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From The Inferno (Firemen Do It Better Book 3)

Page 18

by Leah Sharelle

  I hurried to swallow as much of his, interestingly enough, pleasant-tasting cum as he kept releasing his orgasm down my throat.

  I hummed one last time and let my tongue drag the underside of his slightly softer but still pulsating cock as I pulled off with a pop, taking in a deep breath when he fell from my mouth.

  Looking up at Chase, I couldn’t help my smirk. His head was back, his shoulders were heaving, and his eyes were closed. The look on his face was a picture of satisfaction.

  Wiping some of the thick white liquid that had escaped with the back of my hand, I sighed happily. “I think that was another first,” I said with a smug tone.

  Chase grunted a laugh, and I giggled when his cock jerked in response.

  “Very successful, baby. Fucking A-plus.” He looked at me with narrowed eyes. “You seem quite amused with my cock, legs,” he said, pushing forward out of the chair. His hands slipped from my hair to my cheeks, bringing my face closer to his.

  “Chase, you can’t kiss me. I just swallowed your… stuff,” I protested when I realised his intentions.

  “Jamie, I lick your pussy, and you let me kiss you. How is this any different,” he said and took my mouth in a deep kiss. Our tongues sought one another out, and just like that, I didn’t care. Chase took back control, and I was happy to relinquish it. Giving my first blow job exhilarated me, but I was more than happy to let my boyfriend guide me in our sex life.

  But I was going to take the reins now and then since there was nothing better than seeing my man out of control and hearing his sexy moans.

  Hmmm, yes, please.


  I’d just finished tightening the girth on Golden’s saddle when I heard the sound of a car engine coming up the driveway, and the crunching of the gravel told me the car was heading towards the stables and not to the house.

  I gave the palomino a gentle rub on her soft nose, then took hold of the lead rope and walked her out into the sunshine.

  Being my first Saturday off for two weeks, I was glad the weather had picked up, and we finally got some perfect autumn sun.

  Last night was still in the forefront of my mind. A mind Jamie blew when she gave me the blow job of all blow jobs a week ago, and every night since then.

  With each night we spent together, the more adventurous she was in bed, and the more I let her take control, the more she surprised me. Her new obsession with sucking my cock was going to kill me, not that it wasn’t a fucking great way to go, but it was getting harder to have my turn between her thighs and get her taste on my tongue.

  Last night, though, was amazing. She made love to me with her mouth for more than an hour, but not just my cock. Her mouth worshipped my whole body until I begged—yes, begged—her to stop.

  Never had my cock felt so goddamned satisfyingly sated and demanding more at the same time.

  Of course, I returned the favour. After I was able to use my legs without them buckling from underneath me, I carried Jamie to our bed and feasted on her delectable pussy, and once I gave her two orgasms, I fucked her slow and sweet. I honestly thought after she worked me up so hard with her mouth, I would want to pound into her, take her rough. However, once I slipped inside her wet, warm, and willing cunt, I again surprised myself by making love to her again. Where my hard side had disappeared to, I didn’t know. All I knew was Jamie made me a different man, a softer lover. And I had to say I loved it. Low, sexy whispers and deep eye contact was fast becoming my preference.

  It was the woman, the right woman, I decided. Jamie was more than a fun time or a hook up. She was the one.

  The slamming of a car door and a high-pitched squeal brought a grin. I would know that squeal anywhere.

  Quickly tying the braided rope to a pole outside of the stable door, I turned and faced the raven-haired beauty barrelling towards me. Her long ringlets were flying around her smiling face, and her bright-pink shitkickers made me laugh outright.


  “Hey, Shiloh,” I called back, picking her up when her little body hit mine.

  “How ya doin’, fireman?” Shiloh asked in her usual way, her hands on my cheeks, holding my head and attention on her.

  “Doin’ good, princess. What about you?”

  “Got grounded again. Nothing new there,” she answered in her unique way. Shiloh Johnston was older than her years. At ten years old, she was more like a teenager, but that was to be expected considering she was raised in a compound of ex-soldiers turned bikers. The influences of the different men shaped her into a unique but fun little girl.

