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Engravings of Wraith

Page 42

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “Wait,” Piper said before she walked away. “I can handle it.”

  “I’m sure you could, but you don’t have to,” Bailey said in parting as she walked down the hall.

  Piper sighed when she disappeared. “Thanks, Martin.”

  “Sounds like someone’s about to be in trouble,” Martin observed as he turned back to the table.

  “Yeah,” Piper said regretfully. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “What’s going on?” he asked curiously.

  “It seems the company has found out that Bailey and I are seeing each other and it’s the current hot topic.”

  “Ouch,” Martin said sympathetically. “I’d hate to be Mr. Martinez.”

  “Me too,” Piper said as a reluctant grin stole over her features and Martin chuckled.

  “Hush,” Piper admonished starting to chuckle herself.


  Bailey sat down at her computer and browsed through the company phonebook until she had what she needed. She dialed a number into the phone and waited patiently until it was answered.

  “Kurt Norvath.”

  “Mr. Norvath, how are you tonight?” she asked and could tell from the background noise she had caught him the car.

  “I’m fine, Miss Cameron,” Kurt said slowly. “What can I do for you?”

  “I understand you’re Julio Martinez’s supervisor,” Bailey said. “Is that correct?”


  “Very good. I’d like you to inform him to be in my office at 8:00 tomorrow morning.”

  “Alright,” Kurt agreed. “Although he had to stay overnight in Augusta.”

  “Then you’d better call him and tell him that if he isn’t in my office tomorrow morning, he won’t have a job to come back to.”

  “He opened his mouth didn’t he?” Kurt asked regretfully. “I’m sorry you had to be troubled with this.”

  “No trouble at all,” Bailey said politely.

  “He’ll be there.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Norvath,” Bailey said. “Sorry to bother you after five.”

  “No bother,” Kurt said pleasantly. “Goodnight, Miss Cameron.”



  Kurt shook his head sadly as he pulled into his driveway and parked. Having decided to call before he went in the house, he left the motor running and punched the number into his cell phone.

  “Julio Martinez.”

  “Jules, its Kurt,” he said with a sigh.

  “What’s up?” Julio said cheerily.

  “Pack your things your coming home tonight,” Kurt said bluntly.

  “What?” Julio asked in surprise. “I just got settled.”

  “I just got off the phone with the Princess,” Kurt said. “It seems you didn’t take my advice. She wants you in her office at 8:00 tomorrow morning.”

  “No way,” Julio said unbelievingly.

  “I’m not yanking your chain, Jules,” Kurt said gravely. “I pointed out that you were in Augusta and she made it very clear that if you don’t show up, you won’t have a job to come back to.”

  “Goddamn it,” he cursed. “I told you there was something going on between her and Piper.”

  “Jules, you didn’t take my advice before and this is where it got you,” Kurt said tiredly. “Do you want my advice now?”

  “Yeah,” Julio said with a sigh.

  “You be in her office on time tomorrow morning and you listen to whatever she has to say with a fucking smile on your face,” Kurt said. “And let me tell you, if her and Piper are an item and you stick your nose in her personal life, I wouldn’t be surprised if she personally kicks your ass out of the building.”

  Julio sighed again. “Is she gonna fire me?”

  “I don’t think so,” Kurt said. “Unless you piss her off tomorrow, which is an easy thing to do. I told you before she doesn’t fuck around. I think she’ll probably just give you the lay of the land.”

  “This sucks.”

  “Should’ve left well enough alone, Jules,” Kurt admonished. “Screw your ass on tight and be there on time tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there,” Julio said regretfully.

  “You’d better be,” Kurt said and hung up.


  “God,” Piper said hoarsely as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Would you like me to do that again?” Bailey asked happily, petting the crimson pubic hair in front of her.

  “Baby, I don’t think I could survive another one,” Piper said still panting, her face moist with sweat and her hair clinging damply to her scalp.

