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Unique, Different, Found: Werewolf Paranormal Romance (Nightfall Book 1)

Page 3

by Violet Samuels

  I clear my throat before answering. "Celina," I say quietly. I hear a slight groan come from where Callum's standing, but I refuse to look up. I don't think I really want to know...

  "Right. Alpha, this here is Celina. We found her on the outskirts of the border. She would like to join the pack. I've already given my consent, all that's needed is yours," Callum says respectfully, and still nervously. Well then, I guess the alpha is scary as hell... Even to the beta.

  There's a long silence before a beautiful, deep and husky voice speaks up. Again, making my knees go weak. "Callum, would you give us a moment? I'm going to have a... chat, with our possible future member of the pack."

  Callum nods and shoots me a knowing a look, to which I reply with a pleading look. Help!

  Callum exits and I'm left standing there. In an office. With an alpha. By myself. What's wrong with this picture? Fear courses through me and I start to shake. I can't do this! What will he do to me? Is he anything like my old alpha? Oh god, that's it! I'm outta here! Stuff joining a new pack, I'll just stay as free as a rogue!

  As I reach for the door handle, a large warm hand grips it gently and entwines our fingers together. Sparks shoot from my hand and up my arm, making me gasp and jump. I still keep my head down though. I don't think I want to look into the eyes of an alpha. They're so challenging and scary. Call me weak, I don't care, but they usually are.

  "Look at me, Celina," he orders me in a soft voice. I whimper. God, that voice is amazing! I don't look up though; too scared to see what beautiful eyes that voice holds. "Celina, look at me."

  A finger tucks itself under my chin and lifts my head up, just enough for our eyes to meet. My gold eyes lock with his silver ones. They shine as they stare into mine and a small smile comes to my face. His eyes seem to shine with happiness that I've never seen before. We hold the stare and it's like I'm staring into his soul or something. Happiness radiates off him in waves as he continues to stare at me. I can't help but drop the guard I've been trying so hard to keep up, ever so slightly.

  I let my eyes wander as he breaks the stare and examines me with a smile on his face. His natural white hair looks beautiful with his silver eyes and ever so slightly tanned skin. It's cut short on the sides, but a little longer on the top.

  I've never seen a wolf with white hair before. It's unusual, like me. Even Comrade and Callum has brown and blonde hair. I wonder what his wolf is like? With my black hair and white wolf, I wonder if with his white hair comes a black wolf.

  My eyes trail to his face. His pale pink lips and high cheek bones suit him well. The smile that lights up his face is even better.

  As my eyes trail further southward, I see he has an amazing build. The dark blue button down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to just above his elbows, clearly shows off the muscles in his arms and his amazing eight pack. The washed out, light blue jeans he's wearing also helps to compliment his over six-foot height. He looks to be around the same age as Callum, 19 or 20.

  I run my nails over the exposed skin of his arms and he shivers at my touch. He grips my waist firmly and gently pushes me against the wall next to the door.

  What am I doing? I never let anyone touch me! Sure, Comrade did, but I didn't realize I was doing it! This man's touch feels... nice. Comfortable, safe and secure.

  "Well, aren't you a beauty to witness? A definite sight for sore eyes," he whispers in my ear. I shiver as his breath fans over my ear and neck, sucking in a sharp breath.

  Once I realize what he's saying, I blush a slight pink and look down. His finger comes under my chin once again and wills me to stare into his eyes. His beautiful, totally strange, silver eyes. "Don't look away from me, Celina."

  I gulp and nod. "W-what's your name?" I ask a bit curiously. I haven't really asked him yet and Callum didn't help with just calling him alpha.

  He chuckles at me before answering in a husky voice, "Axel."

  He places a soft kiss on my neck and I moan a little at the feel of it. It sends electricity pulsating through my veins and butterflies erupting in my stomach.

  Axel chuckles. "You like that?" he asks as he places more and more feather-like kisses up and down my neck and across my jawline. My answers are more soft moans and silent whimpers. When he gets to just above my collar bone, I lose it. A loud moan escapes without my permission and Axel returns it with a grunt.

