Book Read Free

Nobody's Perfect

Page 10

by Steve Kirby

  “Look when they come back I will sit them down and try and get to the bottom of this, I’ll tell them how upsetting this is for all of us and we need to sort it now.”

  Colin wiped his eyes.

  “Do you think they will listen to you after all this has been going on for almost two years I have tried talking to them before and look where that got us, you got a load of abuse.” Rachel looked at him.

  “I don’t know but I have to try again we were very close once they used to tell me everything any way we can’t go on like this any longer it’s beginning to effect Sally and George they are scared of them.”

  Colin left for work 7-30 the following morning Rachel got Sally and George ready and took them to school.

  Vicky and Ben finally got up at 11-30, as they walked into the kitchen Rachel had heard them and was frying bacon.

  “Morning you two, Would you like some breakfast?”

  “Yah good. I’m starving.” Ben said looking in the pan.

  “What we got then?” Vicky asked sitting at the table.

  “Full Monty if you can handle it.”Rachel say’s smiling at her.

  “Ok then, how long will it be then?”

  “Two minutes, and after breakfast I need to talk to both of you.”

  “Here we go” Vicky say’s sarcastically.

  “Look we’ve told you before you are NOT! Our mother you can’t tell us what to do. Can you get that into your fucking thick skull, and if you think making us breakfast will soften us up you’re wrong you sad bitch so you can shove that up your fucking arse! We’re off out come on Ben we don’t need this shit.”

  “Look here!” Rachel shouted as she stood in front of the door blocking their exit.

  “I have treated you as my own children, I have tried to do the best for you, I’ve looked after you when you were Ill, I deserve a little respect from you. So while you live under this roof I want some respect for your father and me, Do you understand enough is enough.”

  Vicky walked up and stood right in front of her Rachel could feel her hot breath on her face it smelled of stale tobacco, when she spoke it was with pure hatred.

  “We didn’t ask you to be our mother and as for respect you will get fuckall from us while you are with that bastard.”

  “You mean you’re father. What has he ever done to you to turn against him like this?”

  “You fucking ask him, and as for living under this roof that one’s sorted we are moving out tomorrow so fuck you and fuck him we hope you two and your bastard kids will be very happy together. Now get out of my way or I’ll fucking knock you out of it.” Rachel moved as she was told when they had left she sat at the table and cried.

  Colin never saw them again they stayed out that night then came back the following morning collected a few things in a suitcase, Rachel went out into the back garden while they packed and left they also went through her purse and took £40 which at that moment in time Rachel thought was worth it just to have them out of their lives.

  The house seemed empty without Ben and Vicky, even with all the upset they had caused over the years they were still part of the family, Sally and Georg missed them badly and asked at least once a week when they would come home, or even visit, Rachel had no answer for them but she had an old address for one of their friends where they used to stay so she wrote a letter asking them to give her a ring and the door was always open for them.

  She didn’t know if they would get it but she knew she had to try.

  The house was never the same anymore the area was beginning to get more run down so the Wilsons decided to sell up and put a big deposit on their dream home when they found it.

  They searched and searched for three years but nothing was right. Colin was looking for the “perfect” house but nothing they had seen was right.

  Then as they were driving through Bradbury they saw a brand new development.

  “This looks promising” Colin said slowing the car down as he passed.

  “A new house we don’t have to follow anyone else we can put our own stamp on it we can make it ours perfect!”

  “Excellent!” Rachel said excitedly.

  “Let’s go in and have a look, Oh Colin, this looks and sounds wonderful we can finally leave Ravenscliffe behind us a brand new start where nobody knows us let’s do it!”

  A month later the Wilson’s are stood outside their brand new house on a new estate waiting for the removal van.

  The estate or “Foxroyd Close” as it was known consisted of 35 houses all built on three levels they were in seven blocks with five houses per block in a semi-circle around a central green, which had a fenced off play area with swings, a slide, little animal shapes on large springs, stepping stones and a small roundabout there was also enough grass for a good kick about.

  The Wilson’s house was the end terrace in the centre block so unlike the other houses in the block, which had an integral garage they had a dining room, kitchen and toilet on the ground floor with a separate garage.

  On the first floor there was a lounge and master bedroom with en suit, the second floor had three further bedrooms and the family bathroom.

  At the far end of the green there was an old railway cutting, the council had turned it into a cycle route known locally as “The Millennium Cycleway” it was constantly busy with Cyclists, dog walkers and joggers.

  “Well children here we are outside our very own house, this has been built just for us, and don’t you think it’s just perfect.”

