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Branded by Frost

Page 12

by Aliyah Burke

  “Maybe where you come from. To me, it smells like shit.”

  Her grin transformed her face to an ugly mask. “You humans, always so cavalier with your comments and lives.”

  “Who are you?”

  Her sigh was dramatic. “My dear, hapless human. I am so much more than you will ever be able to comprehend.”

  He crossed his arms. “So you’re one of Them, the ones the Guardians are going to defeat.”

  Both demons ripped away from her and snarled at him. “Interesting. You know of me.”

  “Not really. I know you’re going to lose.”

  “What if I kill you and she can’t find her artifact? Without it, they have no way of awakening the hope for the world. Ergo, I win.” The ends of her hair began dripping a substance onto the snow. Each drop hissed as it hit.

  “Problem is, Cheza, I’ve already found it and it’s safe from you and your attempts to secure it. You should get better help. Perhaps if you’d like to punish them yourself—I know how you get off on pain—you can bring them back from the dead. Their bodies are scattered about the frozen land up here.” Frost walked into view, brushing by him and positioning herself in front of him.

  He’d never even had a clue she was there. Aside from working, he hadn’t had a chance to be with her since she’d moved out a week ago. He raked his hungry gaze over the back of her, noting the moonlight that glinted off her weapons.

  “Now what are you doing here?” Cheza questioned. “I was merely talking to this human. No one invited you.”

  Her name is Cheza? He moved closer to Frost, not blocking her if she needed to fight—but closer.

  “Yet you’re always showing up where you’ve not been invited. I see it’s feeding time for your pets.” Frost rolled her shoulders, mist rising from them. “If you don’t want to lose them, I suggest you leave.”

  The woman stood and levitated toward them, unmindful of the blood running down her pale skin. All her attention was on Frost. “You stand no chance against me alone.”

  If Frost didn’t like the odds, she never showed it. “I didn’t say you, Cheza. I said your pets.”

  Quick as lightning, Cheza’s hair snapped toward Frost. Just as fast, if not faster, his woman—mate—reacted. She moved with blazing speed, slicing the hair free. It fell writhing and flopping to the snow, where more of the hissing noise reached him.

  “Bitch!” Cheza raised her hands only to stop and look at her demons, who had two spikes in their throats and were dying. “You…you will pay for this.”

  “Run along, Cheza. If you’re lucky, you can save them. If not, good riddance.” She stepped forward and lifted her chin. “Try to fuck with my mate again, we’ll find out if it is true that one Guardian can or cannot kill one of Them.”

  In a burst of light, Cheza and the things were gone. Frost wheeled to face him. “Did she touch you?”


  “Did she touch you? Or her pets? Did any of them put anything on you?”

  “No.” He reached for her and drew her close. “What are you doing here?”

  “I knew she was close. My sign alerted me.” She sank against him briefly before stepping back. “Teague.” That was all she said before her lips brushed his and she vanished.

  “Everything okay out here?” Teague asked, coming around the corner.

  “Yes, it was just a creature.” He met the man so there wouldn’t be any chance of him stepping in whatever remained of that part Frost had cut off. “I’m freezing my balls off here.”

  “Don’t look at me. I ain’t warming them up for you.” They walked back inside and he returned the flashlight to the drawer.

  “About the pilots,” Teague began.

  “They’re all qualified, I can’t make a decision unless I meet them.”

  The man nodded. “I figured as much. They’ll all be here tomorrow. Make time. Night.” He let himself out.

  “Great,” he muttered, yanking off his coat. “Just what I wanted to do.”

  Dex walked back down the hall and after a stop in the bathroom, entered his bedroom. He drew up short, for lying in his bed was Frost. She smiled at him and crooked her finger.

  “How long do we have?” He crawled up the mattress to lie over her.

  She curved her arms around his neck. “Long enough,” she breathed against his lips seconds before he took possession of hers.

  * * * *

  Frost glanced to her left and spied the ground as it neared. She braced for impact only to jar to a halt inches above the hard earth.

  “Well, fuck.” She leaned her head back and stared at Colton, who held the end of the rope—the reason she hadn’t fallen and cracked her head open like an egg being put into a skillet.

  His easy grin faltered as concern leeched into his gaze. “You okay, Frost? You aren’t usually this distracted when you’re climbing.”

  She got to her feet and unhooked the harness. “No. I shouldn’t have tried this. Thanks for keeping me from looking like Humpty.”

  “You could have asked anyone else and treated me like a leper for cheating on Michelle. So thanks for not doing that.” He neared and together they sat at the base of the climbing wall.

  He nudged her after a while and said, “You’re worried about your helicopter, aren’t you?”

  She was. “It’s not mine. Two of these guys will be your new pilots.”

  “Bullshit. That chopper is yours. Even the pilot we lost hadn’t flown it more than once.” He drew his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. “We’re going to miss having you around here.”

  “I’m going to miss all of you all as well.” She copied his action as she leaned her head back. “I’m sure whoever is coming in to replace me will be just as good a pilot—maybe even better.”

  “Right, and I shit rainbows.”

  She laughed. “Information I’m not sure I ever needed to know, Colton.”