  He suddenly pulls away and backs up, leaving me to whimper and immediately think the worst. Doesn't he want me?

  He looks pained as he stares at me. "Celina," he starts off and takes my hand in his, leading me to the couch on one side of his office. "Do you know what we are? Do you understand why you feel an attraction toward me?"

  I stare at him blankly and that seems to answer his question. He sighs and takes both my hands and entwines them together with his. He looks at them for a moment and smiles.

  "Celina, do you know about mates?" he asks curiously, looking into my eyes. I nod silently and he continues. "Do you know how to tell if someone's your mate?"

  At that question, I shake my head. Where is this conversation going?

  Axel lifts me effortlessly, making me squeal in surprise, before resting me in his lap. I stare at him in shock for a moment. He just smiles softly at me. I sigh and rest my head on his chest, counting his heart beats as he strokes his fingers through my muddy hair. I should really wash that...

  "You can tell who your mate is by looking into their eyes and everything around you stops. It's only them and no one else," he says as he grips me tighter to his chest. "Their touch to you is like a drug, you always want it. Sparks fly and you feel butterflies in your stomach," he murmurs. He moves my hair to the side and draws little patterns on my neck, making me shiver with delight. "They can also make you feel a strong desire and need for them that you can't help but give in. You need them, as much as they need you." He lightly growls. His hands travel further downward to my hips, adjusting me so I'm straddling his lap and his hands are on my upper thighs. I blush at the position and look down.

  He moves my black hair to the side and lifts my head, making me stare into his eyes. "So beautiful," he murmurs, before going for my neck. Instead of the nice feather-like kisses before, these are more demanding and lust filled. I tilt my head back to give him better access, moaning loudly as he nips my skin.

  I run my hands through his gloriously soft, white hair and tug slightly, making him groan and a stirring in his pants draws my attention.

  I gasp as I feel it push into my thigh. "Oh god," I moan as he pulls me tighter to him.

  "You're my mate, Celina," he whispers against my neck.

  I freeze, reality rushing back to me. I snap out of my lust-driven state and push against Axel's chest. It seems to catch him off guard as I push him away from me and jump off his lap.

  Me? An alpha's mate? No way! How the hell is that possible? I'm too scared of alphas to have an alpha mate! Someone up there must really not like me.

  I stare at him in shock, disbelief and... fear. Fear that I'm an alpha's mate. Fear about what Damon will do if he finds out. Fear about what might become of me.

  "Celina, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you," Axel says calmly yet painfully while standing and taking a few steps toward me. My wolf's screaming at me to run to him and kiss him senseless, but I won't give in.

  As he steps forward, I step back. I see the hurt and pain cross his face and it brings me to a stop. I don't want to hurt him. I just want to be away from him.

  "Please, j-just leave me a-alone," I beg with tears in my eyes. Flashes of Damon beating me run through my head like a DVD. I don't want that to happen again. I don't care if he's my mate; I'm getting out of here.

  Before Axel can say a word, I hurry out of the room and sprint down the hallway. Ignoring the calls of Comrade and Callum, I burst through the door and shift, not caring about my battered clothes.

  I run.

  Like I always do, I run. Thunder up above tells me it's gonna rain soon, so I hurry up. Rain
starts to fall lightly and in a few seconds, it turns into a full downpour. I don't stop. I keep running and running until I reach the border.

  I skid to a halt and look out into the forest. All I have to do is take one step and I'm free again. My wolf's howling at me to go back to our mate, but I can't. I can't cross the border either. That would bring, not only me, but Axel pain. I can't do that to him, as much as I don't want to admit.

  I lay down on the forest floor that smells so much like him, and put my head in my paws. Why is my life so hard? Is it too much to ask to be normal for once? No complications? Apparently so.

