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Engravings of Wraith

Page 46

by Kiera Dellacroix


  “So these seven people are my guys?”

  “I’m fairly confident they are, yes.”

  “I only know one name on this list,” she said handing it over the desk to Piper. “Do you know these people?”

  Piper looked at it curiously. “Most of them,” she said. “Are these the people here to watch you?”


  “What are you going to do with them?”

  “Put a freeze on hiring and fire them,” Bailey said casually.

  “When?” Piper asked.

  “Monday I think,” Bailey said. “Well done, Josh.”

  Piper got up and walked around the desk to whisper in Bailey’s ear and Josh watched curiously as they communicated with each other through whispers and facial expressions until Bailey finally shrugged and gave Piper a smile.

  “Josh, would you like to join us for dinner tomorrow night?” Piper asked.

  Josh blinked in surprise. “Okay,” he said agreeably.

  “Good,” Bailey said. “Give me a ring at seven and bring a Monopoly game.”

  “Monopoly?” Josh asked curiously. “I haven’t played that since I was a kid,” he added amused.

  “It’s Piper’s favorite,” Bailey said teasingly. “If she wins that is.”

  “Be quiet,” Piper said with a playful slap to Bailey’s arm.

  “I’ll be in the building around seven.” Josh said, trying not to gape at how easily Piper interacted with Bailey.

  “Great,” Piper said. “We’ll see you then,” she added pulling Bailey out of her chair.

  “Alright,” Josh said rising himself.

  “Have a good evening, Mr. Anderson,” Bailey said pleasantly as she locked her desk and picked up her tube of blueprints.

  “Nice to meet you, Piper,” Josh said leaving the office with an amused look.

  As soon as he left, Piper slapped Bailey on the bottom. “I can’t believe you did that to him,” she admonished.

  “You laughed,” Bailey pointed out.

  “It just took me by surprise, that’s all,” Piper said dismissively.

  “Whatever,” Bailey said with a knowing grin. “You ready to go?”

  “Yep,” Piper said making a production out of ignoring Bailey’s grin. “Lead the way.”


  “How many stereos do you have?” Piper asked curiously as she exited the bathroom to find Bailey lying on her stomach in the middle of the bed, wearing her sleepwear as she watched a muted television and listened to music.

  “One in every room I spend the majority of my time in,” Bailey answered, lowering the music volume with a remote.

  “Hmmm,” Piper said launching herself onto the bed and climbing on top of Bailey’s back to lie down. “Whatcha watching?” she asked in her ear when she situated herself.

  “Some animal show,” Bailey said. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Very,” Piper said with satisfaction. “Whatcha listening to?”


  “I see,” Piper said disinterestedly as she moved aside Bailey’s hair and chewed on her neck.

  “That kind of tickles,” Bailey said with a smile and a little squirm.

  “Sure tastes good though,” Piper pronounced.

  “Did you have any problems today?”

  “Nope,” Piper said biting on Bailey’s earlobe.

  “Did you ask Martin if he wanted to join us tomorrow night?” Bailey said, cocking her head a little to give Piper better access.

  “Yep,” Piper said, sliding down to Bailey’s waist and hiding her head under her T-shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Bailey said with a chuckle as Piper left a trail of kisses up her back.

  “Marking my territory,” Piper said from under the shirt. “Any objections?”

  “Not at this time,” Bailey said formally.

  “How fortunate,” Piper said, emerging from under the shirt and tugging on it. “Take this off.”

  Bailey lifted herself slightly and pulled the shirt over her head, letting it drop to the floor at the foot of the bed as Piper situated herself in a straddling position on her rear.

  “That’s better,” Piper said as she began to massage her back and shoulders.

  “Hmmm,” Bailey moaned. “That feels good.”

  “Yes, it does,” Piper said, leaning forward and placing a tender kiss between her shoulder blades.

  Piper began a slow trail of kisses and gentle bites down Bailey’s back until she came to the waistband of her shorts, where she brought both hands up and tugged gently on either side in request. She smiled when Bailey raised her hips and she pulled the shorts off excitedly, taking a playful mouthful of her left cheek.

  “Hey,” Bailey said with a surprised jump and a giggle.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” Piper said happily, placing a kiss where she had bitten her. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Am I?” Bailey asked uncertainly.

  “Yes you are,” Piper said gravely as she tenderly kneaded and placed intermittent kisses on her backside. “Great ass too.”

  Bailey smiled into the mattress and enjoyed the sensation of Piper’s ministrations; her breath hitching uncertainly when Piper grabbed her waist and pulled up gently in request. She started to roll over but Piper pressed her softly back into the mattress and silently repeated her request.

  “I don’t…” she started hesitantly.

  “Bend over,” Piper interrupted wantonly.

  “Uhm… Piper,” she said nervously.

  “Show me,” Piper demanded and pulled again on her hips.

  Bailey’s eyes widened a little at her tone and she timidly brought herself to her knees when Piper’s weight suddenly vanished from her legs. She started to breathe excitedly, finding herself in a totally new and vulnerable position with Piper’s hands roaming over her.

