Book Read Free

Signed, SEALed, Delivered

Page 10

by Jaime Russell

  “I can do that, but you’re going to have to go to his classroom to introduce her to the teacher. Do you remember where the classroom is?” I nod my head.

  “Do you need my license?” Ella asks, as she pulls out her wallet. “I didn’t know if you needed my picture for your file. My hair color is black, but I tend to add different colors.” She smiles, and I feel my cock hardening. God, the effect this woman has on me.

  “I’ll take it, so I can make a copy of it, and then I’ll need to get some other information.” Jane smiles, as she turns to walk away.

  “Thank you.” I lean into Ella and smile. I kiss her quickly, when I see Jane coming back. “Sorry, Jane.”

  “Oh, I was young once.” She giggles. “Now, Miss Marks,” Jane smiles at Ella, “I’ll need your email address, physical address, and phone number.” Ella give her all the information. “Thank you. You’re all signed in. Now, here are your visitor’s passes, so you can go to Alec’s teacher’s room.” We thank her and start walking towards the second-grade hallway.

  Gabriele Marks

  Everything has been very overwhelming in the last twenty-four hours. I’m about to meet a schoolteacher, and I’m not even properly dressed. My hair isn’t done, no makeup, and I’m wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops. I haven’t even showered, but at least, I did a quick sponge bath in the sink.

  “You okay?” Zack asks me.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone. I look a mess.”

  “Oh, you shouldn’t be worried about them talking about that. You took the hot, divorced, single dad off the market. They’ve been trying to get on Kelly’s good side for years now, so they could get close to me.” He tells me.

  “Are you serious?” I’m shocked.

  “So, I’m going to be the evil woman now?” I laugh, as I roll my eyes. We turn the corner, bumping into someone. “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” The woman says, as she looks up to us.

  “Zachary, I heard you were home.” The woman looks to me, and then down to our hands. He has been holding my hand ever since we left the main office.

  “Claire, how have you been? How is Charles?” Zack starts the conversation. “Claire and I went to the same school, but she didn’t know my name at all. We even lived on the same street. Charles was my best friend growing up. I went off to the Navy, and they ended up getting married. They have four kids now, right?” I try to hide my smile through Zack’s sarcastic tone.

  “Four, yes. Charles is fine. He’s a dentist now. Well, the number one in Knoxville area actually. I’ll have to let him know that you’re home.”

  “Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Ella.” I reach my hand out to her, but she acts like she doesn’t see it, so I drop my hand back down.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Yeah, you, too. Well, I must get going to work.” Claire walks away.

  “She’s getting on her phone right now to all the busy bees of the gossip line.” I laugh. “Here is Alec’s classroom.” Zack knocks on the closed door, and a man opens it. “Mr. Sanders, welcome home. Alec’s been talking nonstop today about your girlfriend’s dog, Annie.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “Jane wanted us to come by, so you could meet my girlfriend. This is Ella Marks. She’s going to be picking up Alec, when Kelly isn’t able to do it.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.” He hands me a card with his email address on it, and I hand him my business card with my email and phone number.

  “Thank you.” Zack pokes his head in to say bye to Alec again. Alec starts to cry and runs to his dad.

  “He’s leaving this afternoon.” I tell the teacher, as I get in on the group hug, kissing the top of Alec’s head.

  “Listen, you don’t have to stay in school today. You can come home with us. I have some errands to run.” Zack tells him, as Alec nods, and the teacher okays it. We stop in at the office to let Jane know that we’re taking Alec out with us, and Alec is stuck to Zack, as we head out to the truck. We get in, and Alec cries into Annie. Zack turns to look at me with tears in his eyes. I don’t know what to say.

  “Man, I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t mean for those onions to be so strong today.” They start laughing. “Now, what should we do? We have some time to kill, before you need to pack, right?” Zack nods.

  “I have the perfect idea.” Zack says, starting the truck.

  “Where are we going?” He starts humming along to the radio, not saying a word. “Zack, answer me.”