  “Sure you don’t want to relocate here permanently?”

  “I miss my family. My other family.”

  “It’s going to be weird without you around.”

  “How so?”

  “Well for one, Dex is going to become a fucking bear to be around. I’m not looking forward to that.”

  “No reason for him to be one.”

  “His woman is up and leaving. That’s a damn good reason.”

  She didn’t speak and he snorted.

  “You really didn’t think no one knew, did you?”

  “Guess not.”

  “Yeah, we all knew. Even the locals in town understood the situation. He made sure everyone got the memo you were his woman.”

  Colton’s statement made her belly do funny little flips. She’d been avoiding Dex, aside from that late night romp after Cheza had shown up. She wasn’t going to insist he come with her but lord knew, she wanted him to come to that conclusion on his own.

  They fell into a companionable silence until it was broken by the whoomp whoomp of an approaching helicopter. With a shared look between them, both rose and put away the climbing gear before striking out for the hangar.

  The large door had already been opened as they arrived. She watched the two bring it in and power down.

  “Not as smooth as you,” Colton commented.

  “It’s not a bad landing.”

  “Still not as good as you do.”

  So she’d been thinking that as well but she kept her snark contained. It wouldn’t serve any purpose to help drive a wedge between the team. Michelle was the first one out, and Havoc followed, landing with the grace only a Shepherd could.

  Beside her, Colton’s sharp intake of breath made her wonder once more if the two of them would be able to work together. There was no denying the tension between them.

  Celia and Sandra climbed out then two men she didn’t know. Must be the pilots. The moment she spied Dex, her heart skipped a few beats. He stepped into view like a man who owned his domain and all he surveyed.

  The next second, raw jeal
ousy lanced her. A redhead with curves Aminta would kill for positioned herself next to Dex. The way she watched him had the disliked feeling churning in Aminta’s gut. She recognized what the gaze contained. Lust. Craving.

  Her sign rippled at her unease and she forced herself to take several deep breaths and calm down. Dex’s stare met hers and he grinned before making his way to her.

  “What’s wrong?” His smile never wavered.

  “Why?” She strove to keep her tone modulated. “What makes you think something is wrong?”

  He dipped his head nearer. “I can see the blue and white dust.” He ran his thumb along her cheekbone and showed her the pad. It covered his skin—he’d not lied.

  Well shit. I had no idea. She inhaled several deep breaths, striving for calm.

  “I’ll ask again. What’s wrong?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing. I have no clue why that happened.”

  He placed those peacock green gaze on her. “You, my dear, are lying.”

  The three unknowns strode up at that time. Pasting a smile on her lips, Aminta met the gaze of the closest.

  “Name’s Garrett,” he said.

  “Frost.” She shook his hand.

  “I’m Pete. Good to meet you, Frost.”

  Another handshake as she replied in kind. That left the woman. She’d no wish to touch her. Unless I can hit her. But manners won out and she offered her hand.



  Shit. Even her voice and name are sexy. She really wanted to try to like her but her own insecurities weren’t allowing it to happen.

  “So what do you do on the team?” Pete posed the question as he altered his stance.

  Dex slid his arm around her and kissed her cheek. “Frost was our temporary pilot and is my woman.”

  Not his girlfriend or his bed partner—his woman. Aminta didn’t mind his proprietary claim. Her worries slid away and faded completely when he kissed the shell of her ear.

  “I get it now,” he muttered for her only. “You were jealous. Don’t bother denying it. The dust is gone.”

  She had no words. Luckily Garrett spoke up.

  “Did you fly for the Langdon Tempest rescue?” He pointed his finger at her as if he tried to pull up a memory.

  “I did.” She canted her head to the side. “Were you there?”

  He grinned. “Shit yeah, I was there. That was one hellacious situation we had. I was in the Sea Knight. We were pulling in the sinking raft.”

  Recognition hit her. She remembered seeing the utility helo there. “I remember. You handled it well.”

  He gave a sharp bob of his head. “You were in the Seasprite.”

  She nodded, remembering her twin-engine helicopter. “Guilty.”

  “We were all in awe of watching you. You did things with that chopper I didn’t know could be done. You’re a hell of a pilot. I’m glad I finally get to meet you. I looked for you after but you’d vanished.”

  “I left real soon after it was over.”

  “Well, it’s an honor.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a genuine smile.

  Havoc barked and everyone turned. Teague entered but it was the man who followed him in that had an ear-splitting grin on her face. Tiarnán.

  Aminta broke away from Dex and ran to him. Tiarnán picked her up, hugging her.

  “What are you doing here?” She kissed his cheek. “First Roz, now you.”

  “I’m here to bring you home.”

  And cold reality set in. The replacement pilots she’d not wanted to admit were the sign. But with Tiarnán here, she could no longer ignore what was right before her.


  She turned. “Yes, Dex?”

  His eyes were chips of ice. “Who’s your friend?”

  You’re jealous.

  “Dex, this is my brother, Tiarnán.”


  “Yep.” She faced her fellow Guardian again. “You know you two could at least pretend to be civilized and shake hands.” She didn’t bother hiding the reprimand in her voice.

