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Just One Touch

Page 6

by C. A. Harms

  I stared after her with my mouth hanging open. After she was down the hallway, I heard her door shut and I just blinked in surprise. “She is insane,” I mumbled to myself. Usually that would get some type of reaction out of Ethan, a giggle, a grunt, but no…he was too into those damn headphones of his.

  When I noticed his little head bobbing much like it had when he was in Clayton’s lap that day, I couldn’t help but smile. Just then my phone vibrated, and I flipped it over to see only one message on the screen.

  Clayton: Sounds good to me, I’ll bring pizza.

  Chapter Ten


  “Where are you going looking all hot?” Blake asked, and I didn’t miss the glare I’d received from Eli when she’d called me hot. “Oh, will you stop it?” She curled herself around him and kissed his jaw. “No one is as hot as you.”

  It didn’t help he still looked at me like I’d done something wrong. Jackass was ridiculously territorial over Blake, which is why I loved to press his buttons.

  “I’ve got a date with a pretty girl,” I told her with a wink. He growled and I chuckled, so I pushed more. “I hope that don’t make you jealous, kitty cat. I know you’ll miss me.”

  “You want to keep that pretty face of yours clean?” Eli stepped forward and Blake slipped her arms around his center.

  “You keep my girl busy until I get back, Red. I don’t want her sad that I’m not here to make her smile.” When he lunged for me, I slipped out the door just as it slammed behind me. Damn, he was fun to fire up. But nothing would ruin my mood, not even an overgrown meathead like Eli.

  I was excited, more excited than I had been in a long damn time.

  When I got the text from Emelie inviting me over to her place to watch a movie, I was surprised. She left me standing next to my car after one hell of a kiss without knowing where we’d go next. So when the invite came, it gave me back a little of the confidence I’d lost only hours before.

  I’d seen the look in her eyes after we parted—it was regret. Now I just needed to prove to her there was absolutely no reason to feel that way.

  Twenty minutes later I parked in front of a large apartment complex and crawled out of my truck. Two large pizzas and a small cheese in hand, because the lady at Pizza Hut said it was my safest bet for a two-year-old, I started walking toward apartment 4B.

  Tucking my keys in my front pocket, I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before it slowly creeped open, and there in the doorway stood Emelie. “Hey,” I said as I scanned over her. She wore a pair of those tight stretchy pants girls wear, but for some reason they looked amazing on her. The t-shirt she wore was fitted as it hugged her waist and hips. Across her chest were the words “my eyes are up here” with an arrow pointing upward on the last E of the sentence. It made me smile, and when I looked upward she was smiling too.

  “Pervert,” she mumbled and narrowed her eyes playfully as her smile grew wider.

  I shrugged. “Wish I could say sorry about that and actually mean it.”

  A loud squeal erupted behind her and she stepped back, turning around and the door opened wider. Barreling toward me was Ethan with his hands out to his sides and what looked like a diaper in one of them. Looking down further my eyes widened a bit when I realized the boy was nude from the waist down.

  “Ethan, no!” Chasing after him was another girl, tall with long, dark, flowing hair. “I swear he only does this to me,” she complained as she scooped him up in her arms. “Hi.” She offered a wave. “I’m Palmer the best friend, and aunt to this little rugrat.”

  “Hey.” I chuckled as I watched the little guy fight her to get loose.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go duct tape this diaper to his butt.” As she walked away, I gave Emelie a look that I’m sure mirrored my thoughts. When she laughed and motioned me to enter, she took the pizzas from me.

  “She’s not really gonna tape it on him, is she?”

  “She might,” Em said with a shrug and moved toward the kitchen, placing the boxes on the table. “He is always testing her.”

  I looked around the small apartment and all I found were little boy’s things throughout. Toys, books, a highchair tucked up in the corner.

  “It’s a bit messy.” I turned my attention back to her and found she had that crazy ass timidity about her once again. I hated that look. She was a beautiful girl, and in no way should she be trying to hide that beauty.

  “It’s not a mess.” I stepped in her direction and she crossed her arms over her chest but didn’t try to step away from me. I hooked her around the waist and she looked up at me, biting her lip nervously. “Toys don’t make a place messy, it just shows how great a mom you are.”

  When she tried to look away from me, I cupped her cheek and held her still, ensuring that she looked at me. “Why do you do that?"

  “Do what?”

  “Get embarrassed, or shy. I’m not sure what’s running through your mind, but there isn’t anything about this place or your life that should have you hiding.”

  “You’re so sure about that.” I nodded and she shook her head. “You’re looking at a girl that got knocked up by some guy she’d just met at her first college party. Then he turned his back on his child before he even knew the sex of the baby. My parents want nothing to do with Ethan either, because he wasn’t in the plans they’d envisioned for me. I’m now an embarrassment and he’s a reminder of the life I’ll never be able to have now. In their eyes, I’m a disappointment.”

  “Well, then they are the ones that should be ashamed, not you. They’re the ones missing out on you and him. It’s their loss, Em, and you’re better off without their venom in your life.” I tried to control the ticking in my jaw that her declaration warranted. What kind of fucking guy turns his back on his child? And her parents? I may have never met them, but they were nothing but two selfish pricks in my eyes. Fuck them all; no wonder she had trust issues.

