Book Read Free

Nobody's Perfect

Page 18

by Steve Kirby

  After all this we are never going to be best friends but hopefully we can be civil to each other I don’t want or need all this crap.”

  “Ok.” Davis say’s turning round on his chair.

  “Thank you Mr Hawksworth, that concludes the interview, at... time 11-15am.” He turned the recorder off and ejected both tapes.

  He took two sticky labels from the file in front of him he signed his name the date and asked Sam to sign each one these were stuck to the tapes and Sam was given more information about if he wanted a copy and what these were going to be used for if it was decided to prosecute.

  Davis led him back to the waiting area thanked him again then asked Becky to follow him.

  On the way back home Becky told Sam what they had asked her, which was pretty much the same except for the part where Charlotte had brought up the incident with Colin.

  Becky feeling very embarrassed told her version of what had happened, she felt dirty and violated having to go through what he had said to her.

  When they pulled up at their house, there was a strange people carrier parked across their drive.

  “Who the hell’s this?” Sam said pulling up in front of it.

  “I don’t know.” Becky said shaking her head and furrowing her brow.

  Then the driver’s door opened and Becky’s younger brother Martin got out smiling.

  Becky was the middle of three children, there was Phillip who was eldest, he lived in Cardiff and didn’t get home much and Martin who worked in IT and lived in Doncaster.

  “Martin?” Becky bounded out of the car met Martin halfway and gave him a big hug.

  “Wow! It’s great to see you, why didn’t you call and let me know you were coming?”

  “Would have done sis but it’s been a bit hectic what with the move and all.”

  “What move?” Becky asked a little intrigued.

  “The company’s moved to Leeds so I’ve had to find somewhere to rent for a while until we get organised.”

  “Julie’s come with you?” Becky asked looking into the car. Yes we’re all here me, Julie, Thomas and Aaron, we found a nice flat in Shipley problem is space, Thomas is in to off road bikes.”

  “Thomas?” Becky sounded surprised.

  “He’s only six.”

  Martin started laughing.

  “Aw bless Sis, He’s thirteen.” Becky shook her head.

  “It’s been seven years?”

  “Yep, that’s the problem with close families living in each other’s pockets, Ha ha.”

  “Well come in looks like we have a lot of catching up to do.” Sam followed Becky and Martin into the house. He made a cup of tea for everyone while Martin and Becky caught up on the last seven years.

  Sam handed Martin his cup.

  “Cheers Sam, Anyway as I began to say outside, Thomas is into off road bikes,”

  “And?” Becky asked.

  “Well he got a new bike two weeks ago and he is selling his old one, we have no room at the flat, so I was wondering if you wanted to buy it for Jim?” Becky started strangely at her brother.

  “You mean Jack?” Martin started laughing.

  “Jack, I know I’m just winding you up Sis, anyway it’s got all the gear leathers, boots breastplate, gloves the lot. It should all fit if not you can always sell them, but he will need new if he wants to come with me and Thomas to ride it.” Sam sat down next to Becky and put his tea down on the floor at the side of him.

  “That sounds alright.” Sam said looking thoughtful.

  “How much we talking?”

  “Well.” Martin started looking round the room.

  ”Seeing as you have got all this flash house and everything... How about £75.”

  “Barginus!” Becky say’s.

  “Does it come with a full tank of petrol?” Sam asks Martin almost choked on his drink laughing.

  “Ha you don’t change Sam owt for nowt, I miss this we ought to get together the four of us and have a good night out when we get settled.”

  They all carried on reminiscing, they didn’t hear the front door open Lizzy was the first into the kitchen, followed closely by Jack.

  “Whose car’s that outside?” She said as she walked into the kitchen. When she saw Martin she studied him closely.

  “Do I know you?”

  ”Not yet but you and your brother will do in time, Your Mum and Dad have just sold you two to me I have a chimney sweeping business and need a couple of kids to shove up the chimneys to clean them and you two are just the right size.”

  “Mum...” Lizzy said sitting down closely to her Mother and putting her arm around her.

  “This is your Uncle Martin, I know you haven’t seen him for a few years but don’t you remember Thomas and Aaron?”

  “Oh yes....”

  Jack stopped in the doorway, Becky smiled at him.

  “How do you fancy having your own motorbike Jack?” Jack shrugged his shoulders.

  “Dunno.” Becky continued.

  “Well Thomas has two bikes and he is selling one of them and your Uncle Martin wondered if you wanted it?” Jack shrugged his shoulders again.

  “Suppose, how much?” Becky was becoming a little frustrated.

  “Well dot get too enthusiastic Jack darling calm down. Never mind how much, do you want it?” Martin stood up.

