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Demon's Paradise

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by Sara Humphreys


  by Sara Humphreys

  Demon’s Paradise: A Princes of Hell Novella Copyright 2019 by Sara Humphreys

  Published by Sara Humphreys

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  either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  For more information on the author and her works,

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  Also by Sara Humphreys

  Amoveo Legend Series:



  Undenied (free e-short story)




  Unbound (Novella)

  Amoveo Rising Series:


  Dead in the City series:

  Tall, Dark, and Vampire

  Vampire Trouble

  Vampires Never Cry Wolf

  The Good, the Bad and the Vampire


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter One

  Asmodeus didn’t believe in love.

  At least, he hadn’t until the day he met Kai Kelly and soon after began to question his entire existence. For countless millennia he had heard humans wax poetic about love, pine for its loss and even sacrifice their very lives for it. However, as the Demon of Lust, one of the creatures responsible for ushering souls of the damned into Hell, he had also witnessed first-hand the numerous atrocities humans had committed in the name of love.

  As far as Asmodeus was concerned, love was, at its best, a delusion and by-product of lust. At its worst, a convenient excuse for committing acts of unspeakable violence.

  Then he found Kai Kelly and his entire world, his entire universe, turned on its axis and he discovered what all the fuss was about. She was the embodiment of beauty, purity, goodness, selflessness—all that Asmodeus never was and believed that he never could be. Yet somehow, this stunning creature, with a penchant for cutoff shorts and Converse sneakers, had showed him that perhaps, just perhaps, he too was worthy of this thing called love.

  Worthy of her love.

  Asmodeus glanced at his hands, which were clasped in front of him as he not-so-patiently waited for his bride-to-be to emerge from the rambling Idaho farmhouse. To his relief, the glow of his new aura was still there. He flexed his hands quickly before clasping them again. It still surprised him to see the aura that he was never supposed to have and hadn’t had since his creation several millennia ago. The pale yellow light, the exact same color as Kai’s, emanated from him as it had for the past two months. He was a demon, a pureblood and one of the seven Princes of Hell.

  A soulless creature with no light. No soul. A Dark One.

  At least, he had been until Kai gave him her light, although she insisted it was her love that fueled his soul.

  “Dude. You okay?” Belphegor’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. “You look nervous.”

  “I’m fine, Belphegor.” Asmodeus tugged at the collar of his white tuxedo shirt and wondered how humans could stand wearing these damn ties all the time. “My bride is taking her time and this bow tie is beginning to grate on my nerves.”

  “Maybe it’s that aura he’s got?” Mammon asked quietly. “Me? I like my darkness. In fact, I’d like more of it.”

  “You’re the Demon of Greed.” Asmodeus sliced a sharp glance at his brother. “You always want more. Of everything.”

  “Whatever, man. He’s nervous. It’s cool, bro.” Belphegor shrugged and pushed his long blonde hair off his face. “I mean, you’re about to commit to one woman for eternity and for us that’s like, a true eternity. Not a metaphor. But I hear you about these tuxedos. They are way uncomfortable. I don’t see why we have to wear so many clothes.”

  “Shut up, Belphegor,” Satan groused. “It’s one day. You can handle one day of not looking like the Demon of Sloth that you are.”

  “There he goes, the Demon of Wrath, always ready for a fight,” Beelzebub mused.

  “Can it, Bub.”

  “It’s hot, man,” Belphegor moaned.

  “We live in Underworld,” Satan hissed. “How can you possibly be complaining about August in the human realm?”

  “It’s the humidity,” Leviathan interjected. “Very different from home.”

  Within seconds, Mammon chimed in too and all five of his brothers were grumbling about the late afternoon heat and their tuxedos. Asmodeus ignored the bickering of the Brotherhood and glanced over his shoulder at the small gathering of supernaturals who had come to witness his unprecedented union.

  It wasn’t every day that one of the seven Princes of Hell married a human, let alone one with Fae and witch bloodlines.

  Leaders from all factions had sent representatives to witness the historic union. Willow, the High Priestess of the Witches, Richard and Salinda Muldavi, the leaders of the Amoveo shifters, and since the wedding was during the day, Emperor Zhao, the leader of the vampires, sent two of his day-walkers, Olivia and her mate, Doug, in his stead. There were others, of course, lower-ranking members from various factions and even a few human familiars, those select few who knew about the supernatural world.

  There were, however two glaring absences—Lucifer and Zemi.

  Two months ago, his brother, Lucifer, the leader of the Underworld, and Zemi, the Fae Queen, vanished. Everyone thought Lucifer had taken her to the Underworld, to settle their on-again off-again romance, but the truth, the one Asmodeus and his brothers kept from everyone, was that nobody knew where they were.