  “No, that can’t be. You are an angel,” I said in mock horror, making her roll her eyes and turn her head to her uncle.

  “See, Uncle Jay. Chasey thinks I’m an angel,” she crowed as if she knew it all along.

  “Yeah, and pigs fly, little girl. Tell Chasey why you got grounded,” Jason demanded drolly as he caught up with his niece.

  “It ain’t my fault Evie got scared up on the roof. Coops got pissed for nothing,” Shiloh told her uncle.

  Choking back my laughter, I ignored the growl from Jason. Surely by now, he shouldn’t be shocked what came tumbling out of her mouth.

  “You left the compound without detail and coerced Meagan to go with you. You are a menace, Shiloh Zoe, not an angel. And watch your language, missy. Your mother is going to wash your mouth out with soap one of these days,” Jason said, glaring at his deceased wife’s daughter.

  “Darf was there, for cripes’ sake, Jay-jay. I was safe as a bullet in a chamber,” Shiloh announced, losing interest in the conversation and leaning over my arm to rub Golden’s head.

  “Fucking Darth,” Jason grumbled, looking around where we were standing.

  Now with any other person, I would be scratching my head, wondering what the fuck any of this meant. But like the little girl in my arms, this was a unique story.

  “The big fella here with us?” I asked.

  Jason just shrugged.

  “Ain’t he always? Where I go, he goes,” Shiloh answered absently. “Let’s go ride, Chasey. It’s been forever since I’ve been out here.”

  “You were here a month ago, Shiloh, that is hardly forever,” I scoffed, lifting her onto the kid-size saddle.

  “Yes it is when you’re ten,” she argued, giggling when Golden shook her head and made Shiloh wiggle with the horse’s body shudder.

  “Stop sassing Chase and ride, Shiloh. I have to get you back in time for your dance lesson,” Jason said. He walked over to the horse and attached a lunge rope to the bridle then patted Shiloh on the leg before giving Golden a tap on her rump. Golden knew the drill and took off at a slow, lumbering pace towards the arena, knowing that the gate would be open for her.

  Jason and I followed at a leisurely pace behind, each of us keeping a trained eye on Shiloh, who was jabbering away to her bodyguard as she always did.

  “Is Jamie around?” Jason asked suddenly.

  That was Jason Johnston. He didn’t do small talk that well and only spoke when he had something to say.

  “Um, sure. She is—” The sound of the back door closing caught my attention, and looking over my shoulder, I saw Jamie dressed in tight, ripped jeans, boots, and one of my flannel shirts tucked into her waistband. The simple but sexy ensemble was finished with a thick brown leather belt. Her long hair was loose and whipping around her face in the gentle breeze.

  Fuck me. She is so goddamn breathtakingly gorgeous.

  It was then I noticed she carried three coffee mugs, two in one hand and one in the other, and I smirked at her balancing act. Working at Lake’s café was paying off.

  “Looks like she saw you pull up,” I said to Jason with a wink and went to grab two of the cups as she got closer.

  “Thanks, baby.” I leaned in, pecking her lips, and took the mugs of steaming brew.

  “I remembered that Jason took his coffee white with three sugars,” she said with a cute blush, her eyes on my shirt-covered chest.

  Yeah, legs, you
r marks are all over my chest, aren’t they, baby. Smiling at her blush, I gave her a smile that told her I loved my hickeys.

  “If you two are finished with your mind sex games, I have shit to tell you,” Jason said with mock annoyance. The whole time he spoke, his eyes never left Shiloh in the arena.

  “About Colin?” Jamie asked, coming to stand beside us and looking at the arena.

  “What the hell—”

  “Jay,” I growled in warning. He could give all the shit and attitude he wanted, but he was going to mind himself when he spoke to my girlfriend.

  Luckily for his face, he saw his error in swearing at Jamie and gave me a chin lift. Being around the MC he belonged to, I recognised it as their universal reply for everything from sorry to thanks for the roast chicken dinner.

  “Sorry, Jamie. I forget my manners sometimes unless it’s my niece. There are times when she informs me I’m being an arsehole,” Jason said by way of an apology.

  “It’s okay, Jason. I take it that is the niece in question,” Jamie said, pointing the hand with her peppermint tea at the arena.

