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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

Page 8

by Jessica Gray

  When she heard those sounds come from her throat, she blushed in embarrassment. Did I just purr like a cat? Looking up at Trevor, she realized she had.

  Trevor smiled down at her with his iceberg-melting grin and murmured, “Precious little kitten.”

  “Did I just purr?”

  “You did. Must have been the sexiest sound ever! And if you do it even one more time, I’m not responsible for any of my actions.”

  He’s so hot! Nicole let her eyes travel the length of his body. He was sexy, with his dark, slightly messy hair just begging for her fingers. She recalled how soft it felt flowing through her fingers. And then there were his lean and strong muscles. His broad back. The stubble on his chin. Everything about him was sexy.

  Trevor looked at her with hunger in his blue eyes. Which made him even sexier. A man that hungered for her!

  Nicole pushed her fingers through his hair, noticing how his eyes widened in lust and desire. With one simple glance he could set her whole body on fire and send shocking little bolts of energy through her, all the way to her groin. She could already feel the wetness in her panties.

  She didn’t mind that he had that power over her, because this power exchange went both ways. As much has he turned her on, she had the same power over him, and it was a heady experience.

  The whole day, she’d been lusting for his body and now she’d savor their foreplay to the full. She loved how she could make his skin shiver by lightly stroking him with her finger. His groans when she put little love bites across his shoulders only served to increase her own arousal.

  The way his breathing stalled when she slowly pushed her hands down his abs, skimming them over his hardness, but not quite touching him. She was teasing him, and he seemed to be loving it. At least she was. A lot. This man was sexy beyond her wildest dreams!

  Before she knew it, Trevor threw her over his shoulder and carried her across the porch. He wasn’t even out of breath! It was as if she weighed no more than a feather, a feather in his arms.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my bedroom. I’ll show you what happens when you tease me like that.”

  She faked being remorseful: “Oh please. I will behave from now on.”

  Trevor slapped her lightly on her ass and answered with a hoarse voice, “Tease me all you want. But now you’ll be the one begging for more.“

  Nicole groaned. That is so hot! Unable to keep that thought to herself, she voiced it: “You’re so hot!”

  Trevor grinned down at her as she relaxed in his arms. Suddenly, she wasn’t afraid of committing to him anymore. Maybe just the tiniest little bit. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  In the bedroom, he settled her softly on the plush king-sized bed. The satin sheets looked soft and she longed to feel them beneath her naked body.

  “Take my clothes off!” It wasn’t a request, but a demand.

  Trevor eagerly complied and undressed her in the most sensitive way. He took his time, kissing each piece of newly unclothed skin.

  Once her clothing was gone, he slowly undressed himself – keeping his eyes on her the entire time.

  Nicole could feel the softness and coolness of satin sheets beneath her, but somehow the air in the room felt as if it had heated up at least ten degrees. It’s so hot. Even naked, she felt hot. Or should I say, naked I feel even hotter than before?

  Their desire and energy filled the room, and when she finally saw him completely naked, standing at the side of the bed looking down at her, she gasped in pleasure. Oh my, he’s so gorgeous and he’s all mine.

  Nicole suddenly felt the urge to have him inside her. Lifting a hand towards him in supplication, she panted, “Trevor. I need you. Now. Inside. Me.”

  Trevor looked at her, his blue eyes now almost black as they darkened with his response for her. Midnight blue. Full with desire. And need. Just like herself.

  “Precious. Not yet. I want this to be slow.”

  She gasped; Trevor moved slowly, torturing her as he inserted a finger into her folds, making her moan again. That simple act shut down her brain more effectively than any self-lecture. She was only a mass of desire now, unable to form one single thought in her mind. She couldn’t even remember her own name!

  When she had finally begged him enough to make love to her, he quickly donned a condom and joined their bodies together. With the very first thrust, she shattered as a powerful orgasm claimed her, causing her muscles to clench convulsively around him. Sending shivers all the way to her fingertips. And her toes.

  Nicole gave in to the wonderful sensations, unable to hold back any longer. After what seemed like an eternity her body began to calm down and she opened her eyes to see the most wonderful view: his midnight blue eyes, still full of desire…happy…and that smile - the smile that made her stomach flip.

  “Oh, Precious. I love you.”

  Nicole didn’t answer, and Trevor continued, “But that was only the beginning; I’m going to make you come for me many more times tonight.”

  “I don’t know if my body can take much more of that!”

  “Trust me, you can.”

  Before she could answer, Trevor began to slowly move inside her again, increasing the speed of his thrust until she was on the verge of another delicious climax. “Precious, come with me. Now.” With a final hard thrust, she shattered, this time together with him.

  How could he give her two mind-numbing, breathtaking orgasms within a few minutes?

  As her body returned to its post-orgasmic state, she snuggled up to him, laying her head on his shoulder. Trevor wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to his chest before murmuring, “I love you, Precious.”

  Nicole felt such a sense of happiness upon hearing his words, but she couldn’t return them. Not yet. Isn’t it too early for us to be feeling such a deep emotion? She recalled her vow to keep herself from falling for another man. Protect your heart.

