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The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)

Page 12

by Christopher, Buffy

  “You make me ache here.” Andy kept one hand on her left nipple as she trailed the other one down her body and cupped herself through her skirt.

  “I can’t see. Where?” It was a tease, but he wanted her to open up to him. He wanted to know her deepest fantasies.

  “You make my pussy ache. I’m so hot.” Andy rubbed her hand against herself and Ian stroked down pulling the skin on his cock tight as he stretched himself out.

  “Are you going to do something about it, baby?” Ian stroked to the tip again. He wanted to command her, to tell her to rub herself off, but he wanted her want to do it without his instruction.

  Andy stood up then and shimmied out of her dress, pushing it down her thighs taking her black lace thong with it. She climbed back on the couch fully nude now.

  Ian scooted up to get a better view as Andy spread her thighs and her knee touched his.

  “Stroke yourself faster for me.” Andy ran her hands over body as she spread her legs. Her hair was a glossy black and trimmed into a neat patch just above her nether lips. Her skin was the same dusky rose that her nipples were and slightly swollen as she ran her fingers over herself.

  She spread her moisture over her delicate lips making them shine. Ian groaned at the sight of her glistening and wet. What would she taste like? He inhaled deeply through his nose catching the musky scent of her arousal. It was sweet in his nostrils and just as it would be sweet on his tongue. Ian moved his hand faster as Andy dipped a finger inside her pussy.

  “I ached so badly. I love watching you stroke your cock. Your thick fingers wrapped around you.” Andy moaned, removed her finger and circled it around her clit. As she moved her fingers it peeked out at him, swollen and reddish pink. She rubbed slowly at first.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it baby, let me watch you get off.” Ian stroked his cock faster, his pre-come now slipping down his cock making him slip easily between his fingers. He tightened his grip to increase the friction and slowly rolled his hips into the stroke.

  “Talk to me, Andy. I want to hear your voice.” She rubbed herself faster and faster.

  “Oh, it feels so good. My clit’s so hard under my fingers and your cock is so big. I bet it would stretch me tight. Oh Ian, I want you so much.” Her voice hitched as she moaned and pushed her hips up like an offering to a pagan god. Andy’s head turned to the side her brows furrowed in concentration. Her eyes were slits as she watched him stroke himself.

  “I want to slide inside your tight hot little pussy. My cock is so stiff it aches. Look, Andy, my head is purple I’m so hard for you.” Ian held onto his control. He really did want inside of her, but tomorrow was the mating moon. Ian wanted to wait until the moment was right before he took her. He pumped his cock harder, his balls ached and he ran his hand over the crease of his thigh, pushing against his hand as if he was pushing against her body.

  “Yeah, Ian, that’s it. I’m so close, I want to come.” Andy panted now as she rubbed herself vigorously, her fingers flying over her clit manipulating herself into a frenzy of need.

  “That’s it baby, moan for me. You’re going to make me come.” Ian stroked faster, mimicking her hands movement and pretending it was her body around his cock.

  Andy moaned out loud as she panted.

  “Yes, that’s it, just a little more.” Ian coaxed Andy closer to the edge and as she glanced up to lock eyes with him he saw her body tremble with the first wave of her orgasm.

  Ian’s balls were drawn up tight against his body, his come hovered just inside the head of his cock.

  “Oh! Oh yes, Ian.”

  “Tell me baby, tell me when.”

  “Now Ian, NOW! I’m going too…Oh God!” Andy screamed as her body quaked with release. Her face awash with pleasure so deep it sent Ian over the edge and he followed her into the abyss.

  With a shout his cock jerked, his seed jutting out of him and landing in hot spurts on his belly. He kept stroking until there was nothing left and tiny spasms rolled through his body making him tingle from head to toe. He closed his eyes for a minute as his head swam with the rush of blood leaving his cock. He still had a death grip on himself.

  “Mmm, Ian.” Andy sighed as she closed her eyes her fingers running lightly over her wetness. Her whole body was flushed a rose now as the heat of her skin radiated from her.

