Dom Diaries: Tangled up in you

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Dom Diaries: Tangled up in you Page 8

by Michael James

  "Where are the tapes?"

  "In my safe."

  "Am I in danger now?"

  "No. Most the men I helped put away either died in prison or are still in there."

  "I see."

  "I want to know more about you."

  "Maybe another day."

  "Does this mean I get to see you again? You know you have a sister, right."

  "She's four. Is she yours?"

  "Not blood, but she's mine. I remarried five years ago and Aurora just happened. A surprise but a welcome one."

  The car stops and window comes down. I tell the driver and my father I'll be back. I get out, start walking down the sidewalk, and turn left at the corner. When I reach the adult toy store, I go inside. I already know what I'm looking for so there's no need to browse. I am quick. I ask the girl if they deliver and they do not. I take the things I bought with me. I spot a bakery and get another idea.

  As I walk back to the waiting car, I send Eliza a text, telling her I sent her something and that it is on the way. I tell her to be waiting for its arrival.

  I spend the next forty-five minutes with my father in the car. I ask him a few more questions and he didn't hesitate to answer any of them. The longer I am with him, the more I believe he is telling me the truth. It helps that he told me I could listen to the voice recordings. I told him I have other things to do today, but possibly a day next week. With him not shying away tells me the tapes are real. I may not waste my time listening to them.

  I drop my father off and told him I'd be in touch. Before I shut the door, I let him know my name is Abbott. He repeated it a few time before saying he liked it. I don't need his approval but I'm glad he likes it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I told Eliza to be ready two hours ago. I'm purposely making her wait. A little anticipation never hurt anyone, right? I did tell her to wait to hear from me and never said I was picking her up in two hours, I told her to be ready. This is my way of letting her know I'm the one in charge. She has no idea just how in charge I really am. She will find out soon enough. I just have a few more things I need to do first.

  I had the driver take me a few places and now he is driving to Javen and Olivia's. I need a little advice from the two of them. Depending on how tonight goes, I might be walking into territories I know very little about. Plus, there's one more question I want to ask Olivia about that I can't get off my mind.

  I get my phone and text Eliza.

  Me: Did you get your delivery?

  Eliza: I was starting to think you were standing me up. Yes, I received it. Very interesting!

  Me: I expect to see everything is in its place when I take your dress off.

  Eliza: Oh.

  Me: Is there a problem with my request?

  Eliza: No, Sir.

  Me: Good, I'll be in touch soon.

  Eliza: You want me to do this now?

  Me: Yes, Eliza.

  I set my phone down. I smile. I am looking forward to see how well she listens. Better yet, why wait? I pick my phone back up and text her again.

  Me: I need proof you are following my commands.

  I expected her to send pictures, however, video chatting is much better. I tap to accept the incoming call. I sit back, getting more comfortable and watch the screen. Eliza chose a very sexy red dress to wear. She undoes the side zipper and her top falls from her shoulders, her waist and then it pools at her feet. She removes her strapless black bra and black panties next. My mouth waters as I watch her every move, my cock twitches with excitement and my palms tingle with anticipation. I cannot wait to get my hands on her body. My eyes stay glued to the screen until she redressed. Then I close the video chat and send her a text.

  Me: Good girl.

  The driver pulls up to Javen and Olivia’s house. I tap on the glass and tell him to circle the block until I tell him to stop. I need a minute or two to get myself together. I can't walk in their home with a hard cock, that wouldn't be very becoming of me.

  I knock on the door and Javen lets me in. I trail behind him to his kitchen. Olivia is sitting at their breakfast bar doing something on her laptop. She closes it when she sees us. She offers me a drink and I decline. I'm not planning on staying here long.

  "You are looking sharp today."

  "Thank you. I met with my father today. I'm pretty damn sure he's been looking for me all these years."

  "Is this good or bad?" Javen asks.