  One fact was certain—they weren’t in the Underworld, the Fae dimension, or the human realm. For all intents and purposes, two of the most powerful supernaturals in the universe had vanished right along with the Ring of Solomon.

  Asmodeus’ gut clenched and he turned back toward the house. There was no sign of his bride but her Siamese cat, Zephyr, sat on the front steps staring at him accusingly. Then again maybe it was his own guilt reflected in the eyes of that damn feline.

  No one other than the Brotherhood knew the truth about Lucifer and Zemi’s bizarre disappearance.

  Not even Kai.


  “Are you going to stand here all day staring at yourself in that mirror, or what? You’ve got a bunch of supernaturals in your front yard waiting on you and you should know by now that they hate to be kept waiting.”

  Isadora, an ancient powerful witch and one of Kai’s only friends, sidled up beside her and swatted her backside play

  “You know, Isadora, I never thought I would get married but life has a funny way of taking unexpected turns, doesn’t it?”

  “Honey, I’m so old, I’ve learned not to expect anything. Have to take it as it comes. Life is one big surprise party. People go through their lives thinking they have some control over it but that’s a lie we tell ourselves. We don’t have control over anything other than ourselves.”

  “I learned that lesson the day my parents died. I expected there to be some curveballs. I mean, I’ve been able to see people’s auras since I can remember, so my life has always been a little weird. My mom could do it too but finding out I’m a fairy-witch-human mutt wasn’t even on my radar. It’s not like you find that out with one of those DNA tests, you know?”

  “Well, you have had a surprise or two these past few months.”

  “On second thought, Isadora, getting married is the most normal thing I’ve done lately.”

  Kai took one last look in the mirror and adjusted the spaghetti straps of her dress. She never really thought of herself as beautiful but today, wrapped in a long white dress with a veil trailing behind her, she felt pretty damned good.

  “You ain’t havin’ second thoughts, are you? Not that I could blame you. Your man is a demon and not just any demon but one of the seven Princes of Hell. Though, I gotta say, if you’re gonna pick a man from the Underworld, the Demon of Lust is a smart pick.”

  Isadora waggled her eyebrows at Kai and the two women dissolved into laughter.

  “I didn’t exactly pick him, did I? It feels like the Universe picked him for me.”

  Kai adjusted the long veil draped behind her and with quivering fingers, pushed the decorative comb deeper into her simple up-do, assuring it was secure. Her pale blonde hair was baby fine and she worried the delicate piece of jewelry would fall out. The comb, with the intricate design of crystals and pearls, had belonged to her mother.

  “I used almost a whole bottle of hairspray on that hairdo. It’s secure, so don’t you worry.”

  “My mom wore this on her wedding day.” Tears stung her eyes as memories of her late parents flickered through her mind. “When I was little, she would let me play dress up with it sometimes. My parents had a simple civil ceremony. My mom wore a plain cotton dress and they didn’t even have any family or friends there. It was just the two of them in front of a judge. They had no money to speak of, but my dad scraped up enough to buy this pretty comb for her as a wedding gift. It’s probably not worth more than five dollars but to her it was always priceless. To me, too…”

  “They’re here with you, you know. In spirit.” Isadora wrapped her arm around Kai’s waist and pulled her close. “Don’t ever forget that. Now. No more sad stuff! Soon you’ll have me cryin’ and you’ll ruin my makeup job, which is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.”

  “I know.” Kai sniffled and carefully dabbed her eyes. Refusing to dissolve into a puddle of tears, she embraced Isadora. “Thank you so much. You’re a good friend, a great makeup artist and the sexiest maid of honor anyone has ever had.”

  The old woman was currently wearing one of her younger-self spells and definitely didn’t look like the centuries-old witch she was. Thick wavy dark hair spilled down her back and her voluptuous curves were wrapped in a long red slip dress that clung to every youthful-looking inch of her.

  “Seriously, Isadora. Asmodeus’ brothers are going to be tripping over themselves to dance with you.”

  “Oh please, demons don’t dance. They’re too busy glowering at everyone. Except your man. I’ve known Asmodeus for centuries and I’ve never seen him smile more than he has since finding you.”

  “He’s not the only one.” Kai smiled and her pale yellow aura grew brighter, flashing in the mirror like sunlight. “I’m literally glowing.”

  “Well, nobody has to see your aura to be able to see your happiness. You wear it just the same as you wear that wedding dress. Girl, you might be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something because I’m as old as dirt.”

  “Thank you, Isadora.”

  Kai kissed Isadora’s cheek and picked up her nosegay of pink roses from the old oak dresser before taking one last look in the standing antique mirror. Isadora stood behind Kai and the mirror’s reflection revealed the old woman’s true self.

  “Good thing there are no reflective surfaces under that wedding tent.” Isadora cackled loudly and pointed at her wrinkled reflection. “I can hide my true appearance from others but never from myself. That’s life though. The truth always comes out eventually.”

