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Threshold of Annihilation (The Firebird Chronicles Book 3)

Page 46

by T. A. White

  Jace flipped his hand as if dumping something on the ground. “What a situation to inherit.”

  Kira punched him on the shoulder and stood. “You can handle it. Just ask yourself what I would do and do the opposite.”

  “Don’t be a stranger,” Jace said as she prepared to leave.

  She held up a hand. “I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.”

  Realization crossed his face. “That’s right. You’re still part of the Consortium.”

  This time, real laughter shook his shoulders as Kira stalked away.

  “Don’t push me or you’ll regret it,” she said over her shoulder.

  “I’m not worried; I’ll make sure to end the call before you finish gloating,” he called after her.

  Kira shook her head as she walked out of the medbay and headed toward the part of the station set aside for the Tuann contingent.

  She felt worn and threadbare, the emotions leaving her raw inside. For the first time, the thought of another war didn’t leave her feeling paralyzed.

  Whatever came, she’d meet it head on. She couldn’t let fear of loss keep her isolated anymore. It was time to gather her allies—not that she thought they’d give her much choice.

  She’d almost reached the section given to the Tuann as temporary quarters when a disturbance pulled her from her distraction. Jin darted toward her in the commotion.

  “What’s going on?” Kira asked.

  Before he could answer, she caught sight of Selene being led through the halls, a phalanx of oshota surrounding her, Baran at their lead.

  Kira blocked their path. “What are you doing with her?”

  Selene’s expression was serene as she shook her head slightly, telling Kira not to do anything foolish.

  Baran’s eyes held sympathy as he met her gaze. “She is Tuann. We are bringing her home.”

  “You can’t take her,” Kira said through gritted teeth.

  “Kira,” Graydon said from behind her.

  Kira’s shoulders rose as she took a deep breath before facing him. “You promised me.”

  At that, Graydon moved in close, lowering his voice. “Remember what I said before. Only if they don’t expose themselves in a way we can’t hide. Her orphanage came under attack by a Tsavitee war party. The way she used ki to defend it during the bombardment sent up a beacon to every Tuann on the planet. I can’t hide this even if I wanted to.”

  Kira looked at the floor, feeling the same impotent rage that had characterized so much of her youth. “What will happen to her?”

  “She’ll be taken to Ta Sa’Riel where her fate will be decided,” Graydon said.

  Kira’s head rose. “Her fate?”

  By Tuann logic, Selene should have been on the fast track to being turned over to her birth House.

  Graydon nodded. “I’ve made the argument her actions prove her ability to survive independent of her House. The emperor and his council will review the matter.”

  “You want me to let this happen,” Kira said through numb lips.

  He pressed his hand against the back of her head, pulling her into his chest. She felt him drop a kiss onto her head. “I want you to play this smart. Don’t burn bridges unless you have to.”

  Graydon released her, following Baran as he escorted Selene away.

  “What do we do?” Jin asked in a soft voice.

  Kira didn’t answer, accessing a channel she’d never thought she’d use again. “The only thing we can.”


  In a darkened room on the other side of Almaluk, a man reached for the communicator on the bedstand next to him.

  “What is it?”

  Kira’s voice came over the line. “The Tuann have Selene. I thought you should know.”

  Kira didn’t wait for his response, a click signaling the end of the transmission seconds later.

  Alexander sat up before pacing to a blank wall and touching its side. A window appeared, allowing him to stare at the space outside.

  Their years of exile and freedom were coming to an end.

  The feelings that knowledge brought were complicated. It had been so long since the forty-three walked in the light. He didn’t know if they could survive in the new paradigm.

  Their psyche had been scarred by their beginnings. In many ways, their development was stunted, never allowing them to evolve, much less heal. They were so desperate to cling to the safety of the known, they would sacrifice anyone who threatened that.

  Alexander had always known their peace couldn’t last. Soon, the events set in motion nearly a century ago would come to a head. Would the Tuann be the thing they feared or their salvation?

  The forty-three were about to find out.