  "Good, I hope. I am planning on getting to know him, but on my terms. I'm going to be very cautious, though. I can't have him disterrupting the life I built for myself."

  "We stand beside you with your journey," Javen says.

  I clear my throat. "I am seeing Eliza tonight."

  "Wonderful," they say in unison.

  "How long did it take for the two of you know you wanted to be together?"

  Olivia smiles. Javen replies right away. "I knew as soon as I met Olivia that she was special. Different from the other women I dated. I wasn't about to let anyone else take that from me."

  "I fought my intuition that Javen would be more than a little crush. I wasn't looking for something more than a little fun. But, every time he called or text me, I smiled like a fool. A co-worker called me out on it. That is when I knew I couldn't deny I wanted to be with him."

  "Relax, Abbott, you don't need to make any rash decisions tonight. Take your time and see where it may go. If she's the woman for you, you will know it."

  "I agree with Javen. Relax, have fun and keep an open mind. The more you get to know Eliza you will know what to do. Just as you have with every other girl you've been with."

  "I can't stop thinking about her. I don't know if it's because the sex is perfect or that I feel she gets me. I'm keeping my mind open to a possible relationship. My track record in that area isn't good."

  "Is this a real date?"

  "If you want to label it, I guess so." I look around their kitchen, now might not be a good time to ask Olivia the question.

  "Sounds like our daughter is awake. I'll get her."

  Javen leaves the kitchen. I wait for him to get out of sight. "There's something I need to tell you."

  "Okay. You are using your serious voice, is everything alright?"

  "I saw you one day in the barn. Alden was… Never mind. The past is the past."

  "No, I would like to know what you want to say."

  "We were fifteen at the time. He was using the belt on you. I was hiding up in the loft. I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

  "Don't be sorry, Abbott, we were defenceless against him."

  "I wanted to kick his ass or at least take the beating for you. Something entirely different swept over me. I was turned on, Olivia, it's why I couldn't stop him."

  "That is when you ignored me for a few weeks, huh?"

  "Yes. I was ashamed of myself. I was also angry with what else I saw that day."

  "What did you see?" I put my head down. I shouldn't have brought this up. "Tell me, Abbott."

  "Did he ever make you do anything with him, sexually?"

  "No. There's something you don't know about me. I knew you were in the witness program. I knew that because Alden told us you would be joining us. Abbott, I wasn't in the program."

  "I don't understand."

  "Alden was my father. If you saw me kiss his shoulder that day, it's because I was saying sorry to him for not finishing my chores. That is how my punishment was with him."

  "I always assumed everyone was in the program. Javen asked who got to the farm first, you said you were there long before I was."

  "Javen probably knew I wouldn't tell you he was my father. My father was a prick. A mean old asshole. I liked to pretend I was getting out like the rest of you. I'm Alden's only child. He became part of the program so that he had a bigger Amish family and more hands on the farm."

  "You ran away. Have you ever gone back?"

  "Never. I couldn't without you there. Once I left, I had no desire to ever see
him again."

  "I always thought the farm was hell. The only good was I met you. I hated leaving you there."

  "If Eliza is Deanna, I always felt horrible about leaving her behind. So, I know how that feeling can eat you up inside. The thing is, Abbott, we can't change history, so we move on. That is how life works."

  "Thank you for telling me the truth."

  "Don't you have a date to get ready for?"

  "Already in the works. Think Javen can give me a ride home? I sent my driver to go and pick her up."

  "A driver, how romantic."

  "Did I hear my name?"

  Javen gave their daughter to Olivia and is giving me a ride home. I wanted him to bring me so that we could talk. He read my diary and I need him to know just because his wife was Jenna, I don't see her as Jenna. She is Olivia and nothing more. My past is finally where it needs to be. I have the closure I always needed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The car pulls up in front of my house. I rub my palms together as I walk out. I open the back door and slip inside. Eliza gasps when I touch her bare knee. I run my fingers lightly down her inner calf and her lips part. I remove my fingers and shut the door. I tell the driver to go to the next destination and put up the tinted glass divider.