  “Spread your legs,” Piper said seductively.

  “Piper…” Bailey started uncertainly.

  “Let me see everything,” Piper interrupted urgently.

  Bailey fretfully, but excitedly obeyed, bringing herself up to her elbows as she spread her legs widely and arched her back to prominently display herself. She gasped when she felt a gentle finger touch her sex and she looked over her shoulder to see Piper insert the finger in her mouth, an action that served to electrify her unimaginably and she moaned softly at the sight.

  “You’re very wet,” Piper said huskily. “And you taste divine,” she added, kneeling behind her and centering her face between the parted legs.

  The words only succeeded in stimulating her even more and she relished the sensation of the wandering hands roaming over her as she uninhibitedly exhibited herself. She gasped loudly when she felt Piper’s mouth on her and she pressed her weight into the contact. Her breathing became heavy and erratic as Piper lovingly applied her attentions, her breath stopping altogether when thumbs began to gently spread her apart. With no small measure of anticipation, she felt Piper’s tongue probe teasingly before it entered her.

  “Oh my God,” Bailey gasped, pressing her face into the mattress in pleasure.

  Gasping for breath, she rested her cheek on the sheets as she experienced Piper thoroughly, and greedily explore her as far as her tongue would allow.

  “You taste so good,” Piper said heavily.

  Bailey arched her back and spread her legs as far they would go in offering, balling the sheets into her fists when Piper moaned her approval.

  “I love you so much,” Piper exclaimed feeling Bailey’s surrender and she ravenously ran her hands, mouth, and tongue over everything that had been submitted for her attention.

  “Piper,” Bailey moaned when she felt her release coming.

  Piper quickly repositioned herself on her back between Bailey’s legs and began to hungrily lap at her.

  Bailey groaned loudly as hands slid over her hips in a journey that ended with a possessive grip on her breasts, the fingers pinching her nipp
les gently.

  “Come for me,” Piper demanded tenderly and the words triggered a violent climax that she extended as long as she could. The body above her shook and Bailey lost control with abandon, screaming her release loudly.

  Piper refused to let go of her prize and clamped both hands on the buttocks above her, resiliently hanging on until Bailey rolled away trembling and gasping for breath. She gave her a moment before she rolled over herself and began placing kisses on the heavily breathing back displayed to her.

  “Catch your breath, love,” Piper said softly. “Because we’re just getting started. Tonight, I make you mine.”

  “I’m already yours,” Bailey said shakily, rolling over into her waiting embrace.

  Part Seven


  She’s a killer, She’s a thriller.

  —R. Zombie

  Josh parked his car and amiably began the trek through the garage toward the C-Corp lobby but stopped with a suddenly thoughtful look. After a quick second of internal debate, and finding himself powerless to resist the lure of cappuccino, he changed direction to venture across the street. He waited patiently at the corner and crossed the street in the midst of a robotic crowd that mindlessly obeyed the pedestrian traffic signals. With a little spring to his step, he entered a small but crowded coffee shop that resided next to several other small stores lining the first floor of the towering business complex situated above.

  He sighed a little when he observed the number of people in line ahead of him but shrugged indifferently when it occurred to him that he really had nothing better to do. Biding his time, he waited patiently until he gradually achieved the third position in line. The sound of an Italian accent fluttered to his ears and he suddenly became very alert, instantly pinpointing the man currently at the front of the line.

  The man took his order and started to move away, helping himself to several napkins from a dispenser as he exited the store. Josh used the people in line behind him for camouflage and watched through the glass storefront as the man halted to deposit some coins into a newspaper vending machine. His gaze zeroed in on his features, recognizing the man as the one in the fuzzy and outdated photo in the file that Bailey had given him.

  “Can I help you?” a voice said and he turned to find himself at the head of the line.

  “Coffee, black,” he said impatiently, his cappuccino forgotten as he noticed the man beginning to walk away.

  He hurriedly paid for his coffee and exited the store, spending a few frantic seconds trying to isolate the man from the crowd and reacquire him. Catching a glimpse of the man’s dark hair, he casually began to trail after him, pausing often and using the pedestrians surrounding him as cover, until the man walked into the parking garage that housed all of his work cars. As the man strayed away from the crowd, he was forced out into the open and he summoned his most casual expression as he watched the man get into the garage elevator.

  “Hold the door, please,” Josh said politely as he closed the distance between him and his target.

  The man courteously extended an arm to hold the door and Josh jogged the remaining steps to enter the elevator.

  “Thank you,” he said with a grateful smile.

  The man pressed his floor button and turned to Josh inquiringly. “What floor?” he asked.

  “Three, same as you,” Josh said in a friendly tone and the man looked at him carefully.

  Josh recited a quick prayer of thanks that he had a car on three and when the doors opened, the man turned a polite stare on him, obviously inviting him to exit the elevator ahead of him. Josh smiled graciously and nonchalantly ambled out in the direction of his car, his back itching uncomfortably as the footsteps of the man echoed on the cement several paces behind him. He had begun to dig in his pockets for his keys when the footfalls started to recede in another direction.

