Hermit's Peak
Page 7
The maitre d' took them through the front dining area to a smaller, more intimate room. He seated Sara and Kerney at a corner table near a fireplace while a waiter dressed in a crisp white server's jacket and black slacks stood nearby.
Kerney wore a raw silk oatmeal-colored sport coat, a charcoal linen shirt buttoned at the collar, dark gray wool dress slacks, and a pair of black alligator cowboy boots. He looked distinguished and handsome.
Two women dining at a nearby table gave Kerney the once over. Sara smiled sweetly at them until they turned away.
"Did you catch any bad guys today?" Sara asked, as the busboy poured water and the waiter stood by with the wine list.
"Not a one."
"When do I get to see your ranch?"
"It's hardly a ranch, at this point," Kerney said. "And I can't see how I'm going to keep it."
Kerney nodded. The waiter discreetly interrupted with the wine list and asked for a drink order.
After the waiter left with the order, Kerney filled Sara in on the money he'd have to pay in taxes, and how Erma's instructions to give him the land free and dear hadn't been executed before her death.
"How sad," Sara said.
"But I'm sure Erma had no intention of dying."
"No, she was enjoying life too much. I guess I just have to accept the fact that it's the thought that counts."
"Does it?" Sara asked.
"My parents have been selling sections of the ranch to my brother and me so we can avoid the heavy inheritance tax, plus giving us the maximum tax-free gift each year in land. We'll be half owners within the next five years."
Kerney had visited the Montana sheep ranch with Sara. It covered a hundred thousand acres that encompassed three lush valleys and some beautiful high country.
"Do you plan to return to the ranch after you retire from the army?"
"To visit, not to live. I'll let my brother and his wife buy me out as they can. They're the ones putting the blood, sweat, and tears into it."
"When will you retire?"
"I'm thinking in about ten more years. I like my career, but it's hell on any kind of personal life. I'll be forty-two if I retire with twenty years of service. If I stayed in any longer I'd just hit the glass ceiling. There's only a handful of women in the army who wear stars."
"You could be one of them."
"That would be nice."
"You're only two ranks away from brigadier general."
"Those are two very long steps. After lieutenant colonel, very few officers make the cut."
Their waiter brought the wine and menus, explained the house specials in great detail, and motioned for the busboy to bring a basket of fresh breads and rolls.
After they moved away from the table, Kerney lifted his wineglass to Sara.
"Perhaps you'll be the first woman to command a combat division."
Sara raised her glass in reply. "Now, that might be worth staying in for."
"What a coup that would be. It would be hard to pass it up."
The waiter returned, took their orders, complimented them on their selections, and departed.
"This is turning into a lovely evening, Kerney. I think I'm going to have to put a star after your name in my stud book."
"Along with appropriate remarks on my performance?"
Sara smiled coyly. "Of course. Do you know what I'd like to do after dinner?"
"What's that?"
"Show you my new lingerie."
"More research for the stud book?"
In the late evening darkness, Gabe Gonzales stood at the open gate watching the district narcotics agent, Ben Morfin, load the last of the marijuana plants into a truck. The crime scene techs had left, the medical examiner had come and gone, Boaz's body had been removed, and Russell Thorpe was on his way to the district office with all the evidence that had been collected during the search.
It had been a bitch of a day. The discovery of the marijuana necessitated expanding the crime scene investigation to encompass the entire meadow and all the buildings. Gabe and the team had gone over, under, and through everything. They had even moved the firewood stacked in a room of the cabin, stick by stick, to make sure nothing had been missed.
At the greenhouse, the truck headlights flashed on and the engine kicked over. Morfin drove to the gate, stopped, and spoke through the open window. "That's it."
"You've got it all?"
"Exactly two thousand six hundred and seventy-eight plants," Morfin said.
"Boaz just missed a big score. He was four weeks shy of a seven-figure harvest."
"I'll see you in the morning," Gabe said.
As Morfin drove off, Gabe closed and locked the gate and walked down the hill. The moon rose above Hermit's Peak, spreading a pale velvet light over the mountain and the valley. It made everything look deceptively peaceful.
A patrol unit at the bottom of the dirt track blocked access to the cabin. The officer inside the cruiser would spend a mind-numbing night on-site, guarding the crime scene.
He stopped, told the officer he would be at home if needed, got in the Ram Charger, called in his destination and ETA, and drove away.
It was too late to think about fixing dinner. He would get a pizza on the way home, spend a few minutes with Orlando, and then start in on the paperwork.
"Mom called," Orlando said, licking his fingers and reaching for another slice of pizza.
"She wants me to spend spring break with her in Albuquerque."
"I thought you'd be working over spring break," Gabe said.
"Yeah, most of the time. I told her I'd come down for a couple of days."
"She'll like that." The pizza tasted bland. Gabe pushed the box in Orlando's direction.
"I'm probably not going to be home much for a while anyway."
Gabe watched as Orlando nodded and chewed at the same time. He was a good-looking boy, two inches taller than Gabe, who'd inherited his mother's dark eyes and even features.
"What's up?" Orlando finally asked.
"I'm working two murder cases in San Geronimo. A drug grower and an unidentified female."
