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Signed, SEALed, Delivered

Page 13

by Jaime Russell

  “I felt that, too. Almost the calm, before the storm.” Sam already looks bored, and Ellen can’t help but laugh. “What?”

  “I don’t know why you always assign you and me to do surveillance. We both hate sitting around. I get antsy, and you fall asleep.” Ellen laughs, as Sam ignores her, as he leans forward.

  I follow where he’s looking, and there’s our target. Michelle Irwin, a bombmaker, who has no heart. She’s a contract killer, and she’s the reason that we’re here. We picked up some chatter that she’s here, along with another target that we don’t know about yet. Michelle is a long, blonde-haired beauty. She’s a real-life Barbie.

  “I wish we knew something,” I mumble, and then I see the opening. Ellen whispers to Sam what we need to do. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sam stands up and starts walking towards her, as Michelle turns to head to the elevator. Sam bumps into her, knocking her purse out of her hands. Sam keeps her distracted, while Ellen copies her room key. I need to quickly put a bug in her bag without her noticing it.

  Ellen goes for the car keys, like I’ve been practicing with her. I told her that everyone goes everywhere with their keys. She promptly removes and separates the key fob, planting a listening device. Once she gets it, Ellen snaps a couple of times, and I can hear whistling in my ear. It’s live.

  Ellen makes it seem like she’s talking to someone, standing right behind Michelle, who also happens to be one of our team members, before she rushes away, so no one can see her. Ellen gets into the van with Natalie and me, as Sam’s hitting on Michelle, and she’s enjoying it.

  “Doesn’t that make you want to throw up?” I laugh.

  “Yes. Sam’s smooth, which is even more gag-worthy.” Natalie shivers. They make plans to meet up later. As they go their separate ways, Michelle’s phone starts to ring.

  “Hello?” We can’t hear the other side of the conversation, and I want to get that damn phone bugged. “I’m here now. Will you calm down? I’ll find the target and get this taken care of.” She hangs up, humming a Christmas carol, “We Wish You A Merry Christmas.” She’s a weird one.

  I still wonder where she keeps her hit list. Sam goes back to sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. “Are you two done gagging at my flirting?”

  “Fuck. The mics are live, aren’t they?” Ellen giggles.

  “Yep. You three really need to get a life.” Sam tells us. “Okay, let’s call this a night. Natalie, keep it recording.”

  “This ain’t my first rodeo, cowboy.” She tells him.

  We head out of the van, that is parked down the street, and then get into the taxicab that’s waiting on us.

  “Andy, how’s it going?” I ask, as we make small talk, as we drive around town for a good forty minutes, before heading to the hotel. Sam’s no longer sitting there. I already have my room, since I’ve been staying there for about two weeks, knowing this is where we need to be there. I wanted to get to know the staff and the surrounding area first.

  Natalie and Ellen always share a suite, but this time Zack, Mark, and Tyler are with us, too. It’s a two-bedroom suite, so the three guys are together, and Sam has his own room. Then, the main room is filled with electronics, maps, and junk food.

  “The hotel staff needs to come in and clean tomorrow. This place is starting to smell like a fraternity.” I try not to breathe through my nose. “You two are pigs.”

  “Hey, welcome to surveillance.” Tyler laughs, as I roll my eyes. Natalie comes out of the bedroom in her sweats and t-shirt. We’re like a big dysfunctional family, and we don’t even pay much attention to each other anymore.

  “Do we know who Blow Up Barbie’s target is yet?” Natalie asks, and I snicker at her nickname of Michelle.

  “No. I’ve been monitoring the chatter on the NSA conversations, too,” Sam tells us. Once we knew she was involved, we had to notify Homeland Security just in case.

  “I don’t understand what contract would bring her out of hiding, knowing she has a lot of warrants out for her. It’s either one of two things. Big money, or the target is someone that is very harmful to not just who is paying her, but for her as well.” I tell them.

  “We’ve got problems.” Mark hushes us. He starts typing on the computer, before taking the headphones off, so we can hear the conversation.