  He forced himself to walk the rest of the way without looking behind him and quickly sat down behind the wheel. He backed out slowly, watching the man take a seat on the hood of a gray Buick and begin to read his newspaper. He shot a quick glance at the plate number as he passed and he drove to the bottom level of the garage and parked. He noted the car’s license number and the make and model in his notebook before he got out and walked back out onto the street.


  Martin looked up from his newspaper and did a double take as Bailey practically floated into the kitchen wearing her usual sweats and a huge smile.

  “Good morning, Martin,” she said happily as she opened the refrigerator.

  “Good morning,” he said suspiciously. “Someone’s in a good mood.”

  “Yep,” Bailey said, grabbing a bottle of orange juice.

  “Piper go to work?”

  “Yeah, saw her off a little while ago,” Bailey said with a sly smile that Martin noticed with a smile of his own.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way,” he cautioned, “but you two make a cute couple.”

  “Thanks,” Bailey said blissfully. “By the way, I want to thank you for pleading my case the other night. Piper told me what you said to her.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said sincerely as her cell phone rang.

  She smiled at him as she answered. “Cameron.”

  “Could you come to my office, please?” Josh asked.

  “I guess so, what’s up?”

  “I found your other contractor.”

  “Really?” she asked a little surprised.

  “Yeah, you can actually see him from my office.”

  “I’ll be there in a moment. Call me if he moves.”

  “Alright,” Josh said in parting.

  Bailey put the cell phone back in her pocket and turned to Martin. “Excuse me,” she said as she turned to vanish down the hallway to her bedroom.

  Martin returned to his paper and she returned a short while later dressed in faded blue jeans and carrying her leather half trench. She had left her hair hanging loose around her shoulders and had donned a baggy black beret to keep it out of her face. His eyes widened slightly when he noticed a holstered gun on her waist and the katana in her other hand.

  “Trouble?” he asked worriedly as she put the katana on the counter and finished her orange juice.

  “Shouldn’t be,” she said putting on her coat. “There’s a contractor across the street.”

  “Contract killer, I assume?” he asked and watched as the sword disappeared into the back of her jacket.


  “Are you going after him?”

  “If I can, yes,” she answered. “I’ll be back in a little while.”

  “Be careful, Bailey,” he said worriedly.

  “I will,” she said slowly, giving him a careful look as she made her way out of the flat.


  Bailey made her way to Josh’s office being thankful that it was somewhat isolated from the majority of the others, only encountering a handful of people who rather studiously ignored her. She entered the office without knocking to find him looking out the window through a pair of binoculars.

  “You sure it’s him?” she asked, joining him at the window.

  “Positive,” Josh said, handing her the binoculars. “Third floor of the parking garage, reading a newspaper.”

  Bailey searched for a few seconds before she acquired him and stared for a long moment, humming thoughtfully.

  “What do you think?” he asked after a moment.

  “Maybe. Do you have the file I gave you?”

  “Yeah,” Josh said and turned to open the briefcase on top of his desk. “Here,” he added, handing her the file.

  She thumbed through it until she reached the picture and studied it closely for a moment, eventually setting it aside and returning to the binoculars. “How did you pick up on him?”

  “He was ahead of me in line for coffee across the street, I heard him speak. He’s Italian,” Josh explained. “From his position, he has a great view of both the lobby and the car exits.”

  “Lucky break, he’s our man,” she said. “I can’t get across the street without being noticed, I’ll need you to do me a favor.”

  “What do ya need?” Josh asked warily.

  “Loan me your car and call me if he moves.”

  “Alright,” he said handing her his keys. “Are you going over there?”


  “Are you sure about that?” he asked uncertainly.

  “Quite sure,” she said casually.

  Josh visibly wavered and she turned a look on him.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “I read the file you gave me,” he said hesitantly. “He’s no slouch.”

  “Do I detect a hint of concern?” she asked with a little grin.

  “Perhaps,” he admitted with a nod.

  “It won’t be a problem, Josh,” she said with a smile. “What are you driving and where is it?”

  “Blue Intrepid in one of the visitor spaces,” he said tearing another page out of his notebook. “This is the tag number and the make and model of his car.”

  “I’ll give you a call in a few minutes,” she added taking the paper and turning to leave.


  “Thanks, Josh,” she said with a grin as she left the office.

  “Jesus,” he whispered after the door closed behind her.


  “Anderson,” Josh answered his cell phone.

  “Has he moved?” Bailey asked pleasantly.

  “No, he’s still there,” Josh said looking through his binoculars.

  “Very good, I’m gonna turn off my phone,” Bailey said. “So…”

  “Wait,” Josh interrupted urgently. “He’s moving.”

  “Did he get in his car?” Bailey asked calmly.

  “No, he walked away,” Josh said, scanning the third floor intently. “Are you over there?”

  “On the fifth floor,” Bailey said. “Watch the street, I’ll hold.”

  “On it,” Josh said and he watched nervously for several minutes, finally letting out a relieved sigh. “I got him.”

  “Which direction?”

  “It looks like he’s going for coffee again,” Josh said watching the man unhurriedly stroll up the sidewalk.


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