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Engravings of Wraith

Page 40

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “I spoke to Martin,” Piper said. “He tells me that the people you used to work for want you dead. Will you tell me why?”

  She took a deep breath. “They want me dead because I present a security risk to them. A great enough risk to destroy them if I was to expose them publicly. I left the Organization three years ago, but they recently decided they wanted me back. As long as they had my family, they had a hold on me; they don’t anymore,” Bailey said quietly.

  “I see.” Piper said. “And the man in the mall, was he one of them?”

  “No,” Bailey said. “He was a contractor. I doubt the Organization knew or they wouldn’t have allowed it, they wouldn’t be careless enough to make an attempt on me so soon.”

  “Are you saying that they’re going to try in the future to kill you?”

  “Yes,” Bailey said. “I’m followed every time I leave the building and have been almost since I met you. They have several people working downstairs as employees and I estimate they have around seventy people in Atlanta at the moment waiting for the orders to eliminate me.”

  “My God,” Piper said closing her eyes. “Why are they waiting?”

  “Because they’re not sure they can pull it off,” Bailey said. “They can’t afford to lose the amount of people it would take to kill me. They also can’t afford to make an attempt without it succeeding; if they failed, the threat of me exposing them becomes greater. They’re waiting until an almost guaranteed opportunity presents itself or they have no other options.”

  “I take it you’ve got a plan.”

  “Yes,” Bailey said. “I hope to end this without any violence.”

  “Is that possible?” Piper asked. “Will they just let you go?”

  “I don’t plan on giving them a choice.”

  “I don’t understand all of this,” Piper said. “Where does Martin come in and why is he here?”

  “Martin stole the file that you read from the Organization, they know he did and they want him eliminated as well. He came to me for protection and because he knew the location of my mother and brother,” Bailey said. “Without his assistance, I wouldn’t have my family.”

  “That file,” Piper said softly. “Is all of it true?”

  “I’ve never looked at it,” Bailey said in a whisper, her eyes studying the floor. “But I imagine it’s fairly accurate, yes.”

  “What did you want to be when you were a little girl?”

  “A musician,” Bailey said regretfully. “That seems a lifetime ago now.”

  “You would’ve been a wonderful musician, Bailey,” Piper said tenderly. “You still can be, if you want.”

  “I just want you,” Bailey said with downcast eyes. “More than I ever wanted anything.”

  “You already have me,” she said, taking her hand. “Forever.”

  “I don’t think forever is long enough.”

  “It’ll have to do,” Piper replied, bringing Bailey’s hand to her mouth and placing a kiss on it.

  “I got scared when I woke up and you weren’t there,” Bailey said. “I thought you had decided to leave.”

  “Bailey, I’ve told you several times I wouldn’t leave you and I won’t,” Piper said. “Why don’t you believe me?”

  “Because I can’t believe you would want a killer,” she said shamefaced.

  “The file I read was about a soldier, not a killer,” Piper said gently. “A soldier that didn’t have a choice.”

  “I had a choice once,” Bailey said. “My life is the result of that choice.”

  “No it isn’t.”

  “Yes, it is,” Bailey insisted. “I could’ve just grieved with my family and gone on. But I didn’t. I plotted to kill that man and I did. And this is where it got me.”

  “It got you right here with me,” Piper said. “And I’m glad I have you, very glad.”

  “You’re are the only positive result of my life, Piper.”

  “Let me love you, Bailey,” Piper said. “Live with me now and don’t dwell on things it’s far to late to change.”

  “I’d like that,” Bailey said in a small voice.

  “Me too,” Piper said, resting her head on Bailey’s shoulder.

  Bailey sighed and placed a kiss in Piper’s hair.

  “Have you considered going to see your mother?”

  “I’d like to, but the prospect scares me,” Bailey admitted.

  “Are they going to stay with the British indefinitely?”

  “No, they can live wherever they want when this over.”

