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by A. Marie

  They had been dating for 5 months. NuNu wasn’t the type of girl that would just give her body away. It was her temple. Her most prized possession and she took pride in being able to say she was still a virgin at 18.

  By letting Dominic go this far had him thinking he was finally about to have sex with the second girl he ever dated. He continued his journey of four play and his hand finally dipped into her panties. He could feel how swollen her womanhood was and noticed that it was bare except for a trail of soft hair right down the middle. NuNu moaned as he played with her. She was into it at the moment and thought she was ready. He tried to enter a finger inside her and she tensed and grew uncomfortable. “Wait, Nic that hurts,” she said as she pulled at his arm. He was so excited that he was barely paying attention to her body language. He didn’t even pay attention to her tone nor did he pay attention to her discomfort.

  “Damn Nu what the fuck?!” He said as he instantly became frustrated at her lack of cooperation all of sudden.

  “You can gone with the attitude Nic, I told you it hurts, and you didn’t listen. I refuse to let you enter me in any way for your own pleasure. That shit is just not about to happen.”

  Dominic sat all the way up in complete irritation and abruptly stood. He looked down at her as she started zipping her pants back up and adjusting her clothes.

  “NuNu, I’m tired of fucking playing with you man. It’s been 5 long damn months of us dry humping and fucking kissing I’m ready for something else. I’m ready for more and you’re playing,”

  She looked up at him with the craziest look on her face. She laughed.

  “Are you fucking serious right now?” She asked.

  “Serious as fuck,” he said angrily.

  “Like I said, man, we been at the shit for 5 months and I’m tired of fucking playing with you and I’m tired of leaving with blue balls all because your ass acting like you scared of dick.”

  NuNu couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Dominic was acting as if he was truly after what was between her legs and could care less about her heart. Tears instantly started to fall from her eyes as she stood and then slapped the fuck out of him.

  “How dare you talk to me like that as if my feelings don’t matter?” She screamed.

  Dominic held his face and then smirked.

  “Look if we not fucking, I’m leaving and this childish ass relationship you got me in is fucking over.” He said boldly.

  That earned his ass another slap to the other side followed by a punch in the chest. NuNu was aggressive when she was angry or when her feelings were hurt. She was not only the baby of the family, but she was the only girl growing up with two older brothers that had made sure she was able to fight rather if it was male or female. That punch had pissed Dominic off and instead of him hitting her ass back like he really wanted to, he called her a “bitch” and headed for the front door. He slipped his shoes on and pulled the door open. NuNu followed behind him while yelling that it was over and that she was done was his dawg ass. Dominic always was quick with his responses and shot back, “bitch I was just going to hit and quit it anyways,” slamming the door as he made his exit.

  NuNu stood there with her mouth wide open, tears falling and heart completely hurting. She couldn’t believe what had just gone down and how her relationship just ended in such a crazy way. She ran to her purse and pulled out her phone dialing up Mandy. As the phone rang, she paced back and forth as she waited impatiently for Mandy to answer. When her best friend picked up the tears started falling heavier as she tried to speak. Mandy immediately alarmed spoke in the phone loudly, “Nu what’s wrong what’s wrong?” NuNu’s chest rose up and down as she cried but still couldn’t get her words out. Mandy clicked over and dialed Leah. Leah answered on the first ring.

  “What’s up Mandy? It’s late.”

  “It’s Nu, she is on the other end crying and I can’t get her to talk I’m about to click you in and hopefully you can get it out of her.” Mandy merged the lines as Leah heard,

  “He, he, he played me for a foooool.”

  “Nu, what’s going on? You have to calm down and talk to us baby,” Leah said, cutting her off.

  NuNu took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Leah was the best friend that was calm and nurturing. She always was able to calm NuNu and get her to relax. NuNu was catching a slight headache from how hard she was crying. “Matter of fact, I’m coming down there Nu. I’ll be there in 10 let me put some clothes on real quick and then I’ll be right there.” Leah disconnected from the girl’s three-way call and Mandy remained on the line.

  “Nu what happened between you and Nic? Y’all just had a date today and I thought everything was fine.”

  NuNu slid down to the floor and put her back against the front door, sighing.

  “Yeah, we did, and our day was perfect overall Man,” she replied.

  “Well, what happened?” Mandy pushed.

  A tear slid down NuNu’s face and she swiped it away as she started telling Mandy what happened. “We went to dinner and then the movies, after the movies we came back here and started talking about the movie. We started kissing and…”

  Knock Knock

  “Hold on Man I think this is Leah.”

  NuNu got up from the floor while balancing her phone between her cheek and shoulder and turned toward the door. She opened it and Leah came walking in, pulling NuNu into a hug. NuNu dropped her phone as she hugged Leah tight and began to cry again. Leah pulled back wiping NuNu’s face, kicking off her shoes because she knew Ms. Drea didn’t play about shoes being worn in her house, and started leading NuNu to the couch. The girls began talking about what happened. NuNu had completely forgotten about Mandy being on the phone as she told Leah what happened.

  Mandy remained on the line as she listened to how she and Dominic were about to have sex but NuNu had become uncomfortable and couldn’t go through with the act. She heard NuNu tell Leah how Dominic didn’t take the signs, that his touch was getting aggressive because he was so excited. When she heard that he told NuNu that he was going to hit and quit it she hung up and dialed Dominic’s sister. Mandy and his sister shared the same World Studies class, so they often exchanged notes and helped each other with homework.

  The phone rang twice, and Dominic’s sister picked up.

  “Hello,” DaShay said, answering the phone.

  “Is Dominic there?” Mandy asked.

