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Willfully Hers (The Dirty Business Series Book 2)

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by Michelle Betham

  Willfully Hers

  A Dirty Business Novel Book #2

  Michelle Betham

  Copyright © Michelle Betham 2017

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the prior permission of the author.

  The story, characters and events in this book are a work of the author’s imagination, and are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to any person, place, name or actual event is entirely coincidental.

  Cover image – iStock

  Table of Contents

  Also By The Author






















  Twenty One

  Twenty Two

  Twenty Three

  Twenty Four

  Twenty Five

  Twenty Six

  Twenty Seven

  Twenty Eight

  Twenty Nine



  About The Author

  Contact The Author

  Also by Michelle Betham

  Titles published through HarperImpulse (A division of HarperCollins Publishers)

  Striker – The Striker Trilogy Book #1

  Extra Time – The Striker Trilogy Book #2

  Final Score – The Striker Trilogy Book #3

  The First Christmas Without You

  Shirley Valentine Goes to Vegas

  Self-Published titles

  No Matter What (All that Glitters… Book #1)

  Illusions of Love (All that Glitters… Book #2)

  Too Much Trouble In Paradise

  Bon Voyage

  See You At The Show (A rock star romance)


  Revolution – The Lone Riders M/C Series Book #1

  Retribution – The Lone Riders M/C Series Book #2

  Resurrection – The Lone Riders M/C Series Book #3

  Allure – The Forbidden Series Book #1

  Obsession – The Forbidden Series Book #2

  Surrender – The Forbidden Series Book #3

  Broken – Soldiers of Darkness M/C Series Book #1

  Betrayed – Soldiers of Darkness M/C Series Book #2

  Bound - Soldiers of Darkness M/C Book #3

  Lawfully His - A Dirty Business Novel #1

  Breathe Into Me (Released March 30th 2017)


  Save My Soul - JoJo

  Make It Happen - Mariah Carey

  Jeopardy - The Greg Kihn Band

  Walking Away - Craig David

  Baby Come Back - Player

  Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightingale

  You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You - James Arthur

  Heartbreaker - Danity Kane

  We’ll Be Together - Sting

  Hard Habit To Break - Chicago

  Beware of the Dog - Jamelia

  Rolling In The Deep - Adele

  The complete ‘Dirty Business Books’ Playlist can be found on Spotify.



  Being married to the boss doesn’t mean I get away with all kinds of shit. I don’t. Special treatment? Some may assume I get a bit of that but, no. I get none. If anything, he works me harder than he ever did before I got to share his bed on a permanent basis. Okay, yeah, there are a few perks, I’d be lying if I said there weren’t – stolen kisses, five minute fucks in the file room in between meetings; those times when his hand will “accidentally” fall onto my ass as he leans over to explain something to me.

  It’s been a little over three months since I married Evan King – joint managing partner at Cavendish King, one of the most respected top-tier law firms in New York. Three months, that’s all it’s been, so of course my stomach still flips like a crazy-assed acrobat every time he looks at me, in fact, I’m kind of hoping that feeling never goes away. But at work, we’re the epitome of professionalism. Most of the time…


  I don’t miss the way every male head in the Cavendish King Foyer turns when she walks in. Lola King. My wife. My secretary. She sashays across the marble floor, flicking her dark-blonde hair back over her shoulder, and I stop for a second, I let her carry on walking while I stand still and just watch her perfect ass; the way she sways her hips ever-so-slightly. And then she realizes I’m not beside her anymore and she stops and turns to face me, cocking her head slightly as she throws me a look.

  I shrug and throw a grin right back at her. “What?”

  “How old are you?”

  “I like watching your ass when you walk, come on!”

  “You’re in court in…” She quickly checks her watch, “precisely two hours and twenty three minutes. You might want to focus.”

  “I am focused. On your ass.”

  “Such a dick,” she sighs as she turns on her killer heels and strides toward the elevator.

  I laugh quietly, watch her for a couple more beats, and then run to catch up with her.


  She turns her head to look at me. “Have you checked over those papers Dana left on your desk last night?”

  “Do you know how incredibly sexy you are when you’re like this?”

  “Evan, I’m being serious here.”

  “So am I. And yes, I looked over those papers. I did it while you were in the shower, I’ve done my homework, all right?”

  She shakes her head as the elevator doors open and we step inside. And we’re alone. No one else is in here with us, and she thinks I’m wasting this opportunity?

  I place a hand on her hip and gently push her back against the wall as I reach past her and press the button for the 43rd floor.