  "You look absolutely stunning."

  "I wish I could see you."

  "All in good time." I reach for the cooler and open it, taking out a surprise I got for Eliza. I pick the best one in the package and hold it up to her mouth. "Open." She bites into the chocolate covered strawberry. Her moan is sweeter than the strawberry itself. "Your moan tells me you like it."

  "On special occasions it is my go to treat that I splurge on."

  I hold the strawberry back up to her mouth and she takes another bite. I turn her head toward me when she swallows. Her lips taste like the sweet fruit and chocolate. I kiss her with passion, taking her blindfold off. I bite her bottom lip. She opens her eyes and stares right into mine. I try to see the girl who was my first kiss, but all I see is the woman I know as Eliza. I let go of her lip. I grab her face with both of my hands. I need another taste of this woman who has been filling my thoughts. I pull back when the car's engine shuts off. Damn this whole courting a woman before bed thing sucks. I'd rather skip the meal entirely and just go for the sex. I know that's not how dating relationships work.

  I open the car door, get out and then offer my hand to Eliza. I watch as she glides across the backseat, knowing she wears sexy black panties beneath her red dress. I smile knowing what else is hidden under that dress.

  I hold her hand as we go into the high-class restaurant. I give the host my name and she takes us to our table. She doesn't offer to start us off with a drink, so I take this opportunity to my full advantage.

  "Care for a drink?"

  "I would love one. Pink Chardonnay if they have it."

  I stand from the two-person table. "A glass of wine coming up."

  When I get to the bar, I get my cell phone out. I find what I'm looking for. The bartender asks what I would like. I get her the wine and a Manhattan for myself. I turn and lean my weight on the bar. I tap the icon on my screen and watch Eliza. Her back straightens, her hands grab onto the edge of her seat, and her eyes close. I hit the speed button. Her eyes open, she squirms in her seat, and she looks around the dining hall. Her eyes stopping on me. I smirk and then turn the bullet inside of her off. I get our drinks and go back to the table. Eliza adjusts in her seat again as I place her wine on the table in front of her.

  We look over the menu. I feel her stare over the top of hers. I sense she wants to say something. I continue to read. When I close the menu and set it down, she does hers as well.

  "Find anything you like." She shakes her head no. "Me neither."

  "We could skip dinner."

  "We could indeed. How about we enjoy our drinks and each other's company. Then we can go somewhere else for real food."

  "I'd like that."

  We pick up our drinks, tapping the rims together. She holds the glass to her mouth, taking a sip. I watch when her tongue darts out, licking wine from her lips.

  "I know very little about you."

  "I could say the same."

  "You read my diary. I think you know too much."

  "Fair enough. What would you like to know?"

  "Did you grow up in Maryland?"

  "I did not. I grew up further north."

  "Small town?"

  She shrugs a shoulder. "You could say that."

  "Any siblings?"

  "Not any that were blood."

  "Does this place have a name?"

  "I'd rather not say."

  "I see. Ever been married?"

  "No, not even close."

  "Do you have a favorite saying?"

  "Just one? I have a few, actually."

  "Tell me one."

  "If there are shadows, there is always light."

  "I like it. What else?"

  "If you walk on eggshells, they will crack."

  "That's very true."

  "What about you. Do you have one?"

  "Just because the shoes fit, doesn't mean you should walk in them."

  "Is that your twist?"

  "I see it as truth. Same as, taking the path less travel may not be your path at all."

  "You are a very interesting person, Abbott Easton."

  "I could say the same about you. You remind me of someone I used to know." She tilts her head studying my face. "Who are you, Eliza Lennox?"

  "I am just a simple girl searching for the boy who makes my heart pitter patter."

  "I should get the check and send you home." I raise my right hand to get the check.

  Eliza reaches across the table and touches my left hand. "Did I say something wrong?"