  Adal – Loosely translated it means the reckoning – challenging to dangerous undertakings

  Adva Ka – A rite of passage Tuann must pass

  Aksa – Fist sized animal who is stubborn and blood thirsty

  Alja – Haldeel word for spy. Often used in reference to the ilsa

  Almaluk – the crown jewel of the Haldeel empire. It doesn’t have a fixed location but rather wanders space.

  Azala – Child

  Azira aliri – Cat ear shaped flower

  Aza – Polite form of address, ex: Sir or Ma’am

  Balial – the material with anti-ballistic properties often used in the clothes Kira is given by House Roake

  Buka – a carnivorous fish raised by the Haldeel

  Cheva nier – My love

  Choko trees – A tree on Ta Sa’Riel

  Coli – Affectionate term of endearment similar to sweet heart

  Colina – A formal form of coli

  Etheiri – Place of remembrance

  Etair – Horse-like creature

  Feilli – Symbiotic creatures in the ocean

  Fendrik – An enemy on Roake’s border

  Iffli – Insult. Roughly translated – mutt, half-breed, waste

  Ilsa – alien arachnid that is sometimes used as a spy or pet

  Kattas – Warrior forms

  Keeva – Alcoholic drink

  Ki – Soul’s breath

  Kithiw – derogatory term by the tsavitee used in reference to humans. Loosely defined it means fodder or food

  Kueper – A snack wrapped in a pastry

  Loaw – Hoverbike

  Lu-ong – Dragon like creature who is able to manipulate ki.

  Mea’Ave – The soul of the planet

  Ooros – Beast of burden, pulls carriages, looks like a cross between a bison and woolly mammoth

  Ooril – Night animal

  Oshota – Elite Tuann warriors – their name means shield

  Seiki Stone – Drains ki

  Seon’yer – Teacher or guide

  Sirav Rytil – Second chances

  Sye – direct translation means all and none. It is the third neutral gender of Odin’s people, being neither female or male

  Tala dog – Cross between boar and wolf and armored tank

  Tilu – A Tuann invention that looks like butterfly wings and allows the user to fly

  Tijit – A small angry rodent

  Uhva na – Trial of the Broken. A rite of passage those of House Roake must pass before receiving a teacher who will prepare them for the adva ka

  Ural – Similar to synth armor but not as advanced

  Vertier Order – an order of the Haldeel that is considered sacred

  Yer’se – Student or apprentice

  Zala – Infant

  Za/Za na/Za na ri/Za na ri na – various forms of formal address by the Haldeel

  Zinyai – precious small one

  Zuipi – Tuann energy/projectile weapon that looks kind of like a bow and arrow


  Luatha – Major House - Kira’s mother, Liliana, is descended from this House. Its Overlord is Liara.

  Maxiim – Minor house who has pledged allegiance to Luatha. Its Overlord is deceased. Joule is attempting to resurrect the House

  Roake – Major House – Kira’s father, Harding, is descended from this House. Its Overlord is Harlow.

  Danai – Major House – Overlord is still unknown

  Dethos – Minor House who has pledged allegiance to Danai. Overlord is still unknown.

  Asanth – Major House

  Kashori – Major House

  Remie – Minor house – allegiances still unknown


  The Firebird Chronicles

  Rules of Redemption

  Age of Deception

  The Broken Lands Series

  Pathfinder’s Way

  Mist’s Edge

  Wayfarer’s Keep

  The Wind’s Call

  The Dragon-Ridden Chronicles


  Of Bone and Ruin

  Destruction’s Ascent

  Secrets Bound By Sand

  Shifting Seas – Novella

  The Aileen Travers Series

  Shadow’s Messenger

  Midnight’s Emissary

  Moonlight’s Ambassador

  Dawn’s Envoy

  Twilight’s Herald


  Twitter: @tawhiteauthor




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  Writing is my first love. Even before I could read or put coherent sentences down on paper, I would beg the older kids to team up with me for the purpose of crafting ghost stories to share with our friends. This first writing partnership came to a tragic end when my coauthor decided to quit a day later and I threw my cookies at her head. This led to my conclusion that I worked better alone. Today, I stick with solo writing, telling the stories that would otherwise keep me up at night.

  Most days (and nights) are spent feeding my tea addiction while defending the computer keyboard from my feline companions, Loki and Odin.




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