Book Read Free

I Like 'Em Pretty

Page 5

by Triad Literary

  Once she rested her head on his shoulder, he fought the urge to slip his hands lower on her curvy body. Nicholas bit his lip and stroked her brown silky curls, loving the feel of them between his fingers.

  If he could make it through the night with just holding her it would be a miracle, but he knew in order to gain her respect he couldn’t do anything more.

  * * * *

  Rhoda and Nicholas slowly walked out of the club, arm in arm, sharing a laugh. “I’m sorry. Me and my sister, well… we love each other, but she tends to take over anything that has to do with me.”

  “I see.” Nicholas held her tightly and kissed her on the head. “You didn’t have to worry. Despite her flirting, I was only interested in you Rhoda. I really had a good time with you tonight.”

  “I did too, Nick. I can’t wait for us to spend some time together.” She really couldn’t. A part of her wanted to take him home with her right now.

  They stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Peering into those deep emerald greens, her heart fluttered in her chest.

  “Neither can I, Rhoda. So I’ll pick you up on Tuesday after work?”

  “Yes, and we can have lunch. I’ll bring my tablet with me to show you some of the latest pictures I took.” She held on to him, not wanting to let him go.

  Nick stepped closer and slipped his arms around her waist. His soft hands touched the small of her back and she gasped at the energy coming from his fingers.

  She leaned into him; their foreheads met. “I enjoyed you tonight, Nick.”

  “Me too, love, but this is only the beginning.” Nick pressed his lips against her temple and retreated.

  “Yes it is.” Rhoda pulled him back in and softly kissed his lips. She was feeling that third glass of Moscato Sharnette talked her into. Just think if she would’ve chose the Long Island, she might’ve humped this man right here or in the bathroom.

  Nick reciprocated with a more passionate embrace, tangling tongues with her, making Rhoda breathless. She sighed into his liplock, and moaned at the feeling between her thighs.

  “Mhmm…you’re so beautiful, Rhoda. I’m so happy to have met you.”

  “So am I, Nick. So am I.”

  * * * *

  A couple of weeks passed and Rhoda couldn’t have been happier at how quickly things had developed between her and the doctor.

  On the first date, they went to a restaurant near Duke and looked at her pictures as she promised. After that, they had dinner two nights later at a fancy seafood restaurant, enjoying seafood and smooth live jazz all night.

  She even convinced Dr. Fairlight to dance a little more. At least he kept the rhythm. On their last day off together, they took a trip to the Nasher Museum on the Duke University campus, which he’d never visited. Nicholas used his camera a great deal, taking photographs where they’d allow.

  “I wasn’t even aware this place existed.” He beamed while enjoying a marble sculpture of a well-dressed couple in love from Spain.

  Rhoda could only grin at Nicholas’ reactions to the museum. Seemingly they both had a high appreciation for the arts.

  A lot of people had no clue about the place. It was indeed one of Durham’s best kept secrets.

  Due to their busy schedules, more time together couldn’t be had right away, making the both of them miss one another like crazy.

  They called, texted, and even messaged one another every night they didn’t see each other, trying to make tentative plans for the next date.

  Hopefully, the next planned visit to the Golden Belt—a campus full of art galleries, live/work lofts, and entertainment—would actually happen. Nick mentioned he’d wanted to go there for quite some time.

  Thinking of Nick, and in pain from being on her feet, Rhoda propped them up in the nurse’s lounge and drank a bottle of cranberry juice to give her some energy. She’d already had two Cokes and coffee throughout the night to keep the adrenaline flowing for the third eleven hour shift this week. She’d traded with another RN just so she could spend the weekend with her favorite doctor.

  Her cell phone rang, disturbing her rest, Bedroom Toys by Duran Duran signaling a call from Sharnette. She hadn’t spoken with Nettie in a few days. They’d been missing one another because Alexander had taken time off to be with her for a small in-town book tour.

  “Hey girl! How’s the tour goin’?”

  “Fabulous! My agent said the excitement has gone up for the next book and sales are going up for the series I finished last year. Looks like I might just catch E.L James after all,” she joked.

