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Seduced by the Enemy

Page 14

by Alyssa J. Montgomery

  ‘It was Uncle Luca’s idea,’ Christiana informed her earnestly. ‘You have to give him a kiss and cuddle too.’

  Oh dear.

  Keeping Christiana firmly on her hip to avoid any intimacy, Olivia stepped over to Luca. Her reluctant kiss would’ve landed on his cheek but he turned his head and claimed her lips.

  She should move away. She shouldn’t continue to stand there so close to him looking up into his eyes when their lips parted. Damn it all! She should be angry with him.

  Marjorie cleared her throat. ‘Why don’t we go and read a story or do a puzzle, Christiana? Aunty Olivia has to have her breakfast, but then she might paint you a surprise.’

  ‘A story first, please. I love your stories, Grandma Marjorie.’

  Marjorie took Christiana from Olivia and quickly exited the room.

  ‘You don’t like it?’ Luca queried.

  Olivia backed away from him and held up her hands in a gesture of helplessness. Searching for a tactful response, she wandered around the room, looking at the high quality paints, brushes and canvasses.

  ‘It’s every artist’s dream.’ She tried to sound grateful—tried to inject enthusiasm into her voice.


  She frowned. Luca was getting too close to her. She couldn’t pretend with him—he had an uncanny knack of seeing past her words and right to the truth.

  She sighed. ‘But, I’ve already told you, I’m no longer an artist.’

  ‘You told me your teaching didn’t allow you the time to pursue your art. Then, you told me you’d lost the feel for it.’

  ‘It’s true. Why can’t you accept it? What are you hoping to achieve?’

  ‘You’ve suffered so much tragedy, but it’s time to move forward with your life.’

  ‘I …’

  ‘What I want is for you to stop worrying, Olivia. I want you to start feeling again.’

  His fingers threaded through the soft fall of her hair and his lips brushed against her temple. ‘Let me show you how to feel again, cara.’

  ‘No! This … physical contact between us has to stop. If you want to kiss me, you need to kiss me on the cheek. In Australia, friends don’t behave like this.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Like lovers! Standing so close, holding me like this … it feels … Well, it’s not comfortable for me.’

  ‘So you are, at least, feeling?’

  Through a mist of frustrated tears, she reached up to hold the hard planes of his face against her palms. Willing herself to be brave and honest she confessed, ‘I’m feeling, but what I’m feeling isn’t appropriate and it scares me.’

  ‘What are you afraid of?’

  ‘You … the way you make me feel.’

  ‘How do I make you feel, bella?’

  ‘You make me vulnerable—like I’m opening myself up to pain.’

  ‘What pain?’

  ‘The pain of wanting things I know I can’t have.’

  ‘Are you sure you can’t have what you want?’

  ‘Ever since we became friends and not enemies, I’ve been attracted to you.’

  ‘And that’s a problem because?’

  ‘Because you’ve got a wife picked out and—’

  ‘Olivia, I haven’t made any proposals. I’m completely free.’

  ‘But, you will marry soon—you told me that—and … I’m not into casual relationships.’

  He only picked up on her last statement. ‘I didn’t think you were. Has there been anybody in your life since your ex-fiancé?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘Life is about to change for you, cara. Today is your birthday, and tonight we’ll celebrate together.’

  ‘Luca …’

  ‘You’re a beautiful, talented woman—and before you deny your talent, your mother has shown me some photos of your artwork.’

  ‘Oh God!’ As much as Olivia knew Marjorie was only being a proud mother, the art Olivia had produced was part of who she’d been. No longer did it represent who she was. It’d been part of a happier time—a time when everything had been right in her world.

  ‘It was to be a surprise, but after your reaction to all this—’ he gestured around the room, ‘—I think I’d better tell you what I’ve planned.’

  She tried to make a joke of it. ‘It sounds ominous.’

  ‘I’ve secured tickets to the opening of an art show this evening. I thought it might help you get some of your feeling back for your art. Will you come with me?’

