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Southern Shifters: Impawsible (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Buchanan Clan Book 1)

Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  Somehow she found herself in the middle of the bed. She found her head nestled on a pillow while Carter nestled between her thighs. She also found her mouth abandoned.

  Her rabbit screeched its objection and Bethany whined hers.

  “Need to be naked. Want you bare. Want your skin.”

  Okay, she could do that.

  But first she’d watch him strip.

  He eased back to kneel between her splayed legs, and his attention remained locked at the juncture of her thighs, her short skirt pushed high to reveal her center to him. Her nipples were firm points that hardened further beneath his gaze and her pussy grew even slicker with desire for him. Did he see how wet she was? Had she soaked her panties? Given him visual proof of her desperation for his body?

  Carter met her gaze for a moment then focused on Bethany’s pussy once more. Then he reached for her, arm outstretched, and slid a single finger along her cloth-covered slit. “Look at how wet you are for me.”

  He flicked his attention to her and she nodded. “Yes.”

  So very wet.

  He quirked his lips in a small, cocky smirk. The next touch was the same, yet different. Still one blunt finger, but this time he teased the edge of her panties, toying with the elastic trim and then… dipping beneath it. Her pussy clenched, searching to be filled by his digits and hopefully then his cock. He skimmed his stroke over her outer sex lips, sifting through her cropped curls and skating over her slit.

  “I feel your cream. Your pussy is so hot for me. For my cock.”

  Bethany nodded again and squirmed, fighting to get him to touch her where she needed him most. “Please.”

  He curled his finger, not to delve deeper, but to tug on the center of her panties. It wasn’t a teasing pull, but one made with intent. An intent that became clear the moment he yanked hard and her panties split, baring her heat to the cool air of the room.

  “That’s better.” He licked his lips, fangs peeking past his lip, and she knew he was as on edge as her.

  Carter returned to his attentions, a gradual slide up and a sensual stroke down, fingertip sliding farther between her outer lips, seeking her wetness. The sensations increased with each pass as he crept nearer to the concentrated nerves, those that sent ecstasy singing through her blood. The nearer he got to her clit, the faster she breathed, the more rapidly her heart beat. Pleasure thrummed in her veins while desire for him rode her hard. She panted and whimpered, and the sound pushed from her mouth.

  Her pussy rippled and tightened, clenching with each glancing pass, and… he tapped that desperate bundle of nerves.

  “Carter,” she gasped and jerked, muscles contracting and tensing with the sudden roll of pleasure.

  “Do you know how pretty this pussy is?”

  She whimpered and rocked her hips, searching that touch once more, hunting for the hint of ecstasy he’d gifted her.

  “And all mine,” he growled low, the sound adding to her building desire.

  Her breasts ached, nipples hard, and she couldn’t help but cradle her large mounds, giving them a gentle squeeze to soothe the pleasurable pain that called for her attention. She cupped them, squeezing in time with his attentions, pinching her nipples when he tapped her clit. The fabric of her shirt and bra blunted the sensations but it was something. Something to help sate her need.

  “Take off your shirt, Bethie. Show me what’s mine.” His voice was more animal than man, but her inner beastie immediately reacted to her mate. The rabbit encouraged her, nudged her, and pushed her to slice into her own top. To cut it down the middle and her bra soon suffered the same fate.

  The chilled air had her nipples pebbling further and now she could truly torment herself. The next time he circled her clit, she pinched her nipples, the sting of pain encouraging her pleasure to grow.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful. So fucking mine and gorgeous,” he growled the words, his tiger’s teeth making speaking difficult.

  “Make me yours.” She needed to come, needed to feel him inside her, needed to belong to him wholly. When Carter didn’t seem anxious to give her what she desired, she tried asking for something else, something that would drive her wild, but she wanted it anyway. “Let me see you. Please, Carter. Want to see you. Touch you. Mine.”

  The rabbit chattered in approval. It wanted to inspect their mate, see him in all his male glory. See his strength and then taste him.

  Carter didn’t remove his finger. He continued his torment but used his other hand to rip at his shirt, to turn it into a tattered mess that was tossed aside.

