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Abusing the Alpha (Seraphine Thomas Book 4)

Page 18

by Erin R Flynn

  I snorted, waving the card around. “Are they serious? This is a joke, right?”

  “No, it’s enormously serious,” Shaw murmured, visibly upset. “Chief, you don’t ignore an order from the new Queen.”

  “No, you don’t because you’re a fairy, though you could because of your position with the FBI and there aren’t conflicts allowed, species over job and all of that. I don’t get summoned by anyone outside my chain of command or like the President. And I sure as fuck learned my lesson about meeting people I don’t know alone.” I shivered, thinking about the last meeting I’d had. “Yeah, there’s no way in fuck I’m going in to strange settings alone, especially injured.”

  “She’s meeting with the doctor at ten,” Reagan added. “It’s not even feasible. How do we send our regrets?”

  I flipped over the card and then held it up to him. “No RSVP number. Apparently they didn’t think I’d say no.”

  “No one says no to our monarchy,” Shaw murmured, her voice sounding as if she might cry. Then her head snapped up, and her eyes filled with tears. “Sera, please don’t make me go there and send your regrets. You don’t know—you don’t understand the things that go on at fairy court.”

  “All the more reason not to go,” Hagan sighed, picking up more of my sandwich droppings. “Fairy stuff is out of my realm of knowledge to help you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m not going. I don’t have the time, as we’re already packed with work, and I don’t get summoned, and I’m not going anywhere alone, much less into the den of whatever that scares an unscareable Shaw.”

  We debated a bit longer on if I should answer or how… Personally I was of the mindset to ignore crazy, and getting something like this was completely crazy.

  “What now?” I bitched when there was another knock at the door. Harris went this time, and his eyes were bug wide when he walked back in and handed me another card.

  Seraphine Thomas, you and your unarmed lovers are allowed the honor to see Her Majesty tomorrow for lunch, as she has information you want regarding the murders.

  I felt my own eyes go wide as I pulled out my phone and sent Noah a one handed text. We have ears in the room, surveillance we can’t even hear. I watched him receive and read it, then handed him the card. He nodded and went to work.

  Most of my people got a chance to work with him and brush up on or learn how to sweep a room and find bugs while I finished my food and the twins took turns drying my hair. Part of it was the noise to cover the work being done for the bugs. The other was I simply had a lot of hair.

  Either way, it soothed me, and I drifted off while everyone was busy. Unfortunately, the restful attention didn’t carry over into my dreams. Horror show nightmares awaited me of Igor, his men, and the cheetahs who names I still didn’t know without looking yet—all of them attacking me in every way imaginable. Not just slicing, biting, and feeding, but raping and molesting over and over again.

  And then they grew wings of fairies and started all over again. I really hoped it was a nightmare and not a premonition. I didn’t think I could take any more attacks or blood baths for a while.


  After a morning of feeding all my hungers and a visit to the doctor, I was declared healed but on light duty for another few days just to make sure. Then Hagan, Reagan, and Noah went with me to Caesar’s Palace as my team kept working. All three of them agreed the invitation more than likely meant only Hagan and Reagan as they’re my lovers and Betas, but well, Noah was mine too. If they were going to be rude enough to eavesdrop for the advantage, they should be more specific.

  We entered the busy lobby, and I realized I had no idea where to go. I glanced up at the closest security camera that was hidden to most eyes, but for me was no problem given my training and extra vision. I waved the invite for whoever was watching as if to say “I’m here, what now?”

  I didn’t even have time to put the card away in my pocket when someone showed up. She led us to a private elevator tucked away at the VIP section off the entrance. The woman—fairy I guessed given she smelled like Shaw—never said a word as she waved us inside and hit the button for us.

  We rode the elevator down several floors, the four of us glancing at each other when there were no lights to tell us just how far. That was severely disconcerting. I mean, not that I thought visiting the fairies was close to heading to hell as Shaw acted, but anytime there was only one entrance and exit, it limited options of escape when needed. Also, underground wasn’t exactly easy to break out of, either, unless we brought the spare C4.