  She was torn. He’d gone to so much trouble for her and been so considerate. Even if she didn’t want to paint again, when had anyone been so utterly focused on helping her? She couldn’t throw it all back in his face. ‘Thank you for thinking of me. Yes, I’ll come.’

  He smiled with pleasure and perhaps some relief. ‘Together, I promise you, we’ll make this birthday a fresh start for you. It will be one to remember.’

  ‘You know what I really want for my birthday?’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘I want to hear back from the doctor that I’m a perfect match for Christiana and I want to give her my bone marrow.’

  A shadow crossed over his features and his expression became shuttered before he pulled her against him and planted a kiss on the top of her hair. ‘Be patient, Olivia. Things will work out.’

  Chapter 10

  Surreal was the only word Olivia could use to describe the evening. From the moment she walked down the curved, marble staircase of Luca’s home dressed in the gorgeous, blue silk evening gown that’d arrived by courier a few hours earlier, Olivia felt beautiful.

  Luca watched her descend to the ground floor and his expression was so appreciative she’d felt like the most desirable woman on the planet. It was heady stuff. Her stomach had fluttered as though millions of tiny butterflies had been released inside her—not only because she’d felt like Cinderella going to the ball, but also because Luca was so devastatingly handsome in his tuxedo and bow tie it was impossible to remain immune to him.

  ‘Thank you for this dress,’ she told him. ‘It’s the loveliest thing I’ve ever worn and I feel wonderful in it.’

  ‘Make no mistake, tesoro. You make the dress, it’s not the dress that makes you.’

  ‘Wow! What flattery! Did I really attack you weeks ago when you arrived at my home unannounced?’

  He laughed. ‘Did I really think you were on drugs?’

  ‘I had a virus and you did get me out of bed when all normal people were still sleeping.’

  ‘Had I been able to visualise you as you look tonight, I wouldn’t have needed so much convincing to bring you to Rome.’

  Having decided Luca’s flirtation was a product of him being a typical Italian male, she wasn’t going to call him to task for it. Tonight, she’d enjoy it.

  They drank champagne and ate canapés in the back of his limousine as they were chauffeured to the art show, and Olivia knew this was definitely a night she’d always treasure.

  Luca hadn’t tried to kiss her again, but since they’d arrived at the show, he’d held her hand and kept her close by his side. Just for tonight, she was going to pretend they were a couple—that this was a date and he held her hand because he wanted to tell the world she was his.

  Why not indulge in the harmless fantasy? It was her birthday and she felt like living a little dangerously.

  The art work was wonderful, but as Olivia looked at a sculptured piece, she realised she wasn’t fully appreciating it. Her senses were overwhelmed by the sensation of her hand in his, the movement of his hip brushing against hers as they walked, and of the latent power and strength of his body.

  She loved breathing in the subtle scent of his aftershave; floating on the sensuous depth of his voice as he spoke to her; and constantly found her eyes drifting to his magnetic good looks when she was supposed to be admiring the art work.

  They moved around the periphery of the gallery and had made it to the very back of the room when an announcement demanded their

  ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re honoured to have an internationally renowned artist with us this evening to officially open the exhibition. Now based in London, but originally from Australia, I’m very happy to welcome Mr Carl Van der Haar.’

  Olivia’s head jerked to the stage area and her body stiffened. Alarm bells clanged in her head and her brain screamed in rejection as she saw the tall, blond man walk to the makeshift stage.


  Aware of Olivia’s sudden tension, Luca regarded her closely. Her eyes had widened with astonishment before a stricken look crossed her features.

  ‘Olivia?’ When her focus remained firmly fixed on the guest speaker, he leant closer to her ear and asked quietly, ‘Do you know him?’

  ‘It’s Carl.’ The words were a hoarse whisper and it was obvious this guy was no casual acquaintance.

  ‘He was your fiancé,’ he guessed.

  ‘Yes,’ she said as she released a pent-up breath.

