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The Firefighter's Girl

Page 13

by Natasha Knight

  “Come here, Rebecca,” he said, settling himself on the couch.

  Rebecca turned and walked toward him, her hands still at the back of her head, her jeans and panties just above her knees. When she stopped, he widened his legs and with his hands on the outsides of her thighs, he brought her to stand between his knees.

  “Tell me why you’re standing here now with your pants down about to be spanked?”

  “Because I left the house when I wasn’t allowed to and I should have called you to tell you about Jeff.”

  “And did you not agree to my rules to begin with? Do you remember our discussion when you first decided to come home with me during the trial?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Why didn’t you just call me first? You were last spanked days ago for a very similar reason.”

  “I know, sir,” she began, sniffling a little as she began to cry softly. “I just, I thought…”

  * * *

  Rebecca paused and looked down at Sawyer, seeing not cruelty in his eyes but something else and decided in that moment to tell the whole truth and take her punishment.

  “I knew you would not allow me to go and so I decided not to call you. I’m sorry, Sawyer.”

  “Sorry about your decision or sorry you got caught?”

  “Both,” then, “more the latter.”

  He exhaled his disappointment. “I appreciate your honesty, Rebecca, but this is going to hurt. Over my lap.”

  She moved slowly to stand to the side of him and bent into position, leaning on his thighs until she could get herself situated so that her hands were on the floor on one side of his legs and her feet on the other. He pulled her closer to him and pushed her shirt higher and she glanced at the bath brush. She had only felt his hand and his belt up until now and both hurt. She could only imagine what wood against her bottom would feel like. But at least today, he hadn’t added on the humiliation of ginger inside her bottom hole.

  With one hand on her waist, he tugged her closer. “Keep your hands and your feet on the floor, is that clear?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m going to start with my hand, but we’re moving quickly to the brush. You won’t be sitting down comfortably for a few days and I hope this will be enough of a lesson to you.”

  He didn’t give her a moment to reply before beginning with quick, hard smacks to her bottom. Each one stung, but she kept her position and took her punishment. She had known, hadn’t she, that she would be punished even while she was disobeying him?

  It was too soon when he paused and his hand began to turn a circle on her upturned bottom. She watched over her shoulder when he picked up the bath brush.

  “Hands and feet on the floor and your bottom pushed out, Rebecca. I want it offered to the brush with every stroke. If you try to cover yourself, I’ll bind your hands and begin again, is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Push your bottom out now. Like that.”

  Rebecca sucked in a breath with the first hard smack that landed. The wood of the brush hurt more than she had thought it would, the sting hotter, the pain lasting longer than that of his hand and very different from the belt. He held her closer to him when she began to wiggle about and he continued to cover the whole of her bottom from her sit spots to the tops of her cheeks, to the sides of her hips and the very tops of her thighs. She was panting and struggling to keep her hands on the floor, her feet on the floor and her bottom pushed out for punishment.

  Meanwhile he simply held her to him and without words, he spanked her, ignoring her pleas for him to slow down, that it was too hard. She counted to more than fifty and found herself crying, trying hard to take her punishment but unable to keep from pleading with him.

  “Rebecca,” he paused, laying the brush onto her bottom. “Stop fidgeting and take the punishment you deserve. Hands and feet down and push your bottom out. Hollow out your back and push it out. I want your cheeks soft. Good, like that. Take your legs a little wider and turn your toes in.”

  She sniffled and moved her legs slightly farther apart, turning her feet as he had said.

  “Good. Keep your bottom soft. Let’s get this done before John gets here.”

  “John?” she asked, her heartbeat picking up.

  “John. He will come by once he’s been to the post office.”

  “Sawyer, please. You can’t mean to let him see me get spanked…”

  “That will be up to you. Bottom out. I won’t begin until you are in position.”

  With a new panic, she pushed her bottom out and somehow kept it there, hollowing out her back and lifting her hips after every stroke of that horrible brush. Finally, after a dozen more, he stopped. She was panting and it took all she had not to reach back and rub.

  Sawyer didn’t speak then, but she felt his hands on her bottom and knew he was inspecting it. When he seemed to be satisfied, he patted her hip twice. “All right, up,” he said, helping her rise. She reached back to just touch her swollen, hot bottom but he took hold of her wrists. “Don’t touch,” he said. “Back to the corner, lean your forehead against it, and stick your bottom out.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said. She walked to the corner and stood a few feet from the wall. There, she leaned her forehead into it. Her bottom still stung and it felt worse than when he had used the belt.

  She remained as she was while listening to Sawyer in the kitchen. She heard plates and silverware and her stomach growled when she smelled Chinese food. When his cell phone rang, she glanced back to look at him. He gestured for her to turn back around and resume her position and she did, but not before she had one last glimpse of the brush and vowed to throw it out when she got her hands on it.

  “You’re kidding,” Sawyer said from behind her. It was then silent while John spoke. “All right. Yes, definitely. Do you need us there when you talk to the DA?”


  Silence again while he listened and this time, she couldn’t help looking over her shoulder at him.

