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A WILDer Kind Of Love

Page 11

by Angel Payne

  Thank God Sexy was on board with that comparison, too. While setting her down on the bed like she’d turned into spun glass, he reached for a blanket then tucked it around her. In the same motion, he swung onto the cushion. After propping some pillows between his back and the wall, he reached for her, cradling her to him again. His muscled arms enveloped her. His heartbeat thudded between the planes of his chest, close and strong and reassuring.

  She couldn’t remember feeling more safe in her life.

  She felt a long sigh leave him before he finally murmured, “You did your job very well, little rose.” His lips dipped against her temple. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

  She replied with an equally long sigh, infusing it with enough bliss that he couldn’t mistake how happy she really was, before burrowing tighter against his perfect heat. Ohhh hell, this felt good. Too good. Between one blink and the next, exhaustion enveloped her. The man next to her was no help, starting to comb the hair off her face with spread fingers. It wasn’t long before she succumbed to the pull of sleep, too exhausted to even wonder about his next words, whispered soft as wind, following her down to perfect darkness.

  “My little ruby. How truly beautiful you are…”

  * * *

  She woke up as if someone doused her with ice water. For a moment, Tess wondered if that was really the case. If it was time for school and she’d made the mistake of sleeping through her alarm again, she wouldn’t put it past Viv or Mattie to resort to the tactic—not when Mom or Dad’s anger would have been worse. They weren’t paddle or belt kind of people but the alternatives with Bob and Ann-Marie Lesange were often just as debilitating.


  She forced herself to repeat it, using the mental force to yank her faster from sleep. At least one of her legs got the message, thank God, kicking the blankets off.

  But as she jacked her head up and clawed a hand through her hair, she slowed. None of Mom’s favorite French torch songs bled through the walls. Dad wasn’t in the other room, browbeating Viv about how she’d be starving by twenty-five for not finishing last night’s homework. All she heard was the sigh of wind through tunnels, along with someone humming softly. That wind brushed her face in the form of a warm breeze, wafting a combination of earth and sage, with a hint of fine Scotch…

  Oh, God.

  Sir Sexy.

  She was still at Catacomb. Where she’d fallen asleep in his arms.

  She slammed open her eyes. She was still mostly naked, on the cushy palette in the aftercare nook—


  Where was he? How long had she slept? And was it weird that she wasn’t mortified at all to be here?

  On the little table next to the bed, propped up against a glass of water, a folded note caught her eye. Written on the front of it, in handwriting so bold it couldn’t be ignored, was one distinct word.


  She reached for the paper then unfolded it.

  Little Rose,

  I’m sorry my farewell has to be in this form, but you were sleeping so soundly and so beautifully, I admit that I fell prey to the dominance of you, and couldn’t find the strength to wake you up from a slumber you so well deserved.

  I cannot help but think things are better this way, as well. I came to Catacomb as a onetime experience on a business trip, and work duties will call me away again in a few hours. If I awaken you, I’m completely sure I’ll be tempted to shirk them, before enticing you to stay locked in here with me for at least a few more days.

  The memories of our experience will be often replayed in my mind for years to come, treasures I’ll never take for granted.

  It was my honor and pleasure to be the first man to witness the perfection of your submission. I am certain I won’t be the last. The man who finally claims you with his collar will be the luckiest Dom on earth—and forever the target of my envy.

  You are a gem among your kind, sweet girl. Do not ever forget that. Yes, that’s an order.

  ~~Sir G

  Surely, he meant the initial to stand for Griffin. But it fit no other word right now except the one that tumbled from Tess’s lips.


  She clenched her teeth but a grimace broke through anyway. The words on the page jabbed at her like spikes, prodding her thoughts down a path of lonely finality. It wasn’t a pretty trip. She felt like anything but a “gem.”

  What the hell were you expecting, nimrod? White lace, promises, a diamond collar and a promise of forever? They call it ‘playing’ because it’s supposed to be fun, and what man have you ever met who thought commitment was fun? Not Dad; that’s damn clear. Not any of the guys at work, even Dan. Especially Dan. He gave up his kink for a commitment, and look where it got him in the end.

