Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2)

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Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2) Page 10

by J. E. Cluney

  “I’m okay,” I murmured in reassurance. He was right though, the painkillers were wearing off, and the pain within me was beyond anything I’d ever felt before.

  “Is there anything we can do? Anything we can get you?” Nathan asked as he leaned against the end of the bed, his sweet sage green eyes tender and concerned.

  “No. Just knowing you’re okay is enough,” I murmured as I closed my eyes, fighting against the pain searing through my body.

  Those extra painkillers would be damn good right now.

  “Let me get May then, you need more painkillers. She’s got some tonics to help speed up your healing too,” he offered, but didn’t wait for a reply as he stood and strode off.

  “How’s Chris? And was Neema here? I saw her,” I mumbled, recalling how Neema had been there, and how I’d used her knife to kill Richard.

  “They’re both fine. They’re out in the living area, would you like me to get them?” Scott asked as he gave me a thin-lipped, strained smile.

  “Yes please.” Scott went to pat my leg then decided against it as he rose and headed out.

  “You look like shit,” Jaye sighed, a flash of yellow flickering through his sapphire eyes.

  “Feel like it too,” I managed a soft chuckled but instantly regretted it.

  “So, you’re the Alpha of this Pack now,” he murmured.

  “Apparently,” I groaned as I struggled to look at him. The faint lighting was killing my head, and I resorted to just closing my eyes.

  “Lawrence is handling it for you for now. You’re in no shape to deal with being Alpha. There were a few who were pissed, older male members of the Pack, but mostly everyone seems relieved. Neema has spent most of the day taking statements about his abuse and rape. She’ll be taking evidence to the Council in regards to his fall. Due to his treacherous ways, she’s pretty certain they’ll turn a blind eye to how we handled it,” Jaye explained.

  Just as he finished speaking, the door creaked open, and I opened one to see Neema peering inside. She looked tired, black circles under her eyes and her mousey brown hair was pulled back in a haphazard bun.

  “Hey gorgeous, how you holding up?” she asked as she walked over, followed shortly after by Chris.

  “I’ll be back soon,” Jaye promised as he stood headed out to give us some privacy.

  “I’m not dead, so that’s a start,” I cracked and Chris broke into a relieved grin as he plopped down beside me. Neema remained standing, planting herself firmly beside the bed.

  “You’re a strong woman. Richard messed your leg up bad, but with the Alpha energy inside you now, it’ll heal up fine,” Neema said.

  “I’m just glad you’re safe,” Chris murmured as he leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. “You had us shit scared.”

  “It seems Richard was a tyrant, so he won’t be missed. We’ll figure out what happens next once you’re better,” Neema said as she turned to spy May walking in.

  May’s eyes welled as she saw me, and she hurried over with a broken smile as she sobbed.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried,” May babbled as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

  “Thank you for taking care of me while I was here, for treating me with kindness,” I said.

  “Of course, darlin’, I’d do it all again if I had too,” she said. “Here, I’ve got an injection for you to help with the pain, and some tonics to boost your healing.”

  I winced as she injected the blueish tinged fluid into my arm, the coolness slowly seeping through my body.

  “I gave you the morning after injection too… I could smell him on you,” she murmured.

  My throat tightened as I thanked her, barely able to form the words. She was a godsend.

  Then she was urging me to down two small bottles of tonics. The first smelt like pepper and spices and tasted bitter and harsh, making me cough and choke once I’d swallowed.

  “Don’t worry, this one’s nicer, figured we’d do it second to get rid of the crappy taste,” she smiled as she handed me the second one.

  I scrunched up my nose but tossed it back, the sweet, honey-flavored syrupy tonic rolling down my throat. I was grateful she’d given it to me after the first one.

  “I should go check on Ray, see how he’s doing. That boy got lucky, he’s a fool, but we’re all glad he helped you out,” May said as she tucked the empty bottles in a small kit and rose to her feet. “You focus on resting and recovering.”

