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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

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by Jessica Gray

  The latest news feed showed a picture of Trevor Armstrong exiting the courthouse, whether a recent picture or a file copy she didn’t know, but he looked extremely arrogant in the photo. His jaw was set, and he was completely ignoring the reporters clamoring for his attention. And I’m hoping to talk with him? Who am I kidding?

  As she waited for the bus to arrive, she played through various scenarios that might at least gain her an audience with the king of the courtroom. I could pretend I wanted to divorce my husband. She discarded that idea, the thought of being dishonest and outright lying to him tying up her stomach in knots. In fact, pretending to be something she wasn’t was probably the fastest way to make him refuse to take part in the show.

  The next installment of the show was scheduled soon, and she was running out of time and ideas. She needed Trevor Armstrong as the guest on her talk show. Her livelihood depended upon it.

  But how was she supposed to gain his participation?

  Chapter 3

  Trevor found Blaine waiting on the corner for him, and together they crossed the street, entering Charlie’s before anyone could spot him. Trevor knew he needed to shake off the bad taste today’s win had left in his mouth. He did this for a living, but for some reason the Patton case had been harder on him emotionally than his other cases. Or maybe there’s a small part of me that still hopes love exists beyond my parents?

  “So, you still put out about winning? If it helps, our commission is ten percent. Do I need to remind you how much money that amounts to?” Blaine and Trevor were business partners, which meant his win today also benefited Blaine in a roundabout way.

  “No. Erin already texted me the amount.” Erin Walker was the secretary who helped keep both Blaine and him on the straight and narrow when it came to their schedules. She was an older woman, happily married going on fifty-three years, and without her, both men knew they wouldn’t have reached their current level of success. She was the heart and center of their law firm.

  “Well, cheer up then.” Blaine slapped him on the shoulder as they made their way through the crowded bar to one of the empty high-tops in the center of the room.

  After giving the waitress their orders, Trevor tried to relax, listening absentmindedly as Blaine discussed the merits of his latest case. He was scanning the room, when movement at the front door caught his attention.

  Wow! He almost whistled. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen pushed through the heavy glass and wooden door, stepping inside and scanning the bar’s occupants. She was small, perhaps 5'3" tall, smaller than anyone else currently milling around the bar. But despite her being small, she filled the room with her presence. It wasn’t just her long and shiny blonde hair, or her cute face. Not even her slim figure dressed in jeans and an orange blouse that accentuated her firm breasts and reflected a warm glow back to her face.

  Blaine’s words faded away, while Trevor’s body heated up and his breath stalled in his chest. That woman! He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She had something. Personality. Charisma.

  She made her way further into the bar, and he was struck by how confidently she carried herself. Rather than being cowed by her small stature, she moved with purpose, exuding a sense of power and fierceness he found impressive. And, as his body took notice, quite a turn-on.

  He watched her move towards the bar top, closely following as her eyes continued to scan the interior of the place as if she was looking for someone. Trevor was caught completely off guard when that possibility caused a pain in the region around his heart.

  No. She can’t be taken. He hadn’t had this visceral reaction to a woman in forever, and the thought that she might already be spoken for was unthinkable. He watched, waiting for his hopes to be crushed when another man claimed her as his own, but she remained alone. Did that mean she didn’t have a boyfriend?

  Before he could answer that question, several men surrounded her before she’d even had a chance to warm the stool she’d climbed up on. Why don’t they leave her in peace? Trevor had the sudden urge to rush over and protect her from those advances.

  But before he could even finish that thought, she’d already made short work of her admirers. She simply dismissed them, almost as if she were shooing away a pesky fly, with a short chopping motion of her hand.

  How did she pull that off? How could a woman so small and tiny exude such confidence and authority she could dismiss annoying men with a simple hand gesture? He was beyond fascinated; he was mesmerized.

  Trevor’d always had a weakness for strong, independent women. Probably from watching his mother during his formative years. He hated women who played the victim, or felt it was their duty to act like helpless little girls around him. That was what most of his clients did, and he was so fed up with their childish behavior. Those types of women saw marriage as their ticket to a life of luxury, it never occurring to them to work for what they wanted. They wanted to play the simpering arm accessories in exchange for money, power, and prestige. It made him sick! He wanted a strong independent woman. Like that blonde!

  Oblivious to anything but her, he felt a bump to his shoulder bring him back to reality. Oh yes, he’d forgotten he was with Blaine. And Blaine had noticed her too. “Hot girl! Let’s buy her a drink.”

  Trevor was not amused. Jealousy consumed him! Jealousy? And why is that? He’d never seen her before tonight, and yet he was already feeling possessive about her. When Blaine suggested they go over and introduce themselves, Trevor snapped at him, “You’re married, remember?”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a beautiful girl.”

  Trevor sighed; this was probably the single most important thing he and his business partner were in disagreement over. Blaine thought cheating was a normal fact of life. He’d remarked numerous times that cheating was healthy and should even be expected these days. After all, everyone seemed to do it, as was evidenced by their clientele. Statistically, everyone in Chicago agreed cheating was a normal activity.