  Which we didn’t, as we didn’t have spare C4. That might be something to rectify if we were going to keep being in these hairy situations.

  “We should get some C4 for the weapons hold at the house,” Noah muttered, focusing on the panels in the elevator’s ceiling.

  “God, we really are friends,” I snickered, shaking my head. I didn’t get to explain more because the doors opened and someone was waiting. I stepped off and went to ask what was going on exactly, but my eyes met deep lime green ones behind the man greeting us that had flecks in them of gold like I’d never seen before.

  “My Lady Seraphine, are you alright?” the first guy asked, and I realized I’d missed something he’d said.

  “Yes, sorry, what?”

  “I said you and your party aren’t dressed for lunch. If you allow the handmaidens our Queen has assigned to escort you, they’ll get you ready,” he offered, smiling. “Your men will be taken care of as well.”

  “He will escort me,” I countered, nodding to lime green eyes. There was something in them that not only drew me in, like I wanted to push him down and ride him all day long, but also the hesitation and worry told me he could be trusted.

  “My Lady, that’s not—”

  I turned to face the first guy with an eyebrow raised. “You want us to change clothes and play your reindeer games, I’m going to throw wrenches in so we aren’t walking into a set up. If you wanted us dressed a certain way, you should have put that on the invite or sent clothes, but doing it now—you’re up to something.” In truth, I knew it was their way to strip us down and check we really were unarmed.

  His face went blank before a fake smile appeared. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, my lady, but if it’s what will make you happy, we can accommodate you.”

  “Thank you. Oh, and the handmaidens can attend to my men, though I find they’re pretty able to handle things on their own. As am I.” I gave him a smirk as his eyes fogged with suppressed emotions he desperately didn’t want to show. “We both know it’s not considered polite to demand certain dress within hours of the meeting. If you’d like this favor of us, we’ll agree but our way.”

  “Of course. Dain, please attend to Lady Seraphine in any way she needs so she’s ready for lunch,” the guy ordered, the obvious threat in his voice that if Dain didn’t make it happen, it would be his head on the line. Which worried me even more. How deep were we in the shit?

  I gave a pleasant nod to the greeter before shooting a look at my guys that basically promised my own threat to them later for making me come and play the games. I followed Dain through a door to the left, down a hallway, and then he opened a set of double doors that led into a lavish dressing room. I slowly walked past him, taking in his appearance.

  If I didn’t know Dain was a fairy, I would have thought he was Japanese/American mix somehow and the best of both. Not to say that Americans had certain features better or worse than those of Asian descent, more he was the best of everything from his mother and father’s features. There was no other way someone could have that good looking of a child.

  Not that he was a child at all.

  “You’re staring, Lady Seraphine,” Dain worried as he closed the doors behind us. “You’ve seen a fairy before. You have one on your team.” The fact he knew that made me wonder just how much everyone there researched or spied on us.

  “Yes, but I guess I never put together the likeness of As
ian descent you guys have. I’m not very…” I trailed off as I thought about how to phrase it the best way. “Well, I don’t tend to care about that kind of stuff.”

  “Race matters not to you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as if not believing me.

  “No, not even a little. I mean, I find assholes in all races and good people as well. To be honest, I don’t even know my own linage besides I was born in America, so none of that ever mattered to me.”

  His lips twitched, and not in an amused way. “We are actually not of any Asian heritage or linage. We are our own race, and honestly, centuries ago before what you see of American/Asian/European mixes today were around, no one would have thought we were all that similar.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend you. We all put things in our own frame of reference.”

  “I understand, My Lady. No offense was taken, I promise.”

  I studied him a moment and realized I believed him. My attitude and view on everything puzzled him, not upset him. Even after comprehending that, I kept looking, from the ear cuffs that weaved into silver vines and adornments over his pointed ears, down his lean neck, and to the clasped vest that showed much of his chest and stomach, along with his thick arms. But it wasn’t just a vest, more like a cloak since it went so long, and complimented the flowing pants hanging low off his hips.

