The Witch Prophecy
Page 39
“So how is your ma…Leana doing?” Abella asked silently groaning as she leaned her head against the wall.
Caden flinched at her words before he said, “It has been…let’s just say we are working on it.”
Abella wondered what he meant to say before he changed his words, but she knew if he wanted her know he would tell her. “It will take time, Caden,” Abella advised him her eyes downcast at her own words.
“Abella,” Caden began only to be stopped as the door to the attic opened and Leana called up to him.
“Caden,” she said walking up the stairs. “We are about to eat so finish up what you are doing and come downstairs.”
For one moment, Abella sensed her words agitated Caden and she thought she heard a slight snarl before he told her in a soft tone, “Have a good day, Abella. I will talk to you later.”
He hung up the phone with a soft click and a frown crossed Abella’s face as she hung up her own phone. She stood there for a few more minutes until she shook herself out of her daze and walked back over to the table glancing down at the paper before she picked it up balling it up and throwing the paper in the trash.
She snatched the keys from the table where she had laid them when she sat down and strolled out of the house to her car. Sitting home worrying about what she was going to do and thinking about a certain werewolf wasn’t going to solve her problems.
Her phone rung a second after she pulled out of the drive and on the other end, Jed frowned listening to the phone ringing.
He hung up on a sigh as an older voice said, “She isn’t home?”
Jed shook his head as he said in a worried voice, “No.”
He turned around and glanced at the man behind him with a worried stare. “I am worried…”
The man shook his head as an enlighten light entered his eyes before he told Jed, “I think it will be different this time, Jed.”
“How do you know, sir?” Jed asked respectfully.
The man only smiled before he said, “Jed, we have a problem with a new pack in the west…” and he went on with what Jed needed to know.
Jed stared at him suspiciously for a second before he focused his attention on his boss’s words although in the back of his mind a certain young woman and a werewolf were tucked away for later.
Caden put down the phone and turned hard eyes to Leana as she walked through the door.
“Caden” she pouted flashing him a look from her heavily made up blue eyes. “Dinner is ready.”
Caden flipped the book closed that he had been studying before he called Abella wanting to hear her voice. “I’m not hungry at the moment, Leana,” he told her replacing the pen in its holder before he glanced up at her catching her frown.
“Caden,” she began only to stop when he glanced up at her. She shook her head and smiled as she said, “I hope that you come to bed tonight because it isn’t good for you to work late.”
Caden nodded his head as the phone on his desk rung and he answered it with a brief, “Hello” as Leana narrowed her eyes at him.
“Alpha Caden,” a deep male voice said, and Caden tensed in his chair forgetting about Leana.
“Yes,” he said tersely wondering who was calling him although the voice sounded familiar.
“We met at Alpha Stone’s place a few days ago,” the voice continued, and Caden’s eyes narrowed at the news as he realized why the voice sounded familiar.
“Oden,” he said relaxing a little in his chair. “This is a pleasant surprise. Did something happen?”
His mind immediately went to Stone and his pack as Oden said, “No, I wanted to talk with you about something. Do you have time to meet me in a few days?”
“If it’s important we can do it sooner,” Caden suggested leaning forward reaching out for the pen he just replaced when Oden’s next words stopped him.
“I would except I don’t think you would understand,” Oden told him bluntly.
Caden sat back in his chair Oden’s words reverberating through his mind as he said, “I don’t understand what you are talking about, Alpha Oden.”
There was silence before Oden said cryptically, “Ask your wolf, Alpha Caden, he can give you some answers and then tell you were to go for the rest.”
Caden didn’t hear the soft click as he hung up when he asked aloud, “What does my wolf know that I don’t?”
“Caden who were you on the phone with?” Leana asked in a sharp voice.
Caden gazed up at her in surprise as he had forgotten she was even there and he hung up the phone as he told her, “He is an Alpha, Leana, from the Everwood Pack.”
Leana rolled her eyes as she told him, “Yes, I was told about the Everwood Pack, a group of has-beens who wanted to get out of the fighting.”
Caden’s wolf suddenly growled within him at her words shocking Caden at his reaction.
“Caden how about we going shopping this evening?” She asked suddenly causing Caden to stare in dismay at her words.
“I have work to do this evening, Leana,” he told her his voice low as he continued staring at her his wolf relaxed for the first time since she arrived. “We are holding a ceremony tomorrow for the members we lost a few days ago.”
“I don’t see why…” Leana began in a petulant voice only to stop when Caden stood up and pushed his chair back.
“They lost their lives helping others, Leana, and as their Alpha I will honor their memory,” he told her sharply. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a few things to complete before tomorrow.”
Leana allowed her lower lip to tremble as she said tearfully, “I’m sorry, Caden. I didn’t mean any disrespect and I will be glad to help you with anything concerning the ceremony.”
It was on the tip of his tongue that he didn’t need her help when suddenly his wolf intervened, she is your Alpha Female, so she is claiming.
Caden stilled at his wolf’s words because for some reason, he didn’t like the sound of it as he looked up at her. “I could use some help with food, Leana,” he told her watching her eyes light up.