  “What are you gaining from this?” Her question surprised me. “Being here, getting wrapped up in my mess?”

  “I’m gaining a beautiful girl and her adorable son. I’d say I’m the lucky one.”

  She attempted to tuck her head downward to hide her smile, but I wouldn’t allow her to. Instead, I leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth, watching her eyes flutter shut. “You need to stop blaming yourself for the bad choices of others, because one day those idiots are gonna wake up and realize what their poor choices cost them. And when they do, I’ll be able to say that they’re too late because now you’re mine.” I kissed her again. “Both of you.”


  I didn’t allow her to argue with me; I knew instantly that was her intention. I covered her mouth with my own and slowly began to kiss her. It was all I’d thought about since the second she ended our first kiss earlier that day.

  One hand holding her face firmly in place, I used my other to pull her body in as close as possible to my own. Damn, she felt good in my arms. “I’m here with you because I want to be, not because I have some hidden agenda. I like you, Em, and I like Ethan too.” I rested my forehead to hers. “I know the two of you are a package deal, and I want the whole thing.”

  Her eyes were still closed, and I continued to hold her close. That is, until I felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down to find a now fully clothed Ethan looking up at me. He held a kid’s cup in one hand and he smiled wide.

  “Hey, buddy.” When I said that, Emelie jumped back from me like we’d been caught doing something dirty.

  I also didn’t miss the way she looked around the room, most likely in search of her friend. I kneeled down and scooped Ethan into my arms. “I’ve missed my little pal,” I told him and ignored the attention I was now getting from Emelie as she watched me with her son. “Where’s your tunes?”

  “He’s got them in the living room,” Em answered. “He’s been listening to it all day long.”

  “Do you wanna show me your toys?” He nodded
his head, still staring up at me with a smile. It choked me up a bit as I thought of his father turning him away without a thought. It pissed me off actually, because he didn’t deserve that. Emelie didn’t deserve that.

  I put him down on the floor and he reached up for my hand. I looked back at Emelie. “We’re gonna go play with some trucks.” I leaned in, offering a quick peck on her lips that seemed to surprise her. “Call us when it’s time to eat.” I winked and started walking with Ethan toward his toy box, sitting on the floor at his side.

  One by one he started to pull out each truck and placed it on the floor in front of me while I watched in amazement.

  Before I knew it, we were building a town out of blocks on a huge rug that looked like a landscape of roads, hills and trees. We had garages and houses that Ethan slammed into, then laughed.

  The next time I looked up toward Emelie, I found her leaning against the counter with her friend at her side as they both watched us play. I wasn’t sure, but it almost looked like Emelie had tears in her eyes.

  Chapter Eleven


  I twisted to my side and gripped the blanket beneath me then froze. The material was thin and so unlike the feel of my flannel blankets. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked up to see Clayton, then scanned over the room, realizing we were on the couch.

  The movie was now back on the main menu, the background music playing on repeat. I hadn’t even remembered curling up on him, but apparently I do unforeseen things in my sleep. Ya know, like climbing him and conforming the entire front half of my body to his own.

  One arm was wrapped around my back securely, his other hand rested just above my ass. I was trapped, with no means of escape, unless I wanted to wake him. I looked up at him again and found him sleeping so peacefully, a gentle snore filling the quiet space.

  It was my chance to stare at him without being caught, the chance to memorize his features, the strong jaw and lips that were too perfectly shaped. Men shouldn’t be gifted with perfect lips and long gorgeous eyelashes; it was unfair. Clayton was so masculine, but those added features made him breathtaking. It was one of the things that drove me so crazy about him. Even though I wanted to push him away so much in the beginning, I found it so difficult. He was a man I could look at all day every day and never tire of the sight.

  Lifting my hand, I trailed my finger along his jaw, loving the feel of the stubble beneath.

  “Hey sleepyhead,” he whispered gruffly without opening his eyes. I jerked my hand away, embarrassed that I was caught fondling him, and he lifted his own to catch my wrist. When he brought our now joined hands up toward his mouth, he pressed a kiss to my wrist and carefully placed my hand near his face once more. “Don’t stop,” he insisted. “It felt nice.”

  I smiled when he moved his face in closer to my hand, almost like a cat does when it’s begging to be petted. It was quite adorable how sweet he was when he was half asleep. So, once again I began to trace over his jaw and across his chin. On my second pass over, I made sure to trace along his lower lip, feeling him twitch against me. I paused for a few seconds before repeating the action and getting the same result.

  “I wanna kiss you.” I whispered this, unsure if he could hear me. When he didn’t answer I knew he’d fallen back to sleep, so I carefully moved myself up higher on him, pressing my lips softly to his. “I really hope you’re the man you’ve been trying so hard to convince me you are. Because I don’t think I’m gonna be able to stop myself from falling for you, Clayton Powell. Nothing has ever scared me more than that.”