  Ian released his softening cock. She opened her eyes and trailed her gaze over his body. Then she jumped up and left the room. Where was she going? He heard water running before she came back into the room with a washcloth in her hand. He held out his hand for the cloth, but she knelt next to the couch and shook her head.

  “Let me clean you off.” Andy reached out with the warm cloth and cleaned the cold come off his stomach. When she was done she set it on the glass table behind her.

  Ian pulled his pants up and tucked himself back in, then zipped up. He grabbed Andy’s hand and pulled her on the couch on top of him. Ian cuddled her close in his arms as she laid her head over his heart. He stroked up and down her back. She kissed his chest lightly as her fingers splayed over his pec. Her firm breasts were pressed into his chest and his cock twitched. He was so hot for his mate. Did she even know what she did to him?

  “Thank you.” Andy nuzzled his chest, then stretch up to kiss his lips before settling into the crook of his neck and shoulder. Her breathe feathered gently against his throat.

  “For what?” Ian was truly baffled by the thank you.

  “For doing that for me. Ever since that night in the club, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you would look like masturbating.” Andy kissed his neck. “Then when we were on the phone to know you were doing, it but I couldn’t see you. It just drove me nuts. I’m glad you didn’t think it was weird.” Andy tucked her hand into his side as he rubbed her arm and held her close.

  “Andy, I would never think anything you do is weird. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”

  “Yeah, right.” Andy snorted.

  Ian pushed away and looked her in the eyes.

  “I’m serious. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You’re smart and funny. You’re just an incredible person.” Ian searched her face to see if what he said sank in at all.

  Andy lowered her eyes, but said nothing.

  He tilted her chin back up to catch her gaze.

  “Hey, what’s the matter?” Ian caressed her jaw with his finger.

  “It’s just, those are really pretty words, Ian, and them make me flip flop inside. I know you think you mean them, but we barely know each other aside from the phone calls, last night and tonight.” Andy’s fingers tightened.

  “I think we’ve gotten to know each other very well and I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it, Andy. I’m right where I want to be. With you. Are you?” Ian hesitated once he’d made the challenge, but he just couldn’t let this self doubt of hers go on. That damn bastard of an ex of hers had a serious ass whooping coming for this shit.

  “Yeah, I think I am.” Andy sighed and cuddle back close to his neck.

  Ian just laid there and held her stroking her arm and back. When she fell asleep he carried her to the bedroom and laid her down. He didn’t want to leave without telling her and he really didn’t want her to be alone any more. Not with that asshole stalking her. The whole thing brought up memories of Ivy, his twin sister being stalked last year. Like hell, he’d allow his female to be hurt.

  Ian covered Andy with her soft pink comforter, then stole the extra pillow from the bed and silently stepped out of the room. It occurred to Ian as he looked around her house that it was a cage of sorts. Andy had built it to keep her safe. There were bars on the windows and security gates on the front and back doors, even an alarm system. She was obviously so afraid that she needed all this to have a sense of security in her own home. That would change. He would be here to protect her from now on.

  He crashed on the couch, his body physically exhausted even if he wasn’t completely sated. Tomorrow night he would be ins
ide her and finally claim her as his mate.

  Chapter Nine

  Andy woke to the smell of sizzling bacon and rich strong coffee. The strong robust flavor was a brisk aroma in her nose and made her sit up in bed. She was covered with a soft pink comforter, she remembered falling asleep in Ian’s arms. And what a nice place to fall asleep. Andy smiled at the memory of his strong warm chest and his heart thudding a steady rhythm under her ear. Andy sighed as she stretched lazily then turned and allowed her feet to drop to the floor, then realized she was naked. She never slept in the nude. Andy quickly pulled a tank top and shorts out of her dresser and dressed. Then she headed out into the kitchen.

  Ian stood at the stove his back to her. His t-shirt was tight across his shoulders and as he shifted his muscles moved under the shirt. Andy just stood there devouring him with her eyes as he cooked eggs in her skillet.

  “Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or come over here and kiss me good morning?” Ian’s voice startled Andy and she jumped.