  Blaine liked to quote statistics, and the latest numbers showed that 50% of all marriages would end in divorce. Great news for them, since they happened to be in the business of profiting from those failed marriages. Because so many marriages ended in divorce, Blaine and he had far surpassed their five- and ten-year goals; they paid their employees well, and themselves even better.

  Unlike Blaine, however, Trevor had a strong dislike for cheaters. Whether they were male or female, he didn’t care. Cheating and disloyalty were not for him, and just thinking about Blaine even talking to the woman in question had him seeing red. He didn’t want Blaine’s ideas to taint her!

  “Just don’t even get near her!”

  Blaine was confused. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing.” Trevor shook his head, realizing that he was coming across like a lunatic. “Sorry, I guess it’s been a long day.” He continued to watch her, telling himself that he was only keeping an eye on her since she seemed new to the area. But he clenched his fists each time a new man approached her, or laid a hand upon her shoulder. He didn’t even want them breathing the same air she did! He had it bad, and for the first time, he hadn’t a clue what to do about it.


  Nicole entered the bar. She’d done her research. Charlie’s was a popular hangout for the high-powered lawyers after a long day in court. When she read that Trevor had won the Patton case today, she took her only chance to meet him. If he celebrated his victory with a drink after work at Charlie’s, she’d be there. And she’d talk to him.

  Her heart was pounding when she scanned the area again and spotted him. Trevor Armstrong! It’s him! Thank God, he’s here! Because of her small stature, she had missed him on her first scan, but now that she was seated on one of the bar stools, she had a clear view of him and the man he was with. Probably his partner Blaine Parker.

  Now that she finally had the chance to talk to him, she felt a lump in her throat. What if he didn’t even hear her out? She kept an eye on him
in the mirror behind the bar, quickly reassessing her plan of attack. Was it too bold to just go up to him and ask right out if he’d be a guest on the show? Would he think it was pushy?

  Or should she rather play the helpless little girl? She hated the victim role, but most guys loved it. Usually men couldn’t stand being with a strong and independent woman. Let alone bold.

  No way. I’m done playing games. Forever. When she realized she had everything to lose, she took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders and slid off the bench. Now or never!

  Nicole needed him for talk show, and by God, she would get him to agree. She approached him, feeling his eyes fixed on her, and suddenly panicking that her mission was doomed before it even began.

  None of the pictures of him, both in print publications and online, had done him justice. He was a handsome man, and she had attributed part of that to the miracles of Photoshop. But Trevor Armstrong was even more gorgeous in person than he was in the tabloids.

  Her heart beat faster, and before her knees could give in, she rested one hand on a table, losing eye contact with him for a moment. But as soon as she was in sight of him again, his charisma reached out to her. He exuded power and strength, made all the other men in the room pale in comparison. It was if he was the only man in the room.

  Looking at him as she drew nearer, her legs trembled, and she had the strongest urge to throw herself into his arms and beg him to sweep her off to someplace much more private. She loved strong men. Men with rippling abs and broad shoulders. Men that swept her off her feet. Men who could take charge and wouldn’t allow anyone to push them over.

  She shook her head; being a sucker for strong men had caused her only trouble and heartache. That was why she was here. Against her better judgment, she let her eyes follow the lines of his body. Trevor Armstrong had a gorgeous body, but she was more interested in his personality. Was he insecure, using intimidation and his position to appear secure? Or did he intentionally put women down to make himself appear stronger? To make himself feel better about his inadequacies?

  She secretly hoped the answer to all of the above was a resounding “No.” Seeing nothing between his table and her feet, she lifted her eyes, and instantly her stomach flipped and her body sat up and begged. Their eyes locked, and it was as if he could see into the depths of her soul. God, what’s happening here?

  Just like that, she was falling for this guy. She’d not fallen for a guy this hard since… Shaking her head, she demanded her brain stay focused. Focus on your career and only your career. He’s just an interview subject. Nothing else! Nicole continued to convince her mind and heart that any interest she showed in him was purely professional. Besides, she couldn’t afford to fall in love. Love destroyed everything. It destroyed hard-earned careers. It stole your independence. Men were trouble with a capital “T” – just like her ex!

  She wanted to turn around and just leave. For some unknown reason, this man seemed to have some peculiar power over her, and she couldn’t make herself look away. All he’d had to do was look at her and she’d been lost.

  When the corners of his mouth tipped up, she remembered why she was here. On this night. And in this bar. She couldn’t give up now. Not only was the term not in her vocabulary, but she didn’t have the guts to find another job. Again.

  Steeling her spine, she took the remaining steps that would bring her within speaking distance of her target. Her heart was racing, and she could feel her pulse in her temples. You can do this, Nicole. You have to do this. There’s no other option. Seal the deal, girl!

  Ignoring his business partner, who was openly appraising her, she maintained eye contact with Trevor and introduced herself: “Hello, I’m Nicole Kendrick. I’m from Radio Windy City. I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks now. Do you have a minute to talk?”