  “Fall,” he said in a raspy tone, and my eyes widened in shock. “I’ll catch you, I promise.” His hand went to the back of my neck and he lifted his head just enough to meet my lips with his own. Easily forgotten was the embarrassment I felt from him overhearing my words.

  The moment his tongue skimmed over the seam of my lips, I opened my mouth and offered him more. I could feel the excitement growing within me, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The way he gently sucked on my lower lip triggered a demand for more, fisting his hair in my hands and straddling his waist. I was feral, rubbing against him without being able to stop. When he moaned into our kiss, it only prompted yet another want as I strived to hear him moan all over again.

  He moved quickly, lifting his torso off the couch, pulling my upper body tightly toward his. “Damn fine way to be woken up,” he added, continuing to kiss me hungrily. Part of me thought of stopping this, but it just felt too good to bring it to an end. So instead, I let go of that fear inside me and accepted the way Clayton made me feel.


  We made out on my couch, both completely happy with that and nothing more. There was touching and grinding, which was much more pleasurable than I’d ever experienced before. I think it had a lot to do with the man providing it, though. He was unbelievable in more ways than one.

  I don’t know how much time had passed, I just knew that I was now beneath him, his broad and very manly body hovering over me. He was kissing along the side of my neck, pushing his now very noticeable erection against the exact place I needed it most. My head was spinning.

  “You should stay,” I said without thinking, and he lifted his head to look back at me. “It’s late.” His eyes scanned over my face and I wanted to shy away, but I fought it, remembering what he’d said to me earlier. He made my fears seem ridiculous, made my worries seem pointless. “You could sleep here.” Again he just watched me without replying. “Or you could sleep in my bed with me.” And, of course, with that I got a reaction. That arrogant smirk I’d seen many times before. “With our clothes fully intact, of course.”

  “I was waiting for that.” His smile widened. “And I choose bed, with you, fully clothed.”

  “How did I get lucky enough to find you?” I didn’t mean to ask that question outright, but Clayton made me feel more confident, enough so I could speak of the things I was feeling. He made it so easy.

  “I was just thinking the same thing myself.” My heart soared then and there. There was no way I wasn’t gonna fall hard and fast; there was no running, no hiding that would help me now. This man was more than I ever thought he’d be.


  I tugged on Palmer’s arm in an attempt to drag her out of my bedroom. She stood just inside my door, a cup of coffee in her hand as she stared at the man in my bed. Okay…it was much more than a simple stare. It was full-on gawking, undressing, and moseying all with her eyes. “Will you come on?”

  “Stop taking all my fun away.” She ignored my tugging and parted her feet slightly to gain better leverage.

  Throughout the night a few things happened. Clayton had removed his shirt and his jeans, leaving him only in boxers. My son had found his way out of his toddler bed and crawled in bed between Clayton and me and was now curled up at Clayton’s side with his head resting on Clay’s arm.

  “Tell me right now that…that right there,” she pointed to my bed, “is not the one of the sweetest and hottest things you’ve ever seen.”

  “Yes,” I said in a hushed tone. “It is all of the above, but the last thing I want is for him to wake up and see you ogling him from the open door.”

  “Too late,” she said with a smile followed by a wink as she stared at my bed. “He’s awake and he knows. Hey handsome, sleep well?”

  I hung my head and wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow me up and hide me from the shame.

  “I did,” he replied in a husky tone, “and you?”

  “Oh, I slept all right.” They were literally having a conversation while he lay in my bed in all his glory, with my son at his side. As if this wasn’t one of the strangest moments ever. “Though I must say this is much better than sleeping.” Palmer apparently had no qualms with openly flirting with Clayton while I was right there in the same room.

  I took a chance and looked back over my shoulder to find Clayton grinning, one arm stretched up and over his head, his hand tucked behind his head. This action, of c
ourse, only brought more attention to his arm muscle, shoulder and chest.

  “Sorry,” I said, trying to apologize for Palmer.

  “Oh please, like he’s not used to women looking at him.”

  “I’m sure waking up to an audience isn’t exactly what he had in mind when I asked him to sleep over.” I again looked in his direction. “Though it was supposed to be a clothed affair. I’m not sure what happened to that agreement.”

  “I got hot.”

  “Yes, he is,” Palmer mumbled not so quietly. “And geesh, woman, are you honestly gonna stand here and complain about him sleeping next to you wearing that?”

  Clayton chuckled, and my cheeks heated. “Will you go do something?” I nudged her from the room as she kept trying to gain one last look over her shoulder.

  “You are no fun,” she complained, sticking out her tongue just as I shut the door in her face. I let my head rest against the door for a few seconds before turning to look at him once again.

  “She is interesting.”

  I laughed uncontrollably when the entire chain of events played over again in my mind. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing on my nightstand. Palmer had changed my ringtone for Emelie to the song “My Girl” about a week ago when I was caught up playing monster jam with Ethan. I bought him a series of monster trucks and now, he doesn’t really play with his other trucks.

  Yeah, that shit made me smile. I was his BFF for sure.

  I reached out, grabbed my phone, and slid my finger across the screen. “Good morning, pretty girl.”


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