  “Come on Jack, come and have a look I’ve got it in the back.”

  They all followed martin out, he opened the back doors of the people carrier, in the back was a beautiful white bike it looked almost brand-new, as soon as Jack saw it his face lit up.

  “Wow! This is mine?” Sam patted him on the head.

  “Well yes if you want it.”

  “Yes please!” Sam looked from Martin to Becky.

  “Well let’s get it out of there then, Jack go and open the garage we’ll take it straight in.”

  Just then Colin came out of the house he stood for a time and took in what was going then he started slowly walking around his garden looking at his grass and plants he would look up occasionally pretending not to be interested.

  Martin looked at Colin then leaning over to Becky he whispered very quietly in her ear.

  ”What’s his problem Sis?”

  “Oh.” Becky said shaking her head.

  “Take no notice of him he’s an idiot.” Martin looked over Becky’s shoulder.

  “Alright?” Martin said smiling at Colin.

  Colin put his head down and went over to his garage; opening the door he just stood inside looking out towards the park.

  Martin tapped the side of his head.

  “That guy’s not a full shilling.” Becky put her fingers to Martin’s mouth.

  “Shh forget him, he’s just being nosey.”

  Jack opened the garage door; Colin looked out when he heard it open.

  Jack came running out.

  “Can I drive it into the garage please Dad?” Martin lifted the bike out of the back and put it on its stand.

  “You can do that because it’s your property, but you haven’t to ride it anywhere else though it’s illegal and if you get caught the police will take it off you and crush it.” Jack looked a bit disappointed.

  “What about on the millennium way then?” Martin shook his head.

  “Sorry mate but you’re not allowed. Look, me and Thomas will pick you up next Saturday morning about 8 o’clock and we’ll go to the bike track, it will be a full day you’ll need to bring some sandwiches and a drink. Ok then, So ride it into the garage park it up, then you can come back and get these leathers and stuff, try them on and make sure they fit.”

  Martin gave Jack a run through with the controls and gear positions then watched as Jack kick-started the bike, revved the engine a couple of times( which brought Colin back out of the garage) then set off nice and steady into the garage, he revved it up a couple more times then killed the engine.

  “Seems to like that.” Martin say’s nodding in Jack’s direction.

k put the bike on its stand then came rushing back out.

  ”Right where’s the gloves and stuff to try on?” Jack picked them up Lizzy grabbed the boots and they both ran into the house.

  “Here Sam...” Martin said reaching into the back of the car. He brought out a green container.

  “Your free tank of petrol, you tight sod.” He said laughing.

  Colin slammed his garage door closed then stomped into his house.

  “What’s up with that guy?” Martin asked.

  “Oh forget it.” Becky said dismissing it.

  “So, I’ll pick Jack up next Saturday morning about eight is that ok?” Martin said as he closed his car’s back doors.

  “That’s fine, where do you go riding?”

  “It’s a proper dirt bike course near Barnsley, It’s really good I hire a quad and sort of try and follow Thomas round but it’s getting very difficult to keep up with him he’s getting too fast for me.”

  “Well if you want you can drop Julie and Aaron off here, we can do some catching up and maybe go to Leeds and do a bit of shopping.”

  “That would be great, I’ll ask her when I get home and give you a ring later. Are you still on your same number?”

  “Yes if not you can get me on my mobile, have you got a pen and a scrap of paper?”

  Martin got a pen and paper from a briefcase in the car, Sam went in to get the £75 from his wallet for the bike, he then said his goodbyes and set off.

  “Do you think Jack will be alright with that bike Sam?” Becky asked as she watched Martin go.

  “Well he seemed alright just then, stop worrying darling, He’s growing up.”

  Sam and Becky were in the kitchen when Jack came downstairs wearing all the biking gear.

  Becky’s face was a picture when she saw him.

  ” Wow! Look at my big man all grown up. Quick Sam get the camera we have to take a picture to send to my mum.”

  “Can I take the bike out onto the drive and sit on it please?” Jack asked putting his hands together like he was praying and looking from his Mum and Dad with big puppy dog eyes.

  “I suppose so.” Becky said.

  “But no starting it up though mate you’ll have to push it out.” Sam insisted.

  “That’s fine. Thanks” Jack ran off to the garage his leathers creaking as he ran.

  He opened the garage door, took the bike off its stand pushed it onto the driveway and put it back on to its stand, he was sat pretending to drive when Colin came back out.

  “Oi! Retard don’t be revving that thing up or I’ll ring the Police and get it taken off you. Do you hear me stupid?”

  Jack just ignored him and carried of imagining.