  Then she got to look at him, at the way his muscles tightened and flexed as he breathed. His skin was a deep bronze, stretched across his firm body, giving her a clear view of his carved abdomen and the lines at his hips. He was strong and fierce, yet patient as he continued his rhythmic teasing of her pussy. Up, then down, up, circle tap, then down. Over and over again he repeated the move, drawing more of her cream forward and urging her pleasure to rise even higher than before.

  She burned for him.

  She yearned for him.

  Her body was desperate for him and him alone.

  “Carter…” she whimpered, mouth watering as she imagined tasting all that skin, licking and nibbling him. Exploring him.

  “What do you want, Bethie?” he rasped, the sound low and harsh.

  “You. Always you. Forever you.” Always and forever. “More, Carter.”

  He slowly withdrew his finger and she fought the whine that leapt to her lips. He’d give her more. A glance at his cock showed he wanted her as much as she wanted him. He wouldn’t deny her now.

  But instead of moving away to strip, to bare himself fully and then claim her, he brought that single, tormenting finger to his lips. And slipped it inside his mouth. The moan that left his chest vibrated through the room and she felt it to her very core. He liked her taste. No, from the bliss coating his features, he loved her taste. She imagined she’d feel the same about his.

  “You taste so fucking good, Bethie. So perfect,” he growled low, his eye color flashing between tiger and wolf, the wolf finally winning the battle. It was the possessive, dominating beast. The tiger was protective and fierce. With those two halves, Carter was the perfect mate—destructive and greedy.

  “Make me yours. My mate.” She pleaded with him, releasing her breasts and reaching for the male who’d complete her. Those eyes brightened once more, his penetrating gaze colliding with hers and she begged once more. “Please.”

  “Yes,” he hissed, fangs longer than before. He’d bite her, claim her, and tie them together in an unbreakable bond.

  She couldn’t wait.

  He eased back, moving toward the edge of the mattress and it took no time for him to kick off his shoes. Then she stared, transfixed as he reached for his jeans, the button unsnapping easily, followed by the gradual lowering of the zipper. His cock was a thick line along one pant leg, straining against the fabric and she licked her lips, mouth watering and her rabbit urging her to take a small nibble.


  He pushed his jeans down, the fabric falling past his hips and finally allowing his dick to spring free. Holy shit, it was bigger than she’d imagined, thicker, longer, harder. He grasped his length at the base, giving himself a stroke, thumb rubbing the tip before he repeated the movement. Bethany licked her lips in response, her mouth tingling with the desire to hold him against her tongue.

  “Ready for me, mate?”

  “More than.” More than times a hundred.

  “Take off the rest of your clothes. Let me see you. All of you.” It was an order she was more than happy to follow.

  It was easy to shove her skirt off her hips and discard her tattered panties. Even easier to shed her torn bra and top until she lay nude before him.

  “So fucking perfect. So mine.” His gaze stroked her. “Do you know how gorgeous you are?”

  Bethany shook her head. She wasn’t, but damn his desire for her made her feel beaut

  “You are and I’ll show you.” He crawled toward her, moving until he was on his hands and knees above her, his cock hanging low as if reaching for her pussy. “I’m going to make you mine, Bethie. Always mine. Anyone touches you, come nears you, and I’ll kill them. No one threatens what’s mine.”

  Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. His fierceness didn’t scare her. No, it left her overjoyed and comforted. She was important to him. So important that he’d protect her above all else and… it wasn’t something she’d ever experienced.

  “Yes.” There wasn’t anything else she could say.

  Gazes locked, he reached between them and the hot, blunt tip of his dick teased the center of her pleasure. He stroked her pussy with the head of his cock, sliding through her cream, tugging gasps from her lips, before pressing it to her opening.

  “Once I fill you, I won’t stop until I’ve come deep inside your pussy and gotten my fangs in you flesh.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  Carter released his cock, still nestled against her center, and gripped her hip. “You are…” In one thrust, he filled her, spearing her. “Mine!”

