaine cleared her throat and everyone was quiet again. “With those words I announce Kasey Elizabeth Carpenter a member of Avalon. You have so been named, may your time here be one of joy.”
Kasey hugged Ellie and me and then ran over to her parents.
“That was not what I expected,” Ellie said.
“Nor me,” I said with a smile and made my way to Elaine who was walking down to meet us.
“Kasey is going to be taught how to protect herself by a man a lot of people fear,” Elaine said. “You know that in itself will protect her?”
“That’s the plan,” I said. “This isn’t about Hellequin protecting her, this is about her protecting herself. I want to tra
in her to be the best she can be.”
“What changed your mind about training people?” she asked.
“She’s my best friend’s daughter. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. And this is within my power.” I watched as Kasey made her way around the people who wanted to congratulate her.
“Are you serious?” Olivia asked, joining us.
I nodded. “I’m not going to teach her about being the boogeyman, or making people fear her. But training her how to protect herself, about what types of things she can expect in the world when she leaves school? Hell, yes, I can do that.”
Tommy walked over and hugged me. “Thanks, Nate. Knowing it’s you training her is good. As much as I’d love to do it myself, we both know it would only result in arguments. Thank you for that.”
“A friend gave me the idea. Apparently my previous viewpoint was high and mighty.”
“I’m sorry about Felix,” Tommy said. “He was an asshole, but I liked the guy.”
“That appeared to be the consensus,” I said.
I turned to Elaine. “Have you got a minute? I need a favor. A big one.”
“Of course.”
“I’ll see you all later,” I told my friends and followed Elaine up the stairs to her private room behind the chambers.
“And what favor might this be?” she asked the second we stepped inside and I closed the door.
The room was sparsely decorated, with a table, chair, and several rows of full bookcases. There were no paintings, or pictures, nothing of hers apart from the books.
“It’s not officially my office yet,” she said. “Not until Merlin steps down for good. And that’s very much depending on what the council decides. As you know, change isn’t fast around here. There’s going to be plenty of political horse-fuckery before we actually get a plan for what happens next.”
“Horse-fuckery?” I asked with a laugh.
Elaine tried very hard not to smile. “I stick by my choice of phrase.”
“I need you to pardon Alan,” I said, suddenly serious.