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The Highlander's Fiery Bride: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

Page 25

by Lydia Kendall

  A coy smile curved the woman’s lip and her eyes glittered with a gleam of madness. A deranged sly smile crossed Perce’s features.

  “Yer wrong boy, there’s always an escape.” In a blink, she plucked a vial from her bosom and drank it so quickly that neither of them had a chance to stop her. Her body crumpled to the ground lifeless, with a superior grin on her face.

  Angus lurched away from the woman and blinked in shock. Did the woman just kill herself? The desire to fasten his hands around her throat and watch her life leave her eyes had just been ripped away from him in a rather anticlimactic end. He felt cheated, robbed even, of the satisfaction that would have come from seeing her die by his hand.

  When his bearings realigned, he stepped over the unmoving woman and went to Magdalene who was staring at her aunt in shock. The torn bosom of her gown had dropped past her breasts and her body was trembling as she leaned on the side of the wooden tub.

  “Magdalene?” He asked cautiously. “What was happening here?”

  “She tried to kill me, Angus,” Magdalene said in pure disbelief. “She…tried to kill me! She wanted my blood to make herself young again! Can you believe that?”

  Fire calls for blood and blood for rebirth. Rhona was right again. Thank God he had gotten there in time. Cradling the young woman in his arms he pressed his nose in her hair as Magdalene went on, her voice trembling with hysteria, “She kept saying she needed the blood of a virgin but no matter how many times I tried to tell her I was not one, she insisted.”

  Actively trembling, Magdalene sank into his arms as her knees buckled under her. “I was so scared Angus and…I am so sorry I left. Please forgive me.”

  “It’s fine, mo ghràdh,” Angus murmured. “If it’s any consolation, she tried to kill me, too. A trap nearly had a dagger in me face and a hidden pit claimed me sword.”

  Magdalene sighed and pressed her face into his neck, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Yer apologies can wait,” Angus said, and took out a dagger and cut her ropes, then went to fix her clothes. When it was clear her gown was unsalvageable, he did away with his gauntlets and stripped his shirt off. Casting a look at the woman on the floor, he dressed Magdalene in it, smiling smugly that, once again, she was in his clothes. He kissed her forehead, “Let's get ye out of here.”

  She nodded numbly and with an arm wrapped around her, he led them out. “Dae ye remember the way out?”

  “Not all of it,” she shook her head. “It was too dark.”

  Just outside the crystal cave, Angus jerked his head to the cart, “That was what she used to carry ye down here?”

  “Yes,” Magdalene said tightly, as she clutched at the sides of Angus’ shirt. “She drugged me and tied me up after I kept asking her to come to your home and clear her name. I should have seen through her deception before but I was too naïve to see it.”

  “Dinnae ye fash yerself,” Angus murmured calmly. “Yer alive, that’s all that matters.” Following a half-memorized route, he avoided the entrance to the other trap-filled passage and walked Magdalene out from the lower chasms up to the higher tier. They finally made it out from the depths and into the sunlight, where Titan was standing in the growing dusk. Had it taken him that long in the caves? He had arrived at the caves in the early morning.

  Settling her on his horse, he kissed her, then tugged one of the daggers out of his boot. “I was told ye are proficient with knives. Use this without hesitation. I will go back, find the cart, and get the witch to be carried back and beheaded.”

  “Come back quickly,” she said, while pressing her face in Titan’s neck. Fitting his gauntlets back on and following the same path, Angus quickly jogged down to the room where the crystals glinted, ready to haul the thrice-damned witch’s body into the cart and take her to get burned, evoking justice for all she had killed by fire, but the problem was… the witch was gone.

  Chapter 29

  “She’s gone?” Magdalene’s eyes were wide. “How could she? She died! We saw her die.”

  “She’s a witch, Magdalene,” Angus said through gritted teeth as he directed Titan towards the Williamson home in the growing dark. He had just given Magdalene the disturbing news about her ‘dead’ aunt missing. “She kens that art of deception. I ken the poison wasnae even poison but somethin’ that acted like poison. Unless the Devil came for his bride and whisked her away to hell, she’s alive somewhere and I am going to find her and kill her for real this time.”

  Magdalene felt it was right to feel perturbed about her lover vowing to kill her aunt but she could not. The woman had nearly killed her. She laid her head back on Angus’ chest and bit her lip. Shame was still riotous inside her chest and her sole wish, when they got back to Angus’ home, was to hide in her room until judgment day.

  They had entered the forest that led towards the Williamson’s home. She cringed at the mental image of the sneers and ostracism she would get as she was sure that the whole clan knew her relationship to the witch that had given them hell for the last three years.

  “Angus…” she said quietly. “I’m afraid of going back to your home.”

  She felt his chest rumble with a sigh. “I’d like to say why but I ken why. Yer afraid of the looks ye will get by our people.”

  “Yes,” she confirmed. “Not anyone is going to be as forgiving or understanding as you will are. And you cannot say that you’ll order them to not disparage me. You cannot stop people from expressing their emotions, Angus.”