  “Yes, ok. Give me a call as soon as you can. Thanks, John.”

  He hung up then and met her eyes. She realized how hopeful she felt in that instant when his mouth moved into a small smile.

  “Come here, Rebecca,” he said.

  She went to him, keeping her hands where they were and shuffling along with her legs trapped as they were by her jeans. He held up his arms, palms up and she put her hands in his.

  “Let me have a look,” he said.

  She turned, but he kept hold of one hand as the other touched some of the spots she knew would be bruised by tomorrow. Once he was satisfied, he turned her so she looked at him and he took her face in his hands. Her eyes warmed with tears while he studied her.

  “John managed to get a search warrant and they opened the PO box.” With his thumb he wiped away a tear.


  “They found your driver’s license.”

  “They did?” she asked, hopeful but uncertain.

  “Your photo was replaced with Shannon’s,” he said. “The DA called a meeting with John. Turns out Jeff and Andy have decided to testify as well. I don’t know more details yet, but this is good, Rebecca.”

  She laughed, but it was a nervous laugh at best and her face grew wet with tears.

  “He’s hoping the DA wants to—or has to—drop the charges against you.”

  “Oh, my God!” For the first time since all this had begun, Rebecca felt a real smile on her face.

  Sawyer hugged her to him. “He’ll call us back after his meeting and we’ll know for sure then. I want us to try not to get our hopes up because even if the idiot isn’t willing to drop the charges, their case is weakened. Shannon’s testimony won’t carry the same weight it might have.”

  Rebecca nodded into his chest, sniffling at the same time. He slowly pulled her backward so she looked up at him. “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  Her stomach growled loudly again, but she only shook her head and brought her mouth
to his. With tears streaming down her face, she kissed him, tasting the salty wetness between them as he, with one hand behind her head, held her tight to him, slowly rising, lifting her with him and carrying her up the stairs and to his bedroom. He set her on the bed and stripped her completely while she tried to do the same to him. Once she lay naked, he looked down at her and pulled his shirt over his head. He then came to lay his full weight on top of her. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his pants, his ready cock pressing against her clit through the thick fabric. His mouth was on hers again and he kissed her deeply, with passion and heat but also something else, something much more than that urgency.

  She pushed his pants from his hips and cupped her hand over his cock before he moved his mouth from hers to take one hardened nipple into his mouth, his teeth working it as she sighed and gasped. He took hold of both of her wrists and trapped them in one of his hands over her head and pushed her legs wider with one knee. Without ever fully lifting his body from hers, he pressed his cock deep inside her with a groan from him and a gasp from her. His mouth returned to hers and, keeping her wrists trapped in his hands, he brought his elbows to just above her shoulders and held her in place, looking down at her with just inches between them, watching her face, her eyes, with every thrust of his body into hers.

  Rebecca felt the change in rhythm, sensed the thickening of his cock and the shudder that ran through him when he came inside her, her own orgasm matching his in time. She watched him, watched his face, his glistening eyes as he gave himself over to orgasm, taking her own pleasure in the act of giving pleasure, in watching him possess her, knowing he did fully do just that, possess her, all of her.

  He collapsed by her side, his breath ragged when it was over and when he withdrew from her, she felt the hot liquid of him leave her body and slide along her thighs. She turned to her side to find him watching her.

  * * *

  Sawyer felt her little hand on his shoulder. She caressed the skin there, then wrapped a hand around the muscle before letting it come to rest between them against his belly. She looked down at it, at her hand, and then moved it up to his face, touching his lips before bringing her mouth to his in a soft kiss.

  He placed a hand on her waist and held her as she was.

  “I love you, Rebecca,” he said. “I feel like even those ten years where you weren’t physically in my life, in a way, you still were and there’s not anyone else I’ve ever felt this way about. You don’t have to say anything back, I’m not expecting anything. I just want you to know how I feel about you. I want you to know that no matter what happens, nothing will change that.”

  Her eyes darkened with worry as a crease crept across her forehead. He smiled and kissed it.

  “I think it’s going to be ok. I think what they found today will make it ok,” he said, touching her chin, making her look at him.

  “I hope so. I don’t want to get my hopes up yet just in case.”

  “Let’s have a shower and eat some lunch. I’ll call the firehouse and tell them I won’t be back today,” he said. “We’ll hear what John has to say and go from there.”

  Chapter Eleven

  By the time John arrived, it was late afternoon and Rebecca felt on the verge of a breakdown. Before he had even parked his car, she had the front door open and stood waiting for him there.

  He gave her a big smile. “Rebecca, how are you?” he asked, touching her arm and leaning in to kiss her cheek.

  “It depends on what you have to tell me, honestly!”

  “John,” Sawyer said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

  “Good to see you, Sawyer,” John said.

  “Come in.”

  “Would you like something to drink?” Rebecca asked.

  “Just a glass of water,” John said, opening his briefcase and setting out some folders on the dining room table.

  Rebecca grabbed three glasses of water and joined the two men at the table.