  Joy shimmered to life inside Andy like the rays of the sun had filled her at having Ian in her home. It was Saturday morning and she was so excited just to have him there. She stepped up behind him, pushing her breasts into his back and sliding her arms around his waist. Had it only been a week since she met him? It definitely seemed like longer than that. He turned his head to the side and tipped it.

  “Mmm, good morning. Would you like some breakfast?” Ian’s voice was a deep rasp and Andy was sure if she were to slide her hands further down his body she would be easily able to bring him to attention. Instead she stepped back.

  “Sure, let me get the plates.” Andy stepped over to the cabinet, but Ian stopped her.

  “No need. I’m done.” He shut off the burner then turned and handed her a plate. “Would you like some coffee?” Ian grabbed a mug from the cabinet before Andy could answer and pressed it to the coffee maker.

  “Yeah. This smells delicious. Where did you learn how to cook?” Andy took her plate to the table.

  “I come from a big family. My mom always believed in having us help out in the kitchen, plus she didn’t want us boys not being able to take care of ourselves. Thus I learned to cook.” Ian sat down at the table with his plate and her coffee mug. “My sister and I lived on our own for a long time too. You have to learn to cook or eat out all the time. What about you? Do you cook?”

  “Have you seen this figure?” Andy scowled at Ian disbelieving that he’d asked her that as she threw her hand out to the side. “Yes, I can cook and I eat way too much. It’s a vice of mine if you hadn’t noticed.” Andy reached for her coffee but Ian’s hand stopped her.

  “Andy. There’s nothing wrong with your figure. You’re gorgeous.”

  Ian’s chocolate eyes seemed to penetrate to her soul and she turned her head chewing her lip.

  “Can we not talk about this?” Andy tried to pull her hand away from his, but he tightened his grip.

  “No, we need to talk about this. I know what you think and you’re dead wrong.” Ian’s voice was soft and he gently stroked her cheek.

  There was this stupid burning sensation behind her eyes all of the sudden and she took a deep breath through her nose because she didn’t want to cry in front him. Rich had told her she was fat for a long time. And she had believed him, especially when she had to buy bigger clothes last year. Rosie had just kept telling her it was because they were becoming more womanly, their bodies, changing even more than when they had graduated college. Rich had said it was because she ate like a pig. Over and over and over. Until it had eaten right into her brain and she believed him. Andy allowed Ian to turn her head and she stared into his beautiful honest eyes. He would never tell her she was fat.

  “It’s hard for me to believe that I’m beautiful. When I hear you say it, I hear this little voice in the back of my head snort.” Andy searched his eyes begging him silently to understand and hoping her pain didn’t show. Deep inside her the old wound Rich had caused was open and gushing filling up her gut with fresh, rich blood.

  “But it’s true. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You’re perfect. God knew what was up when he made you. I couldn’t have created you better myself. What am I going to have to do to prove that to you?” Ian reached over and brushed her hair away from her face. “You’re so damn sexy I go hard every time I see you. You make my blood pound in my ears and I turn into this crazy ani…person who wants nothing but to be with you every second of every day, just to hear the tinkle of your laughter or see the brightness of your smile.” Ian leaned over the table and caressed her lips with his. Soft at first and gentle. Then he slid his tongue over her mouth and pushed against her lips.

  Andy opened her mouth and allowed him inside. Her tongue met his as he deepened the kiss exploring her mouth and demanding more out of the kiss. His hand slid around her head to cup the back of her neck. Andy threaded her fingers into his blonde hair. He tasted like the rich coffee that he’d been drinking, sweet and creamy and oh so delicious.

  Ian broke the kiss and Andy was breathless. She panted for a second staring at him.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get carried away.” Color loomed in his cheeks as he sat back in his chair and adjusted himself under the table.

  “It’s okay. I liked it.” Andy licked her lips, still tasting Ian there. “Don’t be embarrassed. You’re so cute when you blush.”

