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Unbreakable Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 2)

Page 16

by Griffin, Kara

  “And Makenna too? You love her too?”

  He chuckled. Leave it to his lass to get him to admit such. “She’s my wife. That makes her your momma. We’ll both love her. And she and I will love you.”

  “We will both love her.”

  Life returned to normal, but his routine now included a wife and child. After a fortnight, he still wasn’t used to having a child around. Liam finished off his nightly training session and bathed in the stream. They’d taken to practice since Brodin and Heath returned from their sojourn to locate the monk–unfortunately empty-handed. The trail went cold, and no one had seen Matthew after he left the abbey.

  Dawn approached with the lighting beyond the trees. Liam headed for home, and he hoped to get a wee bit of sleep before Makenna and Darcy rose. He undressed and slipped into bed next to Makenna. She shimmied close to him. Her warmth beckoned him. Since their return, they’d hardly spoken two words or had a moment alone.

  He pressed his hand on the side of her face and accidentally brushed her injured ear. Her eyes shot open.

  “It’s just me, lass … Liam.”

  “You frightened me. Are you just coming to bed? It must be early.”

  “Aye, barely morning.” He nuzzled the side of her neck. “I’ve missed you, lass. I want to feel you beneath me again, to love you again.” She gasped when his cold hands crept under her nightdress.

  “We cannot. Darcy is here …”

  “We need to get the lass a bed of her own.” Liam got out of the bed and took Makenna in his arms.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Where I can kiss you and be inside you.” He carried her to the entrance of the cave where two hay stacks sat. The hay protected the entrance from wind getting inside. Even with the heavy boulder protecting the entrance, wind swept inside. Liam set her upon a stack and pulled off her nightdress. “Ah, you’re just as lovely as I remember.”

  “It has been too long,” she said, and ran her hands over his naked chest.

  “I want to taste your skin.” He set his mouth on her lips and kissed her. The tantalizing touch of her hands on his skin sent desire rushing through him. Liam couldn’t wait to be inside her. He needed her and didn’t hold back his sensual attack. “What you do to me …” His harsh breath fanned her neck as he continued to press his lips on her skin.

  He kissed his way to her breast and gently licked the pucker of her nipple. Consumed by the maddening lust, he shifted his hand to her womanhood, and her desire slicked his fingers. Liam moaned at her readiness.

  “You make me want you there …” She gasped as he continued to torment her with the pleasurable strokes of his fingers.

  He gripped her hips and pulled her in position and plunged forward. Driven to frenzied thrusts, he couldn’t speak … couldn’t breathe. The torment was too much to bear, being inside her again. Makenna’s body tensed and she squealed the delight of her orgasm. Liam lost the battle when her womb tightened around his erection. He moaned and gave over to the body wracking lure. A growl fierce and grating escaped him. His body turned to stone for all he could move seized by both the pleasure and torment.

  It took more than a minute to regain his control. He was renewed, aye with the pleasure she gave him. Liam kissed her lips gently and lifted her chin. He set his mouth against hers and reveled in her fleeing acceptance. She held his face and looked at him with tears shimmering in her eyes.

  “Why do you weep? Did I hurt you? It was supposed to feel good.” The flashed a smile, hoping it did.

  She wrapped her arms around him. “You make me feel safe.” Makenna continued to cry, and he swiped the tears away.

  “That’s not such a bad thing, love. That is my greatest challenge, keeping you safe.”

  She fingered the medallion around his neck. “Do you cherish this? Did Lady Lennox gift it to you? I wish you not to wear it when you are with me.”

  He looked down at the medallion held in her fingers confused by her words. Why would she care if Lady Lennox gave it to him? “Nay, Brodin made it for me. He made one for all of us.” Liam led her back to the bedding and reached his trunk. He took out a medallion and handed it to her. “Brodin says ye belong to us now so he made you one as well. You should keep it with you at all times. If anything happens to you or if you need aid, you need only to send it to Sweetheart Abbey, to Friar Hemm. He will get a message to us.”

