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Snapped Page 6

by Christine d'Abo

  He didn’t argue. Hell, he didn’t say anything at that point. I dressed in silence and followed him out the way we came. The danger I’d felt coming in was absent with our departure. Climbing back out the window into the city air was a relief and a disappointment. The spell was broken as we left the magical place. Everything between us was back to what it was before.

  We didn’t talk as we went back to the hotel, not even in the elevator up to our floor. It wasn’t until we paused at my room while I searched for my key that Reid said anything. He touched my forearm, stopping my movements and encouraging me to meet his gaze once more.

  “Thank you.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek, holding close for a breath before pulling away and heading to his room.

  My hand shook as I shoved the key into the reader. Stumbling into the darkness, I took comfort in knowing that while I’d had an adventure, things would be back to normal tomorrow.

  And I was perfectly fine with that.


  Chapter Six

  Today’s filming schedule is going smoothly. We’ll be setting up the tasks for the second elimination round tomorrow. I’ve been told that Tamara has a meeting with Mr. Warner shortly before, so that will interfere slightly. Jennifer also has a meeting, though she wasn’t forthcoming about who with or the timing. I’ve had Reid make note that we might need to make additional schedule adjustments.

  Production Notes, Brian Merrick, Director

  “You have ten minutes! Ten minutes, everyone!”

  Standing in the middle of the competition area, I watched our top twelve contestants scurry around putting the finishing touches on their reclaimed patio furniture. Every time I made a note on my clipboard, another contestant would look my way and pale. They avoided eye contact with me pretty much at all cost.

  Who knew I could be so scary?

  Reid was standing off to the side with the camera B operator, his gaze locked on the monitor. It was hard for me not to stare, but the last thing I needed was to be caught on film ogling the man I’d fucked yesterday.

  I’d never considered myself a prude when it came to sex. I liked sex and I’d never been ashamed of having it ever. So why I felt as though I was wearing a giant sign proclaiming that I’d slept with Reid and felt guilty about it was beyond me. We’d had a moment together, sex. It wasn’t as if we were getting back together.

  Our youngest contestant, Stephanie, looked to be near tears as I passed by. “Oh my God, this paint isn’t going to dry in time.”

  I shouldn’t have said anything, but I stopped and leaned in. “There are hair dryers on the tool bench.”

  Her startled expression morphed into fear then determination in a matter of seconds. “Shit, I mean shoot. I forgot.” She bolted in search of her salvation.

  I continued on my rounds, but I could feel Reid’s gaze on me. I knew it was him, could tell from the way my body heated. Chancing another look his way, I was surprised to see him frowning at me.

  Whoops. I’d been bad.

  “Three minutes!” Rene called out, and somehow the activity level increased.

  Paintbrushes furiously slapping, glue guns squeaking and a flurry of curses answered her. It really was quite funny to see the panic. I did my best to hide my smile, but I know I failed miserably. More work for the editors in postproduction to maintain my bitch status.

  Rene clicked her stopwatch. “And time! Tools down and no more work.”

  “Cut!” Brian called out, and everyone slumped against their workstations. “Great job, everyone. Andrew, can you sweep around with the camera and get some close-ups of each station? Judges, we’ll have you go around as a group in five minutes.”

  Reid stepped out from the shadows and strode toward me. His body was stiff and his hands balled at his side. Shit, I hadn’t seen him that annoyed since we’d been dating.

  Jennifer and Rene were giving me strange looks as they huddled together. They’d look at me. Mutter something to one another. Look at Reid. Drool. Rinse and repeat. Great, I hadn’t intended to become the topic of conversation and still managed it.

  “Tamara, I need to speak with you a moment.” He said it loud enough that half the warehouse would have heard.

  “Sure thing.” Rather than show my discomfort, I forced my body to relax and even managed a smile. “What can I do for you?”

  He looked over my shoulder, then back toward where Brian stood. “We’re a bit concerned about your performance.”

  “My...pardon?” I’d half expected him to say something about yesterday in the building. “What’s wrong with what I’m doing?”

  The muscle in Reid’s jaw jumped. That only happened when he was grinding his teeth. “You’re being too nice to the contestants.”

  “’re kidding?”

  “You were brought on in the role of the hard-ass. You’re not supposed to be offering advice or encouragement, especially during one of the tests.”

  My face was hot and my stomach churned. For a moment I thought I might be ill. “I’m sorry. Stephanie has a lot of potential and I just wanted to keep her spirits up.”

  “We’ll be able to edit that out of the final tape.” His gaze held mine. There was none of the passion from yesterday, none of the warmth. “The producers expect you to keep up the Ice Queen role.”

  “Sure.” The spark of warmth that had blossomed in my chest overnight was snuffed out in a blink. He wanted a heartless bitch, then that was exactly what he’d get. “I’m a natural, after all.”


  “It’s fine. I was hired for the job and I’ll do it. Thanks for reminding me.”