  Rereading his note wasn’t a torment she could opt out of. Arm tense and fingers tight, she took in every word he’d written once more. His script was like his dominance: decisive, determined, without any fluff—or doubt.

  She ached for him.

  Stop. It.

  With a heavy huff, she refolded the note—before ordering herself not to toss it into the wastebasket. One day, she’d thank herself for keeping it. She hoped.

  “Well, hey there, gorgeous! You’re awake.”

  She jumped a little at the voice, despite it being very comforting and very female. Instinctively, she reached again for the blanket. Clutched it against her body while one of the most stunning women she’d ever seen stepped in from the dungeon portion of the room. Luxurious red curls tumbled around the woman’s huge green eyes, striking cheekbones, and full, smiling mouth. She walked like a queen, regal and proud in a black corset and skirt that showed off her beautiful curves. At the same time, warmth radiated from her, a natural glow from within.

  Around her neck was a collar inlaid with stones that matched her eyes.

  As soon as Tess saw it, her chest flamed with jealousy.


  This was so stupid. So illogical. And so damn impossible to dispel.

  The woman settled to the mattress next to her. “How are you doing?” Tilted her head, peering more deeply. “It’s Odette, right?”

  She blinked, not understanding at first. She didn’t want to be Odette right now. Or even Tess. She wanted to be Rose, fulfilling every carnal wish of the Dom who’d taken her to heaven just ten feet away.

  “Oh,” she finally blurted. “Right. Yeah. That’s it.”

  “My name’s Julianna—but in situations like this, I’m better known as Emerald. Use whichever one you prefer.”

  Tess smiled in spite of her stupid envy of the woman. The first name, probably her real one, fit the fact that she looked bad-ass enough to take down the Lannisters by herself. The second, obviously in honor of her eyes, was a perfect lifestyle name. “They’re both nice, but Emerald matches the accessories.” She dipped her head toward the collar. “It’s lovely.”

  Emerald fingered the collar with a soft smile. “Not as beautiful as the man it represents.” She lowered her hand with a decisive breath. “But if we start talking about Mika, I’ll keep you here until the sun rises then goes back down again. Can’t happen. We’re only in town for a few days, on our way out to LA for a lifestyle convention. We promised Max we’d stop over during the trip. We run our own club, Genesis, and business has been booming, so Mika hasn’t had a chance to catch up with Max lately.”

  “So they’re friends?”

  “Couple of pervs in a pod.” The woman flashed a wry grin. “Sheez. I don’t know a lot of guys except Max Brickham who’d look at an old bomb shelter and envision a desert kink den.”

  Tess found herself returning the smile. “Well, it’s a damn nice kink den.”

  “Yeah? We were thinking of checking out some of the other places in town tomorrow night, too—well, later on tonight—after Mika keeps his promise to do the Voodoo Zipline with me.”

  Shudder. “You two have fun with that.” The sarcasm was an excellent excuse to avert her eyes, lest Emeral
d—who didn’t seem to miss much—caught the sadness she hid with it. “What time is it, anyway?”

  “About two a.m.”

  “Whoa.” She sagged into the pillows. “I was out for a long time.”

  “You needed it, honey. According to your Dom, you were all about earning that shiny kinky beginner’s badge tonight. From the look on his face, you did just that. You made an impression on him, you know.”

  “Right.” She couldn’t hold back a snort. “Nothing says ‘you made an impression on me’ like a note on the nightstand, right?”

  Emerald winced. “He probably deserves that. But it ripped him apart like glass in a twister to leave you. I had to swear to him that you’d get everything you needed when you woke up. Speaking of which…” She scooted a little closer then tugged gently at the blanket. “May I see?”

  Heat trampled Tess’s face and didn’t stop there. Dork. For God’s sake, she had two sisters. And walked around naked in the locker room at the gym. But pulling away the blanket for the woman, who’d shown her more maternal tenderness in the last five minutes than Mom had in the last year, was suddenly unnerving.