  She studied it and turned it over. “It has my name on it.”

  “Aye they are all the exact except each one bears our name.” Liam took it and pulled it over her head. It didn’t hang too far on her chest.

  “That was kind of Brodin. Will you thank him for me?”

  “I will, Makenna. Now let us get sleep before the wee one awakens.” He lifted her again and set her upon the bed. There, he pulled the covers over them and hugged her close. Liam closed his eyes, too spent to consider what passed between them, which he hoped was a truce.

  Something soft tickled his nose and moved over his face. Liam blew a breath and opened his eyes. He found himself in bed. The cat walked across his chest and butted its head against his chin. He pushed the creature off him and turned to gaze about the chamber.

  Darcy lay beside him and giggled. “I like your pet. What is his name?”

  He groaned. “He’s not my pet, lass.”

  “Can he be my pet?”

  He nodded since it was obvious the cat wouldn’t leave. “Where is your momma?”

  “She’s not here.”

  “I can see she isn’t.” Liam yawned and rubbed his face. He’d gotten only a few hours of sleep. His day would begin whether he wanted to rise or not. He grabbed his garments and hastily dressed. Once he was decent enough, he turned to find Darcy petting the cat. “Let us find your momma and get you some morning fare.”

  She giggled when he shooed away the cat and lifted her high.

  Outside the weather warmed the ground. Spring finally broke through winter’s restraint. He walked toward the main cave, certain he’d find Makenna there. But he heard the sound of sword strikes and rushed toward the ossuary thinking there was trouble.

  Anger heated his face. He held Darcy too tightly, and she wiggled to be released. Liam set her on the ground and marched forward. He glared at his wife and set his hands on his hips.

  “What in bloody hell are you doing?”

  She lowered the sword and turned with a gasp. “Liam, I was …”

  “I wasn’t asking you, Makenna. Heath … why would you …?” He’d shouted his question and took a calming breath. Before he’d unleash his wrath on his comrade, he needed Makenna to take his daughter away. The last thing he wanted was to scare her again. “Take the child and get her something to eat. I will deal with you later.”

  “I don’t like your tone, Liam.”

  He scoffed. “Nay? It is much better than shouting which I am about to do if you don’t get your arse moving.”

  She rushed forward and took Darcy’s hand and led her away. As soon as she was out of his sight and earshot, Liam trudged forward and flung his fist at Heath’s face. Their row became intense as Heath retaliated and cut his lip with a blow. But Liam was angry and kept up his combative punches. He was about to heave another strike when someone pulled his arm back.

  “What the hell is going on?” Graeme grabbed his arms and drug him back a few steps to separate him from Heath.

  Heath rubbed his chin, scowling, and as ireful as he.

  “Release me. I’m going to kill Heath.” He turned an ireful glance at his friend. “Why would you train her? You ken I don’t want Makenna touching a sword.”

  “She asked and I couldn’t say nay.”

  Liam spit a bit of blood on the ground. “You would go behind my back and do the one thing I swore not to? How long has this been going on?”

  Heath flinched. “Since our return. The lass only wants to protect herself. She’s good at it, Liam. She’s got enough skill to protect herself now, something you should’ve considered.”

  “She’s got enough skill to get herself killed. How am I to protect her now? I’m going to … I can’t lose her. She means too …” He rasped and closed his mouth and swallowed his conflict.

  Graeme saved him from spewing his most guarded thoughts. “Liam, I didn’t know what Heath was doing. He won’t train her again. Isn’t that so, Heath?”

  Heath nodded, but otherwise remained silent.

  “It’s too late. If she wants to go after her foe, there’s nothing I can do to stop her.”

  Brodin sauntered toward them. “We got a message from James. He is with the king and needs us to come. He says it’s urgent and that we should take precaution. He’s sent a large group of his men to await us so we can blend in with them and not be recognized by Robert when we arrive.”

  Graeme took the missive from Brodin and scanned the words. “He doesn’t say if there’s to be another battle, but we should ready for one.”

