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A Night at Tears of Crimson

Page 21

by Hughes, Michelle

  “What?” She whispered the words as her throat constricted in sudden panic. “Would you please tell me what’s going on!” She raised her voice really getting aggravated, knowing they were discussing her from Gabe’s look. "Hello, I'm right here!"

  “The war has begun,” Rafe whispered the words quietly knowing that there was very little time to prepare her for what would happen. “Cara love, there are serious choices that need to be made and quickly,” he pulled her into his arms holding her against him tightly, still uncertain on how to protect her. “Eduardo has been taken and three of the elders, they will be searching for Gabe,” he read the confusion in her eyes and knew there was little time left to explain.

  “We are taking you to safety,” Gabe broke in knowing that the gathering of the brothers would take place immediately and they had no further time to waste.

  “We cannot be assured of her safety with them, she is not one of our kind Gabriel,” this was the last thing he wanted, and there wasn’t time to turn her before leaving her in the hands of the coven. Frustration overcame him and his fangs descended, a growl escaped him that shook the surrounding forest.

  “You must stand beside your brothers Rafael, it is the law,” he commanded with authority. “I will speak with the coven but it must be accomplished immediately, there is no more time,” Gabe reached down and scooped her into his arms, taking off with a speed that left her breathless.

  Rafe followed behind them with a heaviness weighing him down, fearing for her safety. They reached the walls of an ancient castle surrounded by a mote and large iron gates. To Cara it seemed like the scenery came right out of medieval fairy tale.

  He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her here, Rafe thought. Again he was placing her in danger, some protector he was turning out to be, the thought had him enraged. Lowering to the ground beside Gabe and Rafe, he swore that when this deed was done, he was turning her immediately. Never again would he leave her in harm's way.

  As they entered the gates, there were a dozen dogs, which looked so abnormally huge and evil that she stepped back. Their eyes were glowing red and they growled as their eyes turned on her. Moving to the safety of Rafe's arms she hid her face, waiting for the imminent attack.

  “She is under our protection!” Gabe roared loudly watching as the demon dogs lowered to their bellies in submission. “Make haste,” Gabe commanded of Rafe, lifting off his feet only scant inches and moving away.

  What kind of place was this? she thought in horror as Rafe nearly dragged her up to the front door. Torches flared, giving an eerie cast to the iron door that looked centuries old. She felt a chill move over her that left me shivering. Her eyes raked over the huge monstrosity of the castle, and it reminded me of the old black and white horror films that portrayed the evil villains of days past. As they made their way up the crumbling stairs to the door she wondered if it would mysteriously open on its own like in the b grade horror films.

  “Your human is fantasizing again,” Gabe couldn’t stop the smile that found his face and he probably would have chuckled had the situation not been so ominous. Taking time to shelter a human would not be seen in a favorable light in a time of war he knew.

  Rafe held out his hand to Cara as the door opened with a loud creak. Her hand trembled in his he noted, and he squeezed it reassuringly. The beautiful vampire before him was over a thousand years old but appeared as a mere young woman. “Kaitlin,” he whispered while lowering his head in reverence, “it has been far too long.”

  Kaitlin smiled warmly holding out her hands in invitation to Rafe. “My dearest Rafael,” she all but purred with her lyrical voice as she awaited him.”

  Cara felt a pang of white hot jealousy as he dropped her hand and moved into the beautiful woman’s arms. She wanted to pull the woman's waist length raven hair out strand by strand, claw her nails down her perfect ivory skin, and demand she release her lover. Gabe chuckled and her eyes shot venom at him.

  Kaitlin took a step back smiling, making her look even more beautiful than before. Cara forced herself to ball her fists at her side to stop from staking her.

  “I do believe your human misunderstands dearest Rafe,” Kaitlin turned her smile on me and the humor danced in her pale blue yes.