  Luca looked critically at the guy who’d broken Olivia’s heart and he had to stop himself from clenching his teeth. The hairs on the nape of Luca’s neck may as well have risen in warning, because a huge surge of primitive emotion consumed him. It wasn’t a feeling he’d ever experienced so strongly, but there was no mistaking the jealousy slamming its fist hard up against his lungs. It wasn’t metaphorical. It was real and it left Luca winded.

  He let go of Olivia’s hand and put his arm around her waist, drawing her close against him. She might’ve interpreted it as a show of support, but he knew better. The physical contact bringing her hard up against him was territorial. The action claimed her as his and his alone.

  Mine! he wanted to declare. Hurt her and I’ll make you sorry.

  ‘Luca, I’m sorry but … I don’t want to stay here. Can we go, please?’ Olivia pleaded quietly.

  Part of him wanted to whisk her away from her former fiancé’s presence. The rational part of him said she needed to face this Carl again, and her meeting was better done with Luca by her side to support her through it.

  ‘Cara,’ he murmured, pulling her completely into his embrace. ‘We’re here to enjoy the evening. Don’t let him scare you away.’ He steered her a little to the left, behind a huge potted palm which afforded them a relatively private screen while everyone’s attention was focused on the stage. Then, Luca did what he’d longed to do all night. He kissed her.


  Luca’s kiss took Olivia by surprise, and she’d already been in shock from the second she’d heard Carl’s name.

  The kiss started as a gentle reassurance, but soon escalated into a determined, fiery, and very thorough possession, making Olivia lose all sense of her surroundings. The heat from Luca’s body scorched through their clothing and seemed to brand her as his own.

  He ended the kiss before it got too out of hand, but he kept her locked to him, breathing hard, his eyes holding hers captive and blazing a message containing way too much information for her to decipher.

  ‘Luca?’ She clutched onto his arms to stop from swaying when her legs weakened and threatened to buckle underneath her.

  ‘It’s time to exorcise this ghost from your past.’ He signalled to a passing waiter for more champagne. ‘That was to make sure you’re anchored firmly in the present.’


  ‘He’s your ex-fiancé, Olivia. Forget him.’

  It was a bit of a tall order considering she’d been totally unprepared for Carl to be here tonight and he was still in the same room.

  With more bravado than she was feeling, she took the flute of sparkling golden liquid from the waiter and asserted, ‘I left the past behind a long time ago.’ She drank almost the entire flute of champagne before she realised what she was doing. The untruthfulness of her words hit home. Courage deserted her and she felt vulnerable. Biting down on her bottom lip she looked up at Luca and confessed, ‘Who am I trying to kid? He broke my heart, turned my life upside down and totally shattered my confidence. I felt betrayed. Crushed. He issued ultimatums to me when I needed his support.’

  ‘How long is it since you’ve seen him?’

  ‘I haven’t seen him since the day after the funerals.’

  ‘He cancelled the wedding.’ The words were more a statement than a question.

  She nodded.


  Her lips twisted. ‘I asked him to postpone the wedding because I needed to travel to Italy, to …’

  When her voice broke he filled in the gap. ‘You needed to bring Jane home.’

  Another nod of affirmation before she blurted, ‘I had to organise the funerals for Dad and Jane. Carl wasn’t supportive. He was angry I wanted to delay things because we’d lose our deposit on the function centre we’d booked and he had an exhibition tour organised for Europe. We were going to make the trip our honeymoon, straight after my exhibit at the National Gallery. I cancelled my exhibition but there was no way he was going to cancel his bookings.’

  ‘Stronzo!’ Luca intoned with vehemence.

  Olivia didn’t know what the Italian word meant, but it didn’t sound very complimentary. ‘I was so numb when I got back to Australia … almost paralysed with my grief. Just trying to get from one day to the next, and trying to get Mum from one day to the next, meant I couldn’t concentrate on the wedding or the exhibition. I was like a sleepwalker and I think his demands forced me further into myself because I couldn’t believe or cope with his attitude.’

  ‘He was totally unreasonable and completely selfish. Surely his self-centred concerns made you realise he didn’t love you?’