  “I like the way you taste,” Bailey said from her position between Piper’s legs. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Come lay beside me,” Piper said patting the space next to her on the bed.

  “Okay,” Bailey said agreeably and resituated herself on her side next to Piper with an elbow cocked to support her head.

  “What got into you anyway?”

  “I wanted to please you,” Bailey said shyly.

  “Well, you sure did,” Piper said seriously rolling over to face her. “You wore me out.”

  “I did?” Bailey beamed, obviously proud of herself.

  Piper let amused eyes steal over the preening features of her partner. Bailey had tackled her when they returned to the bedroom and had proceeded to ravish her in a very determined and ruthless manner that she had given herself over to completely. She had thought she was going to die when she had positioned her mouth over her sex and very tentatively began to copy what had been performed on her earlier. It began as a curious and very hesitant exploration that had been interrupted by several questions, but she had rapidly grown in confidence and wasn’t satisfied until she had succeeded in making her climax three times, erotically studying and inquisitively touching her between orgasms.

  “I’ll probably walk funny tomorrow,” Piper teased.

  “Huh?” Bailey said her brow wrinkling and Piper chuckled at her.

  “I was just teasing,” Piper said placing a kiss on her lips.

  “Oh,” Bailey said confusedly.

  “Take off your clothes and come to bed,” Piper said with a smile. “We have to get up early in the morning.”

  “Okay,” Bailey said agreeably, rolling off the bed and starting to undress.

  “If you had been wearing your shoes, would you have bothered to take them off?” Piper asked in amusement, looking at her companion who was still fully dressed.

  “Probably not,” Bailey said with a shy grin. “I was in a hurry.”

  Piper chuckled. “I’d say,” she teased.

  “Quiet,” Bailey said stepping out of her sweats and joining her in bed.

  Piper snuggled up to her and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

  “Piper,” Bailey said quietly. “I’m scared about tomorrow.”

  “I know.”

  “What if she doesn’t want anything to do with me?” Bailey asked worriedly.

  “Bailey, you’re her child. She loves you no matter what,” Piper comforted.

  “I hope so,” Bailey said in a whisper.

  “Go to sleep, love,” Piper whispered. “It’ll be okay.”


  And if you’re up there you’d perceive,

  That my heart’s here upon my sleeve.

  —A. Partridge, C. Moulding

  Julio Martinez sat nervously wiping the sweat off his forehead in one of the chairs in front of the assistant’s desk as he waited for the Princess to arrive. He had spent a great deal of time wondering if he could find another job as good as the one he currently held and had come to the unpleasant conclusion that if he was fired, he’d be lucky to make three-quarters of what he made now.

  “Good morning, Mr. Martinez,” Bailey said as she rounded the corner and walked passed him into her office. “Join me.”

  Julio got up apprehensively, more than a little surprised to see the Princess in faded blue jeans and a baggy black turtleneck sw
eater; she even had on a pair of black hiking boots. He marveled at this never before seen wardrobe and reluctantly walked into her office, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

  “Mr. Norvath informed me you wanted to speak to me,” he said as casually as he could.

  “I did indeed,” Bailey purred seating herself behind her desk. “Lose the tape recorder.”

  “Excuse me?” Julio asked, paling.

  “Lose it,” Bailey said indifferently and stared at him nonchalantly until he sheepishly pulled the micro recorder from inside his jacket and turned it off.

  “How did you know?” he asked awkwardly.

  “I didn’t,” she said dismissively. “It’s come to my attention that you have a problem with Miss Tate. Would you care to share with me exactly what that problem is?”

  “Nothing I can’t get over,” he said quickly.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Martinez,” Bailey said locking eyes with the man. “I suggest you do so immediately.”

  Julio noted uncomfortably that he couldn’t look her in the eye for more than a second. “Is that all?” he asked weakly.

  “Not quite,” Bailey purred. “I don’t like to see anyone leave the company, but if you persist in your disrespect for Miss Tate, you’ll find yourself out of a job. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes,” he said uncomfortably.