“You can count on me, Caden,” she said in excitement blowing him a kiss before she turned and strolled from the room.
They listened to her footsteps as she went down the stairs and a few seconds later the door slammed shut but not before he heard, “A party, this should be fun.”
Caden was around the desk and almost to the door when his wolf stated, you should worry about other things first.
Caden scowled as he said to him aloud, “I am worried that she will make a mockery of those two wolves who gave their lives for others.”
Why don’t you ask others to help her with it, his wolf suggested, and Caden frowned confused at his words because earlier his wolf hadn’t made a move when he was talking with Abella.
I was thinking, his wolf told him wryly.
What were you thinking about, Caden asked as went back around his desk leaning against it as he closed his black eyes.
Our future, his wolf told him without hesitation. After the ceremony tomorrow, I think you need to take some time away from the pack.
What? We just spend time away from the pack, Caden argued not comprehending what his wolf was talking about and he wondered if the control he thought he recently had developed was nothing more than an illusion on his part.
It’s not, his wolf told him with a laughing growl, but there is something you need to know and unfortunately being around the pack including Leana isn’t going to help either of us.
Caden wasn’t so sure about what his wolf was advising but something was gnawing at his wolf and Caden needed to know what it was. If the Alpha of the pack was having problems with his wolf, then he can’t be a good Alpha when he is really needed so Caden would take his suggestion.
“I guess it’s the least I can do,” Caden admitted aloud his eyes flashing open staring at the empty space in front of him shaking his head when two women appeared before his vision.
“Leana is our mate,” Caden said in a str
ong tone although it lacked conviction, and when his wolf responded Caden was stunned at his words.
So she is, but what if you had a choice?
Before Caden could even form an answer for that question another knock sounded at the door and Caden growled low, “Come in” his mind still reeling from his wolf’s thoughts.
“Caden,” Timothy called out coming up the stairs and Caden sensed he wasn’t alone as he settled back down in his chair.
“Jessa,” he said as Jessa and Timothy entered through the door. “Would you like to help Leana with the ceremony tomorrow? You can also invite a few others to help you if you need it, huh?”
He glanced up briefly at Jessa who stared at him in confusion before comprehension dawned and she smiled her eyes bright, and Caden stilled as a new scent drifted across his senses.
“Jessa,” he said in exclamation leaning forward, his eyes since Leana’s return, bright with anticipation. “Are you…”
Jessa nodded her head as Timothy said with pride in his voice, “We are expecting our first child, Caden. You are going to be an uncle.”
A smile crossed Caden’s face as he stared at her before he murmured, “You can’t be that far along.’
“A month or so,” Jessa said with smile on her face. “We already made an appointment with Dr. Olsen for tomorrow so we will know then.”
Caden chuckled as he asked, “Timothy?”
“About six weeks,” Timothy said with a grin at Jessa who glared back at him. “Sorry, honey, but something is telling me that’s how far along you are.”
“How…” Jessa began turning to Caden who laughed and sat back in his chair.
“Timothy is more attuned to you since you became pregnant so his estimation is probably accurate,” Caden told her with a single nod of his head.
“I didn’t know that was possible,” Jessa murmured a thoughtful look on her face.
“It is although I can’t say every male wolf can do it as accurately as others,” Caden remarked pulling a book from the drawer. “How are Briac and Natalee doing?”
Jessa rolled her eyes as Timothy told him gravely, “Jenna is being Jenna, and Briac is ready to explode.”
Caden nodded his head before he said, “Tell Briac to see me after the ceremony tomorrow and maybe we can dissolve his problem. How is Natalee holding up?”
Jessa grinned. “Asilynn and I have been keeping her company, and we are thinking of taking her over to Abella’s place in a few days if that is all right with you.”
Caden didn’t comment although he gave a single glare before he turned back to the book. “Oh, by the way, Timothy, do you think you can handle the pack again for a few days while I take care of some personal business?”
Timothy and Jessa stared at him in surprise before Timothy told him, “Sure, I should be able to handle it with Jessa and Gregory here. Where are you going, Caden?”
Caden sighed as he closed the book and glanced up at them. “I don’t know yet but it’s something that needs to be done. Like before or anytime I leave the pack, if you need me use the pack link and I will get here as fast as I can.”
Timothy nodded his head as Jessa remarked, “What about the council?”
Caden told them with a harshness that surprised them, “My mate is here so they should be happy with that.”
“Have you…” Jessa began but she stopped as Caden shook his head although he didn’t say a word as he continued cleaning up the desk.
“Let’s get through the ceremony for Sean and Dale first,” Timothy murmured to her and Jessa bit her lip staring at her brother, but she nodded her head.
Why don’t you, Asilynn, and Natalee go see Abella about tomorrow? Timothy told her getting a smile from her, which he knew would happen as Jessa wanted to tell Abella the good news.
Abella went through the doors of the school her head bent looking through the papers that Ms. Helms gave her. She sighed as a grim smile crossed her face before she lifted her head heading for her car.
