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Unbreakable Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 2)

Page 9

by Griffin, Kara

  “As I’ll ever be,” she remarked dryly. He took her hand and led her inside. The rest followed.

  Annag smiled widely and had set a fine feast upon the table. “Glory be. One our lads is getting married.” The old lady couldn’t contain her joy and dabbed her eyes.

  Brodin and Heath were about to sit at the table when Kerrigan called them.

  “After the wedding.” She pointed toward the hearth, an indication they should move away from the table. The sound of a bairn’s wails came and as she hastened away, she told them to wait. The men grumbled at having to await supper.

  Makenna kept silent as she walked around the large cave, pacing, and considered the absurd situation she found herself in. Liam spoke quietly with his friends about a parchment they were apparently searching for. She noticed the many trunks that lined the one side of the cave. Atop one sat several daggers of varying sizes and lengths. There appeared to be a trunk missing, for there was an empty space in the middle. Her sword sat by the entrance where she’d left it.

  Kerrigan returned nearly twenty minutes later. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. William was hungry. I hope you didn’t start without me?”

  Graeme answered. “Nay, love, we waited. Friar, if you’re ready.”

  Makenna stood next to Liam. He smelled nice, the scent of him inundating her. He’d bathed and wore clean garments. His hair washed and combed back, shone, and he’d shaved. He gave her a devilish grin and took her hand. With the length of his tartan, he wrapped their joined hands and turned his attention to the clergyman.

  Friar Hemm cleared his throat. He began the service with … “The sacrament of marriage should not be entered into lightly. Do you both pledge that you take each other without force or coercion?” He eyed Liam suspiciously.

  They both nodded. Liam rubbed his finger on her palm and distracted her. It was a good thing because the friar seemed to want to drone on. He finally got to the part where they agreed to accept one another. All in the chamber awaited her acknowledgement. It took a small squeeze of Liam’s hand to incite her to answer.

  “I do take him.”

  Before the friar could announce their union blessed, Liam turned and pulled her into his arms. He embraced her and set his lips against hers. It wasn’t the kind of kiss one should receive at such an event, but Makenna got taken in, and returned the desirous play of his tongue.

  Thankfully, she closed her eyes and couldn’t see the look of appall that surely crossed the friar’s face. When Liam pulled back, she opened her eyes and found him staring at her. His jaw tight, his eyes narrowed. Before she could ask what bothered him, he left her standing with Kerrigan.

  “Come, and let us eat before the men clear the platters. Annag fixed a delicious supper.”

  She thanked the friar and proceeded to sit at the opposite side of her now termed husband. She was about to take her place when Liam shook his head. He pulled out the chair next to his.

  Makenna rounded the table and appeased him by sitting next to him. Annag began passing around the platters and trenchers until they each filled the one set before them. She enjoyed the comradery amongst the men, the friar, Annag, and Kerrigan. They jested easily and seemed to know each other well. Their jollity brought forth a touch of homesickness to her heart, for she missed her family.

  Supper ended much too quickly for her linking, mainly because she didn’t know what to expect. Would Liam insist upon his husbandly rights? Should she refute him? With the way he kissed her it was obvious he intended to take his rights. And with her reaction it was obvious she wouldn’t refute him.

  Friar Hemm called to Kerrigan, who now held the sleeping bairn in her arms. “I would christen the bairn before I leave. We can’t have him unprotected without God’s blessing.” Liam was proclaimed the bairn’s champion and godparent.

  After a brief service, where the friar poured a good amount of holy water over the bairn’s head, and a prayer, the Friar made the sign of the cross.

  “I shall bid ye all farewell for I should be getting back to the abbey. Let me know any news about the parchment and I shall send my lads if I harken word of the king’s return.” Friar Hemm bowed to them and hastily left the cave.

  Kerrigan set a hand on her arm and drew her attention. “I shall put wee William to bed. I’m exhausted after such an exciting day. Shall I see you on the morrow?”