  “Good, and on a personal note,” Bailey said pleasantly with a smile that didn’t even come close to reaching her eyes. “If you involve yourself further into my personal affairs, you’ll not only be unemployed, but I’ll break the fingers on both your hands.”

  Julio’s eyes shot up at the threat but his outrage died with a pathetic whimper almost immediately. He looked at her carefully and with an effort he met her eyes briefly before dropping his own gaze back to the floor in front of him. The glance was all he needed to realize that her threat was not an idle one. He had no misconceptions; she could and would do exactly as she threatened.

  “Do you have anything to add?” she asked pleasantly.

  “No, I believe you’ve made yourself very clear,” Julio said gravely.

  “Good, carry on then, Mr. Martinez,” she said in dismissal.

  He got up and silently walked out the door, acutely aware of her eyes following him. He traveled stiffly to the far end of the floor and entered his office with a relieved sigh, circling his desk and falling ungracefully into his chair. Shaking his head as his arm snaked out to dial a number into the phone.

  “Kurt Norvath.”

  “Hi, Kurt,” Julio said tiredly.

  “That was quick,” Kurt said. “You still have a job?”


  “I’m glad to hear that. How did it go?” Kurt asked curiously.

  “She told me to get over any problem I had with Piper immediately or she’d fire me,” Julio said resignedly.

  “That it?”

  “Oh no,” Julio said. “She told me if I involved myself any further into her personal affairs, not only would she fire me, she’d break the fingers on both my hands.”

  Kurt laughed. “No shit?”

  “I’m not kidding,” Julio said gravely. “She was serious.”

  “I’ll bet she was,” Kurt said amused. “Just do your job Jules and don’t rock the boat. If you ask me, she let you off easy. Keep your nose clean and she’ll forget all about you, although I’d suggest you put on your best smile around Piper.”

  “I can’t believe she threatened me.”

  “Get over it and be glad you still have a job,” Kurt advised.

  “I’m an employee. I can’t believe she threatened me like that.”

  “You stop being just an employee when you butt into someone’s personal life, Jules,” Kurt said. “You can expect personal repercussions.”

  “Yeah, but…” Julio started.

  “No buts,” Kurt interrupted. “She’s warned you. If you don’t like it, I’d start looking for another job right now. And if you decide you want to test her resolve, you’d better update your resume and have your doctor take a current x-ray of your fingers so he’ll know how to put them back together.”

  The line went silent for a long moment.

  “Do I need to start looking for a replacement for you?” Kurt asked finally.


  “Good,” Kurt said. “Button up your act for a few weeks and you’ll go back to being anonymous.”

  “Alright, Kurt.”

  “Look, I gotta go,” Kurt said. “I don’t want to get another call from her about you. Understand?”

  “I got you, it won’t happen,” Julio stated firmly.

  “Glad to hear it,” Kurt said. “Have a good one.”

  “You too,” he said in parting.

  He leaned forward in his chair and placed his palms flat against the desk in front of him, spreading his fingers out as far as they would go and studying them quietly for a long moment.

  “Fuckin’A,” he said quietly.


  “Good morning,” Terry said cheerily as he seated himself in his chair. “What’s the news?”

  “Yesterday afternoon Cameron and Tate left C-Corp where they proceeded to the Tate residence. They left the Tate residence a little over an hour later with several pieces of luggage and returned to C-Corp,” Bob said. “No movement since then.”

  “Excellent news,” Terry said robustly. “Bob, do we have separate surveillance on the Tate residence like I asked?”

  “Yes,” Bob said.

  “Fantastic,” Terry said happily. “Have Robards put a three man team on stand by.”

  “What for?” Bob asked.

  “If Tate returns to her residence without Cameron I want to grab her,” Terry said. “Alive, make that perfectly clear.”

  “She has a roommate, Terry,” Keith asked. “What if the roommate is present as well?”

  “Eliminate the roommate,” Terry said casually. “But I want Tate in our hands.”