  Bethany gasped and arched, shouting with the pain and pleasure of being consumed by him. He stretched her to the point of a stinging ache and she loved it. Loved the way his veined length touched and woke nerves she’d long forgotten, touched her in a way that made her blood sing and rabbit cry out for more. It knew how close they were to being Carter’s for all time. So very, very close.

  Desire bubbled inside her, stroking her nerves and sliding from her pussy to her nipples and back. She was a bundle of sensation, of pleasure, balancing on the precipice and she knew she’d only tip over the edge when Carter claimed her fully.

  “Please,” she wiggled and whimpered, needing to feel him thrusting in and out of her. “Please.”

  He bared his teeth, the wolf and tiger battling for supremacy and it seemed the two animals slowly ceded control to different parts of his human body. The wolf looked out at her, but it was the tiger’s fangs that’d tie them together.

  One massive hand holding her steady, he drew his hips back and shoved forward once more, driving his length into her with smooth strokes. Her breasts bounced each time their bodies met and she couldn’t help but cup the mounds, knead her flesh and circle her nipples with her thumbs. The gentle, teasing strokes added to her pleasure, added to the joyous sensations his attentions caused.

  Carter sank into her again and again, punishing and pleasuring her in equal measure and she took all of him. She took everything he had to give and reveled in each snippet of bliss that flowed between them. Their bodies fit with ease, his cock made for her pussy, and she cried out with the ecstasy that assaulted her nerves. He thrust into her over and again, stroking her both inside and out. The meeting of their hips, the slap of skin against skin, echoed through the room and she moaned with each coming together.

  Pleasure coated her nerves, her body singing and begging him to give her more. To fuck her harder, to plunge deep and make her come. Her pussy rippled around him, milking his length each time the fat head of his cock stroked her inner walls.

  She rocked against him, meeting him thrust for thrust, taking him as deep as she could and fighting to take even more. Their bodies collided, sending shards of bliss bolting through her body, and it slowly stole control of her muscles. She trembled and shook, the pleasure snatching at her breath and she was nothing more than a ball of growing ecstasy.

  Soon. Soon. Soon. She was gonna come, gonna scream his name and beg for his bite and pray he gave her what she desired most—to belong to him.

  Then… then he found the perfect angle, his cock stroking and sliding over the nerves in her sheath, his hips tapping her clit in just the right way…

  “There! Fuck! Right there, please, please, please…”

  His eyes flared golden and then amber, flickering as pure pleasure filled his face.

  He redoubled his efforts, thrust harder, increasing his pace as he fucked deeper. Her moans and groans turned into whimpers and pleas.

  “Carter. Mate. Please.”

  “Come for me, Bethie. Come on my cock.”

  She wanted to. Wanted to so very, very badly.

  The bubble of pleasure grew. It enveloped her body, beginning at her pussy and stretching outward, increasing with every thrust and retreat. Each breath forced it to grow bigger. Each shift of muscle had it expanding. Each meeting of their bodies had it further wrapping around her until she was nothing but a balloon of sensation. Her clit twitched and pulsed in time with her beating heart, her sheath clenching on his thick length while her nipples silently throbbed and begged for attention. It was too much and not enough. Overwhelming, yet lacking.

  She needed… Him. His fangs deep in her shoulder.

  “Need to be yours, Carter. Need it.”

  “Come,” he snarled, baring his fangs.

  “Bite me. Claim me.”


  “Please. Need it so bad,” she whimpered, the edge of pleasure slowly morphing and becoming tinged with a sharp slice of pain.

  Carter hissed at her, his gaze straying to her shoulder, to the flesh where her neck met that part of her, and she knew what he wanted. She tilted her head to the side, baring her throat in submission and invitation. The ecstasy was slowly rising to the breaking point, the place where she could scream in overwhelming pleasure or whine in pain.

  She held her breath, waiting, wondering, and…

  He struck, fangs bared and deep within her flesh, sinking into her muscles with an easy parting of skin. Her shout echoed off the walls, her scream filling the air while pleasure and pain ebbed and flowed, coalescing in a tsunami of ecstasy that stole her breath. She lost control of her body, muscles tightening, toes curling as the bliss shattered her restraint.