  “I think you should go see them.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Bailey said sadly. “I’m not exactly the daughter my mother would’ve hoped for.”

  “It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you, Bailey.”

  She considered that silently for several minutes. “Would you go with me?”

  “Of course,” Piper said readily. “Anytime you’re ready.”

  “Will you stay with me here?” Bailey asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Piper said happily. “I’ll need to go get some things, but I’d love stay with you.”

  Bailey stood from the loveseat pulling Piper with her and enveloping her in a tight embrace. “Is Wednesday morning okay?” she said into Piper’s hair.

  “Okay for what?” Piper asked with a smile.

  “To go see my mother.”

  “Sure, I’ll call Debra when she gets in and tell her I’ll be gone for a couple of days.”

  “Come on,” Bailey said and led Piper enthusiastically across the hall and into the office where she seated herself in front of the computers.

  “What are you doing?” Piper asked curiously.

  “I’m going to make some calls,” Bailey said punching a number into the keyboard.

  “You need a computer to make phone calls?” Piper asked placing her hands on Bailey’s shoulders.

  “They monitor the connection for any tampering,” Bailey said casually as she watched the monitor.

  “Watts,” Jeremy said groggily on the seventh ring.

  “Good morning, Major,” Bailey said pleasantly.

  Jeremy cleared his throat. “I’m glad you called, there’s been some hits on your paper.”

  “How many?”

  “Two,” Jeremy said. “A Vietnamese semi-pro name Nguyen and an Italian operative that goes by Dante. The Italian has a reputation.”

  “Any details on Dante?”

  “I can give you a copy of the British dossier, if you’d like.”

  “I would.”

  “Where should I send it?” Jeremy asked and Bailey could hear him get out of bed.

  “Sorry I woke you, Major,” Bailey said. “I’ll pick it up on Wednesday.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Jeremy said pleasantly. “I’m afraid I’m not your mother’s favorite person, she’s stopped speaking to me altogether.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Let’s just say that she reluctantly agreed to the move over here and has grown more agitated with me daily since our arrival. But she’s in very good health as is your brother and his fiance,” Jeremy explained.

  “My brother has a fiance?” Bailey asked with a smile.

  “Yes, a pretty lass too,” Jeremy said. “What time should I expect you on Wednesday?”

  “I’ll call you when I arrive. Can you arrange transportation for me?”

  “Yes, I’ll have an embassy car pick you up.”

  “Much appreciated,” Bailey said sincerely.

  “No trouble at all,” Jeremy said easily. “Shall I prepare a dossier on Nguyen as well?”

  “No need,” Bailey said. “I met him last night.”

  “I see,” Jeremy said slowly. “I shall expect your call sometime on Wednesday then?”

  “Yes, good day, Major.”

  “Take care,” Jeremy said in departure and Bailey drummed her fingers on the desk for a moment.

  “He sounds like a good man,” Piper said quietly.

nbsp; “He is.”

  “Where do you know him from?” Piper asked curiously.

  “I saved his life many years ago,” Bailey said. “He’s with British Intelligence.”

  “I see.”

  Bailey lifted a hand to pat Piper’s and dialed another number into the computer.

  “Yes?” Thumper said on the second ring.

  “I need another helicopter ride.”

  “When and to where?”

  “Wednesday morning at nine to Washington D.C. returning that same day.”

  “Done, same arrangement?”

  “Deal,” Bailey said. “I’d like the same pilot if possible.”

  “It is,” Thumper said. “Pick up in the same place?”


  “He’ll be there at nine,” Thumper said. “By the way the material you asked for will be available by Thursday.”

  “Great,” Bailey said. “Any problems?”

  “None,” Thumper said. “The building used to belong to the Board of Education so all information is public domain.”

  “That’s good news,” Bailey said pleased. “I’ll speak to you on Thursday.”

  “Alright,” Thumper said. “Your ‘copter will be available at nine then.”

  “Thanks, Thumper,” Bailey said and hung up.