  “Wow!” The exclamation, along with the open admiration on the woman’s face, quickly banished the discomfort. “That is one pretty pair of nipples, babe. Hope you don’t have plans requiring a bra for the next few days.”

  Tess laughed softly. If a flock of nuns traipsed in here, she was certain Emerald would have them at ease enough to flash tits, too. “Guess I don’t now.”

  “Here. Apply this cream a few times a day. It’s got calendula in it. You’ll want to apply ice to them every hour or so, too. Same with the lady parts. You’re probably a bit bruised, but because the skin is naturally darker on your nips and labia, it won’t show as easily.” She lowered the blanket further, rushing cool air across Tess’s legs. “Ooooohh. More pretties. Flogger, right?”


  “Bet it was heaven.”

  She blushed again, but it felt good this time. Like sharing a delicious secret with a friend. “Yeah,” she murmured, “it pretty much was.”

  “These will heal faster. Looks like he just gave you a little taste this time.”

  She barely refrained from gaping. A little taste? She wondered what one of his “bigger bites” felt like—and if she’d ever have the chance to find out. Sure, she could come back here next weekend and have more confidence when it came to mingling with people, but the idea of surrendering to anyone other than Sir Sexy…

  No. It felt wrong. All wrong. From the moment his eyes had first glittered at her from behind his mask, her body had retuned itself to a vibration with his name on it…

  A name you don’t even know.

  A man you don’t even know.

  A Dom who indulged you with a night of mutual pleasure and never promised anything more. Now deal with it, dammit.

  “Thank you,” she finally said to the woman now softly cleaning her thighs with a cool, damp cloth. “For everything. You’ve been—very kind—and—”

  And apparently, “dealing with it” now included a burst of the most embarrassing, ugly sobs she could imagine. Hell. Hell.

  “Ohhhh.” Emerald shoved the cloth to the table and yanked her into a fierce embrace. “You sweet thing. There now, honey. Just spill it out.”

  “No.” But just hearing the ragged gasp from her own lips was another disgusting defense buster. “Oh God, no!”

  Like that was effective, especially as Emerald yanked the blanket back up, cradling her close, stroking her hair—exactly what Sexy had done just a few hours ago.

  Yyeeaahh, she was screwed. This shit was just going to happen. Right here, right now, with barely a shred of reasoning or an ounce of justification. Fighting it was like trying to tamp a stab wound with a Q-Tip.

  “It’s okay,” Emerald soothed. “Perfectly okay, baby.”

  “No,” Tess choked. “It’s mortifying.” She yanked out a dozen tissues from the box the woman offered. “It wasn’t like we blood bonded or anything. Last time I checked, I was calling him Hawkface, not Lestat.”

  “Hawkface!” Emerald laughed it out. “Not a stretch, is it? He does have that intensity…”

  “Who has what intensity?”

  The demand was issued from the archway by a voice like high-end bourbon: robust, smooth, thoroughly masculine. Tess instinctively straightened as soon as she beheld a gaze of the same dark gold, matched by drop-dead gorgeous features covered in skin the color of luxury chocolate. The rest of the man was equally beautiful.

  She knew exactly who he was. The transformation of the woman next to her spoke it clearly enough. Emerald turned an adoring smile up at the dark demigod.

  “Master,” she greeted. “This is Odette.” She yanked on Tess’s hand, a wordless version of you’re-not-going-anywhere-yet. “Odette, I am honored to introduce the first half of my world’s center, Mika LaBrache.”

  “I am honored, Sir.”

  Mika gallantly bowed. “The honor is mine, sweet Odette. Lovely to meet you.”

  Tess threw her gaze between both of them while echoing, “‘The first half?’”

  The two linked hands, sharing soft smiles. “We have a little boy,” Emerald explained. “His name is Tristan.”

  “And he’s fucking awesome,” Mika added. As Tess joined Emerald in a giggle, he continued, “And according to his nanny, is starting to fuss a little for mama.” He wrapped a hand around his woman’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “We should think about returning to Max’s villa, pet.”