  “So ignoring me eh? Well you retarded little bastard I’ll get that thing taken off you just wait!” Colin walked over to the fence then after checking there was nobody else in the garage he leaned over and pushed Jack off the bike.

  “Don’t fucking ignore me you little twat!”

  Jack shot to his feet.

  “What did you do that for you stupid old git?” Colin looked at him with hatred in his eyes.

  “Because you’re a shitty little retard and I’m going to make your life a misery. You and the rest of your retarded family, I want you out!” Colin heard someone opening the door to the garage he stepped back quickly and went into his house before he was seen.

  Lizzy came jumping through the door. She stopped at the garage entrance and studied Jack.

  “What’s up with you? Have you fallen off it or something? I knew you wouldn’t be able to ride it.”

  Jack turned to look at her there were tears in his eyes. “Shut up Lizzy you do my head in.”

  “Well what’s the matter then?”

  “Nothing Lizzy I just slipped off while I was practicing corners.”

  “Are you alright?” Lizzy asked putting her hand on Jacks shoulder.

  Jack looked at her and gave her a smile.

  “Yes, I’m ok. Come-on you can help me wash the bike if you want.”Lizzy helped Jack to his feet then they went into the house to fetch a bucket of water and a couple of sponges.


  Later that day Colin answered a knock at his door, he opened it to two Police officers PC Davis and WPC Hanson.

  Colin stood for a second looking at the officers PC Davis spoke first.

  “Mr Wilson?”

  “Yes.” Colin answered quickly glancing up and down the street.

  “May we come in?” “Colin stepped back from the door.

  “Er.. Yes, yes certainly.” Rachel came out of the kitchen.

  “Who is it Colin?”

  “The Police love, I’ll take them to the upstairs room.” Colin led the way followed by the two officers with Rachel bringing up the rear; she turned back to the kitchen where Sally and George were playing on their play station.

  “You two stay down here and be good, no arguing. Do you hear me?”

  Neither of them took their eyes off the screen.

  ”Yes Mum.” They said in unison.

  When Rachel opened the door to the upstairs lounge all three were stood in the middle of the room even though there were two empty sofas.

  “Colin!” Rachel said laughing when she saw them all.

  “What you all stood up for, please sit down.” She said to the officers gesturing to the sofa on the left hand side of the room her and Colin sat on the other facing the officers.

  PC Davis began.

  “I’m PC Davis and this is my colleague WPC Hanson, we’re from the Kirklees Neighbourhood Policing Team. And we’re here to give you an update regarding the complaint you made against your neighbours Mr. And Mrs Hawksworth and an incident that happened on Friday June 8th 2001.”

  “Ah, Right.” Colin said nodding his head.

  “Well, both Mr. and Mrs. Hawksworth were formally interviewed this morning.”

  “Are they being arrested then?” Colin asked a hint of a smile on his face.

  “No, the fact is there are a lot of discrepancies between yours, Mrs Winsor’s and Mr. And Mrs Hawksworth version of what actually happened.

  So our Inspector has decided that it seems to have been a minor spat you know, six of one and half a dozen of another with both parties calling each other a few niceties shall we say. So no further action is to be taken at this time. But I am going to leave you this pack.” He said taking a green folder from WPC Hanson.

  “This is an incident log; you must fill it out whenever there is an incident between you and your next door neighbour no matter how minor or trivial, it all helps to bring a stronger case against them.”

  Colin took the folder from the PC sat back and studied it.

  “It’s pretty straightforward but if you do have any problems just ring the number on the front page and either I or one of the team will come and help. One thing that did come from our meeting with your neighbours was they have asked for mediation.”

  ” NO!” Colin almost screamed, His reaction took PC Davis a bit by surprise he continued.

  “Don’t you think it’s better to try and find out what the problems are and overcome them rather than go through all this upset, Mr Hawksworth seemed very sincere in his offer.” Colin glanced at his wife who, with eyes wide like saucers slowly shook her head.

  Colin turned back to PC Davis.

  ”No way! Mediation they’re the ones with the problem there’s no way I am going to sit in a room with that animal, I’d end up hitting him, so tell them thanks but no.”

  “Well that’s up to you Mr Wilson I understand you might be a little upset at the moment but when things have calmed down you may reconsider if you do, give us a ring and we’ll organise it.”

  “I don’t think so I have nothing to say to that lot next door.”

  Colin showed the officers out and watched them while they set off over to Charlottes house no doubt to tell her the same, he went back to the lounge Rachel was sitting on the sofa with a slightly worried expression on her face, she
gave him a strange look as he entered.

  “I’ve just been thinking, what about mediation.” Colin shot her look of contempt.


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