  She nodded and thanked her. Makenna noticed Annag clearing the table, and she hurried to help her. The two of them worked quickly and had all put away and righted within minutes. When she looked up, she realized Graeme, Brodin, and Heath left the chamber.

  Liam stood by the cave entrance and signaled to her. He actually hitched his finger. Makenna didn’t mean to scowl, but she didn’t understand, nor did she appreciate the way he called her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, before he half-dragged her from the cave.

  “You shall see, lass. Come, it’s not far.”

  She dislodged her arm and took his hand. Night approached and few stars appeared. The longer they walked, the more apprehensive she became. Were they to walk all the way back to Caerlaverock? Their silent walk unnerved her.

  “Will you not tell me where we are going?”

  He remained closed-mouthed and guided her toward a rocky slope at the edge of an expanse of high grass. She was about to ask him if he intended on sleeping in the field, but he stopped and turned to her.

  “We’re here.” He ducked behind a boulder.

  Makenna narrowed her eyes and squeezed through. She found herself inside another cave, although this cave wasn’t as large as the other. All around them sat candles on the ground, trunks, and smaller boulders that made up the inside. She now knew where the missing trunk was. It was Liam’s. The flicker of candlelight caused shadows to dance on the high ceiling.

  Near the back of the cave sat a large bed pallet with enough coverings to keep any chill away. Heat converged on her and she felt warmth creeping up her neck. The sight of the bed instilled her unspoken discomfort. All Makenna could think was, he definitely was interested in his husbandly rights. To break the awkward silence between them, she stepped around the chamber and warmed her hands by the makeshift hearth that flanked one side of the wall.

  “Is this where you live?”

  He stood beside her. “It is now. Are you tired?”

  She turned and glanced at him. “Nay.”

  “Me neither.”

  At that moment, a cat ran toward them. At first, Makenna thought it was a rat, but then she noticed its long fluffy tail. “Is he yours?”

  “He thinks so.”

  A man of few words, she mused. She lifted the cat, held him in her arms and petted him. After a long minute of unnerving quiet, she asked, “Do you want to undress?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Then you expect to take your husbandly rights?” Makenna allowed the cat to jump from her arms. She stood still awaiting with bated breath for his answer.

  “You’re damned right I do. Does that worry you?”

  “No. I know what to expect. My mother explained it to me and my …” She closed her eyes, envisioning the time when her mother sat her and Roberta down and told them what transpired between a husband and wife. When she opened her eyes, she was sure her cheeks enflamed.

  “Your what?” he asked, as he sat upon the bedding and unlaced his boot.

  “My sister. Are you certain you want to do that … with me?”

  He flashed a heart-rending smile. “Very certain.” He grabbed her hand and gazed at her.

  “Will you promise not to hurt me?”

  Liam sighed and gently pulled her to sit with him. “Makenna, I have never hurt a woman and don’t plan to start now. I will never harm you.”

  “But I saw that woman … in the village.”

  “And you think I did that to her?” His appall evident and his scowl turned fierce.

  “I didn’t know what to think. I saw you leave the cottage with the woman …” She
remembered the man who followed, and whom Liam went against. “Why didn’t you kill him?”

  Her question stopped him from pulling off his other boot. “Kill who?”

  “The man in the village? I saw the way you thwarted his attack. You had opportunity several times to kill him, but you did not.”

  Liam yanked his boot off and his jaw flexed before he answered, “I wanted to, believe me, for he deserved nothing less. I thought it best he be sent to the gallows for he’d be well served there for what he’d done.”

  She pressed her fingers over the pearls by her bodice for lack of anything to occupy her. “What did he do?”

  “Beat his wife.” Liam kept his gaze fixed on hers.

  Makenna’s eyes softened. “Many beat their wives.”

  “He’d gone beyond what a husband should. I do not hold that a man should harm a woman in such a way or lay an angry hand on her. He shall suffer more being in the gallows. I gave my vow not to harm you, and I won’t. If you’re fearful, we can wait.”