  Liam stomped away. This was the worse time to receive the news and the worse time to leave his wife. With Makenna’s newfound skill, she was sure to leave him. He found her in the main cave and called her. She joined him outside the entrance.

  “I must go.”

  She touched his arm, the caress allying him. “You’re leaving?”

  “The king calls. I’ve written instructions for the steward at my holding. You’ll find them in the cave. If I should die …”


  He held up his hand. “It’s only a precaution, Makenna. I don’t plan on getting myself killed. Och in case something does happen to me, you will have proof of my wishes. I sent a message to the steward a few weeks ago telling him the same.”

  She hugged him, her face pressed against his chest. Liam wrapped his arms around her. He was hesitant to release her. “I ken I shouldn’t make you promise, but … Will you be here when I return?”

  “I still have much to learn. I’m not skilled enough to take on … I shall be here, Liam, when you return. Worry not, and I shall see to Darcy. The child needs her father, so you better return in one piece, Liam, or by God, you’ll have my wrath to deal with.”

  He set a kiss on her sweet lips, but deepened it when she tightened her arms around him. “When I do return, we shall discuss this ridiculous quest you’re intent on taking. And perhaps you’ll smile more oft?”

  She grabbed his tunic and tugged him closer. Makenna kissed him with enough passion that he completely forgot his anger.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ayrshire, Scotland

  Early May

  The king’s camp situated near Loudoun Hill to the north was well-hidden from the English. Liam dismounted and walked with his comrades as they approached the king’s tent. Robert called a meeting of his most loyal fighters and highest commanders, James being one of them. Liam stood next to his fierce comrade and waited to hear what Robert would say. Approximately thirty men stood outside the tent, and thousands camped in the surrounding area.

  “The king’s been able to secure new recruits,” Liam said, taking account of the many who stood near or camped beyond.

  “Aye, and with the English’s seasonal invasion, we should be ready.” James tilted his head at Robert when he stepped forward.

  “All, I bid you welcome. I’m gladdened to see many here in support of our cause. With our knowledge of our countryside, we will use it to our advantage. The enemy shall come with many horses and men. We will not allow them to use our fields to supply their feed. I will need twenty men to see to the burning of the fields yonder, and the livestock taken from our enemy’s path. We shall deny them the fodder and provisions.” Robert walked through the crowd of young fighters and chose the men to see to the task. “Go and return as soon as you are able to take up arms.”

  James took a step next to Robert and walked alongside him. Liam and his comrades followed closely behind.

  “Sire, we should ensure our forces are as mobile. We cannot beat the English in an open battle upon a field what with their battle gear. They’ll desecrate us.”

  “What suggest you, James? That we hide? You would be the last person I’d deem who would hide from our enemy.”

  “Nay, we have not their numbers and we are ill-equipped to defeat them in an open battle, but we can strike them on raids and keep them on the defensive. We’ll prevent them from using their battle gear, forcing their offense in hand-to-hand combat. That is the only way we can win the battle.”

  “You sound as fervent as Wallace did about warfare. Let us survey the area and I’ll think on this matter, James. Have ten of your men join us.” Robert wouldn’t allow his trek without protection.

  Liam was relieved the king took precautions. He trailed behind closely in order to hear Robert’s summation of James’s suggestion.

  “We will choose the ground we fight upon, not the English.” James stepped onto the lane, more of a trail which led to a meadow. “It’s dry and smooth here. Too easy for the English to traipse and advance. We must find ground that will make their progress difficult. Mayhap ground with an incline.”

  Liam poked James’ back and inclined his head toward the side of the lane.

  James grinned and halted the king’s progression. “Sire, there are bogs on each side of the lane here. They look deep and wide enough to cause the English to slacken their pace. They wouldn’t be able to advance with haste. I’d say the distance would put us within bowshot. Aye, we could dig a ditch and ambush them when they cross the lane and trudge through the bog.”