  Reid hesitated before returning to his post. He had a job to do as much as I did. He was the enforcer, the one who did the shit jobs so Brian wouldn’t have to. It did reinforce my belief that while we’d had a good time yesterday, sex with Reid was something that couldn’t happen again.


  “That looked tense.” Jennifer slid up beside me. “Our sexy assistant looked grumpy.”

  “Apparently I’m not being enough of a bitch.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” She smiled at me in such a way that I couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not. “You’ve been perfect so far in the show.”

  “Thanks.” I had to remind myself that I couldn’t punch my coworkers in the throat.

  “We should do our review and then get our scores calculated.” Rene looped her arm through Jennifer’s and led her away.

  The craftsmanship for this particular challenge was shoddy at best. There were only two semifinalists who I thought had a chance of winning—Elsie and Duncan. I made my notes, filled in my score sheet and made my way to our table.

  Where Reid was waiting for us, a wireless headset around his neck and a clipboard in his hand. Ignoring him, I took my seat and studiously examined my form. He wanted the Ice Queen, then he’d get the Ice Queen. Fuck him.

  “Everyone done?” he asked as Jennifer and Rene took their seats.

  “It was so hard.” I could hear the pout in Jennifer’s voice without looking. “They’re all so good.”

  “Most of the designs are shit and the craftsmanship isn’t at a high school level. Here are my top three.” Jerking the sheet from my clipboard, I blindly held it out for Reid.

  He leaned his foot against the bottom of the riser, resulting in his body angling toward me. Damn my very active and vivid recall of what his body looked like beneath that button-down shirt. He was making it hard to ignore him.

  “Thanks, ladies. We have some interview segments that we need to get done today, as well. This will be a recounting of your thoughts and feelings on the contestants and their projects based on what you saw today.”

  “So a little one-on-one time.” Jennifer smiled sweetly. “Are you conducting t
he interview, or will it be Brian?”

  “Me.” He smiled back at her and my annoyance grew. “Jennifer, let’s start with you. Rene and Tamara, I’ll let you two decide who will go next.”

  Considering that I had no interest in doing anything else with Reid, let alone have any claims on his time, I couldn’t explain why my stomach tightened and it became hard to breathe when Jennifer got up and sauntered after him over to the area they’d set up for the interviews. Likewise, I didn’t understand why my hands shook or I found it impossible to watch Reid clip on the microphone that would be against her skin. It was really the most ridiculous response.

  Yes, we’d had sex, but we weren’t a couple. I had no right to be jealous.

  Brain marched over to Rene and me. “Did Reid start the interviews?”

  “Yes.” My gaze darted over to where he was now smiling at Jennifer. “We’re just waiting.”

  “Good. Tamara, can I grab you for a bit? I wanted to reshoot you and Cassie reviewing her project. I didn’t like the look of the lighting in the other shot.”

  It was better than sitting around pining after Reid. “Sure.”

  Cassie and a small group of the crew stood in front of her last project. My interactions with her on the show had been brief at best. She’d always come middle of the pack during the contests. Regardless of where she placed, she always seemed to be enjoying herself.

  Brian gave me a gentle nudge. “I’ll get you to stand with Cassie while we finish doing a lighting and sound check. We’ll then do one or two recordings and get you back to Reid.”

  Rather than shy away from me as some of the contestants did, Cassie gave me a bright grin. “I guess we haven’t been together enough on camera.”

  “I guess not.” My lips did that twitchy thing when I tried to force a smile. “I figured they’d have had enough of me by now.”

  “Hell, no, you’re the best part.” Cassie stepped in and lowered her voice. “Some of the others are scared of you, but the rest of us know you’re just playing your part.”

  It was strange, but having her support and the support of others took some of the strain away. “Thanks. It’s...I’m not used to being like this. Well, not all the time.”

  Cassie gently bumped her shoulder against mine. “Most of us figured Jennifer is the bigger bitch anyway. So fake.”

  “Okay, ladies,” Brian called over. “We’re ready here. Take your spots. Tamara, just run through your critique again. Cassie, I know it’s not easy, but try to act like this is the first time you’re hearing it.”

  “Will do!” She stepped away from me.

  “Just because we had a moment here, don’t think I’m going to go easy on you.” I gave her a real smile for a moment before Brian called “Action.”

  The smile dropped from my face as I circled around the design table. “I see you chose a brocade fabric for your tablecloth. Why did you make that decision?”

  Much as she had the first time around, Cassie picked up the material and set it in my hands. “I wanted to go for a more refined look. Something that would show that the meal on the cloth was going to be something special.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was because this was the second time around, or if it had to do with Cassie’s comments, but the tension that I normally felt while critiquing a project dissipated. For once I was able to relax and really look at the project. Leaning in, I could really focus on the quality of her stitching.

  “This is some excellent work. I’m not convinced that this is the best material for a table. The chances that it will get ruined by accident are too high for my liking. Your color choice is also hard to match for the average dining room. While blue and orange are good contrasts, these particular shades will overpower most rooms.”

  “I did that on purpose. It’s my way to brighten up a place that normally is too reserved for my tastes.”