  “Listen,” Michelle’s talking to someone in her room, “we need to find where the CIA agent is located. It shouldn’t be too hard to find her.”

  “Oh, I know where she is.” The deep, husky French accent booms through the speakers. “She’s in this town. Why do you think I brought you here?” I swallow hard, as I look into Sam’s eyes. I start to ask a question, but Sam hushes me, so we can listen more.

  “Pierre, my love, I’m going to pretend that you don’t think I’m stupid, or I’ll put a bullet in you.” I hear her loading a gun. When I listen to her pull back the chamber of that desert eagle, I know she is serious.

  “I paid some men with a lot of money. Her ex-husband is a doctor nearby.” Pierre states, as I stumble onto the couch.

  “Good. Now, let’s make sure we can get rid of Special Agent Ellen Kane once and for all. She’s making trouble for a lot of us.” Michelle laughs, and Pierre joins in.

  Ellen walks into the bathroom, where I can hear her throwing up. I’ve been threatened before, and it never bothers me, but if they talk about Ella or Alec, I don’t know what I would do. Mark puts the headphones back on and starts listening because he knows that Ellen’s going to want to talk.

  “We need to bring them into protective custody,” I tell them. “I haven’t spoken to Matty, since I left Germany. I don’t even know where he is.” Sam looks at Natalie. “I’m assuming that you two know.”

  “We only know, because when you went into the bathroom, they mentioned he’s here. Matthew’s at a teaching hospital here in El Paso.” Sam tells me.

  “Good for him. I don’t know how to do this on a personal level. With me being a professional, I’d say no, because that’s an even greater risk of Michelle finding me or hurting them.”

  “I think you answered your question,” Sam tells Ellen. “I’m sure that they’re watching your family.”

  “What if I leave the city?” Ellen asks.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, pacing the room.

  “I have a cabin, or rather, my dad has a cabin here, when Jake and I were little. It was one of the reasons that we wanted to retire here. It’s about twenty-acres of land, and there are four bedrooms in the house. Why don’t I drive out there? It’s about a two-hour drive.”

  “That could work. Zack and I could head out there now, so we can rig it with microphones and cameras.” Natalie starts packing things up.

  “No, you don’t need to do that. It’s already rigged up. My brother Jacob was paranoid, after his stroke, and that he thought he was being followed constantly. So, he took all the houses that the family-owned and put in a top of the line security system in. I can give you the access codes to it, so you can watch it. My brother suffered memory loss, and for a while, he was back in the war.” I start to gather up my guns, making sure that I have extra ammo. “Just protect my family, because besides you four, they’re all I got.” I walk into the bedroom to start packing, while Sam starts making his calls.

  “You’re not going out there alone. I’m going with you, as a backup. I’m not going to take no for an answer either.” I tell Ellen, who starts to open her mouth to argue. “I don’t let me team go alone.” She nods, as she goes to her room to finish packing up.

  Gabriele Marks

  The family reunion wasn’t as bad as it could have been. There were more questions about Kelly’s new boyfriend, then there were for me. I think they’re waiting on Zack. I tried to get them to ask me questions, but he intrigued them more.

  It’s almost time for Halloween, and there’s a party at Alec’s school. Kelly is making me go with her, so I can meet some of the other parents. “Kelly do I dress up? Should I put makeup on my
hand tattoos? Do I wear long sleeves?” She just laughs. “Stop laughing at me. This is my first time doing something like this, and I don’t want to embarrass Alec.”

  “You could never embarrass that kid. He loves you. I’ve picked him up in slippers, and he still loves me.”

  “Slippers aren’t so bad, unless they were your cow ones that moo every time you walk.” Kelly nods her head, confirming those were the ones.

  I giggle, as I pick out a pair of black leggings and an orange sweater dress. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and wear sneakers, instead of heels. I think I look okay. I decide not to cover up my tattoos because it’s not who I am. I baked cookies for the homeroom party, and Alec and Stan helped me ice them.

  The party went off without a hitch, and the mothers weren’t too evil towards me, because the teacher was watching them. We stopped for pizza on the way home, since Alec got out of school early today. Once we’re inside and done unloading the leftover food from the party and pizza, I flop onto the couch.