  “Nope. It’s a surprise.” He grabs my hand and kisses it. He pulls down this windy road that takes us into the woods. “You wanted some places to take some pictures. These woods are known for being haunted.”

  “Really?” Alec’s face is in between us now. Once Zack parks, we all get out, and I grab my camera bag.

  “Alec, please make sure that you keep Annie on her leash at all times, because she will take off. This is an area that she’s not used to.” Alec nods, as he puts the leash on his wrist and runs towards the building.

  “Don’t go in there, until I get there.” Zack yells towards him, as I take my camera out and start snapping pictures.

  “Thank you for this.” I smile at him.

  “I wanted to be in bed with you all day, but Alec needs this more than my needs, need to be taken care of.” He winks at me.

  We hear Alec yelling at us to hurry up, and Annie’s barking, like she’s impatient. “The children have spoken.” We spend about an hour and a half taking pictures and exploring the abandoned building. It’s so much fun. Alec has scared me so many times now. I also got a lot of great pictures of Alec and Zack together.

  Zack takes us to the hardware store to start buying some fencing for Annie’s dog park. “I can pay for it.” I say, as he takes my card from my hand, when I try to pay for it.

  “I messaged a couple of guys to put it up for me, so it should be done this weekend for Annie.”

  “Aww.” I kiss him in the store.

  “Stop that.” Alec is grossed out, and I apologize.

  “Let’s get some lunch. Come on, we’ll head to that burger place. They have an outdoor place that we can bring Annie to sit with us, since she’s well behaved.” Zack tells me.

  We drive over there and ask to be seated outside with the dog, and then we sit down to eat. We’re all laughing and talking. I don’t want this day to end, and I know we’re putting it off. “I need to go pack.” He states, as I squeeze his knee. It’s a quiet ride back to the house. Once we get out, Alec and Annie run into the house.

  “I’m worried about him.” I say, as Zack and I walk up the steps.

  “Me, too. It’s always hard to say goodbye.” He stops at the top of the step.

  “We’re not saying goodbye. It’s just until later.” I kiss him. “We need to get you packed. We can’t prolong it.” I push him into the house, and he’s laughing.

  “Hey, guys! How are you feeling Uncle Tyler?” Zack asks Tyler, who is begging Annie to leave him alone, because she’s licking his face.

  “Like death. Ugh! This dog keeps sticking her tongue into my mouth.” He sits up groaning.

  “Yeah, don’t talk, when she’s in kissing mode. It’s not a pretty picture.” I laugh, as Alec’s on the floor, coloring pictures. They have Dad written across them, so I’m assuming he’s making Zack some things.

  “Come on.” Zack tugs me, as I run up the stairs after him. Once the door is shut behind me, he picks me, as my legs wrap around his body. I’m grabbing at his shirt from behind him, trying to get it off. We break a part long enough to get our clothes off. Zack picks me up, sitting me down on his dresser.

  “Now, the day got away from us, and I had planned to explore every inch of this body, so I could commit it to memory, but this is going to be quick, because I need to leave soon.” When he talks about leaving, my eyes start to sting from fighting back the tears.

  “Do whatever you need to do.
I’m yours to use.” I smile at him, as he smirks. He positions himself to me, and then he slides himself inside. It’s like I was meant for him. He doesn’t move, like he’s savoring the moment. I want him to fuck me so bad, so I take my hands, pulling his face closer to me.

  “If you don’t start moving, I’ll be forced to take matters into my own hands. If that happens, I’ll kick you out of your bedroom, and you can listen at the doorway to hear my moans. Do you catch my drift?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He kisses me, as he starts moving in and out of me at a fast pace, that has my ass sliding back and forth on his dresser. I’m holding onto him tightly because I don’t want to let him go. He’s not exactly being the sweet, making love guy from last night. No, this man is like an animal. The pounding is hitting every nerve inside me, and I can’t concentrate, so my eyes start to flutter, as I come.

  “Oh, God, Zack. I didn’t think you could top last night.” I don’t have time to think, before he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom with him still inside me. “Remind me to send the Navy a thank you card for your wonderful physique.” I giggle, and he groans, as my pussy tightens on his cock.