  “Enjoy it. Blushing’s not something I do often. That’s just what I mean though, Andy. You make me lose control. I kiss you and my brain just takes a vacation.” Ian shook his head as he picked up his mug and took a swig of coffee. “Eat, baby. Your breakfast is getting cold.”

  Andy picked up her fork and took a bite of the soft fluffy eggs. They were rich and buttery, with just enough salt and pepper. The boy really did know how to cook. Andy chewed and glanced up at Ian who stared at her as if entranced. He watched her fork as she sifted it through her eggs again and brought it to her mouth then slowly put the fork between her lips, before pulling it out. His gaze stayed fixed on her lips as she chewed. God, this was so embarrassing. Why is he staring at me? Heat rose up her face heating her cheeks. Finally she put the fork down.

  “Ian.” Her voice was like gravel in her throat. It hurt that he would watch her like this after claiming that she was beautiful. What was he a chubby chaser? Anger shot through her body and she clenched her hands into fists on the table.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Ian shook his head and finally looked in her eyes, but she turned her head too angry to look at him.

  “You’re staring at me.”

  “I can’t help it. You’re eating food I cooked for you. That means a lot to me.” Ian’s voice was soft almost boyish and Andy dared a glance at him.

  “Ian, what in the world are you talking about?” Andy just searched his face trying to figure out what had just happened inside him.

  “I was raised to believe that when a female eats food that a male has brought her it is a sign she is accepting him. You’re eating food I made for you. It means we’re bonding, getting closer.” His eyes were gentle as he stared at her and he had a goofy grin on his face.

  Andy couldn’t believe her ears. She had never heard of such a thing. She had heard the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Maybe this was a variation on that. Okay going along those lines. That made sense. Roar me man I provide for you. She could see that in a caveman kind of way. At the same time it sounded very romantic and it tugged at her heart, that and the grin on his face.

  “I guess it does mean that. Well, the eggs are wonderful. You’re a good cook.” Andy took another bite and chewed. Then she asked, “Is the food thing something your family taught you?”

  “Yes. We learned from an early age when we find a female we are interested in to treasure her and treat her with respect.” Ian finally picked up his fork and started eating.

  “That must be an amazing family you have.”

  “What are you doing
tomorrow?” Ian glanced at her as he took a sip of coffee again.

  “Nothing. Why?” Andy put her fork down finally finished with her breakfast.

  “Would you like to go with me to my sister’s for a barbeque?” Ian clasped his hand over hers.

  She just looked at him. He was serious. He wanted to spend time with her? She bit at her lip unsure what to say. She opened her mouth to speak, but he put his fingers over her lips.

  “Just say yes, please.”

  How could she say no? She would love to meet his sister.


  He took his hand away and leaned across the table when a horrible banging started at the door. Andy closed her eyes. Not now. Please, not now. She tried to wish away the noise, but then the voice came.

  “Andy? Whose car is this? Andy? Open up.” Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “What the hell?” Ian got up from the table, but Andy grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

  “Don’t. Just ignore it.” Fear blanketed her soul in an icy cold chill. Please don’t let Ian get angry. “Please just ignore it, he’ll go away.”

  “Andy, is this the guy that’s been bothering you?” Ian stepped over to her side of the table and knelt in front of her.

  “I know you’re in there. Do you have another man in there? You stupid bitch. I’ll kill you.” Rich was in rare form today and Andy winced at the name screamed loud enough for half the neighborhood to hear.

  “It’s okay. He’ll go away if he thinks I’m not here.” Andy whispered as Ian cupped her face in his hands and tried to meet her gaze.

  “It’s not okay. He can’t do this to you. Look at me, baby.” He raised he face until their eyes met. “I’m here now. He’s not going to hurt you anymore.” Ian pressed a gently kiss to her mouth and Andy’s eyes watered.

  Ian stood up and strode to the door and unbolted it before wrenching it open.

  “Don’t open the security gate!” Andy cried and stood as Ian did just that then stepped out onto the porch. Panic tightened in Andy’s chest as she feared what Rich would do to Ian. She ran to the door afraid to see what was about to happen, grabbing the cordless phone on her way by.


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