  “Yep, that’s Shiloh. She is a little firecracker, the bloody spit out of her daddy’s mouth. If I hadn’t seen Zoe pregnant with her, you would never know she was her mum,” Jason said with a sad smile.

  I nodded at him but said nothing. What could I say? Jason got royally screwed the day Zoe died in childbirth. On the other hand, at least he had a living, breathing reminder of his wife. All I had was a garden and memories. I sipped my coffee and took a few minutes to watch Shiloh laugh and giggle as Golden took her on yet another lap of the circular yard.

  “She is adorable. Is she talking to herself?”

  “Nope, she is talking to Darth,” Jason replied matter-of-factly, sipping his cup of brew.

  I hid my laugh behind my cup and waited for Jamie to finish looking around to see if there was another person in the arena with Shiloh. When she didn’t see anyone, she looked at me completely bewildered, then back to Jason.

  “I’m sorry, who?”

  “Darth. He was one of the original members of the MC that my brother and his army buddies started, and he was also one of her godfathers. When Shy-shy was four, Darth was killed protecting her from a fuckwad with a grudge against the club. He died right in front of her, and with his last dying breath, he promised to always be with her. And he is,” Jason said with a shrug, but from the look on Jamie’s face, she wasn’t finished with her questions yet.

  “So, he talks to her and she to him?”

  “Yep. She can see him, and she can touch him but says his touches feel like feathers. We don’t question it now. He is there with her, keeping her safe and protected, and I, for one, am thankful for that. She has seen and experienced far too much shit in her young life, and if talking to a dead man makes her happy, then I am all for that shit.”

  “Oh, o-okay,” Jamie stuttered, still looking baffled. “Um, what do you have to tell me about Colin.”

  Jason downed the last of his drink then turned to face Jamie, but he kept his eyes on the princess and the horse. I wasn’t concerned about Golden throwing Shiloh or taking off with her on her back, no way would I put the little girl in danger by letting her ride Golden if I thought Golden wasn’t trustworthy. Jason knew this, too, but it was ingrained in him to watch her at all times.

  “Yeah. Sorry, it took so long. I’ve been bogged down with these arson attacks around town, so I passed this job off to Ford at the club. So, what we have found out is Colin is alive and well in Sydney. He has a new tennis player—as their coach and manager. Your sponsors ripped up your contract due to you breaching the terms when you didn’t turn up to two events. Your parents sold your seaside Sydney home, which is their right since it was in their names. And you have been delisted on the WTA. Ford found out that Colin took care of that because you signed a waiver letting him handle all your professional tennis shit. So, basically, no one knew that you hit him, and no one cares that you are gone.”

  I cringed at Jason’s unvarnished account, and I was tossing up about throat punching him, but when I looked at Jamie and saw tears streaming silently down her cheeks, I made up my mind.

  “You are such a fucking arsehole sometimes, Johnston,” I yelled, grabbing him by the collar of his cut. “Have some fucking heart.” Pulling back my fist, I was about to hit in him the stomach when a small pixie voice yelled, stopping me mid-swing.

  “Fellas, you don’t fight in front of pretty ladies. Uncle Jay, did you make the pretty lady cry?” Shiloh reprimanded her uncle and me. Jason had pissed me off so bad that I didn’t notice that she had ridden over to us.

  “Darf said you two need your heads knocked together. And you”—she pointed her finger at her uncle—“promised the flock you would be nice to women. I’m telling on you when we get home,” Shiloh threatened, hammering home the final nail in Jason’s coffin. Dealing with the flock was a better punishment than I could hand him. So much fucking better.

  “Looks like a punch from me would have been better,” I razzed him, enjoying his sudden discomfort.

  “Jesus, Shy-shy, not the flock. I would rather sit through one of your movies than face those five women,” Jason grumbled.

  “Oh, you will. Darf said he is in the mood for two seasons of Tour of Duty. We ain’t watched it in forever,” Shiloh said with a shit-eating grin.

  Damn, this kid is good.

  “Hey, lady, who are you?”

  I smiled and pulled Jamie under my arm. “Miss Shiloh, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Jamie. Jamie, this is Shiloh, the princess of the Wounded Souls,” I said, introducing them formally, making Shiloh giggle.