  I shut her up with a kiss, and she responds in a heartbeat, ‘cause she knows we’ve only got a few snatched seconds here. The files she was holding drop to the floor, and I feel her fingers slide around the back of my neck as we kiss, and she laughs with her mouth still pressed against mine and the sound vibrates right through me. Jesus, I love this woman so fucking much! But as the elevator slides to a halt we pull away from each other, readjust our clothes and revert back to boss and secretary. I can’t help myself, though, as she bends over to retrieve the files she dropped, my hand cupping her ass as she stands back up and throws me another look. One that promises me something I’m going to take, as soon as I get a break.

  The elevator doors open and we step out into the main reception area of our floor, walking alongside each other but keeping an appropriate distance as we head toward our desks, exchanging just the briefest of glances before I go into my office and she takes her place in her cubicle just outside. But even as I switch on my laptop and get ready for the day ahead, I look out at the woman who’d spent time in my bed before she’d even set foot in this building.

  A one-night stand turned into what I hope will be forever.

  And that wasn’t something I ever thought I’d want to think about.



  “You doing anything lunchtime?”

  I look up as Jess – one of Cavendish King’s most talented junior partners, and one of m
y best friends – approaches my cubicle. “I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought that far ahead yet. Why?”

  “I’m apartment hunting. And I hate doing it alone. Come with me, Lola, please. We’ll grab a hot dog on the way, share a can of soda.”

  “You’re making it sound almost irresistible now.” I smile slightly, and she returns it. “What’s up with your old apartment anyway? I thought you were settled there?”

  “I was. But the owner of the building’s decided to sell up and move to Ohio, a real spur-of-the-moment thing, and my lease was almost up anyway, so…” She shrugs. “Time to move on.” She leans over my cubicle and rests her chin in her hand. “You gonna come help me find my new perfect place, then? Or is it another business lunch with the boss?”

  She grins, and I just throw her a look. “He’s in court all morning. So a hot dog and apartment hunting is about the best offer I’m going to get today.”

  “Great. I’ll swing by around twelve. Got two depositions and a partners’ meeting to get through first. See you later.”

  “Okay. Have a good morning.”

  “Lola? Can you come in here, please?”

  Evan’s voice beckons me into his office and I push my chair back and go inside.

  “Can you move my meeting with Edward Gardner back to three 0’clock, and find some space somewhere this afternoon for a quick sit down with Dana? She wants to see me about something, apparently.”

  “Yeah, sure. What time you due back from court?”

  “Around one, hopefully. I’ll let you know if I’m running late but it’s only a pre-trial hearing, so…” He looks up from his laptop and smiles at me. “Dinner? Tonight?”

  I smile back and hand him his post. “Maybe.”

  He laughs, and I turn to leave, but I know he’s watching me as I head back to my desk. I like it when he watches me. At home I put on a show for him, I give him good reason to watch me. Here, at work, it’s more subtle. But knowing his eyes are on me still makes me shiver.

  Evan King once told me I belonged to him.

  Once upon a time I fought that.

  Evan King told me I belonged to him.

  And now I do.


  She’s not at her desk when I return from court. But she’s left me a message telling me she’s having lunch with Jess and she’s squeezed in that meeting with Dana for two-fifteen. I check my watch. One-thirty. I don’t know how long she’s been gone but I was hoping she’d be here. I’ve got time to kill. We could’ve killed it together.

  “Mr. King?”

  I swing around to see a pretty red-head standing in my doorway.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Hayden Monroe. One of your new associates.”

  I’d forgotten we were welcoming a couple of new associates this week, although, I’m sure Lola did say something about it the other night. Thing is, if she’d been naked at the time I guess I wouldn’t have taken all that much notice. I get distracted sometimes, sue me.

  “Well, it’s good to meet you, Hayden. So, you’re gonna be working for me, huh?”

  She smiles, and I can’t work out whether she’s flirting with me or whether she’s just a little shy. If it’s the former it isn’t going to work, those days are long gone. I got a ring on my finger now and a wife who can give me a hard-on just by looking at me. And if it’s the latter, then she better toughen up.

  “I’m a damn good associate, Mr. King. I promise you, I won’t let you down.”

  Big promises, considering it’s early days. “I’ll decide how good an associate you are, okay?”

  Her smile fades slightly, but she needs to get the message from the outset here. And she may well be right, she probably is one of the better associates out there otherwise we wouldn’t have employed her, but I’ll still be the one to decide how good she really is.

  “Is there anything you’d like me to do right now?” she asks.

  I lean back against my desk and reach behind me for the files Lola left there this morning. And when I look at them I realize she must’ve known I’d be getting a visit because these cases aren’t anything I’d ever touch. But they’re very much something a half decent first year associate could tackle quite easily.