  “Do you guys wear this all the time?” I murmured as I took a step closer. “It’s flattering.”

  “We do in court or for guests.” His chest heaved as I moved forward. I didn’t like that they’d separated us, so I pulled a move I normally hated, using my clairvoyant tendencies to get whatever I could. Shaw had warned me that fairies couldn’t lie, actually unable to for whatever magical reason, so if they answered a question it was the truth.

  However, they normally averted answering at all costs.

  I ran my hand over his exposed stomach to the first clasp and undid it. I gasped as I was flooded with images. He hated being at court and all the games. It was Dain’s punishment, but for what, I didn’t know. I saw images of a young girl who had similar features to him. Sister maybe?

  “Is this room bugged?”



  “No, that would cross the line, as you are to change.” His eyes went wide as he realized he’d admitted all of that. “We need to have security of all types to protect our Queen.”

  “I understand, but I cannot ask what I wanted to then.” I guided his head down, smiling when he shuddered, and gave him a kiss, letting my siren find out what she could. He was well trained in hand-to-hand combat, his family having a proud linage of warriors.

  And scholars. He knew more about fairy abilities, fuck, the abilities of almost any paranormal that were known. Dain was almost a walking paranormal encyclopedia, and all he wanted was to help and work using what he knew, instead of play errand boy for whichever monarch was in charge since his family had disowned him. I could feel his shame and yet, not remorse at whatever it was that he’d done.

  I ended up being greedy and taking a sip of his power to taste him. It was good. Like oh fuck good, and I wanted more and more. But I didn’t. He was an ally. Shit, I wanted him to come work for me with all his attributes, and I didn’t mean the physical ones.

  “My Lady, you need to get dressed.” I felt his desire for me, and I played with a bit of fire as I stepped back and started undressing. He looked away but then slowly let his gaze drift back to my body once I stood before him naked. “My eyes are not worthy of such bounty, Lady Seraphine.”

  “Oh, I know they are.” I’d seen in his mind what he wanted to do with me if I’d ever accept him sexually, and well, he was worthy and then some. He cleared his throat and walked over to the racks of clothes, picking two options and holding them up for me.

  “Whatever you want to see me in. You’re my guide through all of this, right?”

  He shivered and kept looking, finally picking one, and came closer. It was gorgeous and completely my style of the options. It was deep blues and greens, hanging off the shoulders with a low dip, and silky material that flowed in place of sleeves. The cloth pooled on the floor, but I could tell it had several incredibly high, flattering slits. Honestly, it was one of the most gorgeous things I’d ever seen. I smiled and moved closer.

  Dain sighed, my guess was in relief that I wouldn’t be a pain in the ass. I stepped into the dress, careful of all the extra material, and let him guide it into the right spot, shivering when his hand touched my naked back as he zipped it up.

  “You came with three men, yet you flirt with me so?” he breathed in my ear, no judgement, simply confusion. “I know Elvy’s glamor is much more than mine. His beauty was what the Queen counted on.”

  “Glamor? Who’s started with the glamor already?” I knew what it was from Shaw, her warning that not much at court or around fairies would be what it truly was. I didn’t think that game had started yet.

  He studied me a moment, opening his mouth but then shutting it, as if remembering what side he was supposed to be on. “My Lady, you must be thirsty. Let us proceed so you might be tended to.”

  “I bet you would tend to my every need,” I purred, taking his arm even when he didn’t offer it to me. He gave me a nervous look as if not wanting to lead me into the games that awaited like something else to sting his conscience. Really, that didn’t help my state of mind.

  I wouldn’t hold it against him, though, whatever happened.

  “This material is amazing,” I gushed as he led me to where we were going. It wasn’t silk or satin, but something in between, but it gave where it needed to like spandex or cotton. Softer than cotton even. Whatever it was, nothing I’d ever worn was more comfortable. “God, this is like pajamas soft. I could snuggle in it and sleep anywhere.”