  “Oh, hey Mandy, yeah he’s here.” She said recognizing Mandy’s voice, confused why she was calling this late for her brother. However, it wasn’t her business, so she called for him and handed over the phone. Dominic taking the phone looked at the caller ID and didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Dominic, what the hell is going on? Why the hell you do Nu like that?”

  Dominic still pissed off, went all the way in.

  “Mannnn, don’t nobody got time for NuNu childish ass and like I told her I’m tired of playing. She not about to keep leaving me with blue balls.”

  That statement got a laugh out of Mandy.

  “Boy, why do y’all call it that?” She asked.

  Dominic didn’t find the situation funny.

  “Cause that’s what happens, what you mean?”

  Mandy laughed again.

  “If you don’t take a cold shower and get over it. Y’all boys be losing y’all mind if y’all can’t hit like it’s the end of the world,” she said, while shaking her head against the phone.

  That pulled a laugh out of Dominic because she was right, boys did act like it’s the end of the world when it comes to not getting pussy.

  “I mean, damn though Mandy why she be playing? She acts so hard but so soft at the same time. I thought she was ready because of how she was acting,” he said.

  “Nah, NuNu takes pride in her body, she puts on the front but she not ready.”

  “Man, she shouldn’t be playing then, like for real a nigga don’t have time for it.” he shot back.
br />   “Well maybe you should find a girl that’s about that life just like you,” Mandy said.

  The way she said it made Dominic’s dick jump. He knew when a girl was flirting, and Mandy was doing just that. She had always wanted Dominic, but he had wanted NuNu. Mandy had been jealous and envied NuNu.

  When Mandy let those words slip from her mouth and he grew silent she knew then that he picked up on the meaning behind her words. She broke the silence. “Listen, I just called to tell you that you had her crying and that’s not cool,” and then hung up.

  “Mandy why the fuck did you just say that,” she said to herself. The phone rang and her heart raced. She knew it was him and she picked the phone up and saying hello.

  “Can I come over and talk?” Dominic asked.

  She was shaking her head no, but her mouth said yeah. Dominic hung up and Mandy prepared for his arrival. She was battling a lot of feelings within herself. NuNu was her friend and had been since the 9th grade. But since Dominic and NuNu had started dating she started having ill feelings toward her. She secretly always wished they would break up because she really wanted him for herself.

  15 minutes later, Dominic was at her door and she took him in. He was short, with dark colored skin and with braids straight to the back. Mandy let him in locking the door behind her. She walked down the long hallway of the one-story home and called back “If you want to talk you better follow me and not just stand there.” That’s all Dominic needed to hear, and he was right behind her within seconds following her down the hall which seemed like it was leading to bedrooms, they entered and immediately started kissing. How Dominic knew this is what Mandy had wanted all along blew her wig back. They made their way to the bed and that was all she wrote.

  Mandy snapped out of her thoughts, stood from the step and went into the house leaving Dominic standing there looking at her confused. He grabbed up his pen and notepad and followed right behind her. Locking the door behind him he shouted for her.

  “Mandy, what’s wrong baby?” He asked.

  “You can stop with the shouting Nic, I’m sitting right here,” she said.

  He noticed her sitting in the recliner with her head hung low in her lap. He crossed the room and pulled her up from the chair, forcing her to take a seat on his lap.

  “Talk to me baby, what’s wrong?”

  Mandy looked at him with teary eyes and a heavy heart. How she had let this happened, she couldn’t understand. She was in love with a boy that should have been off limits. Mandy was breaking girl code and she couldn’t help it. She had always been attracted to Dominic and she wanted what she wanted. And she wanted him. In fact, she needed him and had crossed a friend just to have him.

  “Nic, this is wrong on so many levels and you know it. I can’t continue to be around her knowing I have fallen in love with you, I just can’t, and I won’t. So, either we tell her together or I end this with you.”

  That last statement caught him off guard.

  “Say what?” he asked.

  Mandy just sat there, staring. He heard her, and she wasn’t up for having to repeat herself.

  “So, you mean to tell me you’re willing to choose her over me?” Dominic quizzed.

  “Yes, I’m going to choose my friend over you unless we tell her together. If I’m going to ruin a friendship you at least have to be worth it and stand by my side when it goes down Nic,” Mandy said.

  “Man, I don’t see why you feel like you obligated to tell her anything Man Man,” calling her by the nickname he gave her a few weeks after they had started messing around, “we were together 5 months,” he stated.

  “Nic I don’t care if it was a week, I just can’t keep this in no more and even though I know she is going to whoop my ass because of this, you have to be there to come clean with me,” she said cutting him off.

  Mandy lowered her eyes to her lap and Dominic tilted her chin up slightly forcing her to look at him. He loved Mandy, how it the feelings had crept up on him, he didn’t know. However, now that it had he both hated and loved it at the same time. At first, it was just to make NuNu mad but as time passed, he started feeling Mandy and made her his girl. They had been rocking for the last 8 months and he wasn’t willing to let her go. So, for her, he was going to do what she asked because he wasn’t willing to lose her and with the ultimatum being set, he knew he had no choice but to agree to what she wanted.

  “Okay Man Man, we can tell her together but if y’all get to fighting you better try to beat her ass, I can’t have my girl out here getting dawg walked and shit,” he said laughing and kissing her face. Mandy laughed slightly and kissed him back. Even though she was glad he agreed to her request she still felt fucked up about how things were going to go down, she knew that she wasn’t only about to lose 1 friend but 2 because she knew Leah was riding with NuNu. She let out a sigh as she thought to herself, only time will tell.

  Chapter Four


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