  “Really?” Rhoda cocked an eyebrow.

  “Eh, no, not unless my next book sells close to a million copies. I’m kinda far away from that, but at least the stories are sellin’.”

  “That’s great, babes. How’s Alex?”

  “Wonderful! He and I have relished his time away from the hospital. I’m sorry to take Nick away from ya though.”

  “Oh hon, it’s no problem. Alex is working those shifts for Nick when his parents come into town in a few days, so…”

  “Yeah. Hey, so, how’s everything goin’ with Nick? Alex said Nick doesn’t really talk to him about his personal business too much.”

  Rhoda beamed from ear to ear and leaned farther back in the chair. “Ah Nettie, he’s brilliant. Just what I needed.”

  “Have y’all done the deed yet?”

  Rhoda’s eyes widened. “Naw, girl. We’ve only been seeing one another for about three weeks.”

  “And?” Sharnette sounded surprised.

  “And it’s not time yet.” Rhoda nibbled on her bottom lip and her eyes darted from left to right.

  “Whaddya mean, honey? It is. When’s the last time your well has been tapped, huh?”

  Rhoda had to think about that. “Quite a while. It’s about to run dry,” she whispered into the handset.

  “Yeah and that means you need to try getting’ it flowin’ again, girl. Don’t be such a damn prude. You been talkin’ with Momma again?”

  “Nope,” she lied. Her mother had been calling lately and was excited Rhoda had met a doctor, despite the fact he worked at Methodist.

  “Well, why are ya waitin’, girl? He couldn’t keep his eyes or hands off of you on that first night. That kiss you guys shared outside the club…rawr.” Sharnette’s smile came through the phone.

  “Yeah, it was quite a kiss. Whew! I don’t recall the last time I got that wet after just a liplock. I swear if it wasn’t our first meetin’, I might’ve taken him home with me!” Rhoda shook her head then noticed a couple of nurses at the next table grinning and giggling, probably from what they’d overheard. Rhoda gasped and slumped in her seat. Damn Sharnette got her in trouble once again.

  “Hello? Rhoda?” Rhoda sighed inwardly.

  “Yeah, sorry, Nettie. I was thinking about Nick again. I wish we’d met a lot sooner, then I’d have the perfect excuse to bed him,” she whispered.

  “You got the perfect one now, Rho. You like him a lot!”

  “Yes yes, but…it’s only been…”

  “So? What’s the big deal? You like him, he likes you. I don’t understand why you’re withholding the nookie when you don’t have to.”

  Rhoda thought a moment. Perhaps her friend was right. She did really enjoy Nick’s company and wanted nothing more than to lie down with him and enjoy that hard body on top of hers.

  “I guess.”

  “No…you know.”


  Perhaps I do.

  After work ended, Rhoda went home, hoping to catch Nick before he went in for his last late night shift for Alex. Eleven p.m. to one p.m. the next day. Murderous. Usually the thirteen hour ones tired him out the most. Rhoda already knew that feeling well.

  Once she changed into her pajamas and slipped into her fuzzy bunny house shoes, she pressed the buttons to call Nick. Spearmint followed her closely and, when she sat, he jumped on her lap.

  Anticipation ran high while she tapped her nails on the side table waiting
for him to pick up. Why the heck she was so nervous because of a phone call, she didn’t know.

  “Hello, sexy lady.”

  “Hi there.” She grinned at the sound of that proper British drawl.

  “How was your day at Duke Maternity?”

  “Good. Only assisted in twelve deliveries within the last ten hours. Two were a set of twins.”

  “Wow, seriously? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many delivered in one shift.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure that’s a record. You ready to head in to Methodist?”

  “Uh huh, as much as I’ll ever be. I can’t wait to get this night over with so we can spend time together.”

  “Me too. You sure you won’t be too tired? I mean, you get off at one and then we’re going to meet at six? Is that enough sleep?”

  “Yes. It’ll be like a power nap, Rhoda. No worries. I intend to be fully awake when I see you.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want you to doze off on me. Lord knows I can talk your ear off and bore ya to tears if you let me.”