  “A sound plan, James. Let us get the men digging then for we’ll make similar ditches on both sides of the bogs in case they come from either direction.”

  James nodded and walked hastily with the king back to camp. He gave him a knowing look and Liam firmed his lips. It was a sound plan–that was if the enemy cooperated.

  Liam sat outside James’ tent and sharpened his sword. He perched on a rock which gave him an overlook of the vast fields and lands. Throughout the night he saw the glow from the fires of the fields purposely set. Toward morning the young soldiers given the task of digging the ditches returned. He stood and saw a banner waving high some great distance off. The English were on the move.

  “Valenci and his army approach. Let us get the archers positioned.”

  James spoke low to the king and Robert shouted for his archers to make ready. At once, two hundred men with longbows rushed to the ditches and held their bows, ready to strike.

  Liam knew the lane that Valenci’s forces had to get through were too narrow for him to be a threat. Most of the English would be cut down as they marched forward through the thick murky dyke. As soon as they were near enough, the king gave the signal, and arrows swished the air with their call of attack.

  Liam held his sword and paced the ground, wanting to run forth and join the fight. James gave him a harsh glance, and turned back to view the carnage for many of the enemy knights felled. The wounded cried out but more English followed into the fray.

  When the bodies became thick enough, the footmen were sent in, and Liam relished finally getting use of his sword. With his comrades seeing to the king’s protection, the urgency of the fight called and insisted he rush forward. Liam left his comrades and ran on foot. The clash maddened to a state that he kept his vision of all those around him. Robert’s rebel foot soldiers and spearmen disoriented the English knights. They pressed onward, fighting with valor and defeated the most skilled of their warriors. Panic ensued and the ranks in the rear of the English forces began to flee.

  Liam fought against a man who held a mace and swung it wide. He ducked and heard the sound of its force, but graciously he was able to avoid a strike. As the man flung himself forward, Liam tripped over a man and fell back. He yanked a dagger from his boot and held it at the ready. The soldier swung his mace above his head and was about to fling it at him, but Liam flung his dagger and it embedded in the man’s gut.

  The man fell forward, practically on top of him. Liam shoved him off and sw
iped the man’s blood from his face. Liam crawled to where his sword fell, lifted it, and scuttled toward the soldier. The soldier moaned and leaned upward, throwing the chained mace at him. Liam gripped his arm and forced the weapon from his hold. He held his sword with both hands and shoved it in the man’s chest. His enemy ceased moving.

  Liam fell back, winded but unharmed. He turned to his side and saw the surrounding massacre. Moans and yells pierced the air. The dead lay silent.

  “Liam, are ye injured?” Graeme threw his hand down to help him.

  He grasped it and got to his feet. “Nay.” His comrades joined him; both Heath and Brodin had nary a speck of blood on them. They were likely dutiful and kept watch and protected the king. Graeme and James were covered with their foe’s blood and must’ve been in the thick of the battle like he.

  “Your plan worked better than I would’ve thought. I’d say there’s at least a hundred dead English lying about, mayhap more.” James shoved his shoulder. “Aye, and Robert is pleased. We’ll travel farther south, for he means to catch up with Valenci. He’s probably headed toward Bothwell, where he holds up during winter. ‘Tis the truth, he’ll be licking his wounds for a spell.”

  Graeme stood next to him. “We’ll return to camp and take rest whilst we can. Robert won’t stay nearby for long.”

  “Wait, I need to retrieve my sword.”

  Brodin laughed mockingly. “You lost your sword?”

  Heath grinned before adding to Brodin’s jest, “Where’d you leave it?”

  He smirked and roamed his gaze about those who littered the ground. “In the body of the man I left it in. Ah, there it is,” Liam said, and marched forward. He quickly yanked his sword free and followed his comrades back to camp.

  James stopped them before they reached a copse of trees. “I will meet with Robert and find out when he plans to leave.”

  Liam sheathed his sword and approached the tent he shared with his comrades. Standing outside of it, a man wore the meanest glare. He looked to be a mean son-of-a-bitch.


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