"No shit? Were they killed at the same time?"
"No. All we've got on the woman are some bones that were scattered on a mesa."
"No identification?"
"Not yet."
"Where did you find the bones?"
"Near Nestor Barela's old ranch."
Orlando wiped his hands on a paper towel.
"Think you'll be able to find the killers?"
"It's too early to say."
Orlando stood up.
"How come you keep doing this kind of work? Don't you get sick of it? Murder and all."
"You sound like your mother," Gabe said.
"Retire, Dad. You've earned it."
"Too many bills."
"Sell the house," Orlando said, picking up his day-pack. "I'm not going to stay in Las Vegas after I graduate from college anyway."
"You've been saying that for the last year. Why is living in your hometown so bad? You never used to feel this way before."
"I just want to get out and see the world, okay?"
"Okay, but the house stays in the family. You can have it when you get sick of seeing the world and move back home."
"I'm not coming back."
"That's what you say now," Gabe said.
"You may feel differently later on."
"I don't think so." Orlando dropped his crumbled paper towel in the empty pizza box.
"I've got to go study."
"You feeling all right, champ?"
"Just tired."
Gabe nodded toward the kitchen door. "Go hit the books. I've got my own homework to do."
Orlando left and Gabe worked until his eyes gave out and his mind was fuzzy. He left his paperwork on the kitchen table and climbed the stairs with the ornate carved banister. At
the end of the long hallway he could see light shining under the door to Orlando's room.
Except for Orlando's possessions, Theresa had taken most of the furniture when she'd moved out. Gabe had been replacing it a piece at a time, as he could afford to. He had a television and a couch in the downstairs front room. But the dining room was empty, as was the library, except for the collection of his grandfather's old books. His bedroom contained one double bed, a reading lamp clipped to the headboard, and a dresser he'd picked up at a garage sale.
He needed to buy a rug or a picture to hang on the wall.
In the bathroom he brushed his teeth, stripped down to his underwear, and dumped his clothes in the laundry hamper. The alarm dock was on the floor near his bed, next to the telephone. He set it, got under the covers, and was asleep within minutes.
After dinner, Kerney and Sara went back to his apartment. Kerney got the fireplace going, exiled Shoe to the patio, lit some candles, put a Brahms piano concerto on the stereo, and poured some brandy.
They never made it to the bedroom.
"Chilly?" Kerney asked later.
"Just a bit."
He padded into the bedroom. Lean with a small butt, a slim waist, square shoulders, and a nice chest, Kerney looked very sexy naked. Their clothes were scattered on the furniture and the floor. They'd certainly been in a hurry; the brandy hadn't been touched.
He came out of the bedroom holding a robe and a heavy flannel shirt.
"Your choice."
Sara took the shirt, slipped it on, picked up her brandy glass, and stretched out on the carpet in front of the fireplace. She felt delightfully ravished and a little weak in the knees.
Kerney joined her on the carpet.
"Take me camping, Kerney," she said, reaching for Kerney's hand. He had perfectly proportioned fingers.
"Are you burned out on Santa Fe already?"
"I need to wake up to the smell of pine needles and the sight of a New Mexico sunrise."
"Did you bring your gear?"
"It's in the Cherokee."
"Where do you want to go?"
"Take a guess."
Kerney nodded.
"Give me the morning to get a few things done."
"That's fine with me. Plan on being late for work."
"Again?" Kerney asked with a grin.
"Oh, yes."
Kerney arrived at his office to find a phone message from a detective at the Arcadia PD waiting for him. He called back and spoke to Det. Sgt. George Broom.
"I wish all my assignments were this easy," Broom said.
"The address you gave us for Wanda Knox turned out to be a residential treatment center for addicted mothers. They call it a therapeutic community. It specializes in working with women and their children. It's one of those places that's run sort of like a commune.
Kids, pets, and toys everywhere; everybody does chores and goes to group therapy. That sort of stuff."
"What kind of drugs does Wanda Knox use?" Kerney asked.
"Cocaine. She says Boaz got her started. She's twenty-eight and still a looker, Chief. She used to be a cheerleader in high school. She worked as a secretary in the philosophy department at the university where Boaz was a teaching assistant. That's where she met him. She and the kid started living with Boaz about a year before they pulled up stakes and moved to New Mexico. She didn't act upset when I told her Boaz had been murdered. I guess the romance soured."
"Did she ID Rudy?"
"She doesn't know his last name. She said Rudy paid Boaz to give him access to the land where he cut the wood. Does that kind of shit really go on out there? Poaching and stuff like that?"
"All the time. Did you get a description of Rudy?"
"That, and a composite drawing. Rudy is Hispanic, in his mid-to-late thirties, clean shaven, about five foot ten. He's stocky--weighs in at between two-twenty and two-forty pounds--and has brown eyes and brown hair cut long below the ears."
"That's helpful."
"Do you want something even better?"
"Are you holding out on me. Sergeant?"