  “You’d never bore me, Rrrrhooddaaaahhh…” Nick rolled the ‘r’ and Rhoda could’ve sworn she felt warmth trickling between her thighs. She loved the way he said her name; once he added some speech from another language and titillation coursed through her entire body.

  “Aw, well, thanks for the vote of confidence. All right, then, let me get off the phone so you can go to work.”

  “I really don’t want you to, love. I adore your voice, your smile, everything about you.”

  Rhoda’s cheeks flushed and she twirled her curls around her fingertips. “Oh, Nick, you really do say the sweetest things. I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.”

  “So do I, Rhoda. Get some rest and I’ll talk to you in the afternoon.”

  “Okay then. Have a good night.”

  “I’ll try.” Rhoda could hear the smile in his voice before they hung up.

  Was this too good to be true? A man that held her interest, exactly what she was looking for and gorgeous?

  Someone pinch me. Hard!

  * * * *

  With a huge Cheshire grin on his face, Nicholas pushed his cell into his pocket and headed out the door to catch a cab for his late night shift. How he wished to be in Rhoda’s arms enjoying the evening but duty called. Sometimes it sucked to be the on-call surgeon. Whatever emergencies required his expertise, he’d have to perform, regardless of the hour. Despite this, Nicholas truly loved being a doctor. Ever since he was little, all he ever wanted was to help people with their ailments and cure people from various diseases.

  Orthopedics meant helping people walk, which was his specialty, but he’d helped in other areas as well which meant he was well-rounded. That was the reason he and Alexander were in such high demand at Methodist. Though the staff had many qualified medics, Alex and Nicholas travelling to treat people in different parts of the world made them the top of the crop when it came to Methodist’s doctors.

  Nicholas in particular thought about going abroad and assisting ailing people in rural areas. They’d done it once for the Peace Corps when visiting Tanzania and becoming part of the medical caravan. He hoped to do something of that nature once again.

  Perhaps this time he wouldn’t be alone. Yes, unlike last time, Nicholas would have a young lady on his arm. A certain curvy nurse with big brown eyes, long legs for miles, and a white pearly smile.

  Would she consider leaving America to be with him and help the sick? It would be a fascinating love story for him and his new lady to love one another and use their talents to help the less fortunate.

  While riding in the cab, he noticed small crowds of people walking to and fro, most likely out to dinner, or some bar to enjoy the evening. Nicholas really wished he was one of them with the beautiful Rhoda Maire at his side.

  One of the few drawbacks of being a doctor—your personal life was always interrupted. The patients at Methodist always took precedence over his own needs and desires.

  In a matter of moments, Nicholas arrived at the hospital, ready to take on the night. He’d been sleeping the majority of the day, took in a good movie, and had a light dinner before he showered for work. Good thing this was the last thirteen hour he was taking for Alex so he could enjoy a couple of days off with Rhoda and then with his parents.

  Most importantly her, especially if they could move to the next step. Even though he wanted it badly, he didn’t want to leave Rhoda with the wrong impression.

  Nicholas hoped she would take the initiative, like she did at the club when pulling him out to the dance floor. Although he was usually the one in control, nothing would arouse him more than to have Rhoda lead him into the bedroom and through various sexual activities.

  Chapter Six

  “I’m good.” Rhoda scurried around her apartment, looking for just the right shoes to wear on her date with Nick. The black pumps didn’t suit this outfit and the flats didn’t look too flattering.

  “You sure? You sound a little…rushed.” Sharnette talked to her as she got ready.

  “That’s because I am. I don’t like these black shoes with this dress.”

  “What color is it?”

  “Dark blue.”

  “Duke blue,” she snickered.

  “As a matter of fact, yes. I happen to love this dress.”

  “It doesn’t matter that you went to UNC Greensboro to study either, huh? You’re wearin’ the Duke blue proudly.”

  “Better than the powder colored one,” she joked. “You sure the black would be okay?”

  “Honey, he won’t be lookin’ at your shoes anyway, especially if you take them off when doing the horizontal tango.”

  Rhoda glanced at the ceiling and sighed. “I guess you’re right. Oh damn, Nettie, I’m so nervous. It’s been a long time.”