  “Jesus,” Keith said. “What do we hope to accomplish by kidnapping Tate?”

  “Cameron loves her,” Terry said with a delighted smile.

  “So?” Bob asked. “We can assume she loved her family too, but that didn’t keep her from going rogue.”

  “Tate is a completely different monster,” Terry said happily. “Cameron was accustomed to having her family used against her. And when she went rogue, she knew that we couldn’t afford to carry out any threat against her family. She was in too good of a position. If we harmed her family at that point, she would have buried us.”

  “If we harm Tate, she’s still in the position to harm us, Terry,” Bob pointed out.

  “This is a completely different animal,” Terry said. “I believe any threat to Tate would force her to negotiate.”

  “You said she never negotiates, Terry,” Keith said. “What makes you think she’ll change her tune?”

  “Because she’s never had a lover before,” Terry said. “I believe that she would sacrifice herself to save Tate. And Tate obviously loves her or she would have left her when Cameron eliminated Mr. Nguyen.”

  “You set up Nguyen to die just to see if Cameron and Tate would stay together?” Keith asked.

  “Exactly,” Terry said happily.

  “Cameron knows we would never allow Tate to survive once we had possession of her, Terry,” Bob said.

  “I’ll guarantee Cameron that Tate survives if she turns herself in with Satterfield and the file,” Terry said. “I’ll also inform her that we know where her family is and will let them finish their lives free from harm or our influence.”

  “Do you think she’ll go for that?” Keith asked.

  “More than likely,” Terry said. “It’s a promise I’ll keep. She knows I will too.”

  “Would the Director allow that, Terry?” Bob asked.

  “The Director will honor any promise I make if it resolves the situation,” Terry said with conviction.

  “Have you co
nsidered our options if she refuses or allows Tate to die?” Keith asked.

  “She’ll never allow Tate to die if she loves her and has the opportunity to save her. Cameron has lived her entire adult life in sacrifice and I believe she’ll do no less in regards to Tate,” Terry said.

  “You seem rather convinced, Terry,” Keith said. “She’s been rather effective in finding alternate options before.”

  “I believe this is the only shot we’re going to get without a confrontation,” Terry speculated. “Bob, get a dossier to our other Free Agent so he can acquire Cameron. Make it clear that he’s not to make any attempt on her unless he gets a green light from us.”

  “Very well,” Bob said reluctantly. “I’ll inform Robards.”

  “Tell them to put on the kid gloves, we don’t want to harm Tate in any manner,” Terry said cheerily.


  Piper sat worriedly next to Bailey on a bench outside Potomac Airfield while they waited on the embassy car. Bailey had grown very withdrawn since landing and periodically squeezed her hand, sometimes painfully. An ache that she silently endured, knowing that her lover was extremely nervous and she suspected, more than a little afraid.

  “It’ll be okay,” Piper comforted. “You’ll see.”

  “Piper, she believes I’ve been dead for the last fifteen years,” Bailey said quietly. “What if she… what if she doesn’t care about me anymore?”

  “Oh, baby,” Piper chided gently. “That’s just nonsense.”

  “Is it?” Bailey asked uncertainly.

  “What if…” Piper started knowing she was on shaky ground, “…you suddenly found out that your father was still alive after all of these years? Would you not care about him anymore?”

  She didn’t say anything in response but Piper saw her nod slightly.

  “You look great today,” Piper said pleasantly. “I love that poncho.”

  “Thank you,” Bailey said distantly.

  Piper brought their hands to her mouth and kissed Bailey’s. “I’ll be right next to you the whole time.”

  “I’m considering calling this off and going home,” Bailey said softly.

  “No you’re not,” Piper said sternly. “Your family deserves to know you, Bailey.”

  Bailey just squeezed her hand tighter and began to rock herself gently back and forth on the bench. An action that Piper was familiar with as a sign that she was in extreme emotional distress. She was relieved greatly when she saw a black limousine with diplomatic plates pull into the parking lot.


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