  “I’m sure they’ll appreciate the card. Thank you for giving my boyfriend the body that I cannot only appreciate looking at, but because of all the training and missions that he’s been on, have given him the body that can fuck my brains out for hours. He can make see stars and walk bowlegged for days.” His sarcastic tone comes out.

  “I didn’t say that I was seeing stars or walking bowlegged, so do you have another girlfriend that I don’t know about?” Kegels for the win, as I start to flex my pussy walls around his cock, which makes him groan. I know he’s trying hard not to come yet, but I’m teasing him and making it difficult.

  “Elle.” He teases me because he knows I hate that nickname.

  “I’m sorry.” I smile sweetly. I bite down on his shoulder, as I squeeze his cock harder than earlier. He lays me on the rug gently kissing me. “I love you.” He whispers to me.

  “I love you, too.” I smile at him, as I stare into those beautiful eyes of his. I can’t take my eyes off of him. He rolls his hips a few times, before coming inside me. He stares at me with a look of complete love, and it makes me blush. Zack has seen more of me than anyone, and he knows more of me than anyone. Who knew that a pen pal could turn out to be like this?

  “Now, are you ready for a shower?” He asks, as I nod. We get into the shower and tease each other more, and I make sure to leave him remembering what it’s like to my have my lips on his cock. I make sure to give him the mental picture of what it looks like for me to be looking up at him, while I’m on my knees, taking him in.

  We stand embraced under the hot water, and I let my tears flow. I don’t know how long it’s been, before the water turns cold, and we’re racing to get out of the shower.

  “You okay?” Zack asks me.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Freezing but good.” I smile that smile that I use, when my dad’s sermons are about me.

  “Come on, let's get dressed. I need to finish packing. I didn’t even have time to do my laundry.” Zack tells me, as he starts to pull out clothes from a duffle bag. I start grabbing shirts, and he looks at me.

  “They smell like you.”

  I tell him, so he finds a couple of my shirts and a pair of my underwear to shove in the duffle bag. I start to get dressed, while he packs. I don’t want to watch him do it, so I start to dry my long hair in the bathroom. “Is my bathroom going to be all girly, when I get home?”

  “Probably,” I laugh.

  “I need to show you something. Come here.” I follow him into the bedroom. He pulls out two drawers that are empty, and then we walk over to the closet. It’s a huge walk-in closet. “Half of this is yours, and those two drawers are yours. Add what you need to the bathroom, and make this your place as much as you want. When I come home, I want you here with me. With us.” I jump into his arms, as I kiss him over and over again.

  “You might regret that. I’m quite the girl.” Zack laughs.

  “I don’t care. We have a lot of time to talk, while I’m gone, and when I come back. One thing remains, I can’t live without you. I love you.” There’s a knock on the door. “Yeah?”

  “Sorry, man. It’s time to go.”

  “Okay.” Zack’s voice is choked up. “Let’s go downstairs.” I nod afraid to speak. He grabs his duffel, and we head downstairs. Tyler takes the bag to his rental, and Alec’s on the front porch with Annie.

  “Hey, buddy.” We come out on the front porch.

  “Hey, Dad.” He looks up to him. “Look at what Annie and I can do.” He rolls the ball past Annie, but she stops it, and then noses it towards him. “Wow. Make sure you teach her a lot of tricks for when I get back. I can’t wait to see them.”

  “Okay! Ella, did you see that?” I nod. I told him that she has a couple of other tricks that I’ll show him, after his dad leaves.

  Alec hugs his dad tight. “Oh, I forgot something in the house.”

  “Now, you have Kelly’s number, so call her if you need anything. Call me, text me, or email me anytime. I’ll try to answer. I can’t tell you where I’ll be, but know I’m coming back to you, as fast as I can.”

  “I know. Be safe and come back to us.” I kiss him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Remember, make this house yours, too. Bring Annie’s stuff, too. Maybe, we’ll talk about adding a few more dogs.” I laugh.

