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Hersband Material

Page 1

by C. Wash

  Check out other titles by The Cartel Publications

  Shyt List 1: Be Careful Who You Cross

  Shyt List 2: Loose Cannon

  Shyt List 3: And A Child Shall Leave Them

  SHYT LIST 4: Children Of The Wronged

  Shyt List 5: Smokin’ Crazies The Finale’

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 1

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 2

  Pitbulls In A Skirt 3: The Rise Of Lil C

  Pitbulls In A Skirt 4: Killer Klan

  Poison 1

  Poison 2

  Victoria’s Secret

  Hell Razor Honeys 1

  Hell Razor honeys 2

  Black and Ugly As Ever

  A Hustler’s Son 2

  The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets

  Year of the Crackmom

  The Unusual Suspects

  Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC

  La Familia Divided


  Raunchy 2: Mad’s Love

  Raunchy 3: Jayden’s Passion


  Quita’s DayScare Center

  Quita’s DayScare Center 2

  Dead Heads

  Drunk & Hot Girls

  Pretty Kings

  Hersband Material

  The End. How To Write A Bestselling Novel in 30 Days


  This novel is a part of the Cartel Publications

  Hersband Material


  C. Wash

  Copyright © 2013 by The Cartel Publications. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission

  from the author, except by reviewer who may quote passages

  to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,

  Organizations, places, events and incidents are the product of the

  Author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance of

  Actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2013931063

  ISBN 10: 0984993061

  ISBN 13: 978-0984993062

  Cover Design: Davida Baldwin

  Editor: Advanced Editorial Services

  Graphics: Davida Baldwin

  First Edition

  Printed in the United States of America


  First off, I want to acknowledge the LGBT community as a whole. It’s not easy being who you are despite how society looks at you. No matter what, continue to hold your head up high and be proud of the skin you’re in. #equalityinmarriage.

  Second, I want to acknowledge ALL my family. Thank you for loving me, always. To my Mommy, Big Sheil, thank you for showing me how to work and for raising me strong, I know it wasn’t always easy. I love you. To my sister, CeCilia Washington, BKA, CeCe, BKA, Seven, my right hand nigga, although I was jealous when Mommy and Daddy brought you home from the hospital initially, you have grown to be one of my best friends. Continue to live out your dreams, the world and Hollywood needs your talent. I love you. Love you too Angel! To my son, D’Juan Bishop, make sure you find your passion in life. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, there is nothing in the world better than finding out what you like to do, then getting paid to do it. Don’t worry, you’ll find it, I believe in you. I love you! To my other son, Kajel, I’m proud of you for being a man and raising our grandbaby, KJ, with love and dedication. I love you both.

  To all the Cartel Publications fans thank you so much for always holding us down. You guys mean the world to us and I hope I do you proud with this one.

  Last but not least, to my partner, best friend, boss chick and my baby, Toy, there are no words invented that would completely express my love for you. I would not be the woman, person, or boss I am today if it weren’t for you. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to great heights. I hope I make you proud.

  I’m not a talker, so I’ll wrap here. If I did not mention you, know that it’s not personal, I have slow brain but I still love you.

  Charisse “C. Wash” Washington

  instagram publishercwash

  What's Good Babies,

  As I'm writing this letter for C. Wash’s debut novel, I'm reminded of my first novel Rainbow Heart. To tell you the truth I didn't foresee having the success I have now, or the success I will attain later, after I penned that book. I was just writing...with no formal training or plan in mind. When the book was done, it didn’t do much in terms of success, but I was overwhelmed with joy. Because I did what so many couldn’t…I wrote my first book!

  Remembering the old days makes me so proud to be writing this letter for C. Wash, the VP of The Cartel Publications. I am amazed! I am in awe! And I can’t stop smiling. She jumped out there and created a stunning debut and I'm proud to stamp this novel with the CP brand fans have come to adore. Writing a book is not easy and it certainly takes guts, talent and dedication. Luckily for us the VP has them all. I think fans will be taken by Mystro and Native, the characters C. Wash created, I know I am!

  Keeping in line with tradition, we want to give respect to a trailblazer paving the way. With that said we want to recognize:


  Azarel is the CEO of Life Changing Books. She is also the author of Bruised, Daddy’s House, Carbon Copy, and many more. Although she excels as an author and publisher, she is also a solid businesswoman, wife, mother and friend, who we respect and adore.

  Well, the time has come to jump into Hersband Material. So grab a glass of your favorite poison, sit back and enjoy.

  T. Styles

  President & CEO

  The Cartel Publications


  This novel is dedicated to my motivation, my inspiration, my aspiration and true boss bitch, Toy Styles. You believed in me and encouraged me, then led by example and I am eternally grateful for you. By finally dropping my first novel, I can truly understand how hard you work everyday and just how extremely talented you are. I hope I grow up to be one tenth of the author you are now and will become. Thank you, I LOVE YOU!