  They listened but she knew their reluctance. In fact, most everyone there picked up on it.

  “I’m staying in town. I know you’re working, but can we meet for dinner?”

  “Of course. I’ll call you when I’m done here.” She hugged him once more and he left.

  All the women gathered around her. “Is he single?” Sandra asked.

  Aminta laughed. He had that effect on women. Good looking. Dangerous. Brooding. “Yes,” she replied.

  “How long is he here for?” Michelle asked, earning herself a glare from Colton.

  “Until I’m packed up and on my way.”

  “Pack slow,” Michelle said before heading toward the door, Havoc at her side.

  Dex took her arm and led her off to the side while the other women talked about how good he’d looked. “Brother?”

  “Jealous?” She settled a hand against his chest. “Never mind. Yes. He’s one of my foster brothers.”

  “Is he…?”

  She nodded. “He is.”

  “Figured.” He drew her closer. “You’re leaving.”

  Unease built within her once more. “We need to talk.” Seeing Teague waiting off to the side she added, “Later. You have work still.”

  He gripped her coat when she stepped back. “You won’t just leave, will you?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Tubbs is on all night. Come by after you eat and we’ll talk then.”

  She smiled gently. “Want me to bring you some food?”

  He winked. “You’re too good to me. Please.” He strode off to where Teague stood.

  She took one more glance and exited the hangar, only to pop her head back in for a last view of her chopper. Someone else would be at her controls now, handling her.

  She walked away, heading to the cabin. Packing wouldn’t take long. As she neared her destination, snow began to fall once more. Michelle and Havoc were in the cabin and she spoke to her for a bit before going to her room.

  Opening the closet, she flexed her fingers on the door. Rucksack in hand, she set about filling it. When the time came for dinner, she called Tiarnán and he came to pick her up. She directed him to a place—not the bar—for their meal.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dex opened the door. Frost stood there in black pants, a blue shirt, and her jacket. She scratched at her bright multi-hued skull cap.


  He quirked an eyebrow. “Come on in.”

  She brushed by him, sending his body into a hardened state. After he shut the door, he took the to-go container she’d held out. Opening it, he grinned. “You went to Scotties.”

  “I did. It’s what you got when we went. Hope it’s okay.”

  “Perfect. Just one question.”

  “Which is?” She fiddled with the zipper.

  “Are we going to continue acting like strangers to one another?” He put the food down and strode toward her, gripping the open sides of her black leather jacket. “Or am I allowed to kiss my mate?”

  She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Kissing is always allowed.”

  So he did. Took her mouth until his hunger for her abated. Not fully, but enough so that he could talk without getting distracted by her doing something as simple as breathing. She was so soft beneath him and he had a hard time reconciling the fact that this was the same woman who flew with no fear into any situation. A woman who battled demons and members of The New Order as if it were an everyday occurrence.

  He curled his arms around her, craving her to be close as possible. Pliant, she complied and pressed tight against him. “What’s wrong?” he questioned against her lips, not yet ready to relinquish her to the rest of his cabin.

  “I’m leaving.”

  The pit in his stomach grew bigger. “When do you go?”

  “Two days.”

  He walked them to the sofa and tugged her down into hi
s lap. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he skimmed one hand up and down her arm.

  “What does this mean for us?”

  “That’s what I came to talk to you about.”

  “You want me to come with you.”

  “Of course I do.” Her reply fell from her lips with such haste he smiled. “I won’t demand you come back to Oregon with me, I know how much you love it here. However, I think you’re still in danger from The New Order and Them.”

  “Why? You have the artifact. Shouldn’t they leave me alone now?”

  “No. They took Roz’s mate, Altair, and tortured him in hopes to get answers from him and because it’s what they do.”

  He furrowed his brow. “Tortured him? As in…like they do in the movies or you hear on the news?”

  “Yes.” She readjusted so she faced him on the cushion, legs crossed. Taking one of his hands, she rubbed the back with her thumb. “This isn’t easy, being a mate. I know this. But for your safety, I think it wise you come with.”

  “What if I say no?”

  “I can’t make you go, Dex.” She worried her lower lip. “However, I wouldn’t put it past Tiarnán to make you come back.”

  “You think he could?”

  “Yes. His sign is the tiger. You wouldn’t know he was next to you until it was too late. If you don’t want to come, I’ll tell him to leave you alone. But we won’t be around to help protect you. I know you’ve seen them and what they can do. You’ve had the misfortune of being put on Cheza’s radar, so I’m pretty sure she’ll be back as well. They like play things, and I have no wish for you to become one.”

  He leaned against the back of the sofa and propped his ankle on his knee. Across from him, Frost sat rigid, her unease blatant to him. Outwardly she showed nothing that would say something was wrong. She just looked cold, like her name. But the woman he’d known and had a relationship with would—and should—be sprawled back looking at ease with the rest of the world. This one didn’t.

  “What do you want?” He drummed his fingers along his thigh.

  She blinked a few times, gazed about the cabin, which was a far cry from how it had been when she used to be in it with him. He’d cleaned up before she’d arrived but there was no hiding that it wasn’t nice like it had been.


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