  “Wow, that was exhausting. I thought that kindergarteners would be more hyper than the second graders, but that parade was adorable.” I tell Kelly, as Alec’s out back with Annie. It’s been a fun time with those two.

  After Kelly got back from Georgia, Zack’s friends came by to do the playground for Annie. It was a lot bigger than what I thought it would be, but Annie doesn’t mind. “I love watching the parade every year. It’s so cute. I don’t know who has more fun with it the kids or the teachers.”

  “Jane.” We both say together.

  “I can’t believe we have the Veteran’s Day Parade to do, and then it’s Thanksgiving and Christmas.” Kelly sighs. “There’s so much to do, and I don’t know where I’m going to be. Gregory wants me there to be with his family, but I don’t know where Zack will be. Plus, I don’t know what your plans are for the holiday.”

  “Christmas my sister is getting married, so I’ll be in Nashville this year. My mom did say that you and your boyfriend are invited, but you’ll be sleeping in separate rooms, just like Zack and I will, if he’s home.” I roll my eyes. “Mr. Richmond already has a room for me, so I don’t have to listen to my dad preach to me about living in sin.” We laugh.

  “Oh, I know what you mean. I’m sorry that he does that, but it’ll be nice to have your sister close by next year. She’s going to be at a very nice church.”

  The phone rings, and Kelly answers it, as she tells me to hold on.

  “Yes, this is Kelly Sanders.” I tell her that I’ll be right back, and that I’m grabbing the pizza. Before I leave for the kitchen, she puts a shaking hand on the on my shoulder. “Where is he?” She snaps and motions for something to write with. I hand her a tablet, and she scribbles something down, but I can’t see what it is. “Okay. We’ll be there as soon as we can. Thank you, Mark.” She hangs up the phone.

  Zachary Sanders

  I get into the SUV, heading out to the cabin, as I put on my old school country music. With my aunt raising me, they were older, so I was raised on Haggard, Cash, and Presley, even though Elvis is not considered country.

  Natalie is now on her way to see Dr. Kane. I bet that’s going to be interesting. This mission has me nervous, and I wish I could call Ella, Alec, and Kelly to tell them that I love them, but I need to be focused on the mission. I need to stay alive. Sam did call and tell me that Jake, his family, Ellen’s brother are back at the hotel safe. I also got the call that Pierre left about thirty minutes after me, so I know that I don’t have much of a head start.

  Michelle had left the hotel shortly after I did, so I knew that I could make a break for it. Mark and I are heading to cabin, before Ellen gets there, so we can set up a safe spot to watch her back. If Natalie did her job, then this should be over soon. I pull my car into the area that can’t be seen, and Mark was already out of the car.

  Three hours later, Ellen pulls in. I really need to get some food, so I walk around to grab some from the kitchen, but stop, when I hear talking.

  “Tara.” I hear the deep husky voice, as I whisper Pierre’s name. “Or is it Ellen?” I didn’t even him getting here.

  “I prefer Ellen, but it’s whatever you like to call me. How did you find me?”

  “Do you really think that I didn’t have you under surveillance? I followed you leaving the hotel this morning.” He motions with his gun for her to start walking to the cabin. Mark should be outside somewhere; I hope the team sees this. I ordered for SWAT to come in after us.

  I send a text to Mark, letting him know that Pierre is already here. I’m hiding in a room just off of the kitchen. Ellen drew me a map of different places there are guns in locked cabinets, so I could get them out for her just in case she needed them.

  “I thought Michelle was going to kill me. Isn’t that why you brought her here?” She asks him, setting some food on the counter. “Want a banana?”

  “Don’t get smart. Get over on the chair.” She heads over to a chair, where there are no guns.

  “Did you really think that no one would catch on to your kidnapping girls, and then selling them for money? You had to know that you were going away. How did you get out? I’m pretty sure death row doesn’t mean you get to pick, when you get out.”

  “Money talks.” Pierre sits down on the couch out of my range. If I shoot now, then I’ll hit Ellen. “You could’ve let me go. It’s what the other agent did.”