  “You’re beautiful, Isadora.” Kai turned to her friend and took her by the hand. “You are one of the best friends I’ve ever had. No spell can change that. Thank you…for everything.”

  “No need to thank me. You’re part of the supernatural community now and that makes you family. I’ve always got your back. Not that you need my help,” she added quickly. “You’re a powerful woman in your own right. Between the light of the Fae and the witch’s bloodline, you’re a force to be reckoned with. When you get back from your honeymoon, you and I are gonna get started on more spell learnin’ because you have a lot of catchin’ up to do.”


  “I know, I know. You don’t want to use your magic. You just want a normal life. Girl, you are marrying the Demon of Lust. I’d say normal left the party a while ago and speaking of parties, we should get this one started.”

  “You’re right.” Kai smiled and looked away. “We better get down there.”

  “Your magical future is waiting.”

  Kai gripped the bundle of roses tightly and followed Isadora out of the bedroom. Isadora was right; her future was waiting for her and there would be magic in it.

  But not from Kai.

  Ever since the battle, the one that almost killed Asmodeus, everyone thought Kai was simply refusing to use her magic but that was a lie.

  Kai’s magic was refusing to use her.

  Chapter Two

  Dancing to the music, Kai leaned deeper into Asmodeus’ warm embrace as another dreamy melody drifted from the old-fashioned jukebox. Her husband’s six-foot-four frame easily engulfed her far smaller one, making her feel delicate and safe. The man was a demon and yet she had never known anyone else with seemingly-endless kindness and patience. He was able to quiet the storm of uncertainty inside of her, the one that had been present since the sudden death of her parents.

  The contentment she recalled from her youth, the pure happiness of her childhood, was something Kai believed she would never feel again. This feeling of peace she had rediscovered, and the warm swath of love surrounding her, was a direct result of him.

  Of them.

  The sun had gone down an hour ago and countless strands of little white lights draped the tent and lit up the property. Not that they really needed artificial light. A brilliant moon, full and luminescent, hung low in the sky and shone down on them as though Mother Nature herself were blessing their unusual union. Stars blanketed the night and glittered high above the remote Idaho town of Bliss.

  “It’s perfect, you know.”

  Kai pulled back so she could look Asmodeus in the eyes. Just as it had that first day she met him, her heart skipped a beat when that bright blue gaze met hers.

  “Yes, you are.”

  He kissed her quickly and tightened his hold while still keeping time with the old Beatles tune that drifted through the air.

  “No.” Kai dissolved into laughter. “Tonight. This moment. This town. You. All of it. I found you, a demon, and then we get married in Bliss which is in Magic Valley. Kinda perfect, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, but I can’t believe that when you imagined your wedding day as a young girl, you pictured this scenario or me.” He cocked one inky black eyebrow at her and held her a bit tighter, tangling his fingers with hers as they danced. “Girls do that, don’t they? Think about their weddings and dresses and whatnot?”

; “Yes.” Kai couldn’t suppress the smile that bubbled up and nodded toward the bar along the far side of the big white tent. “I’ll admit, I didn’t think that the person who married us would be“

  “A witch?” Asmodeus waved at Willow, the High Priestess who performed the ceremony, and smiled.

  “A witch.”

  “At least she’s been behaving herself.”

  “Not just her. You have to give Satan credit too. Your brother has steered clear of her all night. However, I would like to note that neither of them has danced with anyone else.”

  “My brother may not have caused trouble with his former lover out of respect for our wedding, but I can assure you that he’s clocked her every move all night long. He still has it bad for her, no matter what he says.”

  “He’s not the only one.” Kai lowered her voice and popped on her toes, so her lips brushed against his ear. “Is he?”

  “Definitely not.” Asmodeus’ hand slid from her waist to the top of her butt. She shivered when pulled her against his hardening body. “I’ve got it pretty bad too.”

  “Asmodeus,” Kai giggled. “I’m talking about Willow. Her aura gleams brighter every time she looks at your brother. He literally turns her on.”

  “I know the feeling,” he growled.

  Kai nipped at his ear playfully. “Patience, husband.”

  “I’m a demon. Patience isn’t one of my strengths.”

  “Yeah, I figured that out a while ago.”

  Kai laughed loudly as he twirled her before pulling her back into his embrace. Breathless and brimming with happiness, Kai looked around the tent at their guests. Everyone else had vacated the dance floor, making way for the bride and groom.

  “I just wish Lucifer and Zemi were here. It doesn’t seem right that they missed it. Will they be emerging from the Underworld anytime soon?”

  “No.” He looked away and there was subtle shift in his demeanor. “They obviously need time to figure things out. Now that Zemi has the Ring of Solomon, something tells me we won’t see either of them again until he gets the ring off her finger and secured in the Underworld where it belongs.”


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