  I watched as May disappeared back out into the hall.

  Chris spoke with me of our old spars as children, how much he admired my courage and bravery. I mentioned my training with Neema, and she just waved it off and said we’d deal with that later.

  They left after a short while, and my three boys came back to provide me with company.

  Jaye laid beside me, the presence of his familiar body a welcome comfort. Scott sat at my feet, and Nathan perched on the edge of the bed.

  They spoke to me of all the wonderful things they had planned with me, the picnics and dinners, the movie dates in our own theater, the camping trips.

  I drifted off into a restless slumber, feeling safe and at home with my three men around me.


  Days dragged by as I wallowed in discomfort. Not even my beautiful, sexy men could lift my spirits as I remained bed bound for days. I begged my father to allow me to return home, that Chris could deal with this Pack while I got back on my feet.

  He waved it off, saying we had to address the Pack once I was well enough. I couldn’t run from my newfound responsibility.

  I battled with ugly thoughts, thoughts of self-hate and loathing. What Richard had done was unforgivable, and I struggled with it each day. My boys did their best to comfort me, to remind me I was loved, beautiful, and cherished.

  It did help.

  May visited me often, treating me with her balms and tonics, and I was slowly recovering with each passing hour.

  Nathan brought me pumpkin soup and soft foods to enjoy without aggravating my bruised throat.

  Jaye sat with me for hours at a time, sketching me in various ways, racing through the forest as a woman with her three wolves, flying through the sky on unseen wings, relaxing in a river.

  Scott dropped in and gave me flowers twice a day, telling me stories of the young children from this Pack.

  Lawrence had ordered that they mingle with them, and Scott was actually enjoying meeting all the new people. Many were beyond relieved that Richard was no more, even Charlotte, whose son was next in line. She didn’t care, and considering he was a teen with no idea that the title was meant to be his to claim one day, she didn’t think it necessary to ever tell him. Fresh blood was taking the throne, and the Pack had relaxed.

  My father was organizing a communal dinner on Saturday night, and wanted to make every third Sunday night a joint communal night with both the Packs. They’d rotate where the dinners were done.

  Neema visited me and spoke to me about how everything would be moved into my name, the territory, the land, the assets.

  It was all too overwhelming, and I was beyond grateful when Ray knocked on my door.

  Neema gave me a kiss on the top of head before leaving to give us privacy.

  Ray looked tired, but also free. Like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders and he could finally breath.

  “You look like you’re on the mend,” he sighed as he came and sat by me on the bed. He wore some loose khaki shorts and a grey top, and I could see his side was still giving him some grief.

  “I’m alive, thanks to you,” I murmured.

  “I have no doubt you would’ve fared okay on your own. You’re a strong ‘wolf,” Ray said earnestly.

  “You got me to the border, you did everything you could to get me to safety. And you could’ve died,” I said as I shot his side a look. As he’d sat, I’d seen the bandage around his waist as his shirt rose.

  “You don’t deserve to be hurt,” Ray
murmured, averting his gaze. A powdering of stubble covered his jawline, a sign that he’d been taking it easy now that the tyrant was gone. It suited him, gave him less of a young, boyish look. Instead, he looked like a handsome young man.

  “I can never thank you enough,” I sighed as I sat up, wincing when my leg moved.

  Ray saw my struggle and shifted closer, propping the pillows up behind me.

  “May told me of your strange relationship with the betas. Is it true?” he hesitantly asked.

  I couldn’t contain the chuckle and relaxed with a smile, enjoying how his cheeks reddened and he looked away.

  “It’s not uncommon in newer Packs for she-wolves to have more than one partner. Females are not as common as males in our kind, so they make do, and it works well for them. I wasn’t happy settling for only one of the few men I fell for,” I explained.

  Ray just frowned, baffled as he shook his head.

  “So you love them all the same? And they’re okay with that?” he looked perplexed, struggling with such a concept.