  As the rain continues to fall, the mud covering my fur starts to wash away, leaving me with nothing but my white coat. I can care less if anyone sees me right now though. All I want is for my mother to cuddle me and my father to tell me everything will be alright. But no! The fate hates me, so my mother and father are dead and are never coming back. On top of that, I have an alpha as a mate! Yep, fate totally hates me.

  As I sit there, I hear howls in the distance. One particular making me shiver. It's Axel. He's calling for us to come back, sending some type of message saying we're out here somewhere. As much as my wolf would love to howl out to him, I don't let her. I need peace right now and having him around isn't going to let me have it.

  Hours pass before the rain finally stops. I can still hear the calls of the wolves in the pack. I don't believe they're still looking for me. A few more hours pass and the sun starts to rise over the trees, making the beautiful colors stand out that you couldn't see at night.

  The falling of paws grabs my attention and my ears perk up. From the corner of my eye, I see a chocolate brown wolf heading toward me slowly. I mentally sigh and stand up. The wolf freezes. Before I can make another move, two more wolves emerge. One I recognize as Callum, with his sandy fur and all. Now that I think about it, the brown one reminds me of Comrade. He has the same chocolate brown color and almost black eyes.

  Knowing they won't hurt me, I lay back down and close my eyes. I hear shuffling for a few moments before I hear two pairs of feet making their way toward me.

  I open my eyes to see Callum and Comrade, wearing shorts. I just stare up at them as they look at each other uncertainly. The third wolf that had come is long gone. I guess he's getting Axel. Great.

  "Celina, is that you?" Comrade asks as he sits down next to me, petting my fur and scratching behind my ear. I purr in response to his question. Callum silently joins him in petting me, sitting on the opposite side of Comrade.

  "Why didn't you tell us you were a white wolf, Celina? We could've helped you," Callum says softly. I don't acknowledge him at all and continue staring out across the border. Nobody can help me. Not anymore.

  I'll never be free again. I'll be forced to stay here with Axel because he's my mate and if I don't... I don't even want to think about it.

  Don't get me wrong, I would rather be here than with Damon and my old pack. At least the people here are kind and generous and actually listen to me when I talk. My old pack never did that. If I talked, I would either have a minor beating or be forced to work through the night. I'm glad things aren't that way anymore.

  Without my permission, my mind wanders back to Axel. His beautiful face and hypnotizing eyes, their glorious silver color flashing through my memory. I can stare into them all day.

  I scold myself lightly for that thought. No, I will not give in to him. He's just like everyone else, an alpha who thinks he's higher and greater than anyone else in the world. He can be the alpha of the most powerful and well-known pack in the world or the weakest and almost invisible pack, but that still won't change the fact that he's just like every other alpha. Controlling and possessive.

  With my mind coming to a conclusion, that I'm not sure I agree with, I stand up. Knocking Comrade and Callum away in the process. I don't care though; my body has gone completely numb. There is nothing left for me here.

  I'm leaving... and never coming back.

  "Celina? Celina, what are you doing? You can't just leave! You agreed to join the pack!" Comrade screams at me when his brain clicks onto what I'm about to do.

  "Beta, do something! Anything!" he pleads desperately. I feel a bit guilty when I see the hurt in his eyes, but my decision stays the same.

  Callum's standing there in shock. He merely shakes his head. He has no power over me, and he knows it.

  "I can't do anything. She's made her choice. I have no power over her," he mutters to Comrade. My eyes are locked with his at the end of his sentence, and I nod my head in respect.

  I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second. ‘I want this’ I keep on telling myself, ‘I want this’. I won't be forced to stay or do what I'm told. I'll be free once again and this time, I won't make any mistakes.

  I step over the border, for the third time in one day, and look back at Comrade and Callum one last time. Callum's looking at me with what seems like pride and respect. He bows his head slightly to me and I do the same.

  I turn my head to Comrade and do a double-take. He's looking at me with so much sadness and sorrow that I feel sorry for him. I've only known him for less than a day, but even that short time can cause friendships. I walk over to him and nudge his shoulder. He hugs my neck and squeezes gently.