  “First,” John said when she sat down, flinching a little when her punished bottom touched the wooden seat. “You, young lady, are never—let me repeat that, never—to do something like what you did this morning again. Is that clear?”

  Rebecca dropped her gaze to her lap.

  “I think I delivered that message satisfactorily, didn’t I, Rebecca?” Sawyer asked.

  “Yes, sir,” she managed, her face growing hot.

  “She won’t be sitting comfortably for a few days,” Sawyer added.

  “Good people sometimes make bad decisions, Rebecca. It doesn’t make you a bad person. And you accept correction. That alone takes strength.”

  Sawyer took her hand in his and held it, his thumb tracing a pattern on her palm.

  “I think we’re both pretty anxious about your meeting with the DA,” Sawyer said as John rifled through his a folder to find a sheet of paper.

  “First, I want you to see what they had done to your driver’s license,” John said.

  Rebecca took the photocopied page from him. “Oh, my God.”

  Sawyer leaned in to have a look.

  “That’s Shannon. At least how she looked before she dyed her hair for the trial.” In place of her photo was one of Shannon, expertly set over top of Rebecca’s photo. Shannon wore that smirk on her face Rebecca recognized so well.

  “There’s more,” John said.

  Both Sawyer and Rebecca turned to him.

  “It’s no longer possible for the DA to keep Shannon’s deal in place. As you can imagine, her father wants this shut down and fast. It’s already done some damage to his reputation from what I can see. Jeff and Andy have accepted a deal to keep quiet in exchange for a lesser prison sentence. Shannon will be charged with a misdemeanor…”

  “But that’s not fair. She’s as guilty—maybe more so—as Andy and Jeff!”

  “I’m not her attorney nor do I want to be,” John said. “Life is often times unfair, Rebecca. In this case, I think we had just better focus on you. Shannon will trip herself up again when her daddy isn’t able to bail her out. She’ll get what she deserves someday.”

  Rebecca nodded. “What about me? What happens to me?”

  “Charges against you have been dropped. You’re a free woman.”

  Rebecca exhaled audibly and felt her eyes filling with tears again. She turned to find Sawyer smiling a smile she had never seen on his face before. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her to him. “It’s over,” she managed, finding herself breaking down with a torrent of emotion she did not expect. “It’s over.” A full-out sobbing began where her entire body shook. Sawyer held her, rubbing her back and just holding her.

  “I’ll see myself out for now. Come by the office tomorrow to sign some papers and you can put this behind you.”

  Rebecca wiped her eyes and turned to John. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  He smiled a kind smile down at her and put the last of his files away. “You’re welcome.”

  With that, they walked him out the door just as the first of the press vans lined up outside.

  “We’re taking a vacation,” Sawyer said, closing the door and locking it. “We’ll get out of here for a few days until things settle down.”

  Rebecca grabbed a tissue and wiped her nose and eyes, nodding. “Maybe I can get my job back now.”

  Sawyer took her face in his hands and kissed her. “We’ll worry about all of that later. Let’s just relax for a few days. Forget all of this. You deserve a break.”

  “And you. I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you, Sawyer. Thank you. Thank you for trusting me and believing in me. Thank you for not letting me have to do this alone.”

  He looked down at her, her face still in his hands. “It was never an option.”

  “I love you,” she said.


  Rebecca was cleared of all charges and things slowly returned back to normal. Although the office where she had worked told her she could have her job back, she didn’t want to t
ake it. She wanted a fresh start. She needed one. It took her a full three months to find a job and it was clear across town, but the position was a good one even if the pay was less than what she had been earning before.

  That night when Sawyer came home, she had a special dinner waiting for him. Well, the thought was special at least.

  “What’s that smell?” Sawyer asked as Rebecca walked inside from the patio. It was early spring and one of the warmest days of the year so far.

  “Well,” she began, holding out the tray of smoking meat, the oven mitts singed as black as the lamb chops. “I was using the grill,” she said while he walked to her, his gaze on the tray. “But some of the meat caught fire and when I tried to put it out, I managed to spread it until… well…” she said, turning wide eyes to him.

  Sawyer lifted the foil that covered the meat loosely and peeked underneath it. “Hm…” he began, pushing a chop to the side to look at another. “I don’t think those are edible anymore.” He looked at her and smiled. “I thought we agreed I’d cook the meat from now on.”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” she said, gesturing to where she had set the table and lit candles. “This is getting hot, let me set it down.”

  He followed her into the kitchen, popping an olive from the dish she had set on the table into his mouth.

  “Table looks good,” he said. “Are there any chops left you hadn’t gotten to yet?” he asked.

  Not missing the hopeful expression on his face, she set the tray down and shook her head. “Nope. I killed the whole rack.”

  “Well, that’s ok,” he said, opening the oven door. “We have potatoes.” He pulled the pan out. “Oh.”

  Rebecca hung her head. “I’m terrible in the kitchen!” She took off the oven mitts and slapped them down onto the counter.

  Sawyer turned to her, laughing a little before catching her eye and clearing his throat in an attempt to put a more serious expression on his face.

  “Don’t laugh at me.”


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