  Her lips curled at the edges. He was honorable, and a protector by nature. That trait lightened her spirit. “We don’t need to wait. But, Liam, you’ll have to tell me what to do. My mother unfortunately didn’t go into details. I know naught of what the woman should do, only what the man does …” Makenna’s cheeks stung with a rush of humiliation.

  He pulled the tartan fabric that crossed his chest loose and tossed it beside him. “Get undressed.”

  Chapter Seven

  Disrobing a virgin had to be the most daunting task for any new husband. He wanted her naked and beneath him with her soft body reassuring him of the passion that flowed between them. Liam eased the fabric of her gown higher, but her hands kept him from lifting it further.

  “You need to unclasp it from the back.”

  He held out his hand and drew her to her feet. Liam wanted to rip the vexing garment off her and have his way with her. Instead, he took a calming breath and turned her around. He found the clasps hidden by a seam down the center of her back. Once each clasp was undone, he slid his finger along the soft skin now exposed to him. With a gentle touch, he shifted the fabric at her shoulders until the gown fell down her arms.

  She stepped out of the puddled garment, but wouldn’t turn and face him.

  Liam pulled his tunic over his head and tossed it onto the ground. He kept the tartan around his waist in place so he wouldn’t intimidate her already frightened sensibilities.

  He wanted to touch her and pulled her back against his bared chest. The fabric of her scanty chemise did little to warm her, but his skin would heat her soon enough. He was hot. Desire wreaked havoc through him and scorched his blood with taunting need. Liam smoothed his rough hands down her arms, content for now to be touching her.

  “Are you going to hide from me?”

  She turned and set her hands on his chest. “No. What do you want me to do?”

  He caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Kiss me.”

  Liam set his arms around her and pressed his hands on her back, bringing her close. He held her with one hand and used the other to tilt her head. Her green eyes misted with passion. His lips took possession of hers. The longer he kissed her the more his body reminded him of his need. But he also remembered that this was his wife, his virgin wife, a woman who needed to be wooed not ravished.

  Hell, he needed to slow down. But his hands didn’t heed that thought as they perused her, touching, squeezing, and caressing her. Liam half-drug her to the bed and without dislodging his mouth, set her gently down. His body covered hers and his hand moved to the fleshy mound of her breast. It was all he could do to remind himself to breathe.

  Makenna in-turn caressed him, moving and soothing his shoulders, arms, and back with her tender touch. He groaned at the pleasure her hands evoked. The arousing torment rode him and Liam didn’t like the slip of his restraint. He broke free of their kiss and rasped as he set his head in the crook of her shoulder. Maintaining control was going to be more difficult than the thought.

  He set light kisses at the soft skin on the base of her neck. She shifted her leg against him and writhed.

  “You feel nice. I like touching you,” she said, trailing her fingers over his abdomen.

  “Do you ken how much I want you?” He suspected she wanted him, but not nearly as much as he wanted her. He tucked his fingers beneath her chemise and pushed it upward then slid them down until he came in contact with the wetness of her sex.

  She moaned when his fingers explored her, gently easing in and rubbing her with strokes of his intent. “Ah, love, you’re sweet.” He leaned forward and kissed her while he continued to pleasure her with his fingers.

  Liam groaned, knowing how good it would be between them. She was ready for him, but she was tight. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her. He pulled away and set his forehead against hers. With a resigned breath, he swore to take it slow. Only she wouldn’t let him.

  She unfastened his belt and shoved the tartan at his waist away. Her hand smoothed its way over his hips and the curve of his arse. Liam held his breath and released it when she pulled his face to look at her. Her blush was verily bonny and her lips well-flushed.

  “Liam, I want to … need to … need you.”

  “I ken you do, sweetheart, but we should go slow. I promised not to hurt you, but I—”

  “Don’t make me wait.” Her words were a whispered plea.

  He tried to be as gentle as he could when he entered her. He was nearly there when he heard her gasp. Liam stilled, he lifted his head and told her with his eyes how much she pleased him. He couldn’t speak and gritted his teeth.