  Carter grew within her sheath, stretching her farther, and his moan joined her shout. His cum filled her, warmth flooding her center as he claimed her both inside and out. Their scents would mingle and change, one and all knowing she belonged to him, and him alone. He sucked and laved her injury, every pull sending another wave of joy slithering along her nerves until she thought she’d die from the pleasure of his bite, his touch.

  He jerked once more, his hips fully sealed to hers, and he gradually slowed his suckling until he merely lapped at the wound now marring her shoulder. He gave it one last lick, sending another shudder through her frame, before pulling back. His gaze remained locked on that one spot, the one that told the world she was his mate.

  “I never imagined… I thought it was impossible,” he whispered and turned his attention to her, their gazes colliding. “I truly thought it was impossible for anyone to feel…”

  “Feel what?”

  “This happy.”

  Ignoring the throbbing ache in her shoulder, she slid her hands along his arms until they twined behind his neck. “It is.”

  “Yeah,” his voice was soft, eyes straying to her mating bite. “I just…” A mix of wolf and tiger stared at her. “You’re mine.”

  “I am.”


  “Of course.” Bethany never wanted to be anywhere but at his side.

  Carter’s focus didn’t stray as he rolled them until she lay draped across his body, his softening cock gradually sliding free of her pussy. He lifted her higher against him, one of his hands going to her head, encouraging her to press her face to his neck with one hand while the other rested on her lower back. Then she felt the soft, gentle slide of his tongue along her battered flesh.

  “Mine,” he whispered against her skin. “Mine.”

  Chapter Nine

  Bleary eyed and nowhere near bushy-tailed, Bethany padded down the hallway toward the kitchen. The bite mark on her shoulder pulled and sent a pleasurable throb through her body, the pain reminding her of how she’d gotten the wound. She belonged to Carter now. She was undeniably his and his alone. She grinned to herself. She had a h
ot tottie on call twenty-four seven. Well, except when he had to work. But otherwise, she had something pretty to look at for the rest of her life. And then there was the fact she’d get her car fixed for free…

  The scent of coffee reached her and she sighed. She’d remembered to set the timer on the coffee maker. Normally, if she forgot, it wasn’t a big deal, but her family was in town. Had to have caffeine on tap.

  She shuffled into the kitchen, moving through the small space from memory. She snagged a mug and bowl before heading for the coffee pot. She filled both, then placed the cup on the counter and bowl on the floor. She hurried to her linen closet and grabbed her spare blankets which she laid on the kitchen floor. She surveyed her work. It wasn’t like home, but it’d do the job. Next came unlocking her back door and she opened it enough for someone, or a lion, to easily gain entrance.

  Chores done, she settled on a bar stool and took her first sip. Heaven in a ceramic mug. She closed her eyes and savored the brew, letting it warm her from inside out.

  She glanced at the clock and realized she wouldn’t be alone much longer. Nope, her visitor would…

  The click of large nails on wood and the groan of the porch reached her just before the back door was nudged open by a dark nose and feline snout.

  “G’morning, Daddy.” She turned her attention to him. “Have a good run?” He huffed, his massive head turning left and right as he sought his spot. “Over near the table.” She gestured toward the corner and it earned her another huff. “Black, just like you like it.”

  He was careful as he made his way to the mound of blankets, claws sheathed, leaving her floor unmarred. Her mother may be the lioness in the relationship, but the den was her domain. No one, not even the clan leader, was going to mess up her floors. Angus Buchanan didn’t give a damn about anyone else, but he gave a damn about his family, especially his mate. Which meant when she put her foot down, he generally listened.

  Angus groaned when he slumped onto the blankets, sighing as he got comfortable.

  “You’re getting old, Dad. Maybe you should cut out the early morning runs.” That got her a glare and she shrugged. “I’m only saying what Mom has said a million times.” He grumbled and lowered his head, nose an inch above the steaming coffee. Another glare. “I know it’s frou-frou coffee, but I didn’t know you were coming. Next time I’ll grab some of the cheap stuff from the grocery story.”


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