  “I don’t think Diva Dog will like that.” We laugh together, as he holds me in his arms together. Alec comes running out with pictures that he colored for Zack. He’s so proud of them. The three of us hug, as Zack tells Tyler to capture a picture of the three of us with Alec holding Annie.

  “Don’t have too many wild parties without me. I love the three of you.” Zack kisses Alec and Annie, and I walk down with him to the car. “Don’t cry, and please don’t worry. I’ll be fine, and most importantly, you’ll be fine. Alec loves you, and Kelly is going to adore you. Enjoy this time with him. I love you.” He kisses me again. It’s one of those kisses that can make my toes curl. “Bye.”

  “Bye. I love you.” I step away from the car, and watch it, as it reverses down the driveway. I walk back towards the house.

  “Can I go play my video game?” Alec asks me.

  “Oh, I was going to see if you wanted to go on a walk with Annie and me. I wanted to see the neighborhood, but yeah, go ahead.” I smile.

  “Come on, Annie. Let’s go for a walk.” Alec decides not to go to the slumber party, but instead, he wants to spend the weekend with me.

  We go for walks, exploring the town, and then buy Annie some cool stuff to keep at the Knoxville house, as he calls it. The guys also come over to put up the dog park for Annie, which Alec loves.

  We also go out to dinner with my parents, Ruth, and Joshua. Ruth and my mom fuss over Alec, who loves the attention. It’s been very hard going to sleep in the bed without Zack. We somehow keep missing each other on the phone, so we’ve been playing voicemail tag.

  Zachary Sanders

  This trip has not been an easy trek.

  We’re trying to be quiet about being here, but we look like military. It’s a good thing that we’re at the military base in Germany, but we’ll be staying at a location closer to where the suspected target is being holed up. As we walk into the hospital, I see Ellen Kane of the CIA, as we do our introductions to the different team members

  “Dr. Kane,” I say, as Ellen Kane, my agency contact, smiles, as the man opens the door to the office that we are standing in front of. I smile at him, feeling some tension.

  “Hey, Matty. Can we come in?” She can’t let the smile leave her face. This must be a surprise to her husband.

  “Uh, sure?” He looks confused. Tyler goes right past me to sit in a chair across from Matt.

  “You’re treating a patient, and you are going to release him into our custody,” Ellen tells Matt.

  Tyler’s n
ever been here on this part of the missions, so we’re trying to train him. The man who Matt is treating for burns is a human trafficker of children from the ages of five-years-old to twelve. Plus, females of all ages. “We don’t know the alias that he’s using because he has many that we don’t know about.” Matt looks at Ellen and looks very uncomfortable with a room full of people that he don’t know. Ellen brought along her superior, Sam, who seems to be challenging the good doctor. I’m not going to be in the middle of this whose dick is more significant.

  “Here is his picture, before his accident. I saw him being pulled from the burning fire. He has a French accent or did, when I was tracking him. We have some information, and some of it’s been confirmed with the men and women that have worked with him.” I show him the file that I have of the pictures and many looks. “Can you confirm that he’s here?” I ask.

  “You want me to break my oath to my patient, so you can take him, because you think he may be the man you’re hunting, because you think this man is evil?” He looks at Sam and not to the rest of us. Sam leans forward, placing his arm on the desk.

  “Matt, may I call you Matt?” Sam asks in a condescending tone.

  “No, you can call me Dr. Kane.” He snaps. Oh, boy. I sit down in the other chair. Here comes the dick measuring.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Sam asks.

  “You are. You come in acting like I need to break the law to make your case for you. I’m not going to do it. Whether a man or woman is here or not, I will not break HIPPA laws. They protect everyone good or evil.”

  “I outrank you. In fact, everyone in this room outranks you. Want to try that answer again.” Matt stands up and grabs the phone.

  “Call the Pentagon, and they’ll tell you the same damn thing. Until the man that you believe is the one you’re hunting, is released and out of my care, I’m not telling you anything.” Matt sets the phone back down on the receiver, as I see Ellen roll her eyes. Matt goes back to charting, as Sam slams his hands down on Matt’s desk.

  “How can you be married to a jackass like that?” Sam turns to Ellen.


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