As she got in to the car, she put the papers on the passenger seat before shutting the door and started the car a thoughtful look on her face. Starting tomorrow evening, she will be taking night classes so she could graduate from high school. Ms. Helms told her that her grades were good and if she had completed the assigned tasks from a few weeks ago then she would be graduating with Jessa, but when she left it was revoked.
She headed home her mind conflicted about stopping off at the library thinking about what she read about the first werewolf, and she wondered if Cicely would have any more information for her to research.
As she pulled up to her house, her eyes immediately noticed the car parked in the driveway and as she turned off the car she wondered who came to visit her.
She grabbed the papers from next to her before she opened the car door and exited it scanning the area when she noticed Jessa standing on the porch.
Abella smiled closing the door as she called out, “Hey Jessa.”
“Hi Abella,” Jessa said as she shifted to the side a second before Asilynn and Natalee popped out.
“Hi,” they said together before laughing, and Abella shook her head at them walking forward to the porch.
“What have I done to receive a visit from you ladies?” Abella asked giving them suspicious glances as she unlocked the front door inviting them inside.
“We wanted to see you,” Asilynn said after they entered as she and Natalee walked around the room. “Besides, we bought dinner.”
They each held up a bag from a local Mexican restaurant and Abella laughed as she led the way in to the kitchen.
“Well, I can’t deny a free dinner,” Abella teased although she threw them narrowed looks before she began grabbing plates and glasses.
After they were seated with their plates and glasses of tea, Jessa dished out the food as the others settled down around the table.
“We are having the ceremony tomorrow,” Jessa stated grabbing a soft taco.
“Does that mean I am invited?” Abella asked as she unwrapped a burrito.
Asilynn chuckled before she said, “Something tells me you may have come anyway even if you weren’t.”
She shrugged her shoulders taking a bite as Natalee asked, “Is it true what they said about you?”
Abella turned her grey eyes to the woman sitting across from her and asked, “About me being a witch?”
Natalee nodded her head as Jessa and Asilynn laughed outright. “It’s true,” Abella told her giving them a mocking stern look.
“It explains how you disappeared in the bathroom that day,” Natalee said taking a bite out of her own taco.
“Something like that,” Abella admitted scrunching up her nose at her causing Natalee to shake her head laughing.
Jessa and Asilynn started talking at once, and Abella listened as she ate the food they had brought with them.
The sun was beginning to set when Jessa glanced down at her watch before suggesting, “Why don’t we have a sleepover?”
Abella, Natalee, and Asilynn turned to her with quizzical stares before Abella said, “What are we ten?”
“18,” Jessa said promptly.
“19 here,” Natalee stated a grin across her face.
Asilynn sighed as she said a little dejected, “21.”
Abella glanced at them with raised eyebrows before she started laughing almost falling off the chair. “To continue with this ridiculous conversation, I’m 18,” she stated in between bouts of laughter.
“So I think sleepovers aren’t completely out of the question for us yet,” Jessa told her. She gave Abella a shrewd stare as she stated in smugness, “Besides, didn’t we attempt a sleepover not too long ago?”
Abella titled her head to the side as she thought about that question before a sheepish look came across her face and she got up from the chair beginning to clean up their mess.
“Right, Abella,” Jessa called out to her in a smirking tone.
Abella threw a glare over her shoulder at
Jessa before she grudgingly stated, “Yeah.”
Asilynn and Natalee began to laugh outright as Jessa winked at Abella before she shook her head and went back to the cleaning.
“It’s going to be a long night,” Abella said in a tired voice, and she felt something hit her in the back.
“Hey,” she said swinging around quickly as the others laughed harder and Jessa held up her hands in surrender.
“Childish,” Abella murmured as she bent down to pick up the wrapper that Jessa threw, but they could see the smile that tugged at her mouth before she threw the wrapper away and turned back to the sink.
“All that aside, I have some good news to share,” Jessa said her eyes bright in her face and Abella turned to look at her with a frown on her face grey eyes inquisitive, but Jessa only smiled as Asilynn laughed.
Chapter 41
“The ladies are going to stay at Abella’s tonight,” Timothy informed Caden as he, Briac, and Gregory walked into the workout room.
Caden glanced up from the weights he was lifting and stopped grabbing a towel he threw over the bench. “How is Abella doing?” He asked standing up and wiping his face with the towel.
Briac and Gregory looked at each other as Timothy answered the question, “She seems to be okay although Jessa said that it looks like she will be starting night classes soon.”
Caden flinched at the news but didn’t say anything as he went to another machine to continue working out.
“Hey Caden,” Gregory said after glances from Briac and Timothy, “how about a few games of pool in the game room?”
Caden stopped suddenly and stared at them before he nodded his head slowly, “I think that is exactly what I need. Besides,” and his voice trailed off.
“I will order pizza,” Briac said heading out of the room.
“Let’s do a carryout,” Timothy said following him, “so we can pick up some beer too.”
They walked out arguing as Gregory said slowly, “You don’t want to go upstairs, do you, Alpha Caden?”
Caden stopped what he was doing and leaned forward his hands hanging between his legs as he said, “Am I that obvious?”