  “Hello, Miss Shiloh. It’s lovely to meet you,” Jamie said kindly, reaching up to shake Shiloh’s small hand.

  “Likewise, lady. This here is Darf. You can’t see him, but he says hi,” Shiloh said as if it were normal for a ten-year-old to have a ghost companion. “Hey, Chasey, it’s cool you have a girlfriend. She’s a looker. You did good, fireman,” she added, giving me a fist bump.

  “That I did, Shiloh. Are you about ready to get Golden rubbed down and ready to go back into her paddock?” I asked, reaching for her and helping her down from the saddle.

  “Yeah, I s’pose. Mum loses her shit when I’m late for practice.”

  “Shiloh,” Jason growled again.

  “Don’t go telling me off, policeman. You are in enough trouble of your own.”

  We spent the next half-hour laughing at Shiloh’s antics then walked them to Jason’s car.

  “Axe, I need to speak to you and the guys about the arson shit. We have a lead, but it doesn’t make sense to me. I’m hoping you lot can help me unravel it,” Jason said somewhat cryptically. His body language told me I was not going to like what he had found so far.

  “Righto, mate. We are back on Monday arvo.”

  “Good. I will drop in after I finish at the station. I also have some info for Hoove on the truckie that took out Tate’s Mustang. He ain’t gonna like it.”

  And with that nugget of trouble, Jason got in the huge double cab Ford Ranger Raptor and took off.

  “Fuck me in the arse,” I grumbled, shielding Jamie from the gravel Jason’s huge-arse tyres spewed up.

  “What did he mean by that?” Jamie asked, shielding her eyes from the dust.

  “He means Hoove is going to go postal Monday afternoon,” I replied grimly.

  Hoove postal was not a good thing, absolutely not.

  “What the fuck do you mean the cunt is out of prison? He hasn’t even done a full year yet,” Hoove roared.

  Yep, not a good thing.

  The weekend with my girlfriend was a nice, relaxing one after I finally got her to stop crying over the fact her parents seemingly went on with life, not even caring that their daughter was missing. Selling the home that Jamie bought was the coldest thing I had ever heard. What kind of parents treated their own flesh and blood that way, saw her as just a pay cheque to fund their over-the-to
p lifestyle?

  I had nothing to say about Colin. That bastard needed to be hung out to die. Stealing from Jamie and then getting on with things by getting a new player and cancelling her credentials with tennis Australia and her sponsors. What a fucking cunt.

  There was a small and selfish part of me that didn’t want Jamie to go back to the circuit, not that I didn’t want her to follow her dreams and succeed. Working at Lake’s café wasn’t exactly a stellar career path—but I wanted her here with me, making a life with me here in Ballarat, to one day have marriage and kids, but how could we achieve that with her flying off to all corners of the globe playing tennis. I loved Jamie more than anything, and I believed she loved me, but did she love me enough to give up something she earned good money doing and did well.

  I prayed like hell that she did.

  Ashamed of myself for being so selfish, I focused back on Hoove. The big man was in the midst of throwing buckets and anything else he could get his hands on.

  Carson whistled loudly through his teeth when Hoove picked up an eight-hundred-dollar water nozzle.

  “That’s fucking enough, Hoove. Breaking shit is just going to get you put on suspension. Now calm the fuck down, and listen to what else Jason has to say.”

  Hoove tossed the expensive piece of equipment back on the service trolley, his massive chest heaving with exertion.

  “Well?” he demanded in a low, dangerous voice, glaring at Jason, who didn’t seem fazed at all by Hoove’s outburst—probably because Jason had seen more than his fair share of fights and big men going crazy. My batshit crazy episode from years ago came to mind.

  “Jesus, Hoove. You would do well getting in the ring at the compound. Creed and Deck would enjoy taking a shot with you. You might even get Booth wanting to get back in the ring,” Jason said dryly, and I had to agree with him although you had to have rocks in your head to get in the ring with Deck Johnston willingly. That man was a brute, and he didn’t use boxing gloves—ever. Bare knuckles all the way for the Johnston twins.


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