  “Of course,” Emerald replied. “Though your eagerness wouldn’t have a thing to do with the new three-sixty swing in Max’s home playroom, would it, Master?”

  The innocent blinks she threw up at him were countered by his amber gaze in narrowed form, promising of a spanking or twelve—a look so intimidating, it was hot. But when Mika turned toward her, all Tess felt was the same warm comfort she’d received from Emerald.

  Which was why the new boulder in her throat made no damn sense. Nor the fresh tears that brimmed. No. They did make sense, but she was ashamed to confess it to these strangers who were sharing such kindness with her. In the middle of the night. When they had a baby waiting for them.

  The truth? She was jealous as hell of them. Of the collar around Emerald’s neck, outshone only by the devotion in Mika’s eyes. Of their constant awareness of each other, as if bound by an unseen electrical field. Of the way they teased each other about fucking swings and spankings the way other couples joked about who got to pick the rental movie next and what direction the toilet paper should unroll.

  With their truth, she grasped another piece of her truth.

  She didn’t just want a Dom.

  She yearned for a Master.

  Longed for him with a need that dug into her soul, and hurt in her heart. Ached for him in the valley between despair and hope, unsure which one to pick. Somehow, Emerald saw all of that. The way the woman initiated a new hug, fierce and fervent, spoke the statement for her.

  “I get it, doll. I really do.”

  Tess snorted. “Is that so?”

  “You think I locked eyes with this luscious hunk of caramel on my first tango in the dungeon?” Her snort put Tess’s to shame. “I had to chew a lot of bad candy first, baby. And I made matters worse by being my own worst enemy. Even after the candy went rotten, I didn’t toss the shit away like I should have. I let it muck up the floor all around me so that everywhere I stepped, the rotten experiences from my past glued me down. Until I scraped it all up and tossed it away, I wasn’t free to see my value as a submissive, or even a woman in a healthy relationship.”

  “So you’re saying…that tonight…I did this to myself?”

  “I’m saying this is a journey, not a ride on a bullet train. Sometimes it’s magic and sometimes it’s hell, but you don’t know the difference between either unless you walk the path first. You, Odette, not anyone else. This is your story to discover, your gift to give, your happin
ess to embrace—and tonight was only chapter one. Regrettably, I don’t know of any books that jump from chapter one to happy-ever-after.”

  “Says the girl who learned that lesson after vowing to become the wicked witch just so she could shove the broom up my ass.”

  Tess gasped, but Emerald laughed. “It’s true. Every word.” She elbowed her man’s thigh. “But you loved every minute.”

  “Because I was already in love with you.”

  Tess curled her arms in and threw a scowl at the pair that only half-teased. “Not helping.”

  “Bullshit,” Mika growled.

  She fumed but didn’t argue again. Partly because the Dom still scared her. Mostly because he was right.

  Emerald grabbed her hands and clenched so hard, she had no choice but to look into the woman’s captivating namesake gaze. “Listen to me. It’ll happen, sweetie. I simply look at your face, into these beautiful eyes, and I see the journey you’ve taken just to get here. Celebrate that distance too, okay?”

  Tess swallowed, ducked a fast nod, and mumbled, “Okay.”

  “Do it, baby. The journey ahead won’t feel so much like the highway to nowhere.”

  She nodded again, with a little more conviction. And prayed like hell that the woman was right.

  Chapter Seven


  “Sir? May I get you another beverage?”

  Dan forced an indulgent smile at the little blonde who dropped gracefully to her knees in front of the chair he occupied, in the darkest corner of the club where he’d agreed to meet Franz tonight. The woman’s breasts filled every inch of her corset, and her hips were lush beneath the schoolgirl uniform skirt beneath. She’d managed to let him know, through a series of equally practiced flounces, that she’d gotten rid of her panties about thirty minutes ago.

  In short, kinky flying conditions were perfect. Clearly, masked men with thick scruff were her type. And hell if she wasn’t completely his type.


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