  "I don't want to stand in your way of you finding that boy."

  "I don't understand."

  "I'm not a boy, so I must not be what you’re searching for."

  "Those words are a figure of speech."

  "Are they?" She takes her hand away and leans back in her set. "What do you want from me, Eliza?"

  "I want…"

  "You want what?"

  She closes her eyes briefly. She then looks me directly in the eyes. "Use my body, Abbott. I want to be the woman in your diary."

  "I spent most my life tangled up in the past. I'd rather be tangled up in you."

  Eliza's eyes begin to fill with tears. I don't know if they are sad tears or happy tears. "I think you are a sensational man."

  "Let's go get a pizza. Pepperoni and black olives, right?"

  "How did you know that?"

  "Lucky guess."

  I take Eliza to the pizza joint I frequently go to. I found the place by accident one night coming home from work. The job the team and I finished up lead me home a different way than usual. I was hungry after being on standby at a home for two days straight. I saw the half lit neon sign and took a chance. Best damn pizza I've ever had. The crust is thin, the grease runs down your hand as you bite into it.

  I ordered a medium pizza with pepperoni and black olives, a glass of wine and a beer for myself. The place is quiet and I like it.

  "Have you always been a nanny or just for my father?"

  "Sheldon is my first nanny boss." She giggles.

  "How did that happen?"

  "I got laid off from my job, so I answered his ad in the newspaper. I met him for an interview and he hired me on the spot."

  "Is he good to you?"

  "Yes. I travel a lot with him, Cathline and Aurora, so I get to see new places. It pays very well."

  "Are you a live in nanny?"

  "Yes. What do you do?"

  "I just retired from the FBI SWAT team."

  "Wow, that's really cool."

  "It wasn't always cool. Some jobs were disturbing."

  "How so?"

  "We once raided a building that belonged to a drug lord. When we got inside, we found drugs weren't his only business. He w
as sex trafficking, as well. Many women were scared, starved, and abused. It felt great knowing we got them out, but heartbreaking knowing we weren't there sooner. To witness something so cold plays with your head."

  "You saved them, that's got to count for something."

  "Tell me something about you that nobody else knows. I can't be the only one sharing deep secrets."

  "The first time I had sex was with a woman. I was scared to have a man touch me. I hated every minute of it."

  "You were afraid of a man's touch or a man's cock?"

  "Cock. I had this ideal man who I wanted to be my first, but he wasn't interested in me. To think of another guy's cock turned me off."

  "So technically, it wasn't about a cock at all, it wasn't the one you wanted."

  Eliza is blushing. She giggles to hide her embarrassment. "Yeah, that's it."

  The owner brings out our pizza. Eliza expresses how delicious it looks. The owner comments on how spiffy I look and it must be for the beautiful lady next to me. He leaves us alone and we dig into our food.

  "I'll take this pizza any day over the restaurants Gourmet shit. This is hands down the best pizza I've ever had."

  We fill our bellies and I pay the bill. When we get out to the car, I instruct the driver to drop Eliza home. I had every intention of stripping her dress off and giving her another night of pleasure. My gut is telling me to take her home. I probably won't be seeing her again. It's too bad, I felt I finally found the right woman for me. I have not.

  Chapter Seventeen

  April 15, 2019

  It's been two days since I dropped Eliza off at her home. I have tried getting her off my mind, but nothing is helping. I like the girl. I mean really like her. The only other woman I have thought this much about is Jenna. I don't want to get tangled up with these feelings for someone and not actually have a relationship. I honestly wanted to try that whole dating thing with Eliza. The problem with that is, I know she's Deanna. From the chocolate covered strawberries, the pizza, and her sayings. It all screams Deanna. I was hoping she would spill her guts and tell me she knew I was Heath but she did not. I've lived my life with too many secrets. It's not how I want the future to be. If she could only tell me the truth I believe we could have something.


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