  “Here.” I hold out a case file, but she still hovers nervously in the doorway. “Come inside, come on. I don’t bite.”

  I throw her a smile to show her I’m not a complete bastard, and she comes closer, reaching out to take the file from my hand.

  “I’m easing you in gently here, okay?”

  She quickly flicks through the pages. “Thank you.”

  “Go on. Go get started. Show me how good you really are.”

  She looks up, gives me a small smile, and heads out of my office. I drop my head and shake it slowly, smiling to myself. A new protégé. And easy on the eye, too. Always a bonus.

  “Your new associate, right?”

  My head shoots up at the sound of Lola’s voice. “Yeah. Apparently so. I’d forgotten the new intake was starting today.”

  She leans against the doorframe and folds her arms, her eyes locking with mine. “I did tell you. Last night.”

  “Were you naked?”

  “No, Evan, I wasn’t naked. I was cooking dinner, and you were standing right next to me.”

  “I was probably imagining you naked, then.”

  She rolls her eyes and turns to go back to her desk.


  “What?” She asks that without even turning around. But she can get away with that kind of attitude.

  “Come here.”

  She stops, but she leaves it a beat or two before she actually turns around and walks back into the office, her arms still folded against herself. “You want me for something?”

  I can’t stop my mouth from twisting up into a smile. “Yeah, actually, I do.”

  She’s trying not to smile herself, I can tell, she tries so fucking hard to keep her professional head on when we’re at work. But her mask slips every now and again, she can’t help it. And, yeah, sometimes I don’t always make it easy for her.

  “I’ve got work to do, Evan.”

  “So have I. But we all deserve a little break, don’t we?”

  She shakes her head slowly, but keeps her arms folded. And then she turns back around and heads for the door. “I’m going to the file room.”

  I watch her leave. Watch her pick up a pile of files from her desk. Watch as she walks along the corridor toward the stairs that lead to the file room.

  I wait a couple more seconds. And then I follow her.


  He closes the door behind him, flicks the lock, and I back up against the wall, pulling him to me by his tie. He shrugs off his jacket and I reach up under my dress and yank off my panties, throwing them aside as he slides a hand up over my thigh, his thumb stroking my hip and I sigh quietly. If he wasn’t a managing partner I wouldn’t risk this, no way, so I suppose I’m taking advantage of his position, of the fact he’s my husband as well as my boss, but like I said, there are some perks. And I take them.

  I throw back my head and sigh again as he moves his hand between my legs, his fingers touching me gently, and as he kisses my neck he cups my ass and lifts me up, my legs wrapping around him. And he’s inside me within seconds, thrusting slowly, and I bury my fingers in his hair and bite down on my lip to try and muffle my moans.

  He keeps me steady as his thrusts pick up pace, growing harder and deeper, his fingers digging into my flesh, and it’s me who comes first, white-hot tingles shooting through me, flooding every inch of me, and he has to keep me quiet by kissing me because I almost forgot where I was. And then he comes, too, I feel him spilling out inside me, and I squeeze him tight until he’s empty; until we’re both done.

  I drop my forehead to touch his, my fingers stroking the back of his neck as he pulls out and lowers me down. And I kiss him, long and slow and deep and for a few beautiful seconds we just st
ay there, kissing.

  “You’re going to get me fired, Mr. King.”

  He grins, and his hand rests against my neck as he pushes my head back slightly, his lips lightly brushing the base of my throat, so lightly it makes me gasp out loud.

  “Come on. You’ve got that meeting with Dana,” I murmur, gently pushing him away.

  “Talk about a mood killer,” he sighs as he zips himself back up and slips his jacket back on.

  “Yeah, well, break time’s over now. We’ve got work to do.” I brush down his jacket collar and straighten his tie, kissing him quickly. “Let’s go.”

  I make to leave but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. “You thought any more about dinner tonight?”

  I smile and slowly let go of his hand. “I’ve thought about it, yeah.”


  I walk away, unlock the door and head back to my desk.

  But I’m still smiling.

  Oh, and did I say that at work we were the epitome of professionalism?

  I guess I lied.


  I shake my head and laugh quietly as she closes the door behind her. She plays the fuck out of me and I love her all the more because she does that. We’re having dinner tonight. She knows it, I know it.

  I run a hand through my hair and head out of the file room. It’s almost time for my meeting with Dana, so I need to forget this and get my focus back.

  Lola’s already at her cubicle by the time I get back up there, and she stands up as I approach her desk and holds out a mug of coffee, which I gratefully take from her.

  “Thank you.”

  “Just doing my job.” She smiles and sits back down. “Dana says can you meet in her office.”


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