  “Forgive me her love, may I introduce my cousin Kaitlin de’Armes,” he had found a great deal of pleasure at the jealousy that filled his lover, and then felt some remorse for her upset. He was pleased that she cared so much that the thought of another woman touching him gave her desire to battle. If she had been turned, he knew that she and Kaitlin would already be fighting.

  “Pleased to meet you,” Cara forced herself to reply even though she still wanted to destroy her. She wasn’t sure what was wrong with her but the thought of any other woman, alive or dead, touching him enraged her.

  “She will make a fine bride for you cousin." Kaitlin fought back a smile, knowing how strong the bond was becoming between the two of them.

  Cara was confused at her words, but determined not to ask Rafe questions in front of her. The last thing she wanted was to look weak in front of this beautiful creature.

  Kaitlin laughed softly reading her thoughts. “We will discuss the bonding while our men fight,” she opened the door and gestured for them to enter.

  The entrance to the castle was breathtaking, in a medieval sort of way, Cara thought. Large iron knights graced the foyer along with priceless paintings on the walls. The stone floors were lined with red carpets and torches were placed in various places in the stone walls. A large chandelier graced the room, so it was apparent that there was electricity, they just chose not to use it.

  “Lord Jonathan,” Kaitlin turned to me and smiled,” that is my husband, is awaiting you in his study.”

  Rafe leaned down and kissed her cheek briefly before he and Gabe left her alone with Kaitlin. Knowing she had a husband made her feel a little more secure, and she felt herself relax.

  “You have nothing to fear from me concerning Rafe,” she laughed softly before beckoning her to follow.

  “Forgive me for my jealously,” She felt horrible for how she acted especially since it was apparent that Rafe considered her family.

  “Do not fret dear, had it been Jonathan I would have done far worse,” her tone was light but the underlying strength in her voice told Cara that she wasn’t joking.

  “I assumed you would be with Eduardo,” Jonathan raised a concerned brow as Gabe and Rafe entered the room.

  “We are departing immediately,” Gabe knew there was no reason to explain the situation as Jonathan could read his thoughts easily.

  “You risk much leaving the human here,” Jonathan stood up his large fist pounding the table in anger, fangs descending.

  “Had there been any other options, rest assured she would not be here,” Rafe lowered his head, understanding the danger for both Cara and Kaitlin now.

  “If my wife is harmed for your actions, I will require your head,” Jonathan retracted his fangs at Rafe’s brief nod. “I have summoned the wolves and gypsies for protection; they will require restitution when the battle has ended.” Jonathan stood to his full height making an imposing figure to be reckoned with. His broad shoulders stood proud and his beautiful face hardened into the post of a warrior.

  “I will cover any debt my child can’t redeem,” Gabe pulled out a small knife and sliced his upper arm drawing blood. With a nod Jonathan mimicked the action, as did Rafe.

  “Our pact of honor is sealed then,” Jonathan grabbed the wound on Gabe’s arm with his hand and he returned the gesture. As Rafe followed the same movements of his two other brother's, they knew that the blood pact was complete.

  Vampires were known to seek out the human pets of the losing side in battle, to prove their great strength. It was a less grievous offence than attacking one of their own. Rafe understood that by bringing Cara into the family dwelling he had broken the boundaries of vampire law that demanded the women of the brothers were to remain u
nharmed. Their law was clear, if a vampire protected a human pet of a fallen vampire, they forfeited their own rights to protection. Kaitlin could now be taken without consequence, since she would protect his lover at all costs. If Eduardo were to fall, not only could Cara become enslaved or murdered, so now would Kaitlin.

  “Tell me brother, you plan to turn this human, I assume?” Jonathan questioned in his mind why she was still not one of them.

  “There had not been enough time brother, but yes I had planned to discuss the option with her,” Rafe forced himself to be honest even knowing that the answer would anger Jonathan.

  “Discuss it with her?" Were you not family I would question your motives,” Jonathan was astounded that Rafe would risk so much for a human that could die in less than a hundred years if she chose humanity.