  “Who was that?” Piper asked when the line went dead.

  “Thumper Washington.”

  “Why does that name sound familiar?”

  “He runs one the largest crime families in the South,” Bailey admitted.

  “And you know him?” Piper asked with a scowl.

  “I only met him once, we have an arrangement.”

  “What kind of arrangement?”

  “He does things for me and I ignore him.”

  “Oh,” Piper said slowly. “Do I want to know what that means?”

  “Probably not,” Bailey said honestly and Piper nodded.

  “Are you going to buy another building?”

  “No, I just want the blueprints.”

  “Why?” Piper asked puzzled.

  “In case I have to go there.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The men that the Organization has standing by are being housed in that building.”

  “Why would you go there then?” Piper asked with a frown.

  “I probably won’t, but I like to cover all the bases,” Bailey said growing worried with Piper’s expression. “Piper, you don’t know how much I’d like to leave this all behind and just have a normal life,” she said sincerely. “It’s just not possible at the moment.”

  “Bailey, I’ll admit that this all very frightening to me,” Piper said squeezing the shoulders underneath her hands. “I’ve learned a lot of things very quickly. But I know this is a life you didn’t ask for and it’s not I life I want for you, or for us.”

  “It won’t be,” Bailey said gravely. “I promise.”

  “I’d stay with you anyways,” Piper said quietly.

  “I’d die before I allowed you to live in my world,” Bailey said with flashing eyes. “It’s just not an option.”


  She knows what I’m about, She can take what I dish out,

  And that’s not easy.

  —T. Jones

  “What’s the word?” Terry asked robustly as he took his seat at the head of the table Tuesday morning.

  “Nguyen is dead,” Bob said tonelessly. “According to Mr. Phillips, the Atlanta PD has no suspects in his murder. The blade that Mr. Nguyen was carrying had no traces of blood on it and there were no witnesses. He was found with his throat cut and a deep puncture wound in his right armpit.”

  “Too bad, he would have made a good employee,” Terry said casually. “What’s the story on her movement?”

  “Cameron and Tate returned to Cameron’s residence,” Bob said. “No movement since.”

  “I see,” Terry said with a smile and punched a number into his speakerphone.


  “Mr. Marland, did Piper Tate come into work today?” Terry asked jovially.

  “No, she didn’t,” Marland answered. “According to company e-mail she’ll be out of the office until Thursday.”

  “Excellent,” Terry said. “Thank you, Mr. Marland,” he added as he hung up.

  “Put around the clock surveillance on the Tate residence,” Terry said to Bob. “I want movement reports on her as well for the next few days.”

  “Alright,” Bob said. “What are you up to, Terry?”

  “I’m not sure yet,” Terry admitted. “But if things pan out, I think we’ll wrap this up more quickly than anticipated.”

  “Care to share?” Keith asked.

  “Not at the moment,” Terry said pleasantly. “Let’s see what happens the next few days. Did your guy accept a retainer, Bob?”

  “Yes,” Bob answered. “He’s on his way to Atlanta to stand by.”

  “More good news,” Terry said cheerily. “Anything else?”

  “Yes,” came a tentative voice. “I know where Cameron’s family is.”

  “Ahh, Mr. Willis,” Terry said. “Where would that be?”

  “British Embassy, Washington,” Willis said.

  “Really?” Terry asked curiously.

  “An MI6 Section Chief named Jeremy Watts is on the premises and I believe he’s the one that oversaw the relocation of Cameron’s family,” Willis said.

  “I see,” Terry said. “And you came by this information how?”

  “I have sources within British Intelligence and I find it odd, as do my informants, that a Section Chief would suddenly drop everything and take up residence at the embassy in Washington,” Willis said.

  “Hmmm,” Terry grunted thoughtfully. “You’re probably right, we know she had the assistance of British Intelligence. But if they’re in the embassy, it’s out of our hands. I’m sure Cameron’s family has asylum, but if they’re stateside, Cameron evidently plans on reclaiming them.” Terry paused thoughtfully. “Good work, Mr. Willis. I’m not sure that we can do anything about it, but it’s food for thought.”