  Chapter 4

  Nicole watched his eyes, smiling at him when he nodded and gestured towards one of the vacant stools at their table. She climbed up on the stool as gracefully as possible. Sometimes she wished she were just a few inches taller!

  “So, Nicole Kendrick from Radio Windy City, exactly what did you want to talk about?” the man to her left asked.

  “Well, actually I’ve been trying to contact Mr. Armstrong for over two weeks.”

  “You have?” Trevor asked.

  “Yes. I’m hosting a radio talk show on ‘love, marriage, and divorce,’ and since I’ve already covered the first two, I was hoping you would be part of the show on divorce.”

  She watched his beautiful blue eyes widen in surprise. “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t aware you’d been trying to get hold of me. Unfortunately, my secretary didn’t give me any messages from you. She’s good at shielding me from things she deems unnecessary or things she thinks I wouldn’t want to do.”

  “Like interviews and public events?” she asked.

  “I can see you’ve spoken to Erin. And yes, interviews and public events. I don’t do them. I could suggest some colleagues who’d be more than happy to help you out.”

  Nicole shook her head, “Actually, I want you. So does my boss.”

  Well, that sounded needy, but she didn’t care. She wanted him. Badly. And not only for her show.

  She watched Trevor consider her request, cringing when he shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t enjoy being in the public eye.” Leaning towards her, he added, “I’d much rather fly below the radar.”

  Nicole felt her heart speed up. Her palms were suddenly cold and sweaty. She felt drawn to him, and even when she looked down, she could feel his eyes on her. Those steel-blue eyes. She was surprised to hear him decry being in the public eye since there wasn’t a month that something about him or his latest case didn’t make one of the tabloids or magazines.

  A movement to her left had her sliding her eyes sideways to see the other man sitting at the table trying to draw Trevor’s attention away from her. Both she and Trevor reluctantly pulled their eyes away from each other and looked to his partner. “What?” Trevor asked.

  “If I might interject here? Doing the talk show could be a great opportunity.”

  “How so?”

  “We’ve been doing a lot of pro bono work for the shelter for battered women. Most of them couldn’t even begin to know how to navigate the legal system, and without the right paperwork being filed, some of them would never escape their circumstances.”

  Trevor nodded as Blaine continued, “The director just approached us for a new project that needs a lot of money. This could be a great chance to gain some publicity for this new cause.”

  Nicole eagerly nodded her head. “That’s a great idea!” She’d have to run it by Cynthia to gain her approval, but if a little free publicity for a great cause gained Trevor’s participation in the show, she couldn’t see Cynthia saying “No.” She has to agree. She demanded I get Trevor Armstrong to agree, at all costs. Well, here’s her chance to put her money where her mouth is.

  Nicole’s mind was working overtime, and then she caught the last part of Trevor’s comment to his partner.

  “…you’d be much better at taking cold calls. You’re so much more personable…”

  “No!” Nicole shook her head and looked him in the eye. “It has to be you. I’m sorry, but my boss was pretty emphatic that she wanted you to do the show and no one else.” Looking at Blaine, she offered him a small smile. “No offense intended. I’m sure you’d do an incredible job, but I have my orders.”

  “No offense taken,” Blaine assured her.

  “So, will you do it?” she asked, looking at Trevor once again.

  She gave herself an invisible pat on the back when he nodded his head.

  “I’ll agree to do the radio show under one condition.”

  When he grinned at her, Nicole waited with bated breath to hear his terms. Unless it was illegal, she’d do everything in her power to make sure it happened.

  “You have to go out with me.”

  What?! Okay, that is so not what I was expecti
ng him to say. Go out with him?! Nicole observed him, trying to figure out what angle he was playing here. She knew at least half a dozen women who would give their right arm to go out with Trevor Armstrong. He was attractive, rich, and single.

  But…she didn’t want to fall in love. No risks! That was her motto. Trevor was dangerous; there was no denying the chemistry flowing between them.

  She knew what her answer would be before the words even left her mouth, because regardless of how she felt, she had to ensure his participation in the show! This was her first big job as moderator with the radio station; Cynthia had reminded her she was still under “probation,” which meant she needed to prove herself to her boss, and this was the only way to do so.

  Nicole had just moved to Chicago a few months ago after a rather nasty breakup with her fiancé. Just the mere thought of that time in her life and that man had her shuddering at what she’d allowed…

  “Is everything all right?” Trevor asked.

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “You looked like some thought was bothering you.”

  He saw that? And he even sounds like he cares? Nicole shook her head, faking a smile. “I’m fine. It’s just been a long day.”

  “Are you sure?” Trevor asked, concern lacing his voice as he scanned her expression for signs of distress.

  Why does he care? We’ve just met! He sounds like he might actually give a damn about me, which can’t be right. She contained her urge to question him, widening her smile in an attempt to get the conversation back on track. This show needed to work, or she would find herself out of a job faster than she could blink!

  “So, you’ll do the show, if I go out with you?”

  “That is the deal that’s on the table.”

  He even sounds like a lawyer outside the courtroom! “Fine. I will agree provided I get to decide where we go. And…it’s not a date.”


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