  "You know, I thought I finally found someone like me. Someone who's gone through so much heartache and sadness, who could understand me," he whispers. I pull my head back to look at him and whimper out loud when I see the tears in his eyes. What has he been through? I'll probably never know.

  "I thought I finally found someone who went through the same thing as me. I could see it in your eyes and still can. Please don't leave, please. Where will you go? You'll get yourself killed out there and you know it. Is that what you're trying to accomplish? Getting killed?" he asks harshly.

  I back away from him completely, letting his arms drop to his sides. I look into his sad filled eyes and nod. That's my plan exactly. Getting killed means no pain. Having no pain means no heartache. Having no heartache means numbness, something I want so badly.

  Comrade shuts his eyes for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. He finally opens them and looks at me. "I understand," he whispers and I know he does. I nod at him and at a shocked Callum one last time, before turning around and walking away.

  Sadly, I don't get very far. Out of nowhere, a beautiful pitch black wolf tackles me to the ground. Familiar tingles shoot up my spine as its paws make contact with my fur. I immediately know it's Axel.

  He stands over me, growling in my ear. This is exactly what I'm afraid of. He's not gonna let me leave, ever. I am his and only his, and I'm gonna have to accept that fact. I know escaping is hopeless.

  I stare out into the forest longingly, now knowing that I won't ever get to explore it. I'm limited to the borders of the territory and I'm probably never gonna be allowed out of Axel's sight. My freedom is snatched out of my hands like a lollipop taken from a baby. It's something I'm never gonna get back.

  Axel nudges me in the side, willing me to get up. I slowly do as he wants and follow him closely back to the border, where Callum and Comrade are standing with only one emotion: sympathy. I don't want their sympathy, though. I want freedom.

  I keep my head down as we trail back to the pack house. I wait outside as Axel shifts back to get clothes for myself and him. He leaves Callum and Comrade to 'guard' me outside, but all they're doing is sitting next to me and not saying a word.

  Axel walks back out, throwing a simple, white sleeveless dress at me. I stare at it for a moment. Really? Out of everything in that place they call a house, he chose that.

  He growls at me warningly and I sigh lightly, lifting the dress up with my teeth and heading for a tree. I shift and slip it on. It hugs my small frame perfectly and shows off all the right curves. It complements my pale skin and contrasts immensely with my black hair and red lips. I now see why he chose it... Pervert.

  I step back out, keeping my head down, and go ba
ck to stand in between Callum and Comrade. I feel safe with them, don't ask me why, I just do. Axel's a different story. I don't know what I feel for him now.

  We all trail inside and head back to where I first started, Axel’s office. As we near it, I remember the door and what happened when I touched it. When Axel opens the door and walks in, I turn to where the door turns. I stare back at the same two wolves I saw before, and silently think: "What's so special about them?"

  A hand on the small of my back brings me back from my little world. I stare back into Callum's eyes and silently ask him. He just shakes his head and leads me into the office. He soon exits, once again leaving me with Axel.

  Axel hasn't spoken a word yet, neither have I. It's been at least 20 minutes. I just want to get my punishment over and done with, there's no point waiting.

  I keep my head down and my arms behind my back, standing in the middle of Axel's very large office. I close my eyes and will myself not to cry. I know a punishment's coming, I just don't know how he does his punishments. Damon always chose the harshest ones. It either ended in me getting beaten, cut, or pushed. One time, they even shaved my hair. That's why it's just below my shoulders. It used to run down to my hips.

  Axel stops what he's doing, which is pacing the room, and leans on his desk, putting his head in his hands.

  "You were going to leave me," he whispers, his voice filled with so much hurt it makes a single tear slip down my cheek. "Why?"

  I don't answer at first, not knowing what to say. I know why, because I can't stand to be around an alpha that I know will be just like my old one, but I can't say that to his face. I'm weak and a coward in some ways, thinking but never saying.

  When he hears no response from me, he moves forward, coming toward me slowly. I close my eyes and will myself not to move back as he keeps taking more and more steps.

  "Answer me," he demands.


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