  “I’m glad you like our clothes, Seraphine Thomas,” an amused voice echoed across the long room we entered. “The blend is a composite only fairies can make.”

  “Impressive, Your Majesty,” I complimented, giving her a slight nod with the slightest baring of my neck.

  She lost her amusement. “Your men bowed before me, giving the honor owed as they greeted me in my own court. What does it say about you that you do not behave as you should?”

  “Oh, if they bowed to you, I’m not happy about that,” I drawled, glancing around until I found Hagan, Reagan, and Noah.

  “She’s Queen, Sera,” Hagan justified.

  “She’s not your Queen,” I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him and then turning back to the fairy sitting on her throne. “You’re like a foreign dignitary. You might own the property, but this isn’t your consulate where it’s part of a foreign country. We’re in the United States.”

  “We were here before this land was even a country. Vegas became what it is because we were here for centuries and centuries.”

  “So you sold your land to others to help build Vegas. That’s great, but you pay taxes on it, so you recognize this isn’t your country you rule, but you’re leader of your people within the borders.”

  “Basically you’re saying she’s Alpha of these fairies, but they call her Queen instead?” Noah checked, giving me a look that clearly said it was more complicated than that.

  “No, not exactly, but it’s also not like going to visit the Queen of England at Buckingham where you kneel before the ruler, though, they don’t even do that anymore except for formal stuff. Besides, I might not be a wolf long, but I’ve already learned if you bow, you conceded their dominance. If I do that, you guys are with me, so we’re all in trouble maybe.”

  “Do you not want to bow before my beauty alone?” the Queen asked, gracefully getting to her feet. I raised an eyebrow at her, trying to think of a nice way to ask if she was on crack. “I understand you are not a lover of women, but many bow before me.”

  I stared at her, thinking she was pretty, beautiful even, but apparently I was missing something since she didn’t look any better than Simone did to me. Actually, I thou
ght Simone was prettier.

  “What do you see?” I asked Hagan.

  “She’s an angel,” he breathed, his pupils actually blown as he stared at her.

  Then Dain’s words hit me. “Are you using glamor on us?”

  “What is glamor and what is our natural power?” she asked instead, and basically I had my answer.

  “Guys, she’s not even as pretty as Simone. You’re seeing something not there.”

  “Why aren’t you?” the guy Dain said was Elvy challenged. “How did you ignore me earlier?”

  “Honestly, I thought you were annoying and fake.” I shrugged. I gave him my first real smile. “But thank you for admitting you’re using glamor and magical tricks on an officer of the law, because you know it’s illegal to do so.”

  “We didn’t invite Chief Thomas of the FBI, but Lady Seraphine who rules the wolves of Chicago,” he argued, unsureness in his eyes.

  I glanced at the Queen. “Do you ever go anywhere and stop being Queen? You go somewhere, and you’re just Laila who doesn’t have to follow her own rules or have eyes on her?”

  Jealousy filled her gaze as if she thought I brought up the point to poke at her while I was on vacation and she couldn't do the same. “No, I never get that pleasure.”

  “Neither do I. Just because I’m off duty doesn’t mean I’m no longer an officer of the law. So now that we’ve cleared that up, cut the glamor because we’ve already found your bugs in our room, which there’s no way you couldn’t know that was illegal.”

  “Accusing us of such a thing while standing before—” Elvy started, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Stuff it. I got your first invite, and before we made a call or could say anything outside that room as to why I wouldn’t come, I got another one. Only an idiot wouldn’t know they weren’t being listened in on.” My siren was wound up tight at all the insults, and I agreed, so I merged with her. “But you played a awfully risky game, and I will show you why.” I narrowed my eyes at the Queen. “I bet men come and fall all over you with that glamor—I mean natural power. You take the men of women who visit and add them to your collection.”


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