  “Ho! Yes daddy it is” said Sally excitedly.

  “Do you think I could have a bike to ride around our new estate please Daddy?”

  “Ha we’ll see Sally. What about you George what do you think?”

  “Wow there’s a park over there, do you think I could get a football and play with some of the other boy’s from the estate?”

  “It’s NOT an estate it’s a close and I don’t know about other boy’s from here yet we will have to see what they are like first eh?”

  “Ok Daddy “He said feeling a bit dejected.

  “I wonder what our neighbours are like Colin.” asked Rachel.

  “Well, according to the lady in the site office they are not moving in for another three weeks, but she say’s they are a very nice couple with two children a boy and a girl about the same age as Sally and George.”

  “Oh Colin they sound just like our kind of people” She said giving Colin a peck on the cheek.

  Just then from the end of the road a removal van appears Colin looks up smiling and rubbing his hands together.

  “Great!” He said looking at Rachel.

  “Here’s the van. Come on everybody let’s get moved in.”

  Three weeks later Sally came bursting through the door full of excitement.

  “Mummy, Daddy come quick!”

  “What is it Sally why all the excitement?” Say’s her Mum.

  “It’s the new neighbours” Sally shouts “They are moving in to-day!”

  “Calm down darling or you might burst.” She said giving Sally a hug.

  “What are they like?”

  “Well Mummy they have a dog he looks very old though.”

  “Have you seen the people yet?”

  “Only the man,” said Sally breathlessly.

  “He looks old as well”

  “Ha Ha everyone over the age of 18 is old to you.”Rachel smiles.

  “What’s all the racket about?” said George coming in from the back garden.

  “It’s the new neighbours they are moving in today!” shouts Sally.

  “Quick go get Dad!” his mum said shooing him back out.

  “He’s cleaning his bike in the garage.”

  Well go tell him the new neighbours are here.

  “ We need to see what they are like,”

  “Ok Mum” said George and ran off to the garage.

  “Dad, Dad!” Shouts George bursting into the garage.

  “Come quick it’s the new neighbours, they are
moving in now!”

  “Ok, Ok George calm yourself I’ll be there when I’ve finished cleaning my bike won’t be long.”

  So Rachel, George and Sally go out into the front garden to see the new neighbours.

  Just then the door opens and out comes Rebecca Gibb.

  “Becky! It’s you” said Rachel stunned.

  “Rachel?” says Rebecca in disbelief.

  “What you doing here?”

  “We live here, been in almost a month now.”

  “Who would have thought us as neighbours? Well at least we know each other, it’s really good to see you again Rachel. I can’t get over the way you look now, much better than the last time I saw you with all the wires and pipes you were connected to and your face, Jesus it was a right mess, but look at you now not a mark.

  “Rebecca Collins as was and Rachel Weston had known each other for well over twenty five years they started St John’s Junior and Infant school on the same day, and they attended Millfield High School together.

  They weren’t good friends at school they used to just drift in and out of each other’s life but that changed when they were both in their last term at Millfield, Rachel started going out with Debbie Thomas’s (who was Beck’s best friend) older brother Gary.

  The romance didn’t last more than a month but in that time Becky and Rachel became good friends so much so that when they left Millfield they both went to Dewsbury Collage Becky doing a catering course and Rachel a secretarial.

  They used to go into Dewsbury centre at lunchtimes causing havoc chatting boys up and if they didn’t have any lunch money (because they had bought cigarettes with it) they would pinch crisps and pop from Woolworths.

  They got on really well and became very close going out on dates together laughing at who got the ugly one; they became inseparable Becks and Rachel “Shelly Belly” that was Becky’s nickname for her.

  One Friday evening Rachel called at Becky’s house told her she couldn’t come out tonight as she was babysitting for Mr and Mrs Coopers kid Sebastian.

  “Aw never mind Shelly, Hey what if I come with you will that be alright do you think?”

  “I don’t see a problem they’ll only pay for one baby sitter but we can share the money OK? Right I’ll go up and get rid of Mr and Mrs Dull ha ha and have you got any money?”

  “Just my spend a couple of quid why?”

  “Well you call round at “The Spice Palace” and grab us a couple of Kebabs and we can pig out.”

  “Sounds good to me mate I’ll be up in about half an hour.”

  An hour later Becks arrives at the Coopers, and knocks on the door, Rachel answers quickly.

  “Shhh you heavy handed bitch you’ll wake the little shit up ha ha.”

  “Soz so what’s he like ya know Sebastian?”