  ‘He went through the motions of being supportive in public, standing by my side at the funerals. But, the day after Dad and Jane were buried, Mum went to the shops. She was so traumatised, she walked straight in front of a car. It was definitely an accident, but she needed a lot of rehabilitation for the injuries she sustained.’

  ‘I know, tesoro. Your mum told me all about it.’

  ‘Right by her hospital bed, while she was sleeping, Carl told me I had one last chance. I could marry him and go with him to Europe or forget about our wedding. He said he wasn’t going to wait around for me to play nursemaid to my mother.’

  Luca’s hand tightened around hers. ‘Selfish bastard.’

  ‘Yeah.’ She tried to force a small smile but her facial muscles wouldn’t comply. ‘Lucky escape, huh?’

  ‘It was, Olivia,’ he told her with conviction. ‘You deserve a much better man.’

  ‘Take me home, Luca.’

  He soothed the palm of one of his hands down over her hair, then wrapped his arms around her and held her against him.

  Olivia wished she could stay in his arms forever.

  ‘No, cara.’ His lips brushed lightly and all too briefly against hers. ‘Let’s stay a little longer. You may never cross paths with him again, but I’d rather you face him again tonight with me by your side. Hopefully, that’ll make it easier for you to see him again next time, if there ever is a next time.’

  Luca was completely opposite to Carl.

  Luca insisted on supporting her and what he said made sense.

  While she hoped to God she’d never see Carl again, what were the odds she’d run into him on her very first foray back into the international art world? It defied belief.

  ‘Now,’ Luca told her with a wink, ‘what I really want is for you to explain to me what you see in this exorbitantly priced abstract artwork when I only see splatters of colourful paint on canvas that could’ve been done by Christiana.’

  Olivia couldn’t help but laugh at the grimace which accompanied his words. Despite her laughter she was close to tears—weepy because she was so grateful he was going to such lengths to stand by her.

  Digging deep to rally herself, she whispered, ‘Make sure you keep your uncultured opinion to yourself or you’ll be lynched at dawn.’

  ‘Actually, come to think of it, my comment about Christiana doing something like this is an insult to
our niece!’

  Although there were moments when it felt forced—like he was trying too hard to keep her mind off Carl—Luca was fun in an atmosphere that’d become stuffy and oppressive. People they passed spoke in very opinionated tones as they interpreted the various paintings and Olivia found she had a depreciating enjoyment of art exhibitions and a growing appreciation for champagne!

  They went from painting to painting and at one point she had to battle against collapsing with laughter at Luca’s outrageous and very unflattering interpretations of one piece of abstract art. His commentary was almost non-stop and she knew he was doing his best to distract her from Carl’s presence somewhere here in the gallery.

  Resolutely, she regarded each painting or sculpture and tried to explain her interpretation of it, refusing to allow her eyes to scan the room in search of her ex-fiancé.


  Carl had found her.

  Luca left a possessive arm around her waist and they both turned to the sound of Carl’s voice.

  ‘Olivia, it is you! My God, you finally made it to Europe,’ he said in condescending disbelief. ‘I can’t believe you’re here.’

  ‘Carl,’ Olivia acknowledged neutrally even though she bristled at his patronising attitude.

  ‘God, but you look fabulous. What on earth are you doing here in Rome?’ Carl looked from Olivia to Luca and back again. ‘Don’t tell me you’re actually exhibiting here?’

  She opened her mouth to deny the claim but Luca intervened.

  ‘Her work isn’t on display tonight. Olivia lives in Italy now with me.’

  Although Luca made it sound like she was painting again and involved in a permanent living arrangement with him, Olivia didn’t bother to correct him. He was arming her against Carl and she was grateful.

  Carl’s attention flew to Luca and her former fiancé frowned. ‘I’m sorry. I know your face, and I feel we’ve met before but …’

  ‘We haven’t met.’ Olivia noted Luca didn’t extend his hand to Carl. ‘Luca Borghetti.’

  Carl frowned. ‘I know your name.’ His eyes widened slightly as he placed Luca. ‘You’re the CEO of the Cornucopia Investment and Property Corporation, aren’t you?’


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