  Cassie and I shared a look before Brain yelled, “And cut. That’s fantastic, ladies. We got it that time.”

  I held out my hand for her to take. “Good luck to you.”

  “Thanks.” She gave my hand a squeeze. “I’m not expecting to win, so I’m just enjoying the experience.”

  “Never sell yourself short. You never know what’s going to happen.”

  “Tamara.” Brian came over and put his hand on my shoulder. “Reid is ready for you now.”

  It was hard to ignore the flutter that exploded in my stomach as I walked away. Even when we’d been dating I never got nervous about spending time with Reid. It wasn’t as though we were going to be alone, either. With each step I took over to the interview area, the more my insides grew gooey.

  I probably didn’t move over to the chair as quickly as I should have. Enough time passed that Reid turned around in his seat to face me. The bastard almost looked annoyed. Fine. I lifted my chin, smoothed down my hair and strode over to the interview area.

  “How did the reshoot go?” He leaned back against his chair, his shirt stretched tight across his chest.

  I took my chair, let the assistants fix my makeup again and clip on a microphone, and did my best not to stare. “It went well. It was easier the second time around.”

  “It usually is. Okay, I think we’re ready to begin.” Reid held my gaze, making it easy for me to see the sparkle in his eyes. “Let’s start with your impressions of the overall field of contestants. What do you think their strengths are?”

  Considering I hadn’t a clue what I was going to say, I was surprised when the words started to flow from me. “There is a lot of raw talent in this group. Many are struggling with the constraints we’ve placed on their time and materials. It’s something they need to get used to. When they’re with a client, things aren’t always going to go their way.”

  “You’ve been hard on the group so far in this competition.”

  “Of course I have. Those who go on to make this a career need to understand that their clients will be demanding. Will have high expectations. Will want them to work miracles with next to nothing. I’m simply preparing them for the real world.”

  With each question I tried to keep my icy persona firmly in place, but found it growing harder to maintain. I stared Reid in the eye, which only helped fuel my confused lust.

  “One last question, Ms. Foles. What skills do you think it’s going to take for someone to win this competition?”

  A mental picture of Sophia sprung to mind. “The winner is going to be a person who not only has a good sense of design. He or she must anticipate the needs of their clients. They’re going to have to have the interpersonal skills to interpret what their client is saying, to determine the spirit of who they are as people, and then be able to reflect that in their work. A tall order, but all good designers do this naturally.”

  “Thank you.”

  A flurry of activity exploded around us as boom and camera operators went to work putting equipment away. A gaffer double-checked the wires taped to the floor.

  “Was that okay? I don’t think I was being icy enough.”

  “You were fantastic.” Reid leaned forward, clasping his hands between his knees. “You realize that wasn’t me asking you for that? The producers really wanted you to be frostier.”

  “Sure. I get it.” My throat tightened as the memories resurfaced. “It hurt. You know.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment. “Because of what I’d said?”

  You’re a cold, heartless bitch who doesn’t have a fucking clue what I’ve gone through!

  “Because of what you’d said.”

  “Let me make it up to you.” He pulled his mic and the wires free from his body, handing them off to a passing crew member. “What are your plans for tonight?”

  There were so many answers I should have given him. Presentations to get ready for. Calls to make back home to see how Sophia
was making out. “Nothing.”

  “If you don’t mind grabbing some takeout, I have another place I want to check out. The Boyce Thompson Institute. It’s a long drive, but the place is amazing. I’ve rented a car and we can be there and back before midnight.”

  “How long a drive?”

  “Three hours.”


  “It will be worth it.”

  So many reasons why I should say no flitted through my mind, including the idea of being in a car with him for six hours. “Sounds intriguing. When were you going?”

  “Now.” His hands hugged the armrest of the chair, his fingers turning white. “I could use the company.”

  Bad, bad, stupid idea. “Yeah, fine. It might be fun.”

  Then the most wonderful thing happened—Reid smiled in a way that lit up his entire face. “This location is in better shape than the other building. Well, at least that’s what I was told. We won’t actually know until we get there.”

  “So is this another clandestine entry, or are we expected?”

  “We’re sneaking in.” He looked over the top of his glasses at me. “Up for it?”

  I snorted. “You’re paying for the food. I’ll need to save my cash for bail money.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I followed him across the set, pausing a few times as the crew said good-night to us. Reid was clearly working up to say something. I could tell from the way he’d cast quick looks at me. “What?”

  “What what?”

  “It might have been a few years, but I do know you. Just spit out whatever it is you want to ask me.”

  I felt his body shake more than I heard his laugh. “Fine. I was hoping I’d be able to convince you to pose for me again.”

  I stopped walking. “Really?”

  “After looking at the pictures I took the other day...I’d like to try some more. If you’re up for it.”

  Shit. “I’m keeping my clothing on.”

  Rather than come back with one of his charming responses, he held his tongue for a while. “About that. I’m sorry if what we did hurt things between us. Made you uncomfortable.”


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