  Mystro Mason stood in the semi-crowded courtroom with a thin layer of perspiration on her forehead. She grasped the sides of the oak wood podium with vigor as she awaited the judge’s decision and her fate. Suddenly the collar on her gray button down shirt felt like a noose tightening around her neck. Mystro quickly removed her right hand from the death grip on the podium; and released her top button, giving herself some immediate relief. She looked away from the judge briefly, and took in her reason for being in court, Leslie Sheppard.

  ‘Man, she looks like a fucking angel, I wonder if she still has the picture we took at Kings Dominion on her nightstand in the bedroom. I love her so much.’ Mystro thought while looking to her right and gazing upon Leslie.

  Leslie could feel the awkward stare coming from her left side, and refused to look in that direction. Mystro’s awkwardness was the reason they were in court today. Feeling extremely uncomfortable with Mystro’s eyes peering at her, Leslie looked intensely at the judge straight ahead. She wanted this girl out of her life, once and for all, and she prayed he could make that happen.

  “Ms. Sheppard, you currently have a Temporary Ex Parte Protection Order, or TPO, in effect against Ms. Mason,” Judge Tredall stated. “And you are petitioning the court to have a
Civil Protection Order, or CPO, placed in effect for one year, is that correct?”

  “Yes, your honor,” Leslie replied.

  Mystro tuned out the conversation between Judge Tredall and Leslie. She concentrated only on the way Leslie’s lips looked while she talked.

  “Ms. Sheppard, since you filed for the TPO and it was served, has Ms. Mason continued to harass you in any way that you deem inappropriate?”

  “Well, she called me once the police served her the order asking me why I went that far,” Leslie testified. “And my co-worker said she thought she saw her car out in front of my job, but I didn’t see her. And she had not contacted me after that, your honor.”

  “Ms. Mason,” The judge said trying to get Mystro’s attention. “Ms. Mason,” the judge yelled again this time banging his gavel.

  “Oh, yes, sir.” Mystro finally responded breaking out of her stare coma, and facing the judge.

  “Young lady, do you understand the severity of this case?”

  “I believe so, your honor,” Mystro said, stealing another glance at Leslie.

  “I don’t think you do. We are here today because the petitioner, Ms. Sheppard, has accused you of harassment. She has already been granted a temporary order and I am to determine if a longer protection order is needed,” Judge Tredall explained.

  “No, sir,” Mystro said dropping her head in shame.

  “Are you saying an order is not necessary?”

  “Yes, sir,” Mystro said looking back up at the judge. “I will not contact Leslie anymore. I get it.” She looked back at Leslie. This time with tears filling her eyes, as she realized this may be the last time she saw the love of her life. She couldn’t believe Leslie took it this far, by throwing their love onto the mercy of the court. Sure Mystro blew up her cell phone and kept showing up at places she knew Leslie would be once they broke up, but she would never harm her. Mystro just wanted to make up, so they could get back together. She was in love.

  Mystro studied the details of Leslie’s face, she watched the way she kept curling the corners of her pink lips. She knew Leslie did that when she was nervous. She studied the movements of her hands as she talked, and imagined how they used to feel on her back when they made love. She could smell the Lady Gaga perfume Leslie wore from where she stood, and thought back to the day she bought it for her at the department store. Mystro thought those were the best times and now, they were all memories.

  Leslie continued to look straight ahead as the judge talked to Mystro. She was still unwilling to give her any eye play.

  “Ms. Mason, you seem to be a decent young woman with a clean criminal record. Coupled with the fact that you obeyed the Temporary Order, and outside of initial contact, you did not harass Ms. Sheppard.”

  Mystro blinked back the tears that gathered in her eyes, and turned away from Leslie to give the judge her full attention.

  “Therefore, I will vacate the TPO and not grant the CPO,” Judge Tredall ruled.

  Leslie’s shoulders dropped in defeat.

  Mystro released a sigh of relief.

  “However, it is important that you realize you cannot continue to harass people, Ms. Mason, because this order goes on record. Sometimes we fall in love with people who won’t love us back. And it’s your job to know the difference, and respect their decision. I never want to see you back here for this type of behavior again. Because you could face serious jail time, do you understand that?”

  “Yes, sir, your honor.” Mystro replied.

  “I hope so, court is now adjourned. Have a good day,” Judge Tredall stated slamming his gavel on the block.

  Mystro did not move, she stayed put behind the respondent’s podium and watched as her ex gathered her belongings and turned to exit the courtroom. As Leslie walked past, Mystro got another whiff of her perfume and her stomach fluttered. All she wanted to do was grab Leslie by the neck, and kiss her back into her life.

  “Fuck it,” Mystro said, as she trotted out of the courtroom, chasing Leslie.