  She calmed a moment later and reclaimed him when she wrapped her legs around his hips. He thrust until he broke through her maidenhead, the entire time he continued to kiss her cries away.

  “Love, look at me.”

  Her scrunched eyes opened and she relaxed.

  “The pain will subside. Now comes the pleasurable part.”

  Her smile dazzled him. “You promise?”

  “Aye,” he said, and shifted his hips and teased her with short, purposeful movements.

  Makenna squealed a sound of pleasure and gripped his shoulders. She held him firmly, and for dear life as her nails pierced him. It was all the sign Liam needed. He released the constraint he’d placed on himself. His thrusts turned to haste and he became mindless as desire swept over him. What little control he maintained fled with each moan from her sweet lips.

  He continued to caress her, kiss her, and used every wile to coerce her desire. Her womb tightened around his rod, sending urgent longing within him. He thrashed madly when the first rivets of her culmination reverberated and squeezed his length. Liam groaned, knowing he was about to meet his end. But damnation, she needed to get there before him.

  She trembled and continued to touch him. Liam gritted his teeth again and steeled himself. He swore he wouldn’t climax until she was good and ready to meet him. He did the only thing that came to mind and bespoke vulgar, yet sexy words of encouragement. His words whispered near her ear drew her rush of breath.

  “Ah, that’s it, love, find your way. Feel me inside you? Give yourself to me.” He jerked his body forward with such force, she yelled out. He kept up the tumultuous movements until she lay back, lethargic in his arms and sated.

  His climax consumed him. Liam stilled and let the shattering torment of his body release. His growl came with the volatile banging of his heart. When he could breathe again, he pressed the locks of her hair away from her face and kissed her gently by her wounded ear.

  “By God, I love that,” he muttered, but kept her secure against him.

  She touched his face and smiled. “I believe I love it too.” Makenna laughed. “I find it silly that I feared it.”

  Liam slid his body to her side and pulled her against him. “You won’t ever fear me, Makenna. Say it. I want the words.”

  “Nay, I shan’t ever fear you, Liam.”
br />   “Good. We’ll get along well then. Let us sleep for you’ve exhausted me.” He got up and blew out most of the candles around the cave. The small fire he’d made earlier in the makeshift hearth doused long ago.

  He pulled a tartan from the pile of his garments and joined his wife in bed. The night might grow cold and he covered her, gently tucking it in by her waist. She was already fast asleep, and he kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Aye, you shouldn’t fear me.” Liam, wide awake now, peered at the ceiling pondering how he’d come to such fortune.

  He realized her foe wasn’t an imprudent lover, for she’d never been with another. Who then was her enemy? Was he connected with her home being besieged? It had to be someone who attacked them. Why would she go to such lengths to want to kill the foe? Which brought forth the question … And what did he do to her to gain such retaliation?

  Then he thought of his uncle and his words so long ago, ‘Makenna Mackenzie is bonny and far more worthy … One day you’ll thank me for this gift.’ If there was a way to thank his uncle, he verily would.

  Liam slunk away and joined his comrades in the clearing they’d made for training. Each night, they’d test their arms and try new methods with their swords and other weapons. Now with the king’s imminent return, they ensured their practice each night. All his frustration released with each strike of his sword.

  He returned to the cave he’d made home for him and Makenna for the time being. Liam quickly undressed and got back into bed. But he got no rest as he considered his problems and his wife’s. He watched Makenna sleep and twice she’d cried out undiscernible words from nightmares.

  The first time she’d thrashed beside him and he tried to soothe her with a gentle touch, but it only made it worse. The second time, he resisted touching her and used soft words to get her to calm. She revealed nothing about what her nightmares alluded to.

  This morning, he intended to get answers, but she slumbered and because her body felt soft and warm next to his, he didn’t wake her. Just gazing at her beauty caused his erection. He wanted to take her, awaken her with his passion. He was about to kiss her when she opened her eyes.


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