  “I know, and he’s in the ground because of it too, isn’t he? Courtesy of you, of course.” She sits back, eating her bananas. “Why don’t you just shoot me and get it over with?” Ellen asks him.

  “What fun would that be? I want you to suffer. Michelle is paying an old friend of ours a visit first, and then we can get down to business.”

  “Mind if I watch TV, or read a book? I get restless sitting around.” Ellen’s rocking back and forth, as I’m looking around the room, trying to find a weapon.

  “This is not fucking summer camp, Ellen. You’re going to be dying today. Do you not care?” Pierre seems more annoyed than anything.

  Ellen cracks me up.

  “There’s no service out here. It’s one of the reasons my dad bought it. He hated innovative technology, along with my brother, Jacob. They said being out here is like being one with nature.”

  “Michelle is visiting Dr. Kane.” I swallow hard, and Ellen’s trying not to show that she’s scared. “Oh, a real reaction. I heard you two split up, during our time in Germany. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Then why are you bothering him, if you know that we aren’t married? I haven’t seen him, since then.” She starts to cry. “Please, don’t hurt him. This is between you and me.” She begs.

  “Now, I’ve found your weakness.”

  “This is child’s play, even for you. Is this supposed to make me beg for my life over his. Are you going to bring him here, so you can kill him in front of me to make me suffer?”

  “No. You’re going to die, and then he’s going to live a life, knowing that he could have chosen to save you.” Ellen laughs.

  “You’re a sick fuck.” I see movement out of the right side of my eye, and it’s Mark. He stops on the landing, signing to Ellen that there’s a gun on the side of the chair. I didn’t know he even put a gun there so quickly.

  I hear a car pulling up, and I try to see who it is, but Pierre moves to check, so Ellen grabs the gun to put behind her. I see Sam slink down the stairs to stand in the shadows of the hallway, where I’m standing.

  “It’s a party now, and the mad bomber is here.” I whisper to Sam and smile, as Michelle walks over to Ellen, slapping her across the face, and then she spits on her.

  “Still mad at me, huh?” Ellen asks.

  “I tried calling but nothing. I got your message about this place. It’s quaint.” Michelle walks around, wrinkling her nose. “I figured that we can just tie her up, and then boom!” Michelle starts to pull some C4 from her purse.

  “Sounds good to me. What about the good doctor?” Pierre
asks her.

  “I put two in him. One in the heart, and then one in the throat.” Michelle tells him, as Pierre starts to get mad at her. “Listen, I’m going through and killing everyone on that list of yours from Germany. Will you help me put these up high in the living room?”

  I’m starting to get nervous, because there doesn’t seem to be an opening to get her away from the detonator, or a chance for Sam, Mark, or me to get outside of the house. This might be the end badly.

  “Poetic justice.” Pierre says to Ellen. “You tried to blow me up in Germany, and now, I get to do it to you.”

  “I didn’t try to blow you up. I didn’t even have C4 on me. I was just following you, trying to see where the girls were, and of course, get your identity.”

  It all happens so quickly, but the next thing I know, Pierre points his gun to Michelle, and she laughs, as she shoots him in the throat.

  “This was your plan along. Have him pay for everything, and then kill him?” Ellen asks.

  “No, he already paid me for killing you, and then I get paid for killing him.” She snaps pictures. “It’s really a shame. I think with your skills and my head for the bad guys, we could’ve been a good team.”

  “I already have my team.” I fire a shot, as I see Michelle go down, and then I stand up with my gun. Sam asks if I’m okay, and I tell him yes. “Tyler, send medical and coroner.” I walk over to Pierre to see if he’s dead, but his eyes open, and I feel a sharp pain in my chest, as I fire my gun into him. I fall to my knees, as Sam starts to run towards me, but six loud shots fire behind me.

  Michelle wasn’t dead. Sam went down, as she got up and started to leave, when Ellen shot her in the back. Michelle fell, and she must have landed on the detonator, because the house starts to cave in around us. I feel a board hit me on the right side of the head, before everything goes black.

  “I love you Ella and Alec.”


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