  “Leslie,” Mystro yelled attempting to catch her before she left the building.

  Leslie stopped, and turned around to face Mystro for the first time all day.

  Mystro continued to walk in Leslie’s direction while concentrating on her face. She was so excited that Leslie was no longer walking and appeared to be waiting in anticipation of Mystro being in her space again.

  ‘Maybe she still loves me too. She finally realizes how much she cares, and wants me back.’ Mystro thought, as a small smile crept on her face the closer she got to Leslie. Until she noticed how Leslie’s face went from anticipation to anger.

  “Mystro Mason, I…do…not…want…you anymore. Stay far away from me or I will put your stalking, psychotic ass in jail,” Leslie yelled out into the court building’s hallway. Several on-lookers took notice, before turning and walking out the door.

  Mystro stopped dead in her tracks in defeat. She felt like she was going to be sick. Maybe their love affair was really over after all.



  “Damn, girl you got me throbbing like shit,” Native said. “It’s the perfect time and we in the perfect place. Just let me feel how wet it is,” Native continued kissing her prospect on the neck.

  “Mmmm,” Supervisor Jones moaned. “You right, it is the perfect time, because I’m horny too, but it’s not the right place. We at work and I’m your manager,” she explained to Native inside the dressing room of the shoe store.

  It was an extremely slow Saturday afternoon in the popular tennis shoe haven. Normally Saturdays meant action in, and action out of the store, but not today. The emptiness gave Native the brilliant idea to try her hand at seducing her boss, who often flirted with her on the regular.

  “Come on, Supe, we good right now. Mystro got the floor on lock. Nobody coming back here. I got all the time in the world to make you weak,” Native continued to plead.

  “You not going to just fuck me and cross my name off your list like the rest of them bitches. I’m not having it!”

  “Boo, I been digging on you for a long time. You sexy as shit, you smart, beautiful and most importantly you my boss. That authority you hold is the main reason I gotta have you,” Native stated, as she squeezed Supervisor Jones’ left breast. “And I promise that you won’t be unsatisfied. So what you trying to do?”

  “Give me a second to think,” Supervisor Jones said pushing her back.

  Native stopped, and begin to smooth out her green uniform shirt. She really wanted and intended to fuck her manager right there. But, she knew continuing to beg was not in her profile. If Native was going to get in that ass, it would be because Jones wanted her just as badly.

  “I’m waiting,” Native said.

  Supervisor Jones looked at her watch, and saw it was three-o’clock in the afternoon. She knew that her night shift crew would not be in until five-o’clock. She also knew it was slow out in the store, and that Native’s best friend Mystro, who worked with them, was able to handle any customers who decided to shop.

  Truth be told, outside of the comforts of Supervisor Jones’ own home, this was as good as it was going to get. So, Jones made up her mind to give in to temptation.

  Jones studied Native and took her in. She loved Native’s Indian straight jet-black hair, which she kept in two French braids that hung over her shoulders. She could not take her eyes off of Native’s mocha complexion, that played host to all twelve of the tattoo’s strategically placed all over her body. But the deal closer was Native’s white bright smile that melted her loins every time Jones saw it. Oh yeah, she was ready to fuck!

  Native watched as Jones began to unbutton her polo shirt that displayed the company’s logo. She immediately began to snatch her own shirt off, excited that she was about to get the cheeks. As Jones removed her shirt, Native noticed that her white bra strap looked a little dingy. It wasn’t bad enough to make Native stop her pursuit, but she did make mental notes of it. To avoid seeing any
more dirty underclothes, she quickly pulled Jones toward her.

  “Native, did you make sure the door was locked?” Jones whispered looking up from their embrace.

  “Yeah, ma, I ain’t slow. No more talking,” Native said before she pushed Jones into the wall passionately, and pressed her body against hers. “It’s time to get down to business.”

  The two tongued each other down, while Native explored all over Jones’s curves. Against her better judgment, and in the heat of the moment, Native snatched up Jones’ dirty bra and began to suck her nipples. She loved how they immediately became hard inside her mouth. She spent time flicking her tongue back and fourth between Jones’ left and right nipple.

  Jones was so turned on that she felt warm cream escape her pussy that was still housed inside her thong and pants. She needed relief and she wanted it now. After all, she had secretly wanted Native since the first day she saw her face.

  No longer able to control herself, Native began to unbuckle Jones’ belt, and yank at her khaki Dockers. While still kissing her deeply, Native slid her index and middle finger around Jones’ thong and into her hairy pussy. Although the bush was a little more than Native preferred, or expected, Jones was extremely wet. This alone sent Native into overdrive, and she dismissed the imperfection.

  “Sit down, Supe.”

  She took a seat on the wooden bench.

  “I’m ‘bout to send you to the—,” Native stopped dead in her tracks. Something was off. Way off.


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