Bloom laughed. "I couldn't resist. Chief. Wanda's kid is a miniature toy car nut. You know, those Hot Wheels you can buy just about anywhere. Lane--that's the kid's name--is eight years old. He told me Rudy drove a dark blue, three-quarter-ton, long-bed Chevy pickup truck, with a winch on the front bumper, and a hydraulic lift mounted in the bed. The kid really knows his vehicles."
"That narrows the field."
"You want the license number?"
"Does your sense of humor get you in trouble, Sergeant?" Kerney asked.
"All the time." Broom read off the numbers and letters for the license plate.
"According to the kid, the truck has permanently installed wrought-iron side railings that extend above the cab. He even drew me a picture of the truck."
"Fax everything you've got to me."
"It's on the way. That question you had about those cactus plants you found in the greenhouse?"
"What about them?"
"Wanda said she found them in the canyon where Rudy was woodcutting and transplanted them to the greenhouse. She was going to give them as presents. I don't think you've stumbled on a new hallucinogenic."
"Thanks, Sergeant."
"What do you want to do with Wanda? From what she told me, you can have her arrested for conspiracy to commit a felony."
"I take it she was cooperative?"
"You bet."
"Let's cut her a break, unless something more develops."
"Good deal."
Melody Jordan stood in the doorway of Kerney's office. He waved her inside as he hung up the telephone.
"Here's your copy of my follow-up report. Chief," she said, placing the file folder on his desk.
"Do you want a summary?"
"Please," Kerney replied.
"We found no trace evidence or foreign matter. Soil samples revealed nothing to suggest the body had been moved, but that doesn't mean anything. X rays of the bones showed nothing other than the old fracture to the upper arm. It was impossible to match the saw marks to a specific cutting instrument. We don't have a complete catalogue of hand or power saws. Nobody does; there are just too many of them. The comparisons we could make came up negative."
"Fiber samples?" Kerney asked.
"The denim we were able to identify. It's either one of two labels marketed by the same maker. The fibers embedded in the bone turned out to be a wool and cashmere blend, light brown in color. There's no way to tell what type of upper garment it was."
"Do you still think the victim's clothes were expensive?"
Melody nodded her head. "It's the kind of clothing I'd like to wear if I could afford it. I've
got a question about the old fracture to the left humerus. The way the bone was set looks odd to me."
"How so?"
"Either the doctor who did the job wasn't very good or there was a considerable period of time before the victim received medical attention. I'd like to consult an outside expert."
"Whom do you have in mind?"
"There's a physical anthropologist from Indiana University in residence at the School of American Research, on a sabbatical. He's also a medical doctor. I attended one of his seminars on human remains identification. He's top-notch in the field. I'd like to get his opinion."
"How soon can you set it up?"
Melody's cheeks colored slightly. "I've already spoken with him. He can see me this morning. He'll do the examination gratis."
Kerney wondered what the blush on Melody's cheek was all about. "Keep me informed."
Melody hurried out and Kerney went to the fax machine, where the last pages of Sergeant Broom's report were spilling onto the tray. As he waited, he asked the office secretary to run a motor vehicle check on the license plate Broom had provided. He picked up the loose sheets, returned to his office, and started reading through the material. The last page was a handwritten letter from Wanda's son. It rea
Dear Chief Kerney, Sgt. Broom said that I could rite to you. If you find my dog Buster please send him back to me. He's mostly black with some brown and white on his legs and tummy. He has realy long hair. He ran away the day my Mom and I left New Mexico.
I love Buster very much. He is the best dog in the hole world.
I hope you find him. Thank you.
He looked up to find Charlotte Flores standing in front of his desk.
"Here's the motor vehicle report you wanted. Chief," Charlotte said.
Kerney took the papers from the secretary's outstretched hand. He scanned it, put Lane Knox's letter to one side, and gave Charlotte the rest of Broom's report, along with the file he'd received from Melody Jordan.
"Fax everything to Sergeant Gonzales at the Las Vegas office. Give it top priority."
Charlotte studied Kerney's face. Usually the chief was cordial and polite. Today he sounded abrupt and distracted.
"Are you feeling all right, Chief?"
Kerney forced a smile.
"I'm fine."
Charlotte gave him a quizzical look and left.
Kerney went to the window and watched traffic on the Old Albuquerque Highway. Across the road, the huge American flag at the entrance to the new car dealership flapped and billowed in a gusty wind. Spring winds in New Mexico often rose up without warning, drove dust along at gale force, and threw a brown haze into the sky. He could barely see the foothills below the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and all the shiny new vehicles lined up in rows were dulled by a coat of sand. A truck passing down the road had a huge tumbleweed pinned against its grille. The tumbleweed broke free, bounced against the truck windshield, and rolled across the highway, where it landed against a chain-link fence.
Lane Knox certainly deserved to have his dog back. But sending Shoe, or rather Buster, off to California wasn't a happy thought. Kerney really liked that mutt.
In the small conference room at the Las Vegas district state police office, Gabe Gonzales thumbed through and rearranged the multiple copies of his case files, thinking he must have been really hammered with fatigue the night before. He'd gone to bed sure that everything had been sorted the way he wanted it for the presentation to his team. He'd made copies for each officer before discovering that Melody Jordan's preliminary forensic report was out of order in the packet.