  “I can try,” he mumbled.

  His intention made her smile but she was a grown woman, she could handle what was given to her. Not given rightly but aside from staying in her rooms until her aunt was captured and killed, there was nothing much she could do about it. “I can handle it, Angus…just not tonight.”

  “I understand,” he said, as they broke through the forest and came to the fork that led to the Williamson’s home. “Ye’ve been through hell today. Ye’ll sleep with me, mo ghràdh but I must tell ye, tomorrow I will be out huntin’ yer aunt.”

  “I never expected anything else,” Magdalene said, as she fought down the disappointment as she knew he had to go back and finish his task and get rid of the witch.

  The climb to the dark citadel was more intimidating than ever. Cold trepidation settled in her stomach just looking at the hulking mass of stone and towers. The closer they got, her breath got shorter until her lungs were empty, still and burning. She didn’t realize her hands were grabbing Angus’ and her nails were sinking into his skin.

  Angus stopped the mount and it was only when she pried her hand from his arm that she realized she was hurting him. Crescent marks were visible on his skin. He covered her hand with his. “Magdalene, breathe.”

  “H-how did y-you know?”

  “Your back is on my chest,” he said. “And I’ve never felt ye breathe from the moment we started climbing the hill.”

  “I….” the words did not come out but Angus somehow knew exactly what she could not say.

  “It’s all right, me love,” Angus pressed his lips to her ear. “I ken. Let’s get ye inside.”

  Her breath was shaky and her emotions were haywire but Angus was a pillar of strength. He led her back around the large citadel to a back door and lifted her off the horse.

  He held her under her back and legs as she buried her face in his neck. She prayed that no one would meet them along the way but luck was not on her side. Lady Isobel met them halfway to Angus’s rooms.

  She kept her head buried as they spoke. Lady Isobel was prudent and gracious, just saying that she was glad Magdalene was back, that she’d sent up water for a bath and the nightgown she had been given from the first night she had gotten there. She even said that she’d take care of Angus’ horse for him. Nodding silently in Angus’ neck, Magdalene kept her emotions in check until they got to Angus’s room.

  Then, the tears began to fall, silently at first but stronger. He held her as she cried and while the women came in and filled the
tub, his back was turned to them. Not a word was said and the women left in the same silence they had done their job with.

  “Come on, Magdalene,” Angus said. “We’re taking this bath together.”

  Angus lifted her off his lap to undress her and then did the same to himself. He lifted and carried her to the tub where, still tenderly holding her, stepped into the warm water. Sinking slowly, he placed her on his lap, pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. “Ye can cry here.”

  She sighed as the tears continued to fall. “I should not have trusted her.” Her head fell to the side on Angus’ collarbone and stayed there as the bitter tears of betrayal fell. Warm hands held her as she exorcized her pain and soon she ran dry. Angus, grabbing a washcloth square, lathered it and started to wash her from the neck down, and tenderly ran it over her front and her back. He held his hand stationary at her belly. “May I wash ye, love?”

  She shifted and gave him access to her intimate place, but with no other motive than to get her clean he ran the cloth between her legs. He then picked up each of her slender legs and washed her body from the ankle up, his touch a butterfly caress. He was not prepared for when she turned, took the cloth and began to wash him. Heavy lids lowered over darkening eyes and his hands dropped to her hips.

  Not saying a word, she ran the cloth over his chest, mapping the small silver remnants of scars on his chest and down to his stomach. She was even braver than he had thought she could be and washed his manhood. It was a caring gesture, but sadly her touch was too caring. He hardened below the water, and needing a more intimate touch that this, plucked the cloth from her fingers, looped his arm around her back and legs and stepped out.

  He set her on her feet briefly to grab the towels and dry them off before taking her to the bed. He slid in beside her and lowered his mouth to her breast and sucked on her pebbled nipple.

  Her moans were instant as he eased her legs apart and slipped a finger inside her, thrusting slowly while using his thumb on her nub. Magdalene shifted her position so he could have better access to her core. Pleasure was building in her body but she felt selfish and reached out a hand to stop Angus. His confused look was met with a kind one of hers. She pressed a hand to his chest and slid it down slowly hoping he would understand her intention without her having to say it.

  The confused look stayed but soon it cleared and he smirked, took her hand and placed it on erection. She grasped him carefully and watched his reaction. His hand was over hers, tightening her fist, showing her how he wanted to be pleasured. He guided her plunging her hand from the tip of his member to the root and back again. He let her go and she took up the rhythm with enthusiasm, tugging and rubbing her thumb over the seeping head.

  Angus’ chest was heaving when she pulled her hand away. Magdalene ran her hand up and down his arms, her mouth was closed but she knew he saw her begging for him in her eyes. Angus took her rosebud nipple in his mouth again, curling his tongue over peak while he coaxed her legs around his hips. He cupped her bottom, positioned himself and slipped inside her slowly.