  “Terry, it’s painfully obvious Cameron has a plan,” Bob said. “Any thoughts of what she may have in mind or what we should expect.”

  “I have no idea what she’s planning,” Terry said. “But I’ll guarantee that if she sees it to fruition, it’ll be force fed to us.”

  “What do you mean?” Keith asked.

  “She doesn’t negotiate,” Terry said casually. “Is there anything else?” he asked and looked expectantly around the room before he rose from his chair. “Same time tomorrow, gentlemen. Unless we have a development,” he said in parting as walked out of the room.

  “He’s a new man,” Keith said bluntly. “He had me worried for a while there.”

  “Yeah,” Bob said standing from his chair. “He’s got something up his sleeve.”

  “Bob, before you go, let me ask you a question,” Keith said.

  “Alright,” Bob agreed collecting his things.

  “What do you think about reaching a truce with Cameron?” Keith asked. “I mean we let her go inactive, why can’t we arrange that permanently?”

  “The Director himself wants her put down,” Bob said. “And even if it were possible, we haven’t exactly been the ideal employer, she wasn’t a volunteer. Personally, I think she would reject any olive branch we might extend.”

  “You’re probably right,” Keith said reluctantly. “I get the feeling that if whatever Terry has up his sleeve blows up in our face, it’s going to get nasty.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t,” Bob said gravely before he turned and walked out the door.


  Bailey sat on the end of her bed smiling happily at the luggage Piper had deposited on the bedroom floor. She never imagined she would have someone who could accept her and would actually want to share their life with her. She flopped down on her back and grinned at the ceiling, the almost irresistible urge to happily kic
k her feet in the air threatening to overwhelm her. She rolled over on her side and gave the wall a delighted sigh before she hopped from the bed and started removing her clothes on the way to the bathroom.

  She took a few steps into the bathroom and observed the obscured naked form behind the glass of the shower while she removed the rest of her clothing. When she was naked, she turned and stared at the reflection in the wide mirror over the sink, examining herself with a critical eye. Smiling at what she saw, she turned and stepped purposefully into the shower.

  “Well, hello there,” Piper said happily.

  “Hi,” Bailey said a little nervously.

  “Come join me,” Piper said, taking her hand and pulling her into the water.

  Piper situated Bailey with her back in the water stream and smiled at her while she lathered both hands. She dropped the soap to the tile below and started to gently run her soapy hands over Bailey’s neck and chest.

  “Lift your arms,” Piper said pleasantly and ran her hands under Bailey’s upraised arms tenderly.

  She moved on to her breasts where she lingered lovingly, slowly traveling to her belly and waist. Dropping to her knees, she fished around for the soap she had dropped and went to work on her legs. She could feel little tremors running through the muscles under her hands as she cautiously brought her hand up to gently cover her sex. She felt her stiffen but she didn’t back away so she gently explored the area with soapy fingers until she both heard and felt her moan softy. She let a finger press into the folds and gently applied pressure until she felt Bailey press her weight against her hand.

  “Do you like?” Piper asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Bailey said breathing heavily.

  “Good,” Piper said suddenly removing her hand and standing up. “Turn around so you can rinse off,” she ordered.

  When she complied, she applied her cleansing attention to her shoulders and back, pausing at the scars and staring at them for a moment. Frowning, as the pieces fell into place and she became sadly aware that she had received them in prison. Kneeling again, she spent several moments appreciatively running her hands over the gorgeous bottom on display before her. She brought her hand up between her legs and after a little gasp, Bailey bent slightly at the waist to give her better access. Delighted, Piper spent several minutes teasing the warmth under her hand and felt herself go powerfully wet when Bailey placed both hands on the wall in front of her and set her feet a little further apart, treating her to a view of everything.


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