  “Yes, I love them all the same. And I asked them if they’d be okay with it, that it was not possible for me to choose and that I’d prefer to have them all. I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t made it work,” I frowned. “But they accepted it relatively well.”

  “Wow,” Ray breathed as he gazed at me, as if he was seeing me in a new light.

  “And I guess, now that I’m Alpha, I will introduce it as a possibility, that it should no longer be something we are unsure about. It’s time to get with the program, so to speak. Our Packs have been very traditional and stuck in our old ways, we need to evolve and grow.”

  “So you really are going to be our new Alpha then?” Ray’s shoulders sagged as his gaze turned to admiration.

  “Apparently so. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. It’s so sudden and new. I had other plans with my life, and I’m not sure if I can still do them now,” I divulged.

  “I’m sure you’ll be good at it. We’re just happy to be free from Richard’s rule. Some of us don’t know what to expect…” he trailed off as he chewed his cheek.

  “No more abuse. No more living in fear of the Alpha. This is a Pack, and a family. It’ll be treated as such,” I said firmly.

  “What about your Pack, your family?”

  “They are still my Pack as well. I’ll speak to my father about joining the two Packs as one. It’ll be good for everyone here, to eventually merge with my old Pack. May told me that the bloodlines here were getting tainted with Richard taking so many of the she-wolves. That will no longer happen, and by combining the Packs, it’ll open up the young to more potential mates. And members of this Pack are no longer held here. If they wish to leave or work or travel, they’re more than free to do so.”

  Ray just grinned, and I gave him a confused look.

  “What?” I frowned.

  “Nothing. You’re just speaking like a leader already. So many plans, so much goodness. I hope it goes smoothly. Your father is dealing with those who aren’t happy with the change in leadership. Some of the men have been sent away, or they’ve left of their own accord. Your father said they can return if they change their mind. There’s not a single she-wolf who wanted out. They’re all more than grateful of this change, to no longer be terrorized by him and for their children to finally be safe,” Ray murmured.

  His dark chocolate eyes were warm and happy, and I cocked my head as my eyes wandered over him. He was sweet and kind, and I owed him my life. To be so selfless, so willing to sacrifice everything for me, it left me with no words.

  “I’m glad you’re going to be our new Alpha, and I’m excited for the changes to happen around here. No more living in fear. It’ll take time for everyone to come round and warm up to y’all, but they will, they can’t help to be untrusting,” Ray smiled, his dazzling white teeth making my heart flutter. He was a charming young man, and so very kind. And damn, now that I was really able to look at him, he was quite attractive, even with that crew cut.

  “Hopefully I’ll have you to help me with your Pack, you know them all well, they’re your family. I’ll need all the help I can get in changing things for the better,” I hinted.

  “Of course,” Ray nodded enthusiastically.

  “Thank you, again,” I sighed as I closed my eyes.

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Ray said softly.

  He left me to rest after that, and I couldn’t help the intrigued thoughts I was having about him now. It helped battle the guilt and hatred I felt inwardly.

  Scott collected me at dinner, informing me he was taking me to dinner with everyone in the living area. They’d rounded up some fold-up tables to use since the two large tables wasn’t quite enough. My father was none too pleased that the lodge was not really a communal place, it was supposedly out of bounds to most of the Pack. And it had been designed to house only the main family by the looks of things, along with guests. The kitchen was excessive when I thought about it that way, and I pushed away the negative thought about Richard. He was gone, dead and buried with his families remains in a remote spot in the mountains. Despite how we felt about him, it was customary and therefore something we chose to do. We were not above the ways of our kind like he’d been.

  It was a slow, difficult journey down the hall to the living area, but I was surprised at how well my leg was handling the weight. With some assistance, I was actually able to walk with only some pain. I guess my Alpha power and werewolf nature made for some extreme healing.