  Chapter 17

  Trevor was completely exhausted. Sex with Nicole had been the most awesome experience of his life. They’d made love multiple times, and he wondered if he’d ever get enough of her. How long has it been since I felt like this? One year? Two? College?

  Feeling her stir at his side, he tipped his head so that he could watch her face as he told her, “I’d love you to stay here tonight.”

  Nicole instantly shook her head. “Sorry, I have to be at the radio station early tomorrow morning. And I need to change clothes and grab some paperwork from home before I head in to the station.”

  Trevor was disappointed, but he understood the demands that work could put on one’s personal life at times. “Okay.But I’ll drive you home.”

  Nicole chuckled. “I came in my own car. Remember?”

  He frowned, not liking the idea of her going out on her own this late at night. For him, this was a normal protective behavior, and he wouldn’t have wanted his sister going out alone either. But he wisely said nothing, her words about her ex still echoing in his mind. He wouldn’t let me go out at night without him because it wasn’t safe.

  Trevor grasped that he needed to second-guess his normal behavior when it came to Nicole. Yes, he was protective of the women in his life. And Nicole was the most precious woman in his life. He didn’t want to lose her, but he knew he could if she started to feel as if he was being overprotective or even slightly possessive.

  “Nicole, I hate for you to go on your own, because I’m afraid something might happen to you.”

  Her face instantly hardened, and she pushed away from him. She sat up in the bed, reaching for the bedsheet and wrapping it around her chest. With a stubborn look in her eyes, she stared him down. “I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing a fairly good job of it for years now. So, thank you, but your assistance is not necessary!” she snapped out.

  Trevor pushed himself up against the headboard and took her hands in his own, staring into her stormy eyes. She tried to pull her hands away, but he tightened his grip and told her, “
Nicole, please hear me. I know that you are perfectly capable of driving yourself home, but please, can you at least call me when you get there?”

  Nicole’s first response was to refuse, but then she recognized how silly she was being. He cared for her. He wanted to know she was safe. She sighed and nodded, “Okay. Mr. Overprotective.”

  Trevor smiled at her capitulation. “Ask my sister, she can tell you her suffering with protective brothers.” His smile softened at the mention of his sister, and then he continued, “It’s just that I don’t want anything to happen to you. Precious.”

  He climbed from the bed, helping her gather up her clothing, and then he led her back to the living room. The pictures hanging on the wall caught her attention, and Nicole wandered over to take a closer look. “So this is your family?” she asked, pointing to the picture in question.


  Nicole stepped closer and pointed to someone in the picture. "Oh, this is Ryan. And who are the others?"

  Trevor stepped up behind her and pointed out each person in the photo. “That’s my mom and dad.

  “This is Dean. He’s going to get married next spring to Melissa. When he met her and her wonderful daughter Happy, I thought maybe true love does exist. Happy is three years old and a wonderful little girl. He lives in Princeton near New York.

  “As does my little sister Samantha. She’s a model.”

  Oh my God! Nicole instantly felt self-conscious. With her small frame, small breasts, and what she considered her big ass, she definitely wasn’t a model.

  Trevor watched the expression float across Nicole’s face. She was so transparent! He tried to hold back his laughter, but it came bursting forth. A full belly laugh, filled with warmth and love.

  “I love her because she’s my sister, but I much prefer a woman who’s not all tall and skinny. ”

  Really? Then you’re not the typical male, or you’re blind! Choosing not to voice those thoughts, she asked, “So you are the oldest?”

  “Yes. And it’s been difficult to keep all of them in line.” The love he had for his family came shining through on his face.

  “The one in the middle is Douglas. He’s about to take over our father’s building company. He loves doing that stuff. My father secretly expected me to follow in his footsteps, but construction is boooring.”

  He made a face as if he’d bitten into a lemon.

  “This is Patrick. You’d be great with him. He’s a photojournalist and constantly travels the world in pursuit of the next best shot or story to report. He’s been featured in National Geographic more times than I care to remember and has won several prizes.”

  Trevor paused and then pointed to the youngest man in the picture. “And this is Evan. Our adrenaline junkie.”

  “What?” Nicole asked.

  “He’s a competitive ski racer. He loves everything that’s fast and dangerous. Our mom has had so much sorrow and worry about him. He’s been in the hospital more times than the rest of us together. With broken legs, arms, and torn ligaments.

  “Adrenaline junkie. Thriving on danger,” Nicole said. “Glad this is not you.”

  They shared a laugh, and without further thought Trevor invited her to the upcoming family get-together next weekend.

  Nicole put on her worried face again. Maybe he should have waited with the invitation? Heck no, she was the woman he wanted to spend his life with, so she’d better get used to his big and chaotic family.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll love you as much as I do.”

  Nicole looked at him in shock. “Can you read my mind?”

  “Didn’t I tell you that apart from being intelligent, successful, good-looking…”

  “Sexy as hell, great in bed, and too sure of yourself…”

  “I’m also a telepathic mind reader?”