  “She is mine Jonathan,” the words escaped more vehemently than Rafe had intended, but the thought of Cara dying nearly unmanned him.

  “Then your troubles are far greater if she chooses mortality, of course you could turn her without consent,” Jonathan raised a brow to Rafe questioning his thought on the matter.

  “If she chooses that path, I will turn her myself,” Gabe interjected after considering how much trouble the human was already causing them.

  “Enough,” Rafe had considered such an action if all other means were exhausted, however the thought of another controlling her destiny was enough to force his own battle against his blood brothers. “We have a battle to win!”

  In another situation a small fight would have concluded this battle of wills, but there was no time for the enjoyment. Gabe was momentarily rendered immobile as Eduardo’s mind delved into his giving hints of his location. “We must leave,” the lines on his face hardened, and his fists tightened as the hints unfolded their destination. “We are returning home brothers.”

  Jonathan and Rafe turned to face him at his words, knowing that this battle would be much greater than they had supposed. A battle on Singe Tsigan meant that whoever was contesting Eduardo, had support from the Dragon and that was trouble for everyone on the opposing side of the loser. There would be no need to gather weapons now as they would not be allowed to travel with them.

  “Say your goodbyes to your loved ones brothers,” Gabe’s voice took on a defeated tone that each of them felt through the bond that connected them. There were only two ways this night would end. Rafe lowered his head for a brief moment at the thought of leaving Cara alone to defend herself, and made a decision. Moving off to find her, his mood was grim.

  Cara smiled as he walked into the kitchen until she saw the seriousness of his expression. Running over to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. “I wish you would stay,” hating herself for whispering the words knowing how weak they made her sound, she still couldn’t stop. The thought of losing him was unbearable. Kaitlin had informed her of the war they were about to embark on, and she was terrified this would be the last chance she would have to hold him.

  His lips touched her briefly before pulling back to look into her beautiful eyes, possibly for the last time. “Cara, if I find final death promise me you will ask Gabe to turn you?” he hated saying the words even though he knew Gabe was her best chance for survival if he was absent. She knew too much and they would never allow her to live as a human now. His fingers went to her lips as she thought to protest. “Give me this one assurance so I may enter this battle in peace.” He knew it was blackmail of sorts but her safety was all that mattered now.

  She wanted to deny his unbelievable request, but the last thing he needed to worry about was her until this was over. “I give you my word,” she spoke softly, hating the thought of ever allowing anyone but him to taste her. “Drink from me,” she begged quietly. Arching her head back she exposed the tender flesh of her neck to him. She wanted him strong for this fight, and if her blood in his veins would save him, he could have every last drop.

  With a growl his head lowered and his fangs pierced the pulsing point on her neck. If the final death was to claim him, the last taste on his lips he wanted, was her crimson bouquet. The smooth richness of her life essence trickled down his throat as he molded her body against him. Feeling her heartbeat slow he released his fangs and sent images of their lovemaking through her thoughts before commanding her to sleep. He could not handle seeing her eyes as he walked away. He carried her small form into the den and laid her on the couch carefully. Allowing himself a brief moment, his gaze took in every detail of her beautiful face so it would remain deeply ingrained in his mind.

  15 tears of battle

  Gabe and Jonathan moved into the room their faces hard as the lust for blood consumed them. “Unto the death!” Gabe pounded his fist against his dead heart and the brother's gave the same salute. They moved as a team outside the castle walls, making their way on foot to the bridge. Where they were going couldn’t be reached by human transportation and in unison they lifted into the dark sky.

  As they moved through the clouds the portal appeared, surrounded by powerful streaks of lighting and peals of thunder. Their forms were absorbed into the force of nature and time stood still as complete darkness enveloped them. As pain surged through every limb, their bodies were contorted from the speed of the movement they traveled. As they slowed, their forms regenerated and the agony was so overwhelming they craved the end. Only then, were they tossed onto the plains of hard earth to gather themselves.