  I was so surprised and pleased to see my father, Aunt, brother, and lovers all seated with Ray, Reggie, Frank, May, Mark, Charlotte, a man I didn’t recognize, Charles, a woman I could only assume to be Ray’s mother, and the children. I recognized Maria, and Wade, who was propped on May’s lap, and then there were two boys, one looked to be sixteen and the other around eleven, who resembled Charlotte and her partner. And then there was another boy who looked like a younger version of Ray with a rounder face and twig-like body, probably twelve.

  “Nathan made all the food with Charlotte’s help,” Scott murmured as he helped me to my seat at the head of the table. The delicious aromas of freshly cooked meats and other assorted goodies made my mouth water, and all my aches and pains were momentarily forgotten.

  They’d shoved all the tables into a long row so we could all see one another. I doubted it would be easy to converse with Reggie and Frank at the far end, and I was grateful that those I knew, my family, boys and two new friends in my new Pack were seated close to me, with their families spread out further.

  “To a new era for this Pack,” Lawrence announced as he raised a beer. I spied my glass of red wine and reached for it, holding it high with everyone else. “May you be guided and blessed in your newfound position.”

  The table all cheered and drank their assortment of drinks, and I sipped my wine only to place it down and look to Scott seated at my side.

  “Why’ve we got the families here?” I asked quietly as the table erupted into soft murmurs and conversation as everyone began helping themselves and passing dishes around.

  “They wanted to be more involved in assisting you with your transition to leadership. Charlotte and her mate Henry have a son who is actually Richard’s. He was supposedly next in line for the title, but they’re thankful you’ve come along. And Ray and his father helped us, so they’re more than welcome, same with May and her family,” Scott explained.

  “Good, I was just curious,” I murmured. “Can you pass me the chicken?”

  The dinner was light-hearted, and I spoke with Ray about his family. His brother’s name was Ruben, and his mother was Regina, a plump woman with a bubbly personality. I could see where Ray’s kindness came from, and he was close to both his parents. It was sad that Charles wasn’t his biological father, but you wouldn’t have even known with how friendly and relaxed they were with each other.

  I was able to ignore my healing injuries as I delved into the scrump
tious meals, getting Jaye to pass me some roasted pork and Nathan made sure I got my veggies despite my scowl.

  Neema and Lawrence spoke with the families of my new friends in regards to their thoughts of change, but ultimately it was up to me. I was grateful that they were stepping in, I wasn’t ready to be thrown into being Alpha like this.

  The children seemed uneasy at first, but as dinner moved to dessert and the night dragged on, they settled and opened up, laughing and joining in the conversations. Wade had drifted off at some point, oblivious to the noise surrounding him as he slept against May’s chest while Maria stuffed her face with chocolate mousse and ice-cream.

  I learned that Charlotte’s two boy’s were Joshua and Brayden, Brayden being the eldest. Brayden was more intrigued at the prospect of meeting young she-wolves from our Pack than by the change in leadership. I was thankful they were so easy-going about it, it would make the transition that little bit easier.

  Charlotte, May, and my boys helped clear everything away as the group continued conversing, and I could see Frank and Reggie laughing after one too many beers like old buddies. It made me smile softly, seeing Frank so joyful and happy. This was good for him, and Reggie looked alive now, nothing like the defeated man who’d mated Richard and I.

  The thought made my mind spiral, and the smile on my lips faded as my thoughts moved to a darker place. I clenched my teeth, trying to pull the cheer and happiness into me that surrounded me, but all I did was drift away more, feeling distant to the bustle and life around me.

  “You okay?” Ray asked as he moved down to take Scott’s seat.

  “Um, yeah,” I mumbled as I stared down at the chipped wood in the corner of the table.

  “You don’t look okay,” he said softly, not wanting to draw attention to us.

  “Still trying to get over Richard and what he did,” I admitted quietly.

  A wave of guilt and pain washed over his features before his face hardened.

  “None of that was your fault, and you cannot be angry or upset with yourself. You did what you could while protecting those around you,” he reminded me.


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