  She giggled. Again, he’d made her laugh and it was the most fantastic feeling.

  Looking back at the picture once again, she commented, "Wow! That is a big family."

  Trevor laughed. "Yes. We are quite a handful. I love them all."

  “I noticed. It showed in the way you and Ryan interacted.”

  He looked into her eyes. "What about your family?”

  “Well, I have two sisters. My father is a diplomat and when I was younger, we moved someplace different about every three years. I’ve lived all over the world.

  “When I got older, my parents sent us to a boarding school. A lot of times they were sent to live in countries where it wouldn’t have been wise or safe to have their daughters living with them.”

  “Really? Like where?”

  “Like Syria or Cambodia. Women aren’t respected in those societies, and female children even less so. We also posed a significant security risk for the consulates when we were in residence.”

  Trevor nodded and then asked, “Where are your parents now?”

  “Rwanda. Not a place you go to visit your parents. Therefore, we meet only once or twice a year. Usually, when they come to the States for Christmas.”

  “That must be tough on you and your sisters. What do they do?”

  “They’re both still single. One is a teacher for handicapped children; the other one is an architect. I love my sisters, but when I got into the relationship with my ex, he didn't want me to see them anymore. He felt they didn’t measure up to his social status and he wouldn’t be seen with them.”

  He felt sorry for her. Trevor couldn’t imagine being without his family. He saw or talked to at least one of them every day. Mostly to Ryan and Douglas, who lived in Chicago. They were his go-to buddies for a squash or basketball match, or for a guy’s night out.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s okay, really. They didn't like him and he didn't like them right back. They tried to talk to me about him, but I just didn't want to listen to my sisters bash my boyfriend. So…we kind of stopped talking to each other very much.”

  Trevor wrapped an arm around her shoulders, his heart hurting for the sadness he heard in her voice. When she snuggled into his embrace, he murmured for her to continue: “Go on.”

  “When I left my ex a few months ago, I was too proud to reach out to them. I knew they had been right from the beginning, but I didn't want to admit it.”

  “You should call and talk to them. If they love you as much as you love them, they’ll forgive you.”

  I know he’s right, but I’m not sure I can take the shit they’re going to dish out! “I know my sisters pretty well, and I’m sure they’ll forgive me. After they say ‘told you so’ about a million times!”

  He chuckled. “That’s what siblings are for. They keep us humble.”

  Nicole nodded. “Maybe it’s time. I’ve missed talking to them.”

  “Good girl.” Trevor walked her to the front door, kissed her goodbye and then tipped her chin up to meet his eyes. “Nicole?”


  “I won’t go to sleep before you call or text me. Okay?”

  Nicole smiled at him. “Okay. I promise. I’ll call you as soon as I’m safely in my bed.”

  He stifled a groan.

  “Thinking of you,” she added in an innocent little voice designed to stir his libido.

  She loves to tease me! I love that. And I could rip off her clothes right here and ravish her again. And again. Will I ever get enough of her?

  “Don’t you do that,” he said.

  “What?” Nicole asked him, a confused look on her face.

  “Make me want to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back into my bedroom again.”

  Nicole laughed with him and then walked with him to her vehicle. He opened the car door for her, waited until she was seated and had buckled up, before he dropped a quick kiss on her cheek and shut the door.

  While she pulled away from his house, he stood in the doorway using his hand to indicate a phone by his ear.

  Chapter 18

  It was nearly 1 a.m. when Nicole pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine. She headed for t
he front door, puzzled when she found it unlocked. I always lock the door! She paused for a moment, but then decided maybe in her excitement to see Trevor again she had forgotten.

  She chided herself to keep her head focused on the task at hand in the future as she opened the door and stepped inside. Throwing her keys and purse on the hall table, she looked up, alarmed to see lights on in her living room and her ex sitting in the middle of her couch.

  With a brief scan of the room, she noticed drawers opened, boxed tipped over and searched, and even the books on the bookshelf disorganized as if someone had searched through them. Nicole froze in shock.

  Finding her voice a moment later, she demanded, “Norman! What are you doing here?!”

  “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  He has a nerve! Nicole was shaking inside, but did her best to conceal that fact from her ex. “How did you get in?”

  “Your landlady let me in, when I told her I’m your fiancé.”

  You’re not! Oh my God! What does he want? Nicole paled and trembled, barely able to speak. “What do you want?”



  “Yes, I came here to get you back. You don’t just run away from me!” He said it in a cold and menacing voice.

  She was completely terrorized as the reality of his words set in. Back with him. Never! Not over her dead body. Why didn’t I allow Trevor to drive me home? Nicole grabbed for her cell phone, intending to call him, but Norman was faster. He took the phone out of her hand and switched it off.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she exclaimed angrily, finding her voice once again. That man wouldn’t belittle her again. She wasn’t his puppy anymore, ready to obey his every order.

  Norman shrugged his shoulders. “Just being cautions. You can be so impulsive.”

  “You have no righ…”

  He seemed totally unaware that she was angry with him. “Baby, I’m here to reconcile. You are mine.“


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