  “And that’s why this is the right decision, Rho. Sex is fun. Enjoy it to the fullest. I know I do.”

  “Uh huh, and you write about it for a living.”

  “Best job in the world, girl. Hey, I gotta run. Alex should be at home any minute with dinner. I’m gonna try to get him to save it for dessert.” She chuckled.

  “Okay then, Sis, have fun.”

  “You do the same, honey, and remember lots of condoms, some lube if you get too dry, and bathroom afterwards to avoid infection.”

  “Ugh, TMI! Bye, Nettie.”

  “Bye, babe. Tell me all about it later.”

  “Er, no, but maybe some of it.” Rhoda pressed the button and glanced at the LCD screen. Nick would be here any moment before they went to the Golden Belt for a night of art, music, and good food. Sounded like the perfect way to start an evening with the man she was falling for pretty fast.

  The ride over to Main Street wasn’t long at all. Before Nick and Rhoda had time to get comfortable in the taxi, they were there, looking to enjoy some pasta at the Piedmont restaurant since Nick remarked how much he loved Italian food.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never been here.” Rhoda took his hand after he paid the driver.

  “No, I haven’t. The dish you spoke of. What was it called?”

  “Pasta al Forno. It’s really good and since you’re a vegetarian…”

  “Perfect, sounds delightful. I can’t wait to try it.” Nick squeezed her hand and smiled at her.” I know I’ll enjoy it”

  “I’m glad.” Nick held the door open for her. They were taken to their table which sat by a window that afforded a picturesque view of the city.

  “It’s a lovely place.” Nick took his seat after helping her into hers. “I love the décor, very modern.”

  “Yep. One of the finest eateries in town. This is a fabulous place, too. They have live/work spaces, offices, restaurants, galleries. The Golden Belt is a true gem in North Carolina.”

  “And I cannot believe all the time I’ve been here, I haven’t visited this place.” Nicholas looked around, admiring the layout. “You’ve been a wonderful guide, love. I hope to take you to some places you haven’
t been before and show you around.”

  “I’d love that, Nick. There’s many places I haven’t been to but I’ve been dying to visit.” Rhoda batted her eyelashes.

  “Good. And I’m willing to do the honors, my sweet.” Nick clasped her hands in his own and brought them to his lips. He planted a kiss on each knuckle and when he arrived at the last, he traced it with the tip of his tongue and sucked it while flashing a wicked smile.

  “Ooh…, Nick.” Rhoda felt herself flush and her body tingled from his affections. Again, the warmth in her panties and suddenly her nipples pebbled under her bra. She gasped and fanned herself, knowing this night was indeed the one she’d spend in his arms.

  No time to be shy!

  Once dinner was done, they headed to the gallery to take in some local artists’ work. Nicholas found a few things he’d be interested in buying as well as possible space for his own photographs to be displayed.

  “Hmph, very nice. I really do love the space. And actually, Rhoda, you should think about doing your project for the headstones and crypts in a gallery. People might appreciate your work more if it was out for everyone to see.”

  “True. I’d really like to learn the history behind some of my subjects, though. I have a friend who is a research librarian and she’s willing to help me find out some information in her spare time.”

  “That’s a great idea. Putting them here would be good, though. It might drive in sales for the book. I’d love to assist you with that.”

  “You would?” Rhoda’s eyes lit up as they talked about her beloved project.

  “Yes, I would. Anything you’re interested in, I am as well, Rhoda. I think we make an awesome pair.”

  “I think the same, Nicholas.” She hugged him tightly and rubbed the small of his back underneath his coat. The butterflies crept up in her stomach and goose pimples formed on her arms. Heart beating fast, she tried searching for the right words to inform him of her plans for the evening. “I wanna spend the night with you, Nick. Is that okay?”

  Nick smiled sweetly and nodded before planting a light kiss on her forehead. “Of course it is, Rhoda. I’ve been waiting for the right time for us to discuss it. I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about us and the way I wanted our relationship to go. I want you to be my lady. You’re so much more important than any woman I’ve ever dated.”


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