  She rocked against him, lip bit as he moved with slow, gentle thrusts. Rolling her head back, she grabbed his shoulders and raked her nails across his back and shoulder. Her tightness was pure ecstasy, as well as her cries of wanton passion. As he increased his pace, she titled her bottom to make their contact deeper.

  He reached in between her legs and found her nub, caressing her. “Angus, oh, Angus!” Magdalene gasped as she careened over the edge. Her body succumbed to the wild tremors that rocked her from her core as wave after wave of pleasure sucked her under. Angus followed her over the abyss but this time he did not remove himself from her. Magdalene did not care to ask why.

  When he did pull out, he took her into his arms and admitted, “I suffered when ye were gone, Magdalene. I swear to ye, me very soul was in pain. I dinnae sleep, or eat, all me thoughts were with ye. I realized I didn’t just love ye… I am in love with ye.”

  The words came easily, “I felt so… deceitful when I ran off and left you. I realized I’m in love with you, too. Do forgive me?”

  “Of course, I dae,” Angus nuzzled her skin.

  Taking comfort in his touch, Magdalene sighed. “You’ll be gone in the morning, won’t you?”

  “I will,” Angus said while fingering her hair. “But ye will be safe here.”

  She knew he believed what he had said but the comfort was going to be hollow when she did meet those who hated her. Still, she did not say a word, simply smiled and rested on his chest. “I know I will.”

  Leaving Magdalene at the crack of dawn was hard but he had to find this witch and kill her. His braies and plaid were on as were his boots. He lingered putting his vest and shirt on as his eyes kept flitting back to Magdalene who was still sleeping in his bed.

  God, he loved saying it, Me bed… where she will stay as long as possible.

  The love of his life was utterly beautiful and at the same time, utterly vulnerable. His eyes traced from the curve of her bottom up toward the rounds of her breasts. Her hair was splayed across the pillows in a wild but beautiful tangle. He saw where Perse had cut her cheek and there was a thin scab. He knew his mother would give her a salve to heal it completely.

  The intensity and passion Magdalen had shown him last night had surprised him, and when she had matched his fervor, his blood had gone fiery.

  A look outside the window had him turning away and dressing in his vest and shirt. He slung a cloak over his shoulder and as he reached for his sword his hands clenched in the air. Damn that witch for making him lose his father’s sword. He went to the bed and fingered Magdalene’s hair before dropping a kiss on her forehead. She scrunched her nose and turned away. He whispered a line of fluid Gaelic in her ear and left.

  He strode to the bailey and found another sword in the wide collection his family had amassed over a century. He chose a sword with a handle wrapped in braided cord, a long tapered elegant quillion, and steel that was wickedly sharp. Titan was a bit agitated when he went to retrieve him and to calm him, Angus rubbed his ears comfortingly. “We have a job to do, Titan, find this witch and kill her.”

  A majestic grey head jerked into the direction of the house and Angus chuckled. “She’ll be fine, thank ye for worryin’.”

  Titan snorted as Angus saddled him and mounted him while directing him down the incline and into the forest trail for Seabhag Crag. Titan ran through the forest in quick time, and as he emerged the position of the sun told him it was still early. He took the same trail to the caves and got there as the sun was middling the sky. Instead of going into that labyrinth, he guided Titan to trot beside the massive dark mountain outcropping, searching for any bushes that could conceal the way out the witch had taken.

  The caves were large and as he circled the black mass, he realized they were wide as well. The mountain had a gentle slope to the ground where rubble rested and bushes formed a beard around the base.

  “‘Tis must be where that damned witch escaped,” Angus said as he hopped of Angus and began to search the bushes manually.

  The rough gorse bushes were thick but Angus was determined to find the escape route the witch had taken. His coat was off and the brambles were tugging at his shirt so he had to do away with that, too. The sword was slashing left and right, parting and decimating the shrubbery with ferocity.

  The sun was pelting and the heat was so strong the rays shimmered over the ground. The rays happened to hit upon a glimmering crystal laying on the ground a few feet up the slope and Angus’ eyes narrowed as he set off to get it. Was that one of the crystals from the cave?

  Crouching, he picked it up, and saw that it was from the cave. Palming it he began to search higher and higher until he came to a ridge of black rock. Broken hedge and loosed leaves were sloppily shoved over a board trap door. Triumphant, Angus brushed the leaves away and yanked the door open to a dirt tunnel and he did not have to enter to know it came from the crystal cave.

  A grud
ging admiration came from Angus. This woman had planned well. Faking her death and using an escape route was a strategy he could easily see old chieftains use. Slamming the door, he went back to Titan, pondering. Where would the witch go next?

  Her home. She would go home to regroup.

  Jumping on Titan, he spun the horse to the witch’s castle and prayed he would get there in time.

  Chapter 30

  Clan Williamson

  The warmth behind her back was gone. Angus was gone. With her eyes closed, she could still feel the ghostly remnants of his touch. She sighed deeply as the memories came back to her. Angus was always so tender but passionate when it came to making love. A smile crept across her face as she thought of how the touch of his battle-scarred hands made her quiver from deep inside.


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