  Even for an immortal the reentry was excruciatingly painful, and it was the path that every human that was turned, was forced to travel during their transformation. Gabe recovered first and stood offering his hand to his brothers. “There is little time,” his words hoarse with the pain of the reconstruction still moving through him.

  Rafe made it to his feet feeling as a newly born vampire again, and he gazed upon the place he once called home. The moons showered light upon the endless forest, for a brief moment he allowed the peace to envelope him at his homecoming.

  Jonathan found his feet and steadied himself, glancing around in an attempt to orientate again. At Gabe’s curt nod their feet lifted scant inches from the ground and they floated toward the arena where the battle for leadership would commence.

  Thousands graced the seat of the stadium which had inspired the Roman Coliseum. Many eyes found them as they fluidly found the center of the battlefield. Eduardo stood in the viewing tower with his brother Nathaniel, and Gabe could not mask his surprise at Nathaniel's resurrection.

  “How is this possible?” Gabe’s eyes lifted to the tower in astonishment.

  “For centuries I walked with the Dragon, gaining his knowledge and earning his confidence,” Nathaniel’s eyes burned red with the memories of pain he had endured to win this opportunity.

  Gabe fell to his knees before the tower as Nathaniel filled his mind with the beatings, rapes and tortures he had suffered from the demons in the last 2000 years.

  “I am entitled to lead my brothers,” Nathaniel turned to Eduardo, and his growl of fury shook the entire coliseum.

  “You simpering, whiny fool,” Eduardo laughed cruelly, “you were never strong enough to finish any task. Your weak human heart could never accept or face what needed to be done,” the rage drifted from him like waves of uncontrolled fury. How this insignificant creature dared to defy him, he thought savagely, would be how much he would suffer at his hand.

  Nathaniel moved faster than Rafe had ever seen even another immortal move. His hands found Eduardo’s neck, lifting him off the ground with ease. “You have no understanding of what I am, brother,” his own rage sending a blinding black mist moving through the crowd that gathered.

  A roar filled the arena that seemed to echo for miles and a bright orange light encompassed everyone present. Nathaniel dropped Eduardo as he and every vampire covered their eyes to escape the blinding clarity of the glow. A million voices seemed to echo simultaneously as the Dragon began to speak. The 12 foot span of its wings as they flapped was so strong that the gust had th
ose standing, fighting to keep their feet.

  “The victor will rule the brothers of night,” the Dragon spoke, “the fallen will suffer with me for all eternity. I have spoken, let the battle commence!” taking to the midnight black sky his three headed body shot streams of flames into the air that hovered in place fifty feet above the arena.

  Eduardo and Nathaniel floated down from the tower as the Dragon's light source dimmed. His gruesome form hovered high above them, waiting. Gabe, Rafe, and Jonathan took their places with the onlookers as this fight was removed from their hands.

  Eduardo’s fangs descended and he smiled knowing how easily this battle would become his victory. “Enjoy your time with the Dragon,” Eduardo laughed sarcastically as he flew forward with all his speed.

  Nathaniel felt the misery of 2000 years fuel his fury, as he moved away only seconds before Eduardo’s lunged for him. He watched with satisfaction as he crashed into the stone wall. He’d had centuries to perfect his skills and needed no words to defeat the betrayal of his brother.

  As Eduardo recovered quickly, he attempted again to lunge through the air only to be averted. He had craved his revenge for centuries, but now that it was at hand, he only desired Eduardo's defeat. Tiring of this game, Nathaniel lifted into the air moving from side to side leaving his brother confused of his flight path. His head connected with Eduardo’s shoulder, enjoying the sound of crushing bone as the Elder fell to the ground.

  With a growl Eduardo stood, his rage overwhelming at being bested by such a weakling and he took flight again. Nathaniel met him in the air and they collided with such a force the coliseum trembled. Reaching around Eduardo’s neck he held his head downward and flew to the ground with a speed that defied gravity. His skull bashing on the earth below left his face contorted and one of his eyes fell from the socket.


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