  “He’s a right goony little cretin always fucking moaning, Pardon my French eh Becks?” She laughed.

  ” Do you want a drink?”

  “Yah what is there?”

  “What about a glass of this?” Rachel picked up a bottle of Lambrini from the side of the settee.

  “They always buy me one when I babysit, usually I end up taking it home for my Mother, but tonight, we can have it. What you say?”

  “Fine by me, I don’t want to be going home pissed though so I’ll just have the one.”

  They eat their kebabs and have another glass of wine each, and then the conversation turns inevitably to the subject of boy’s.

  “So” Becky say’s nudging her friends arm making her almost spill her drink.

  “Billy Dixon? Would ya?”

  “Oi careful you clumsy sod.” Rachel says laughing.

  “Well I don’t know about that, maybe if he had a bath first, he stinks a bit but possibly. Anyway enough about them lot what about the teachers. Who would ya in them then?” Becky sat thinking for a minute then said.

  “Mr Swithenbank.”

  “What?” Rachel said in disbelief.

  “Mr Swithenbank? The science geek but he’s a ginner.” She laughed loudly.

  “I know.” Becky say’s.

  “But he’s got a nice arse.”

  “Jesus Christ it takes all sorts I suppose and I suppose he has got a cute bum but, Mr Swithenbank ha ha Becky you are a tart.”

  “Go on then Shelly belly which teacher do you fancy having sex with then?”

  “Well if you must know who I find the hottest sexiest teacher there, the one I would love to shag is, Mrs Price the PE teacher.”

  Becky nearly choked on her wine.

  “Mrs Price?” A little shocked by her friends answer.

  “But she’s a woman!”

  “Ha Ha no shit Sherlock, there’s fuckall gets past you is there Clouseau.”

  “So have you ever been with a... you know a woman?”

  “A couple you know just messing around and that.”

  “So what’s it like?” Becky was intrigued now at this revelation.

  ”What’s what like?”Rachel said relishing the look on her friends face.

  “You know kissing another woman?”

  “It’s wonderful try it, give me a kiss.” Becky’s heart was racing, she didn’t know whether it was the two glasses of wine or the thoughts that were rushing through her head either way she was very excited at the idea, she leaned forwards and kissed her on the lips keeping her eyes open, after a couple of seconds she sat back.

  “Well that’s a bit of a letdown it’s no different from kissing a boy.” Becky said a bit disappointed.

  “That my dear Becky is because you didn’t do it right.” She leaned forward taking Becky’s head in her hands tilting her head slightly she kissed her full on the lips her tongue probing into Becky’s hot sweet mouth, Becky moaned put her arms around Rachel’s neck and pulled her nearer, Becky’s head was spinning she had never experienced anything like this before she moaned again her head was about to burst, then Rachel pulled away, she sat back looking at Becky with a wicked smile on her face.

  “That’s how you kiss a woman.”

  Becky was speechless she sat there breathing heavily she was confused.

  “Why have you stopped I was enjoying that.”

  “It’s getting late they will be home soon, but if you liked that we can try other things next week if you want to babysit with me again?” Becky got more and more excited as the week went on thoughts of that kiss and fantasies of what might happen were running riot through her head, she hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed.

  When Friday night came she sprinted up to the Coopers house almost bursting with excitement.

  Rachel was very experienced when it came to satisfying a woman and Becky was eager to learn, over the next few months they made love whenever they could, they didn’t consider themselves Lesbians they still had boyfriends, went on dates, had sex but having sex together was a lot of fun they enjoyed it.

  A year into their courses Becky got a placement at a hotel in Manchester as a trainee soux chef she was very excited about the prospect of moving and getting a place of her own.

  They sat one evening making plans about Rachel coming over for the weekend and holidays, they both knew that it was never going to happen, at first Becky would ring at least four times a week but over time this got less and less until after six months there were none at all.

  About eight months after Becky went to Manchester Rachel was sitting in the college cafeteria reading with a cup of tea she had had for almost an hour, she looked up when she heard a strange voice.

  “You’ve been sat here for ages now with that tea aren’t you having anything to eat?” Rachel looked over the top of her book to see Lynne Dyson smiling at her.

  ”Don’t you want any food? You can’t be on a diet, not with a body like yours.” Rachel found herself smiling.

  “Thank you. No I’m not on a diet just don’t have any money spent it on cigarettes. Priorities ya know”

  “Well you have to eat look, I’ll buy you a sandwich if you don’t mi

  “I don’t mind I’m starving.”

  “What kind then?”

  “Just a BLT if they have one left if not ham please.”


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